DCAE-D fe initial commit
DCAE-D fe initial commit
Change-Id: Ica8ccb7c7ef769c969664d1e168d205eb9fc67f2
Issue-ID: SDC-1218
Signed-off-by: Stone, Avi (as206k) <as206k@att.com>
diff --git a/public/cypress/integration/mocks/errorDialog-spec.ts b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/errorDialog-spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9141ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/errorDialog-spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+describe('Dialog error - E2E test flow with mock', () => {
+ describe('Simulate errors', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.getTemplateApiError();
+ });
+ it('Simulate error dialog is visible', () => {
+ cy.get('.ui-dialog').should('be.visible');
+ });
+ it('Simulate error dialog is close by cancel button', () => {
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="error-cancel"]').click();
+ cy.get('.ui-dialog').should('not.be.visible');
+ });
+ it('Simulate error dialog is close by X button', () => {
+ cy.get('.ui-dialog-titlebar-icon').click();
+ cy.get('.ui-dialog').should('not.be.visible');
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/public/cypress/integration/mocks/generalPage-spec.ts b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/generalPage-spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1297de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/generalPage-spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+describe('General Page - E2E test flow with mock', () => {
+ describe('Create new MC', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ });
+ it('Create button need to be disabled', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ });
+ it('Fill form then click to submit verify setting button and constrain ddl', () => {
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .as('createButton')
+ .not('[disabled]')
+ .should('not.contain', 'Disabled');
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine('Type1');
+ cy.get('@createButton').click();
+ cy
+ .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label')
+ .should('contain', 'map')
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="setting-gear"]')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .first()
+ .click({ multiple: true });
+ cy
+ .get('.map-setting-list #mappingType > .field-text')
+ .should('have.value', 'multiple');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Tabs after MC created', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine('Type1');
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]').click();
+ });
+ it('should have 4 icon buttons in map tab', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label')
+ .should('contain', 'map')
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('.map-bar-icon-container>button')
+ .should('have.length', 2)
+ .get('.map-bar-icon-container>div>button')
+ .should('have.length', 2)
+ .and('be.visible');
+ });
+ it('should have 2 icon buttons in supplement tab', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('#ui-tabpanel-2-label')
+ .should('contain', 'supplement')
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('.supplement-bar-icon-container>button')
+ .should('have.length', 2)
+ .and('be.visible')
+ .get('.supplement-bar-icon-container')
+ .children()
+ .should('have.length', 3);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/public/cypress/integration/mocks/homePage-spec.ts b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/homePage-spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2889390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/homePage-spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+export const buttonCreateMC = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]');
+export const buttonCreateMCSpan = () => {
+ return cy.get('span[data-tests-id="btn-span-create-mc"]');
+export const tableItems = () => {
+ return cy.get('tr[data-tests-id="monitoringComponentTableItems"]');
+export const tableHeaders = () => {
+ return cy.get('tr[data-tests-id="monitoringComponentTableHeaders"]');
+export const tableItemsDeleteButton = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="tableItemsButtonDelete"]');
+export const tableItemsInfoButton = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="tableItemsButtonInfo"]');
+export const popupGetDeleteBtn = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDelete"]');
+export const popupGetCancelBtn = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnCancel"]');
+export const getMonitoringConfiguration = () => {
+ return cy.get('div[data-tests-id="tableItemsMonitoringConfiguration"]');
+export const doHoverOverFirstLine = () => {
+ return tableItems()
+ .first()
+ .trigger('mouseover');
+export const doHoverOverFirstLineMonitoringConfiguration = () => {
+ tableItems()
+ .first()
+ .trigger('mouseover');
+ return getMonitoringConfiguration();
+const NUMBER_OF_ITEMS = 12;
+const navigateButtonDisabled = () => {
+ return buttonCreateMC()
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .and('be.disabled')
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btn-fab-create-mc"]')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+describe('Home Page - E2E test flow with mock', () => {
+ describe('MC List empty', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ });
+ it("Shouldn't have create table with headers", () => {
+ tableHeaders().should('not.be.visible');
+ });
+ it("Shouldn't have create table without items", () => {
+ buttonCreateMC()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="new-monitoring-title"]')
+ .should('contain', 'Monitoring');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Check Edit Save and Submit', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCList();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.getMC();
+ cy.submitMonitoringComponent();
+ cy.saveMonitoringComponent();
+ });
+ it('Edit VFCMT', () => {
+ this.doHoverOverFirstLineMonitoringConfiguration()
+ .first()
+ .click({ force: true });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('MC List', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCList();
+ cy.homePage();
+ });
+ it('Should have create button on top of the screen', () => {
+ buttonCreateMC().should('be.visible');
+ });
+ it('Should have create table with headers', () => {
+ tableHeaders().should('be.visible');
+ });
+ it('Should have create table with items', () => {
+ tableItems().should('have.length', NUMBER_OF_ITEMS);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('MC List Edit Tests', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCList();
+ cy.homePage();
+ });
+ });
+ describe('MC List Delete Tests', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCList();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.deleteMonitoringComponent();
+ cy.deleteMonitoringComponentWithBlueprint();
+ });
+ it('Mouse hover over item, delete is visible, info not visible', () => {
+ doHoverOverFirstLine();
+ tableItemsDeleteButton().should('be.visible');
+ tableItemsInfoButton().should('not.be.visible');
+ });
+ it('Mouse hover over item, call delete and remove not submitted (call delete without blueprint api)', () => {
+ tableItems().should('have.length', NUMBER_OF_ITEMS);
+ doHoverOverFirstLine();
+ tableItemsDeleteButton()
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .click({ force: true });
+ popupGetDeleteBtn().click({ force: true });
+ tableItems().should('have.length', NUMBER_OF_ITEMS - 1);
+ });
+ it('Mouse hover over item, call delete and remove submitted (call delete with blueprint api)', () => {
+ tableItems()
+ .should('have.length', NUMBER_OF_ITEMS)
+ .last()
+ .trigger('mouseover');
+ tableItemsDeleteButton()
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .click({ force: true });
+ popupGetDeleteBtn().click({ force: true });
+ tableItems().should('have.length', NUMBER_OF_ITEMS - 1);
+ });
+ it('Mouse hover over item, call delete and cancelOperation', () => {
+ tableItems().should('have.length', NUMBER_OF_ITEMS);
+ doHoverOverFirstLine();
+ tableItemsDeleteButton()
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .click({ force: true });
+ popupGetCancelBtn().click({ force: true });
+ tableItems().should('have.length', NUMBER_OF_ITEMS);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Show Info icon', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCList();
+ cy.homePageCertified();
+ });
+ it('Mouse hover over item, delete is not visible, info visible', () => {
+ doHoverOverFirstLine();
+ tableItemsInfoButton().should('be.visible');
+ tableItemsDeleteButton().should('not.be.visible');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Successfully Entry Home Page Monitoring Configuration', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ });
+ it('Buttons looks Assertion', () => {
+ buttonCreateMC()
+ .should('contain', 'Create New MC')
+ .and('be.visible')
+ .and('not.be.disabled');
+ buttonCreateMCSpan()
+ .should('contain', 'Add First MC')
+ .and('be.visible')
+ .and('not.be.disabled');
+ });
+ it('Buttons Functionality Assertion', () => {
+ buttonCreateMC()
+ .click()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="new-monitoring-title"]')
+ .should('contain', 'Monitoring');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Not Auth Entry Home Page Monitoring Configuration', () => {
+ it('Buttons disabled when user not owner', () => {
+ cy.sdcIsOwnerFalse();
+ navigateButtonDisabled();
+ });
+ it('Buttons disabled when user not checkout', () => {
+ cy.sdcUserNotCheckout();
+ navigateButtonDisabled();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/public/cypress/integration/mocks/importPage-spec.ts b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/importPage-spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7af904e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/importPage-spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+const loadVfcmtList = () => {
+ return cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: 'GET',
+ url:
+ Cypress.env('backendUrl') +
+ '/SERVICE/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/0.1/getVfcmtsForMigration',
+ response: 'fixture:importVfcmt'
+ })
+ .as('importVfcmtList')
+ .visit(
+ 'http://localhost:4300/#/main/SERVICE/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/0.1/import'
+ );
+const getVfcmtRefData = data => {
+ return cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: 'GET',
+ url:
+ Cypress.env('backendUrl') +
+ '/getVfcmtReferenceData/cb06b8a9-c7e0-4451-a941-89fc338303c9',
+ response: data
+ })
+ .as('vfcmtRef');
+const getFlowType = () => {
+ return cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: 'GET',
+ url: Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/conf/composition',
+ response: {
+ flowTypes: ['Syslog', 'SNMP', 'FOI']
+ }
+ })
+ .as('flowTypes');
+const getVfniList = () => {
+ return cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: 'GET',
+ url:
+ Cypress.env('backendUrl') +
+ '/service/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ response: 'fixture:serviceDdl'
+ })
+ .as('vfniListApi');
+const importMCServerApi = () => {
+ return cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: 'POST',
+ url: Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/importMC',
+ response: 'fixture:createMcRes'
+ })
+ .as('importMC');
+const chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion = () => {
+ return cy
+ .get('.ng-input > input')
+ .click()
+ .type('liav')
+ .type('{enter}')
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="vfcmtVersion"]')
+ .select('0.1');
+const getName = () => {
+ return cy.get('input[data-tests-id="nameMc"]');
+const getDescription = () => {
+ return cy.get('textarea[data-tests-id="descMc"]');
+const getFlowTypeSelect = () => {
+ return cy.get('select[data-tests-id="flowTypeDdl"]');
+const getVfniSelect = () => {
+ return cy.get('select[data-tests-id="vfniDdl"]');
+const getImportButton = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="importMonitoring"]');
+describe('Import Page', () => {
+ context('First step - get vfcmts list and pick one', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ loadVfcmtList();
+ });
+ it('should have values in ddl', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('ng-select')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .click()
+ .get('.ng-option')
+ .should('contain', 7);
+ });
+ it('should have value on typing and press enter key', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('.ng-input > input')
+ .click()
+ .type('liav')
+ .type('{enter}')
+ .get('.ng-value-label')
+ .should('contain', 'LiavSprint10.3');
+ });
+ it('should have version when pick vfcmt from list', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('.ng-input > input')
+ .click()
+ .type('liav')
+ .type('{enter}')
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="vfcmtVersion"]')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .and('contain', '0.1');
+ });
+ });
+ context('second step - fill fileds according to server response', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ loadVfcmtList();
+ });
+ it('get flow type true and service is match to context service', () => {
+ getVfcmtRefData({
+ serviceUuid: '06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ name: 'test',
+ description: 'test',
+ flowType: 'FOI',
+ vfiName: 'LiavSrv'
+ });
+ chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion();
+ getName()
+ .should('have.value', 'test')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getDescription()
+ .should('have.value', 'test')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getFlowTypeSelect().should('have.value', 'FOI');
+ getVfniSelect().should('have.value', 'LiavSrv');
+ getImportButton()
+ .not('[disabled]')
+ .should('not.contain', 'Disabled');
+ });
+ it('get flow type true but service not match', () => {
+ getVfcmtRefData({
+ serviceUuid: '555555-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ name: 'test',
+ description: 'test',
+ flowType: 'FOI',
+ vfiName: 'ChcoSrv'
+ });
+ getVfniList();
+ chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion();
+ getFlowTypeSelect().should('have.value', 'FOI');
+ });
+ it('get flow type false service match', () => {
+ getVfcmtRefData({
+ serviceUuid: '06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ name: 'test',
+ description: 'test',
+ vfiName: 'LiavSrv'
+ });
+ getImportButton()
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getFlowType();
+ chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion();
+ getName()
+ .should('have.value', 'test')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getDescription()
+ .should('have.value', 'test')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getVfniSelect().should('have.value', 'LiavSrv');
+ });
+ it('get flow type false service not match', () => {
+ getVfcmtRefData({
+ serviceUuid: '555555-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ name: 'test',
+ description: 'test',
+ vfiName: 'ChcoSrv'
+ });
+ getImportButton()
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getFlowType();
+ getVfniList();
+ chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion();
+ getName().should('have.value', '');
+ getDescription().should('have.value', '');
+ });
+ });
+ context('final step - import vfcmt and getting cdump for tabs', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ loadVfcmtList();
+ getVfcmtRefData({
+ serviceUuid: '06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ name: 'test',
+ description: 'test',
+ flowType: 'FOI',
+ vfiName: 'LiavSrv'
+ });
+ chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion();
+ });
+ it('should get cdump after import and vfcmt import not visible', () => {
+ importMCServerApi();
+ getImportButton().click({ force: true });
+ cy
+ .get('.import-wrapper')
+ .should('not.be.visible')
+ .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label')
+ .should('contain', 'map');
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/public/cypress/integration/mocks/ruleEngine-spec.ts b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/ruleEngine-spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a75b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/ruleEngine-spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+export const mappingTragetDDL = () => {
+ return cy.get('select[data-tests-id="mappingDdl"]');
+export const selectVersionAndTypeAndAddFirstRule = () => {
+ return cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectVersion"]')
+ .select('4.1')
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectEventType"]')
+ .select('syslog')
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddFirstRule"]')
+ .click();
+export const fillRuleDecription = text => {
+ return cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="inputDescription"]')
+ .clear()
+ .type(text);
+export const addCopyAction = () => {
+ return cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select('copy')
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .type('A')
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="openTargetTree"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('.bottom-select')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .find('.toggle-children')
+ .first()
+ .click()
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="targetNode"]')
+ .should(node => {
+ expect(node.eq(0)).to.contain('commonEventHeader');
+ expect(node.eq(1)).to.contain('domain');
+ })
+ .each(($el, index) => {
+ if (index === 1) {
+ cy.wrap($el).click();
+ }
+ });
+export const editFirstRule = () => {
+ return cy
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .first()
+ .trigger('mouseover')
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="editRule"]')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .click();
+export const translateValue = () => {
+ return '{"processing":[{"phase":"snmp_map","processors":[{"array":"varbinds","datacolumn":"varbind_value","keycolumn":"varbind_oid","class":"SnmpConvertor"},{"phase":"sto2","class":"RunPhase"}]},{"phase":"sto2","processors":[{"updates":{"event.commonEventHeader.domain":"a"},"class":"Set"}]},{"phase":"sto2","processors":[{"phase":"map_publish","class":"RunPhase"}]}]}';
+describe('Rule engine - E2E test flow with mock', () => {
+ describe('Mapping target select', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine('Type1');
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]').click();
+ cy
+ .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label')
+ .should('contain', 'map')
+ .click();
+ });
+ it('should exist and contain options', () => {
+ mappingTragetDDL()
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .contains('json');
+ });
+ it('should page refrash after change select value in mapping target ddl', () => {
+ cy.httpTargetTree();
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectVersion"]')
+ .select('4.1')
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectEventType"]')
+ .select('syslog')
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddFirstRule"]')
+ .should('be.visible');
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine('json');
+ mappingTragetDDL()
+ .select('json')
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectVersion"]')
+ .should('have.value', null);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Translate And Save Rule List', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine('Type1');
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label')
+ .should('contain', 'map')
+ .click();
+ cy.httpTargetTree();
+ selectVersionAndTypeAndAddFirstRule();
+ fillRuleDecription('newRule');
+ addCopyAction();
+ cy.doneSaveRule();
+ });
+ context('Play with save, back and done button', () => {
+ it('should rule exist in list after save rule and click back', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnSave"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('a[data-tests-id="btnBackRule"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .then(function($lis) {
+ expect($lis).to.have.length(1);
+ expect($lis.eq(0)).to.contain('newRule');
+ });
+ });
+ it('should rule exist in list after done edit rule', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .then(function($lis) {
+ expect($lis).to.have.length(1);
+ expect($lis.eq(0)).to.contain('newRule');
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ context('Translate', () => {
+ it('should open advanced setting when translate successfuly', () => {
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]').click();
+ cy.httpTransalte();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnTranslate"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('.toast-container')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .get('.map-setting-list > #Type1 > input')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .and('have.value', translateValue());
+ });
+ });
+ });