blob: 5ec35f9a45c8ef131be107b6d07f9d42f1e4f2e7 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Example Tosca Validation Flow
Background: Init
Given I want to create a VLM
Scenario: Full - Create and submit VSP Network Package and Create VF
When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage"
Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/"
And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP
Then I want to commit this Item
And I want to submit this VSP
And I want to package this VSP
Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified"
Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/"
And I want to compare the content of the entry "Artifacts/CB_BASE.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" with file "resources/yaml/CB_BASE.yaml"
Then I want to create a VF for this Item
Scenario: Full - Same flow for different HEAT file
When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage"
Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/"
And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP
Then I want to commit this Item
And I want to submit this VSP
And I want to package this VSP
Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/"
Then I want to create a VF for this Item
Scenario: Test Validation Error
When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage"
Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/"
And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP
And I want to print the context data
Then I want to check property "errors['first.env'][0].level" for value "ERROR"
Then I want to check property "errors['first.env'][0].message" for value "ERROR: [YML1]: Invalid YAML format Problem - [empty yaml]"
Scenario: yaml to json
When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "CB_BASE.yaml" in the zip "resources/uploads/" to context
Then I want to check property "parameters.vnf_name.description" for value "Unique name for this VF instance"