blob: c908701b4172abe55656e343bc944c5f3247c7fd [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Activity Spec Status
Scenario: Invalid Status Transition
When I want to set the input data to file "resources/json/createActivitySpec.json"
Then I want to update the input property "name" with a random value
When I want to create an ActivitySpec
Then I want to check property "id" exists
And I want to check property "versionId" exists
When I want to get the ActivitySpec for the current item
Then I want to check property "status" for value "Draft"
Then I want the following to fail with response status code 422
When I want to call action "DEPRECATE" on this ActivitySpec item
Then I want the following to fail with response status code 422
When I want to call action "DELETE" on this ActivitySpec item
When I want to call action "CERTIFY" on this ActivitySpec item
Then I want the following to fail with response status code 422
When I want to call action "CERTIFY" on this ActivitySpec item