Effort to reduce image layer and size

Removing few ENV version variable and those should be read
from pom properties (maven-resource-plugin filtering true)

Combined Dockerfile and Standalone.Dockerfile

Adding Docker build arg AAF which will decide whether to add
aaa-app-config.xml in docker image or not for standalone

Updated docker-maven-plugin to 0.34.0 to have noCache true

Removing start-it-container execution as it's being tested by CSIT

Replacing maven-exec-plugin with maven-antrun-plugin

Updating latest base docker images versions

Updating parent version to 2.1.7

Issue-ID: CCSDK-3226
Signed-off-by: Singal, Kapil (ks220y) <ks220y@att.com>
Change-Id: I68f8f4780804a2014b73b5eeb9dba29d1896a602

Former-commit-id: 866ddebbcac80c38c79c46bb37373123a0c678f0
41 files changed
tree: 991ff17070697c5cfef7306b3f195ed1b258a236
  1. admportal/
  2. configbackuprestore/
  3. csit/
  4. data-migrator/
  5. docs/
  6. installation/
  7. platform-logic/
  8. releases/
  9. SdncReports/
  10. .gitignore
  11. .gitreview
  12. .readthedocs.yaml
  13. INFO.yaml
  14. LICENSE.txt
  15. pom.xml
  16. README.md
  17. version.properties

This source repository contains the directed graphs to support the SDNC controller, as well as the code to create the SDNC docker containers.

Local compilation

The following command will do a local build and create all SDNC docker containers:

mvn clean install -P docker -Ddocker.pull.registry=nexus3.onap.org:10001

To do a local build of only the SDNC controller docker image:

cd installation/sdnc
mvn clean install -P docker -Ddocker.pull.registry=nexus3.onap.org:10001

Local CSIT testing

To perform local CSIT testing, first create a local docker build of the SDNC controller images following the steps above.

Important note: CSIT testing is still based on Python2. So, before running the CSIT locally, be sure that your local environment is using the python2 version of 'python' and 'pip'

Once you have a local SDNC image build and python2 is installed, you can run a local CSIT test by running the following commands:

cd csit