DCAE-D fe initial commit

DCAE-D fe initial commit

Change-Id: Ica8ccb7c7ef769c969664d1e168d205eb9fc67f2
Issue-ID: SDC-1218
Signed-off-by: Stone, Avi (as206k) <as206k@att.com>
diff --git a/public/cypress/integration/mocks/generalPage-spec.ts b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/generalPage-spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1297de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/cypress/integration/mocks/generalPage-spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+describe('General Page - E2E test flow with mock', () => {
+  describe('Create new MC', () => {
+    beforeEach(() => {
+      cy.httpGetDDLData();
+      cy.getMCListEmpty();
+      cy.homePage();
+      cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+    });
+    it('Create button need to be disabled', () => {
+      cy
+        .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+        .should('be.visible')
+        .and('be.disabled');
+    });
+    it('Fill form then click to submit verify setting button and constrain ddl', () => {
+      cy.fillNewMcForm();
+      cy
+        .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+        .as('createButton')
+        .not('[disabled]')
+        .should('not.contain', 'Disabled');
+      cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+      cy.emptyRuleEngine('Type1');
+      cy.get('@createButton').click();
+      cy
+        .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label')
+        .should('contain', 'map')
+        .click();
+      cy
+        .get('button[data-tests-id="setting-gear"]')
+        .should('be.visible')
+        .first()
+        .click({ multiple: true });
+      cy
+        .get('.map-setting-list #mappingType > .field-text')
+        .should('have.value', 'multiple');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('Tabs after MC created', () => {
+    beforeEach(() => {
+      cy.httpGetDDLData();
+      cy.getMCListEmpty();
+      cy.homePage();
+      cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+      cy.fillNewMcForm();
+      cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+      cy.emptyRuleEngine('Type1');
+      cy.get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]').click();
+    });
+    it('should have 4 icon buttons in map tab', () => {
+      cy
+        .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label')
+        .should('contain', 'map')
+        .click();
+      cy
+        .get('.map-bar-icon-container>button')
+        .should('have.length', 2)
+        .get('.map-bar-icon-container>div>button')
+        .should('have.length', 2)
+        .and('be.visible');
+    });
+    it('should have 2 icon buttons in supplement tab', () => {
+      cy
+        .get('#ui-tabpanel-2-label')
+        .should('contain', 'supplement')
+        .click();
+      cy
+        .get('.supplement-bar-icon-container>button')
+        .should('have.length', 2)
+        .and('be.visible')
+        .get('.supplement-bar-icon-container')
+        .children()
+        .should('have.length', 3);
+    });
+  });