doc on workspace and dev tool in read the docs

IssueId: SO-300

Change-Id: I2ce700118bb06d87931fc48b3c1cf2af5829700a
Signed-off-by: seshukm <>
diff --git a/docs/Workspace_and_Development_Tools.rst b/docs/Workspace_and_Development_Tools.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2012a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Workspace_and_Development_Tools.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


+.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


+Workspace and Development Tools



+We recognize that there are different ways to set up a workspace and different tools that may be chosen.  This is just one way to set things up.


+Suggested Directory Structure


+*NOTE*: You may have different versions of eclipse and java.


+	onap


+		.m2


+		apache-maven-3.3.9


+		camunda-modeler


+		eclipse-jee-neon-3-linux-gtk-x86_64


+		jdk1.8.0_131


+		workspace


+			SO

+				chef-repo


+				docker-config


+				libs


+				so


+				so-config




+Download the latest Java_8_SE_Development_Kit_ from Oracle.   Select a Linux x64 package.


+Unpack it.


+.. _Java_8_SE_Development_Kit:





+Download the Apache_Maven_3.3.9_ binary.  NOTE: 3.3.9 is the recommended version, even though much higher versions are available.


+Unpack it.


+.. _Apache_Maven_3.3.9:


+Create an .m2 directory for maven and put settings.xml_ in it.  Edit the local repository path in settings.xml to make it correct for your environment.  Everything else should be OK.


+.. _settings.xml:


+Camunda Modeler



+Download the Camunda_Modeler_.  Select the Linux x64 package.

+Unpack it.


+.. _Camunda_Modeler:





+Download Eclipse_for_Linux_.  Select the 64-bit Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.  Oxygen seems to be the latest version. These instructions were written for Neon.

+Unpack it.


+.. _Eclipse_for_Linux:


+In the eclipse directory, edit eclipse.ini


+	Add (or change) the -vm setting so that it points to your JDK.


+	Adjust the maximum heap space (2GB is recommended).


+	Example:


+.. image:: images/Workspace_and_Development_Tools.png	


+Eclipse Settings



+**Configure eclipse to use your external maven 3.3.9 installation:**

+	Go to Window→Preferences→Maven→Installations


+	Click "Add" and browse to your apache-maven-3.3.9 directory.  Click "OK" to select it.


+	Click "Finish"


+.. image:: images/Workspace_and_Development_Tools_2.png


+Make sure the external installation is selected:


+.. image:: images/Workspace_and_Development_Tools_3.png


+**Configure eclipse to use your settings.xml**

+	Go to Window→Preferences→Maven→User Settings


+	Type the full path to your settings.xml file into the "User Settings" box and click "OK".


+.. image:: images/Workspace_and_Development_Tools_4.png
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