blob: ffc74f19bb7c537cb06bbf268dd57db4a633d672 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Example for checking response data
Scenario: Example Checks
# setting some data just for testing purposes
Given Response Data:
"field1" : "string field",
"field2" : true,
"field3": "5",
"field4" : [{"entry1":"a"},{"entry2":"b"},{"entry3":"c"}]
# printing out for test purposes
Then I want to print the context data
# running the different options of checking the respone data
Then I want to check property "field1" for value "string field"
Then I want to check property "field2" to be true
Then I want to check property "field3" for value 5
Then I want to check property "field4" to have length 3
Then I want to check property "field4[0].entry1" exists
Then I want to check property "field4[0].no_exist" does not exist