workflow deprication flow

Issue-ID: SDC-1866
Change-Id: I48bd4e825492b6a5477eef28cef804c07fd90e14
Signed-off-by: Stanislav Vishnevetskiy <>
39 files changed
tree: a1837fb95de3865953b11bd102c370939202e224
  1. workflow-bdd/
  2. workflow-designer-be/
  3. workflow-designer-init/
  4. workflow-designer-ui/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .gitreview
  7. INFO.yaml
  8. LICENSE.txt
  9. lombok.config
  10. pom.xml


Workflow Designer is a pluggable SDC designer that allows a user to design a workflow, save it, and attach it to a SDC service as an artifact. Workflow Designer also manages the definitions of activities, which can be later used as parts of the designed workflows.


The designer is comprised of the following deployment units:

  • Designer backend is the core component. It exposes RESTful APIs for managing workflow and activity data. The backend is agnostic to the type of a workflow artifact — its main concerns are workflow inputs and outputs, and metadata. One of the APIs enables to attach a certified workflow artifact to a SDC service, therefore the designer must be able to call an API on SDC. In order to do so, the location of a SDC server, and SDC consumer credentials are required.

  • Designer frontend serves static content of a Web application for creating and managing workflows, and forwards API requests to the backend. The static content includes JavaScript, images, CSS, etc. A major part of the Web application is Workflow Composition View — a graphical interface for arranging a workflow sequence. The Web application also produces a workflow artifact that will be sent to the backend, saved along with other data, and later used by a service. The architecture allows for different implementations of the frontend component. For example, a different technology can be used for the Composition View, which will probably also result in a different type of the artifacts (e.g. vs. Camunda).

  • Cassandra database is used by the designer backend as the main storage for workflow data. A dedicated instance of Cassandra can be deployed, or an existing cluster may be used.

  • Database initialization scripts run once per deployment to create the necessary Cassandra keyspaces and tables, pre-populate data, etc.

Deployment on Docker

The procedure below describes manual deployment on plain Docker for development or a demo.

1. Database

Create a dedicated instance of Cassandra. This step is optional if you already have a Cassandra cluster. The designer is not expected to have problems working with Cassandra 3.x, but has been tested with 2.1.x because this is the version used by SDC.

An easy way to spin up a Cassandra instance is using a Cassandra Docker image as described in the official documentation.


docker run -d --name workflow-cassandra cassandra:2.1

2. Database Initialization

WARNING: This step must be executed only once.

docker run -ti -e CS_HOST=<cassandra-host> -e CS_PORT=<cassandra-port> -e CS_AUTHENTICATE=true/false -e CS_USER=<cassandra-user> -e CS_PASSWORD=<cassandra-password>

Environment Variables

  • CS_HOST — Cassandra hostname or IP address.

  • CS_PORT — Cassandra Thrift client port. If not specified, the default of 9160 will be used.

  • CS_AUTHENTICATE — whether password authentication must be used to connect to Cassandra. A false will be assumed if this variable is not specified.

  • CS_USER — Cassandra username if CS_AUTHENTICATE is true.

  • CS_PASSWORD — Cassandra password if CS_AUTHENTICATE is true.


Assuming you have created a dedicated Cassandra container as described in Database section, and the access to it is not protected with a password, the following command will initialize the database:

docker run -d --name workflow-init -e CS_HOST=$(docker inspect workflow-cassandra --format={{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}})


In order to see if the Workflow Designer was successfully initialized, make sure the console does not contain error messages. You can also see the logs of the initialization container using docker logs workflow-init command.

3. Backend

docker run -d -e SDC_PROTOCL=http/https -e SDC_ENDPOINT=<sdc-host>:<sdc-port> -e SDC_USER=<sdc-username> -e SDC_PASSWORD=<sdc-password> -e CS_HOSTS=<cassandra-hosts> -e CS_PORT=<cassandra-port> -e CS_AUTHENTICATE=true/false -e CS_USER=<cassandra-user> -e CS_PASSWORD=<cassandra-password> -e JAVA_OPTIONS=<jvm-options>

Environment Variables

  • SDC_PROTOCOL — protocol to be used for calling SDC APIs (http or https).

  • SDC_ENDPOINT — the base path of SDC external API, in the format host:port, where host is a SDC backend server, and port is usually 8080.

  • SDC_USER — Workflow consumer username

  • SDC_PASSWORD — Workflow consumer password

  • CS_HOSTS — comma-separated list of Cassandra hostnames or IP addresses.

  • CS_PORT — CQL native client port. If not specified, the default of 9042 will be used.

  • CS_AUTHENTICATE — whether password authentication must be used to connect to Cassandra. A false will be assumed if this variable is not specified.

  • CS_USER — Cassandra username if CS_AUTHENTICATE is true.

  • CS_PASSWORD — Cassandra password if CS_AUTHENTICATE is true.

  • JAVA_OPTIONS — optionally, JVM (Java Virtual Machine) arguments.


Assuming you have a dedicated Cassandra container as described in Database section, and the access to it is not protected with a password. The following command will start a backend container:

docker run -d --name workflow-backend -e SDC_PROTOCOL=http -e SDC_ENDPOINT=$(docker inspect sdc-BE --format={{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}):8080 -e CS_HOSTS=$(docker inspect workflow-cassandra --format={{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}) -e SDC_USER=workflow -e SDC_PASSWORD=<secret> -e JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx128m -Xms128m -Xss1m"


In order to verify that the Workflow Designer backend has started successfully, check the logs of the backend container. For example, by running docker logs workflow-backend. The logs must not contain any error messages.

Application logs are located in the /var/log/ONAP/workflow-designer/backend directory of a workflow backend container. For example, you can view the audit log by running docker exec -ti workflow-backend less /var/log/ONAP/workflow-designer/backend/audit.log.

4. Frontend

docker run -d -e BACKEND=http://<backend-host>:<backend-port> -e JAVA_OPTIONS=<jvm-options>

  • BACKEND — root endpoint of the RESTful APIs exposed by a workflow backend server.

  • JAVA_OPTIONS — optionally, JVM (Java Virtual Machine) arguments.


docker run -d --name workflow-frontend -e BACKEND=http://$(docker inspect workflow-backend --format={{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}):8080 -e JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx64m -Xms64m -Xss1m" -p 9088:8080

Notice that port 8080 of the frontend container has been mapped to port 9088 of the host machine. This makes the Workflow Designer Web application accessible from the outside world via the host machine's IP address/hostname.


In order to check if the Workflow Designer frontend has successfully started, look at the logs of the frontend container. For example, by running docker logs workflow-frontend. The logs should not contain error messages.

Workflow frontend does not have backend logic, therefore there are no application logs.

SDC Plugin Configuration

In order to run as an SDC pluggable designer, Workflow Designer must be added to SDC configuration as described in Generic plugin support.

If you are deploying SDC using a standard procedure (OOM or the SDC shell script), the easiest way to configure the Workflow plugin is to edit the default_attributes/Plugins/WORKFLOW section of AUTO.json.

Plugin Source

The main endpoint to load Workflow Designer Web application is defined by "pluginSourceUrl": "http://<host>:<port>".

Keep in mind that the URL must be accessible from a user's browser. In most cases, <host> will be the hostname or IP address of the machine that runs Docker engine, and <port> will be a host port to which you have published port 8080 of the Workflow frontend container.

Plugin Discovery

In order to check the availability of a plugin, SDC uses "pluginDiscoveryUrl". For Workflow the value is http://<host>:<port>/ping.


Let's assume that hostname of the machine that runs Docker containers with the Workflow application is, and port 8080 of the Workflow frontend is mapped to 9088 on the host. In this case the corresponding section of AUTO.json will look like below:

"Plugins": { "WORKFLOW": { "workflow_discovery_url": "", "workflow_source_url": "" } },