Merge "Update the structure of the documentation"
diff --git a/docs/api/SO_Interface.rst b/docs/api/SO_Interface.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ed18a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/api/SO_Interface.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+SO Interfaces
+.. image:: ../images/SO_1.png
+North Bound APIs
+Create service instance
+|Interface Definition|Description                          |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6     |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                     |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestDetails  |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Content of requestDetails object.          |
+RequestDetails Object 
+|Attribute          |Content                   |Description                                      |
+|modelInfo          |modelInfo Object          |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|subscriberInfo     |subscriberInfo Object     |Content of subscriberInfo object.                |
+|requestInfo        |requestInfo Object        |Content of requestInfo object.                   |
+|requestParameters  |requestParameters Object  |Content of requestParameters object.             |
+|relatedInstanceList|relatedInstanceList Object|Content of relatedInstanceList object.           |
+|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object |Content of cloudConfiguration object.            |
+|project            |project Object            |Content of project object.                       |
+|owningEntity       |owningEntity Object       |Content of owningEntity object.                  |
+|platform           |platform Object           |Content of platform object.                      |
+|lineOfBusiness     |lineOfBusiness Object     |Content of lineOfBusiness object.                |
+ModelInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|ModelType                |String            |Type of model                                    |
+|ModelInvariantId         |String            |The Model Invariant Id.                          |
+|ModelNameVersionId       |String            |The modelname Version Id                         |
+|ModelName                |String            |Name of the Model                                |
+|ModelVersion             |String            |Version of the model                             |
+|ModelCustomization Name  |String            |The Model Customization name                     |
+|modelCustomizationUuid   |String            |The Model Customization UUid                     |
+|modelVersionId           |String            |The Model version id                             |
+|modelUuid                |String            |The Model UUid                                   |
+|modelInvariantUuid       |String            |The Model Invariant  UUid                        |
+|modelInstanceName        |String            |The Model Instance  name                         |
+SubscriberInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|GlobalSubscriberId       |String            |Global customer Id (in A&AI)                     |
+|SubscriberName           |String            |Name of the Subscriber                           |
+RequestInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|Source                   |String            |source of the request                            |
+|billingAccountNumber     |String            |billingAccountNumber of the request              |
+|callbackUrl              |String            |callbackUrl of the request                       |
+|correlator               |String            |correlator of the request                        |
+|orderNumber              |String            |orderNumber of the request                       |
+|productFamilyId          |String            |productFamilyId of the request                   |
+|orderVersion             |String            |orderVersion of the request                      |
+|instanceName             |String            |instanceName of the request                      |
+|suppressRollback         |String            |suppressRollback of the request                  |
+|requestorId              |String            |requestorId of the request                       |
+RequestParameters Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|SubscriptionServiceType  |String            |The service type of the Subscription             |
+|UserParams               |Array             |The product family Id.                           |
+|aLaCarte                 |Boolean           | aLaCarte                                        |
+|autoBuildVfModules       |Boolean           |autoBuildVfModules                               |
+|cascadeDelete            |Boolean           |cascadeDelete                                    |
+|usePreload               |Boolean           |usePreload                                       |
+|rebuildVolumeGroups      |Boolean           |rebuildVolumeGroups                              |
+|payload                  |String            |payload                                          |
+|controllerType           |String            |controllerType                                   |
+UserParams Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|name                     |String            |Tag name of attribute                            |
+|value                    |String            |Value of the tag                                 |
+CloudConfiguration Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|lcpCloudRegionId         |String            |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI)                         |
+|tenantId                 |String            |Name of the Subscriber                           |
+|aicNodeClli              |String            |aicNodeClli property                             |
+Project Object
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|projectName              |String            |Name of the project                              |
+OwningEntity Object
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|owningEntityId           |String            |owningEntityId of the owingEntity                |
+|owningEntityName         |String            |owningEntityName of the owingEntity              |
+Platform Object
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|platformName             |String            |Platform Name                                    |
+LineOfBusiness Object
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|lineOfBusinessName       |String            |Line Of Business Name                            |
+Delete service instance
+|Interface Definition|Description                                              |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}     |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                   |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                         |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestDetails  |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Content of requestDetails object.          |
+RequestDetails Object 
+|Attribute          |Content                  |Description                                      |
+|modelInfo          |modelInfo Object         |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|requestInfo        |requestInfo Object       |Content of requestInfo object.                   |
+ModelInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|ModelType                |String            |Type of model                                    |
+|ModelInvariantId         |String            |The Model Invariant Id.                          |
+|ModelName                |String            |Name of the Model                                |
+|ModelVersion             |String            |Version of the model                             |
+RequestInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|Source                   |String            |source of the request                            |
+Create Volume Group
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/volumeGroups     |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                       |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                           |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestDetails  |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Content of requestDetails object.          |
+RequestDetails Object 
+|Attribute          |Content                   |Description                                      |
+|modelInfo          |modelInfo Object          |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|subscriberInfo     |subscriberInfo Object     |Content of subscriberInfo object.                |
+|requestInfo        |requestInfo Object        |Content of requestInfo object.                   |
+|requestParameters  |requestParameters Object  |Content of requestParameters object.             |
+|relatedInstanceList|relatedInstanceList Object|Content of relatedInstanceList object.           |
+|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object |Content of cloudConfiguration object.            |
+|project            |project Object            |Content of project object.                       |
+|owningEntity       |owningEntity Object       |Content of owningEntity object.                  |
+|platform           |platform Object           |Content of platform object.                      |
+|lineOfBusiness     |lineOfBusiness Object     |Content of lineOfBusiness object.                |
+ModelInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|ModelType                |String            |Type of model                                    |
+|ModelInvariantId         |String            |The Model Invariant Id.                          |
+|ModelNameVersionId       |String            |The modelname Version Id                         |
+|ModelName                |String            |Name of the Model                                |
+|ModelVersion             |String            |Version of the model                             |
+|ModelCustomization Name  |String            |The Model Customization name                     |
+|modelCustomizationUuid   |String            |The Model Customization UUid                     |
+|modelVersionId           |String            |The Model version id                             |
+|modelUuid                |String            |The Model UUid                                   |
+|modelInvariantUuid       |String            |The Model Invariant  UUid                        |
+|modelInstanceName        |String            |The Model Instance  name                         |
+CloudConfiguration Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|lcpCloudRegionId         |String            |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI)                         |
+|tenantId                 |String            |Name of the Subscriber                           |
+|aicNodeClli              |String            |aicNodeClli property                             |
+RequestInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|Source                   |String            |source of the request                            |
+|billingAccountNumber     |String            |billingAccountNumber of the request              |
+|callbackUrl              |String            |callbackUrl of the request                       |
+|correlator               |String            |correlator of the request                        |
+|orderNumber              |String            |orderNumber of the request                       |
+|productFamilyId          |String            |productFamilyId of the request                   |
+|orderVersion             |String            |orderVersion of the request                      |
+|instanceName             |String            |instanceName of the request                      |
+|suppressRollback         |String            |suppressRollback of the request                  |
+|requestorId              |String            |requestorId of the request                       |
+relatedInstance List  
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|relatedInstance          |Object            |relatedInstance Object                           |
+relatedInstance List  
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|instanceId               |String            |instanceId                                       |
+|modelInfo                |Object            |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+Delete Volume Group
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                          |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/volumeGroups/{volume-groupinstance-id}     |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                               |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                     |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestDetails  |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Content of requestDetails object.          |
+RequestDetails Object 
+|Attribute            |Content                  |Description                                      |
+|modelInfo            |modelInfo Object         |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|cloudConfiguration   |cloudConfiguration Object|Content of cloudConfiguration object.            |
+|requestInfo          |requestInfo Object       |Content of requestInfo object.                   |
+ModelInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|ModelType                |String            |Type of model                                    |
+|ModelName                |String            |Name of the Model                                |
+CloudConfiguration Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|lcpCloudRegionId         |String            |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI)                         |
+|tenantId                 |String            |Name of the Subscriber                           |
+RequestInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|Source                   |String            |source of the request                            |
+Create VF Module
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                             |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules     |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                    |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                        |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestDetails  |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Content of requestDetails object.          |
+RequestDetails Object 
+|Attribute            |Content                  |Description                                      |
+|modelInfo            |modelInfo Object         |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|cloudConfiguration   |cloudConfiguration Object|Content of cloudConfiguration object.            |
+|requestInfo          |requestInfo Object       |Content of requestInfo object.                   |
+|relatedInstanceList  |List                     |Content of relatedInstanceList.                  |
+ModelInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|ModelType                |String            |Type of model                                    |
+|ModelInvariantId         |String            |The Model Invariant Id.                          |
+|ModelNameVersionId       |String            |The modelname Version Id                         |
+|ModelName                |String            |Name of the Model                                |
+|ModelVersion             |String            |Version of the model                             |
+|ModelCustomization Name  |String            |The Model Customization name                     |
+CloudConfiguration Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|lcpCloudRegionId         |String            |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI)                         |
+|tenantId                 |String            |Name of the Subscriber                           |
+RequestInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|InstanceName             |String            |The instance Name                                |
+|Source                   |String            |source of the request                            |
+|SuppressRollback         |Boolean           |SuppressRollback                                 |
+relatedInstance List  
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|relatedInstance          |Object            |relatedInstance Object                           |
+relatedInstance List  
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|instanceId               |String            |instanceId                                       |
+|modelInfo                |Object            |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|instanceName             |String            |Name of the instance                             |
+Delete VF Module
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                   |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/{vfmoduleinstance-id}     |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                        |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                              |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestDetails  |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Content of requestDetails object.          |
+RequestDetails Object 
+|Attribute            |Content                  |Description                                      |
+|modelInfo            |modelInfo Object         |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|cloudConfiguration   |cloudConfiguration Object|Content of cloudConfiguration object.            |
+|requestInfo          |requestInfo Object       |Content of requestInfo object.                   |
+ModelInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|ModelType                |String            |Type of model                                    |
+|ModelInvariantId         |String            |The Model Invariant Id.                          |
+|ModelNameVersionId       |String            |The modelname Version Id                         |
+|ModelName                |String            |Name of the Model                                |
+|ModelVersion             |String            |Version of the model                             |
+|ModelCustomization Name  |String            |The Model Customization name                     |
+CloudConfiguration Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|lcpCloudRegionId         |String            |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI)                         |
+|tenantId                 |String            |Name of the Subscriber                           |
+RequestInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|Source                   |String            |source of the request                            |
+Create VNF
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                   |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs     |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                          |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                              |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestDetails  |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Content of requestDetails object.          |
+RequestDetails Object 
+|Attribute          |Content                   |Description                                      |
+|modelInfo          |modelInfo Object          |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|subscriberInfo     |subscriberInfo Object     |Content of subscriberInfo object.                |
+|requestInfo        |requestInfo Object        |Content of requestInfo object.                   |
+|requestParameters  |requestParameters Object  |Content of requestParameters object.             |
+|relatedInstanceList|relatedInstanceList Object|Content of relatedInstanceList object.           |
+|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object |Content of cloudConfiguration object.            |
+|project            |project Object            |Content of project object.                       |
+|owningEntity       |owningEntity Object       |Content of owningEntity object.                  |
+|platform           |platform Object           |Content of platform object.                      |
+|lineOfBusiness     |lineOfBusiness Object     |Content of lineOfBusiness object.                |
+ModelInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|ModelType                |String            |Type of model                                    |
+|ModelInvariantId         |String            |The Model Invariant Id.                          |
+|ModelNameVersionId       |String            |The modelname Version Id                         |
+|ModelName                |String            |Name of the Model                                |
+|ModelVersion             |String            |Version of the model                             |
+|ModelCustomization Name  |String            |The Model Customization name                     |
+|modelCustomizationUuid   |String            |The Model Customization UUid                     |
+|modelVersionId           |String            |The Model version id                             |
+|modelUuid                |String            |The Model UUid                                   |
+|modelInvariantUuid       |String            |The Model Invariant  UUid                        |
+|modelInstanceName        |String            |The Model Instance  name                         |
+CloudConfiguration Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|lcpCloudRegionId         |String            |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI)                         |
+|tenantId                 |String            |Name of the Subscriber                           |
+RequestInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|Source                   |String            |source of the request                            |
+|billingAccountNumber     |String            |billingAccountNumber of the request              |
+|callbackUrl              |String            |callbackUrl of the request                       |
+|correlator               |String            |correlator of the request                        |
+|orderNumber              |String            |orderNumber of the request                       |
+|productFamilyId          |String            |productFamilyId of the request                   |
+|orderVersion             |String            |orderVersion of the request                      |
+|instanceName             |String            |instanceName of the request                      |
+|suppressRollback         |String            |suppressRollback of the request                  |
+|requestorId              |String            |requestorId of the request                       |
+relatedInstance List  
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|relatedInstance          |Object            |relatedInstance Object                           |
+relatedInstance List  
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|instanceId               |String            |instanceId                                       |
+|modelInfo                |Object            |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+RequestParameters Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|UserParams               |Array             |The product family Id.                           |
+UserParams Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|name                     |String            |Tag name of attribute                            |
+|value                    |String            |Value of the tag                                 |
+Delete VNF
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                   |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}     |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                        |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                              |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestDetails  |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Content of requestDetails object.          |
+RequestDetails Object 
+|Attribute            |Content                  |Description                                      |
+|modelInfo            |modelInfo Object         |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|cloudConfiguration   |cloudConfiguration Object|Content of cloudConfiguration object.            |
+|requestInfo          |requestInfo Object       |Content of requestInfo object.                   |
+|requestParameters    |requestParameters Object |Content of requestParameters object.             |
+ModelInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|ModelType                |String            |Type of model                                    |
+|ModelName                |String            |Name of the Model                                |
+CloudConfiguration Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|lcpCloudRegionId         |String            |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI)                         |
+|tenantId                 |String            |Name of the Subscriber                           |
+RequestInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|Source                   |String            |source of the request                            |
+RequestParameters Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|UserParams               |Array             |The product family Id.                           |
+UserParams Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|name                     |String            |Tag name of attribute                            |
+|value                    |String            |Value of the tag                                 |
+GET Orchestration Request
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                   |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/orchestrationRequests/v6/{request-id}            |
+|Operation Type      |GET                                                           |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                              |
+Response Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|request         |M        |1          |request Object            |Content of request object.                 |
+Request Object
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestId          |M        |1          |String                    |Request Id                                 |
+|startTime          |M        |1          |request Object            |Start time.                                |
+|requestScope       |M        |1          |request Object            |Scope of the request.                      |
+|requestType        |M        |1          |request Object            |Type of the request.                       |
+|requestDetails     |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Type of the request.                       |
+|requestStatus      |M        |1          |requestStatus Object      |Type of the request.                       |
+RequestDetails Object 
+|Attribute          |Content                   |Description                                      |
+|modelInfo          |modelInfo Object          |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|subscriberInfo     |subscriberInfo Object     |Content of subscriberInfo object.                |
+|requestInfo        |requestInfo Object        |Content of requestInfo object.                   |
+|requestParameters  |requestParameters Object  |Content of requestParameters object.             |
+|relatedInstanceList|relatedInstanceList Object|Content of relatedInstanceList object.           |
+|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object |Content of cloudConfiguration object.            |
+|project            |project Object            |Content of project object.                       |
+|owningEntity       |owningEntity Object       |Content of owningEntity object.                  |
+|platform           |platform Object           |Content of platform object.                      |
+|lineOfBusiness     |lineOfBusiness Object     |Content of lineOfBusiness object.                |
+ModelInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|ModelType                |String            |Type of model                                    |
+|ModelInvariantId         |String            |The Model Invariant Id.                          |
+|ModelNameVersionId       |String            |The modelname Version Id                         |
+|ModelName                |String            |Name of the Model                                |
+|ModelVersion             |String            |Version of the model                             |
+|ModelCustomization Name  |String            |The Model Customization name                     |
+|modelCustomizationUuid   |String            |The Model Customization UUid                     |
+|modelVersionId           |String            |The Model version id                             |
+|modelUuid                |String            |The Model UUid                                   |
+|modelInvariantUuid       |String            |The Model Invariant  UUid                        |
+|modelInstanceName        |String            |The Model Instance  name                         |
+SubscriberInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|GlobalSubscriberId       |String            |Global customer Id (in A&AI)                     |
+|SubscriberName           |String            |Name of the Subscriber                           |
+RequestInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|Source                   |String            |source of the request                            |
+|billingAccountNumber     |String            |billingAccountNumber of the request              |
+|callbackUrl              |String            |callbackUrl of the request                       |
+|correlator               |String            |correlator of the request                        |
+|orderNumber              |String            |orderNumber of the request                       |
+|productFamilyId          |String            |productFamilyId of the request                   |
+|orderVersion             |String            |orderVersion of the request                      |
+|instanceName             |String            |instanceName of the request                      |
+|suppressRollback         |String            |suppressRollback of the request                  |
+|requestorId              |String            |requestorId of the request                       |
+RequestParameters Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|SubscriptionServiceType  |String            |The service type of the Subscription             |
+RequestStatus Object
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|finishTime               |String            |Time                                             |
+|requestState             |String            |state of the request                             |
+|statusMessage            |String            |statusMessage                                    |
+|percentProgress          |String            |percentage of progress                           |
+GET Orchestration Requests
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                   |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/orchestrationRequests/v6                         |
+|Operation Type      |GET                                                           |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                              |
+Response Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestList     |M        |1          |Array                     |Content of request List.                   |
+RequestList : 
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|request         |M        |1          |request Object            |Content of request object.                 |
+Request Object
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
+|requestId          |M        |1          |String                    |Request Id.                                |
+|startTime          |M        |1          |request Object            |Start time.                                |
+|requestScope       |M        |1          |request Object            |Scope of the request.                      |
+|requestType        |M        |1          |request Object            |Type of the request.                       |
+|requestDetails     |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Type of the request.                       |
+|requestStatus      |M        |1          |requestStatus Object      |Type of the request.                       |
+RequestDetails Object 
+|Attribute          |Content                   |Description                                      |
+|modelInfo          |modelInfo Object          |Content of modelInfo object.                     |
+|subscriberInfo     |subscriberInfo Object     |Content of subscriberInfo object.                |
+|requestInfo        |requestInfo Object        |Content of requestInfo object.                   |
+|requestParameters  |requestParameters Object  |Content of requestParameters object.             |
+|relatedInstanceList|relatedInstanceList Object|Content of relatedInstanceList object.           |
+|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object |Content of cloudConfiguration object.            |
+|project            |project Object            |Content of project object.                       |
+|owningEntity       |owningEntity Object       |Content of owningEntity object.                  |
+|platform           |platform Object           |Content of platform object.                      |
+|lineOfBusiness     |lineOfBusiness Object     |Content of lineOfBusiness object.                |
+ModelInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|ModelType                |String            |Type of model                                    |
+|ModelInvariantId         |String            |The Model Invariant Id.                          |
+|ModelNameVersionId       |String            |The modelname Version Id                         |
+|ModelName                |String            |Name of the Model                                |
+|ModelVersion             |String            |Version of the model                             |
+|ModelCustomization Name  |String            |The Model Customization name                     |
+|modelCustomizationUuid   |String            |The Model Customization UUid                     |
+|modelVersionId           |String            |The Model version id                             |
+|modelUuid                |String            |The Model UUid                                   |
+|modelInvariantUuid       |String            |The Model Invariant  UUid                        |
+|modelInstanceName        |String            |The Model Instance  name                         |
+SubscriberInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|GlobalSubscriberId       |String            |Global customer Id (in A&AI)                     |
+|SubscriberName           |String            |Name of the Subscriber                           |
+RequestInfo Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|Source                   |String            |source of the request                            |
+|billingAccountNumber     |String            |billingAccountNumber of the request              |
+|callbackUrl              |String            |callbackUrl of the request                       |
+|correlator               |String            |correlator of the request                        |
+|orderNumber              |String            |orderNumber of the request                       |
+|productFamilyId          |String            |productFamilyId of the request                   |
+|orderVersion             |String            |orderVersion of the request                      |
+|instanceName             |String            |instanceName of the request                      |
+|suppressRollback         |String            |suppressRollback of the request                  |
+|requestorId              |String            |requestorId of the request                       |
+RequestParameters Object 
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|SubscriptionServiceType  |String            |The service type of the Subscription             |
+RequestStatus Object
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                      |
+|finishTime               |String            |Time                                             |
+|requestState             |String            |state of the request                             |
+|statusMessage            |String            |statusMessage                                    |
+|percentProgress          |String            |percentage of progress                           |
+Get List of Existing Catalog Assets 
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}|
+|Operation Type      |GET                       |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|assetType          |M        |1          |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services.|
+|service-type       |M        |1          |String |Service Type                                                 |
+|service-instance-id|M        |1          |String |Service Instance ID                                          |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
+|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y        |Instance ID                                                                              |
+|Accept             |N        |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are :  “application/json”|
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+|Attribute         |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                                           |
+|uuid              |M        |1          |String |Global Asset Version Identifier: UUID generated by SDC per each version of the asset. |
+|invariantUUID     |M        |1          |String |UUID generated by SDC per each asset.                                                 |
+|name              |M        |1          |String |The name of the asset                                                                 |
+|version           |M        |1          |String |The asset version in SDC catalog.                                                     |
+|toscaModelURL     |M        |1          |String |Relative asset’s URL. Should be used in REST GET API to download the asset’s CSAR.    |
+|category          |M        |1          |String |Category of the asset.                                                                |
+|subcategory       |M        |1          |String |Sub-category of the asset                                                             |
+|resourceType      |M        |1          |String |The type of resource.resource types are VF, VL, CP, VFC, VFCMT, PNF.                  |
+|lifecycleState    |M        |1          |String |The lifecycle state of the asset                                                      |
+|lastUpdaterUserId |M        |1          |String |UserID of the SDC designer who was the last to update the asset for this major version|
+Get Specific Asset Detailed Metadata 
+|Interface Definition|Description                                |
+|URI                 |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/metadata|
+|Operation Type      |GET                                        |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                                          |
+|assetType          |M        |1          |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services.                        |
+|uuid               |M        |1          |String |Global Asset Version Identifier: UUID generated by SDC per each version of the asset.|
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
+|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y        |Instance ID                                                                              |
+|Accept             |N        |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are :  “application/json”|
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+|Attribute           |Qualifier|Content|Description                                                                           |
+|uuid                |M        |String |Global Asset Version Identifier: UUID generated by SDC per each version of the asset. |
+|invariantUUID       |M        |String |UUID generated by SDC per each asset.                                                 |
+|name                |M        |String |The name of the asset                                                                 |
+|version             |M        |String |The asset version in SDC catalog.                                                     |
+|toscaModelURL       |M        |String |Relative asset’s URL. Should be used in REST GET API to download the asset’s CSAR.    |
+|description         |M        |String |Short description of the resource                                                     |
+|lastUpdaterUserId   |M        |String |UserID of the SDC designer who was the last to update the asset for this major version|
+|lastUpdaterFullName |M        |String |UserID of the SDC designer who was the last to update the asset for this major version|
+|category            |M        |String |Category of the asset                                                                 |
+|subCategory         |M        |String |Sub-category of the asset.                                                            |
+|toscaResourceName   |M        |String |The full name of the asset                                                            |
+|resourceType        |M        |String |The type of resource.                                                                 |
+|lifecycleState      |M        |String |The lifecycle state of the asset                                                      |
+|resources           |N        |Object |Category of the asset                                                                 |
+|artifacts           |M        |Object |Category of the asset                                                                 |
+Resource Object:
+|Attribute            |Qualifier|Content|Description                                                                                                        |                                                                         |
+|resourceInstanceName |M        |String |Logical Resource Instance Name.Unique Identifier of  the instance of the  specific resource in the service context.|
+|resourceName         |M        |String |Resource Name                                                                                                      |
+|resourceInvariantUUID|M        |String |The invariant UUID of the resource                                                                                 |
+|resourceVersion      |M        |String |Resource Version                                                                                                   |
+|resoucreType         |M        |String |Resource Type                                                                                                      |
+|resourceUUID         |M        |String |Global UUID of the resource that specific artifact belongs to                                                      |
+|artifacts            |M        |Object |Array of  resource instance deployment artifacts.                                                                  |
+Artifact Metadata Object:
+|Attribute            |Qualifier|Content |Description                                                                                                        |
+|artifactName         |M        |String  |Artifact File name                                                                                                 |
+|artifactLabel        |M        |String  |Identifier of the artifact within the VF / Service.                                                                |
+|artifactType         |M        |String  |Artifact Type                                                                                                      |
+|artifactGroupType    |M        |String  |Whether the artifact is informational or deployment.                                                               |
+|artifactURL          |M        |String  |Relative artifact’s URL.                                                                                           |
+|artifactDescription  |M        |String  |Artifact Description                                                                                               |
+|artifactTimeout      |N        |Integer |Artifact Description                                                                                               |
+|artifactChecksum     |M        |String  |Base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of the artifact’s payload.                                                            |
+|artifactUUID         |M        |String  |Global UUID generated by SDC each time  when artifact payload is  updated.                                         |
+|artifactVersion      |M        |String  |Service Version                                                                                                    |
+|generatedFromUUID    |N        |String  |This attribute will be  sent only  in the case of  an artifact  generated on basis of  other artifact              |
+Download (CSAR of) Specific Asset
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                |
+|URI                 |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/artifacts/{artifactUUID}|
+|Operation Type      |GET                                                        |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                                          |
+|assetType          |M        |1          |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services.                        |
+|Uuid               |M        |1          |String |The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata                                   |
+|artifactUUID       |M        |1          |String |The artifactUUID of the asset as published in the metadata                           |
+|Header name         |Qualifier|Description                                                                                                               |
+|Content-Type        |M        |Specifies the  downloaded payload format as “ arbitrary data in binary format” .Valid value is : application/octet-stream |
+|Content-Length      |M        |Streamed artifact payload size                                                                                            |
+|Content-Disposition |M        |Specifies  the name of  file to  store the  downloaded artifact’s  payload  ( RFC 2183) .                                 |
+Upload Artifact 
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                    |
+|URI                 |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{resourceInstanceNormalizedName}/artifacts|
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                           |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute                     |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                                          |
+|assetType                     |M        |1          |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services.                        |
+|Uuid                          |M        |1          |String |The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata                                   |
+|resourceInstanceNormalizedName|M        |1          |String |Normalized name of resource                                                          |
+Request Body
+|Attribute                     |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                                          |
+|payloadData                   |M        |1          |String |The data of the artifact after Base64 encoding                                       |
+|artifactLabel                 |M        |1          |String |Identifier of the artifact within the VF / Service.                                  |
+|artifactName                  |M        |1          |String |The name of the artifact                                                             |
+|artifactType                  |M        |1          |String |The type of the artifact                                                             |
+|artifactGroupType             |M        |1          |String |Whether the artifact is informational or deployment.                                 |
+|description                   |M        |1          |String |Description of the artifact                                                          |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
+|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y        |Instance ID                                                                              |
+|Accept             |N        |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are :  “application/json”|
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+|USER_ID            |Y        |The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC          |
+|Content-Type       |Y        |Valid value is : application/json                                                        |
+|Content-MD5        |Y        |The value for this header must be the MD5 checksum over the whole json body              |
+|Attribute           |Qualifier|Content|Description                                                                                        |
+|artifactName        |M        |String |Artifact File name                                                                                 |
+|artifactType        |M        |String |Artifact Type                                                                                      |
+|artifactURL         |M        |String |Relative artifact’s URL.                                                                           |
+|artifactDescription |M        |String |Artifact Description.                                                                              |
+|artifactTimeout     |N        |String |Will be populated only if its value is not 0.                                                      |
+|artifactChecksum    |Y        |String |Base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of the artifact’s payload.                                            |
+|artifactUUID        |Y        |String |Global UUID generated by SDC each time  when artifact payload is  updated.                         |
+|artifactVersion     |Y        |String |Service Version .                                                                                  |
+|generatedFromUUID   |N        |String |This attribute will be sent only  in the case of an artifact generated on basis of other artifact  |
+Update Artifact  
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                   |
+|URI                 |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{resourceInstanceNormalizedName}/artifacts/{artifactUUID}|
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                                          |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute                     |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                                          |
+|assetType                     |M        |1          |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services.                        |
+|Uuid                          |M        |1          |String |The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata                                   |
+|artifactUUID                  |M        |1          |String |The uuid of the artifact as published in the response of the upload/update operation |
+|resourceInstanceNormalizedName|M        |1          |String |Normalized name of resource                                                          |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
+|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y        |Instance ID                                                                              |
+|Accept             |N        |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are :  “application/json”|
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+|USER_ID            |Y        |The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC          |
+|Content-Type       |Y        |Valid value is : application/json                                                        |
+|Content-MD5        |Y        |The value for this header must be the MD5 checksum over the whole json body              |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                     |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                                          |
+|payloadData                   |M        |1          |String |The data of the artifact after Base64 encoding                                       |
+|artifactLabel                 |M        |1          |String |Identifier of the artifact within the VF / Service.                                  |
+|artifactName                  |M        |1          |String |The name of the artifact                                                             |
+|artifactType                  |M        |1          |String |The type of the artifact                                                             |
+|artifactGroupType             |M        |1          |String |Whether the artifact is informational or deployment.                                 |
+|description                   |M        |1          |String |Description of the artifact                                                          |
+|Attribute           |Qualifier|Content|Description                                                                                        |
+|artifactName        |M        |String |Artifact File name                                                                                 |
+|artifactType        |M        |String |Artifact Type                                                                                      |
+|artifactURL         |M        |String |Relative artifact’s URL.                                                                           |
+|artifactDescription |M        |String |Artifact Description.                                                                              |
+|artifactTimeout     |N        |String |Will be populated only if its value is not 0.                                                      |
+|artifactChecksum    |Y        |String |Base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of the artifact’s payload.                                            |
+|artifactUUID        |Y        |String |Global UUID generated by SDC each time  when artifact payload is  updated.                         |
+|artifactVersion     |Y        |String |Service Version .                                                                                  |
+|generatedFromUUID   |N        |String |This attribute will be sent only  in the case of an artifact generated on basis of other artifact  |
+Delete Artifact   
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                   |
+|URI                 |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{resourceInstanceNormalizedName}/artifacts/{artifactUUID}|
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                        |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute                     |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                                          |
+|assetType                     |M        |1          |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services.                        |
+|Uuid                          |M        |1          |String |The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata                                   |
+|artifactUUID                  |M        |1          |String |The uuid of the artifact as published in the response of the upload/update operation |
+|resourceInstanceNormalizedName|M        |1          |String |Normalized name of resource                                                          |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
+|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y        |Instance ID                                                                              |
+|Accept             |N        |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are :  “application/json”|
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+|USER_ID            |Y        |The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC          |
+|Attribute           |Qualifier|Content|Description                                                                                        |
+|artifactUUID        |Y        |String |Global UUID generated by SDC each time  when artifact payload is  updated.                         |
+Update Lifecycle   
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                   |
+|URI                 |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/lifecycleState/{lifecycleOperation}                                        |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                                          |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute                     |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                                                          |
+|assetType                     |M        |1          |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services.                                        |
+|Uuid                          |M        |1          |String |The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata                                                   |
+|lifecycleOperation            |M        |1          |String |The lifecycle operation to be performed on the asset.Valid values are: Checkin / Checkout /  Certify |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
+|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y        |Instance ID                                                                              |
+|Accept             |N        |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are :  “application/json”|
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+|USER_ID            |Y        |The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC          |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|userRemarks        |N        |Short description (free text) about the asset version being changed                      |
+|Attribute           |Qualifier|Content|Description                                                                                        |
+|uuid                |Y        |String |UUID generated by SDC per each major version of the asset                                          |
+|invariantUUID       |Y        |String |UUID generated by SDC per each asset. This UUID stays constant for all the asset’s versions        |
+|name                |Y        |String |The name of the asset.                                                                             |
+|version             |Y        |String |The asset version in SDC catalog                                                                   |
+|category            |Y        |String |Category of the asset.                                                                             |
+|subcategory         |Y        |String |Sub-category of the asset.                                                                         |
+|resourceType        |Y        |String |The type of resource.                                                                              |
+|lifecycleState      |Y        |String |The lifecycle state of the asset.                                                                  |
+|lastUpdaterUserId   |Y        |String |User ID of the SDC designer who was the last to update the asset for this major version.           |
+Create Resource   
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                   |
+|URI                 |/sdc/v1/catalog/resources                                                                                     |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                                          |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
+|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y        |Instance ID                                                                              |
+|Accept             |N        |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are :  “application/json”|
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+|USER_ID            |Y        |The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC          |
+|Content-Type       |Y        |Valid value is : application/json                                                        |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|name               |Y        |The name of the resource                                                                 |
+|description        |Y        |Short description of the resource                                                        |
+|resourceType       |Y        |“VFCMT” / “VF” / “PNF”                                                                   |
+|category           |Y        |VFCMT category is “Template”.                                                            |
+|subcategory        |Y        |VFCMT subcategory is “Monitoring Template”.                                              |
+|vendorName         |Y        |Vendor Name                                                                              |
+|vendorRelease      |Y        |Vendor Release                                                                           |
+|tags               |Y        |The tags are used for search options.                                                    |
+|icon               |Y        |The icon should be pre-defined in SDC.                                                   |
+|contactId          |Y        |The user ID of user responsible for this VFCMT.                                          |
+|Attribute           |Qualifier|Content|Description                                                                                        |
+|uuid                |Y        |String |UUID generated by SDC per each major version of the asset                                          |
+|invariantUUID       |Y        |String |UUID generated by SDC per each asset. This UUID stays constant for all the asset’s versions        |
+|name                |Y        |String |The name of the asset.                                                                             |
+|version             |Y        |String |The asset version in SDC catalog                                                                   |
+|category            |Y        |String |Category of the asset.                                                                             |
+|subcategory         |Y        |String |Sub-category of the asset.                                                                         |
+|resourceType        |Y        |String |The type of resource.                                                                              |
+|lifecycleState      |Y        |String |The lifecycle state of the asset.                                                                  |
+|lastUpdaterUserId   |Y        |String |User ID of the SDC designer who was the last to update the asset for this major version.           |
+Create E2E service instance
+|Interface Definition|Description                          |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/e2eServiceInstances/v3  |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                     |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                  |
+|service  |M        |1          |Service Object            |Content of service object.   |
+Service Object 
+|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
+|name                          |String           |Service instance name.              |
+|description                   |String           |Service instance description        |
+|serviceUuid                   |String           |Model UUID                          |
+|serviceInvariantUuid          |String           |Model Invariant UUID                |
+|gloabalSubscriberId           |String           |Customer Id                         |
+|serviceType                   |String           |service Type                        |
+|parameters                    |Object           |Parameter Object                    |
+Parameter Object
+|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
+|locationConstraints           |List of object   |location infor for each vnf         |
+|resource                      |List of Resource |resource of service/resource        |
+|requestInputs                 |key-value map    |input of service/resource
+LocationConstraint Object
+|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
+|vnfProfileId                  |String           |Customization id for VNF            |
+|locationConstraints           |Object           |DC location info of VNF             |
+VnfLocationConstraint Object
+|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
+|vimId                         |String           |VIM id from ESR definition          |
+Resource Object
+|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
+|resourceName                  |String           |The resource name                   |
+|resourceInvariantUuid         |String           |The resource invariant UUID.        |
+|resourceUuid                  |String           |The resource UUID.                  |
+|resourceCustomizationUuid     |String           |The resource customization UUID.    |
+|parameters                    |Object           |Parameter of resource               |
+|Attribute    |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                             |
+|serviceId    |M        |1          |String |Service instance ID.                                                    |
+|operationId  |M        |1          |String |Service Operation ID.                                                   |
+Delete E2E service instance
+|Interface Definition|Description                                    |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/e2eServiceInstances/v3/{serviceId}|
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                         |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                             |
+|globalSubscriberId |M        |1          |String |The subscriber id. It is defined in AAI |
+|serviceType        |M        |1          |String |The service type. It is defined in AAI  |
+|Attribute    |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                             |
+|operationId  |M        |1          |String |The operation id.                                                       |
+Query E2E service operation result
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                             |
+|URI                 |{serverRoot}/e2eServiceInstances/v3/{serviceId}/operations/{operationId}|
+|Operation Type      |GET                                                                     |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute     |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description   |
+|serviceId     |M        |1          |Service instance ID.  |
+|operationId   |M        |1          |Service Operation ID. |
+|Attribute         |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                             |
+|operation         |M        |1          |String |Operation object identify.                                              |
+|operationId       |M        |1          |String |Operation ID.                                                           |
+|operation         |M        |1          |String |Operation type, create|delete.                                          |
+|result            |M        |1          |String |Operation result: finished, error, processing.                          |
+|reason            |M        |1          |String |If failing, need to write fail reason.                                  |
+|userId            |M        |1          |String |Operation user ID.                                                      |
+|operationContent  |M        |1          |String |The status detail of current operation which is being executing.        |
+|progress          |M        |1          |String |Current operation progress.                                             |
+|operateAt         |M        |1          |String |Time that it starts to execute operation.                               |
+|finishedAt        |M        |1          |String |Time that it finished executing operation.                              |
+Inventory APIs
+create or update an existing service-instance
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                                                                         |
+|URI                 |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances/service-instance/{service-instance-id}|
+|Operation Type      |PUT                                                                                                                                                                 |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|global-customer-id |M        |1          |String |Global Customer ID     |
+|service-type       |M        |1          |String |Service Type           |
+|service-instance-id|M        |1          |String |Service Instance ID    |
+|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description        |
+|HTTP code|M        |1          |Integer|HTTP response code |
+delete an existing service-instance
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                                                                         |
+|URI                 |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances/service-instance/{service-instance-id}|
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                                                                              |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|global-customer-id |M        |1          |String |Global Customer ID     |
+|service-type       |M        |1          |String |Service Type           |
+|service-instance-id|M        |1          |String |Service Instance ID    |
+|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description        |
+|HTTP code|M        |1          |Integer|HTTP response code |
+get service-instances
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                                  |
+|URI                 |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances|
+|Operation Type      |GET                                                                                                                          |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|global-customer-id |M        |1          |String |Global Customer ID     |
+|service-type       |M        |1          |String |Service Type           |
+|subscriber-name    |O        |1          |String |Subscriber name        |
+|subscriber-type    |O        |1          |String |Subscriber type        |
+|Attribute        |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content         |Description        |
+|service-instances|M        |1          |ServiceInstances|Service Instances  |
+get service-instance
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                                                                         |
+|URI                 |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances/service-instance/{service-instance-id}|
+|Operation Type      |GET                                                                                                                                                                 |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|global-customer-id |M        |1          |String |Global Customer ID     |
+|service-type       |M        |1          |String |Service Type           |
+|service-instance-id|M        |1          |String |Service instance ID    |
+|Attribute        |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content         |Description        |
+|service-instance |M        |1          |ServiceInstance |Service Instance   |
+see node definition for valid relationships
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                                                                                                        |
+|URI                 |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances/service-instance/{service-instance-id}/relationship-list/relationship|
+|Operation Type      |PUT                                                                                                                                                                                                |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|global-customer-id |M        |1          |String |Global Customer ID     |
+|service-type       |M        |1          |String |Service Type           |
+|service-instance-id|M        |1          |String |Service instance ID    |
+|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description        |
+|HTTP code|M        |1          |Integer|HTTP response code |
+delete an existing relationship
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                                                                                                        |
+|URI                 |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances/service-instance/{service-instance-id}/relationship-list/relationship|
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                                                                                                             |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|global-customer-id |M        |1          |String |Global Customer ID     |
+|service-type       |M        |1          |String |Service Type           |
+|service-instance-id|M        |1          |String |Service instance ID    |
+|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description        |
+|HTTP code|M        |1          |Integer|HTTP response code |
+Create NS
+|Interface Definition|Description        |
+|URI                 |/ns                |
+|Operation Type      |POST               |
+|Content-Type        |application/json   |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|context            |M        |1          |Object |Context                |
+|csarId             |M        |1          |String |csarId                 |
+|nsName             |M        |1          |String |Name of the NS         |
+|description        |M        |1          |String |description            |
+|Attribute        |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content         |Description        |
+|nsInstanceId     |M        |1          |String          |nsInstanceId       |
+Get NS
+|Interface Definition|Description        |
+|URI                 |/ns                |
+|Operation Type      |GET                |
+|Content-Type        |application/json   |
+|Attribute        |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content         |Description        |
+|nsInstanceId     |M        |1          |String          |nsInstanceId       |
+|nsName           |M        |1          |String          |The name of ns     |
+|description      |M        |1          |String          |description        |
+|nsdId            |M        |1          |String          |ID of ns           |
+|vnfInfo          |M        |1          |Array           |Vnf information    |
+|vlInfo           |M        |1          |Array           |vl information     |
+|vnffgInfo        |M        |1          |Array           |vnffg information  |
+|nsState          |M        |1          |String          |state of ns        |
+vnfInfo Object: 
+|Attribute        |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content         |Description        |
+|vnfInstanceId    |M        |1          |String          |vnfInstanceId      |
+|vnfInstanceName  |M        |1          |String          |vnfInstanceName    |
+|vnfdId           |M        |1          |String          |vnfdId             |
+vlInfo Object: 
+|Attribute             |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content         |Description        |
+|vlInstanceId          |M        |1          |String          |vlInstanceId       |
+|vlInstanceName        |M        |1          |String          |vlInstanceName     |
+|vldId                 |M        |1          |String          |vldId              |
+|relatedCpInstanceId   |M        |1          |Array           |relatedCpInstanceId|
+relatedCpInstanceId Array: 
+|Attribute             |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content         |Description        |
+|cpInstanceId          |M        |1          |String          |cpInstanceId       |
+|cpInstanceName        |M        |1          |String          |cpInstanceName     |
+|cpdId                 |M        |1          |String          |cpdId              |
+vnffgInfo Array:
+|Attribute             |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content         |Description        |
+|vnffgInstanceId       |M        |1          |String          |vnffgInstanceId    |
+|vnfId                 |M        |1          |String          |vnfId              |
+|pnfId                 |M        |1          |String          |pnfId              |
+|virtualLinkId         |M        |1          |Array           |virtualLinkId      |
+|cpId                  |M        |1          |Array           |cpId               |
+|nfp                   |M        |1          |Array           |nfp                |
+Instantiate NS
+|Interface Definition|Description                          |
+|URI                 |/ns/{nsInstanceId}/Instantiate       |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                     |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute             |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|LocationConstraints   |M        |1          |Array  |LocationConstraints    |
+|additionalParamForNs  |M        |1          |String |additionalParamForNs   |
+|nsInstanceId          |M        |1          |String |nsInstanceId           |
+LocationConstraints Array:
+|Attribute             |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|vnfProfileId          |M        |1          |String  |vnfProfileId          |
+|vimid                 |M        |1          |String |vimid                  |
+|Attribute     |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|jobId         |M        |1          |String |jobId                  |
+Terminate NS
+|Interface Definition|Description                          |
+|URI                 |/ns/{ns_instance_id}/terminate       |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                     |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                  |
+|terminationType             |M        |1          |String |terminationType              |
+|gracefulTerminationTimeout  |M        |1          |String |gracefulTerminationTimeout   |
+|nsInstanceId                |M        |1          |String |nsInstanceId                 |
+|Attribute     |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description            |
+|jobId         |M        |1          |String |jobId                  |
+Delete NS
+|Interface Definition|Description                          |
+|URI                 |/ns/{ns_instance_id}                 |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                               |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                  |
+|nsInstanceId                |M        |1          |String |nsInstanceId                 |
+Get token
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                    |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/identity/v3/auth/tokens     |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                           |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                               |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                                                                     |
+|nocatalog       |O        |1          |string                    |The authentication response excludes the service catalog. By default, the response includes the service catalog.                                |
+|name            |O        |1          |string                    |The user name. Required if you do not specify the ID of the user. If you specify the user name, you must also specify the domain, by ID or name.|
+|auth            |M        |1          |object                    |An auth object.                                                                                                                                 |
+|user            |M        |1          |object                    |A user object.                                                                                                                                  |
+|scope           |O        |1          |string                    |The authorization scope, including either a project or a domain                                                                                 |
+|password        |M        |1          |object                    |The password object, contains the authentication information.                                                                                   |
+|id              |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the user. Required if you do not specify the user name.                                                                               |
+|identity        |M        |1          |object                    |An identity object.                                                                                                                             |
+|methods         |M        |1          |array                     |The authentication method. For password authentication, specify password.                                                                       |
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                                               |
+|X-Subject-Token          |String            |The authentication token.                                                 |
+|domain                   |object            |A domain object, containing:                                              |
+|region_id                |String            |The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint.                  |
+|methods                  |array             |The authentication method. For password authentication, specify password. |
+|roles                    |array             |A list of role objects, each containing:                                  |
+|url                      |String            |The endpoint URL.                                                         |
+|region                   |String            |The geographic location of the service endpoint.                          |
+|token                    |object            |A token object.                                                           |
+|expires_at               |String            |The date and time when the token expires.                                 |
+|project                  |object            |A project object, containing:                                             |
+|issued_at                |String            |The date and time when the token was issued.                              |
+|catalog                  |array             |A catalog object.                                                         |
+|extras                   |object            |A set of metadata key and value pairs, if any.                            |
+|user                     |object            |A user object.                                                            |
+|audit_ids                |array             |A list of one or two audit IDs.                                           |
+|interface                |String            |The interface type, which describes the visibility of the endpoint.       |
+|endpoints                |array             |A list of endpoint objects.                                               |
+|type                     |String            |The endpoint type.                                                        |
+|id                       |String            |The ID of the user. Required if you do not specify the user name.         |
+|name                     |String            |The user name.                                                            |
+Create stack
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                    |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/heat/v1/{tenant-id}/stacks  |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                           |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                               |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute         |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                      |
+|tenant_id         |M        |1          |string                    |The UUID of the tenant. A tenant is also known as a project.                                     |
+|disable_rollback  |O        |1          |boolean                   |Enables or disables deletion of all stack resources when stack creation fails.                   |
+|environment       |O        |1          |object                    |A JSON environment for the stack.                                                                |
+|files             |O        |1          |object                    |Supplies the contents of files referenced in the template or the environment.                    |
+|parameters        |O        |1          |object                    |Supplies arguments for parameters defined in the stack template.                                 |
+|stack_name        |M        |1          |string                    |A name for the stack.                                                                            |
+|tags              |O        |1          |string                    |One or more simple string tags to associate with the stack.                                      |
+|template          |O        |1          |object                    |The stack template on which to perform the operation.                                            |
+|template_url      |O        |1          |string                    |A URI to the location containing the stack template on which to perform the operation.           |
+|timeout_mins      |O        |1          |integer                   |The timeout for stack creation in minutes.                                                       |
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                                               |
+|location                 |String            |For asynchronous resource operations.                                     |
+|X-Openstack-Reqeuest-Id  |object            |A domain object, containing:                                              |
+|stack                    |String            |The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint.                  |
+|id                       |String            |The authentication method. For password authentication, specify password. |
+|links                    |String            |The authentication method. For password authentication, specify password. |
+Get stack
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/heat/v1/{tenant-id}/stacks/{stack-name}/{stack-id}  |
+|Operation Type      |GET                                                                                                                    |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute         |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                      |
+|tenant_id         |M        |1          |string                    |The UUID of the tenant. A tenant is also known as a project.                                     |
+|stack_name        |M        |1          |string                    |The name of a stack.                                                                             |
+|stack_id          |M        |1          |string                    |The UUID of the stack.                                                                           |
+|resolve_outputs   |O        |1          |boolean                   |A boolean indicating whether the outputs section of a stack should be resolved.                  |
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                                                   |
+|X-Openstack-Reqeuest-Id  |String            |A unique ID for tracking service request.                                     |
+|stack                    |Object            |The stack object.                                                             |
+|capabilities             |array             |List of stack capabilities for stack.                                         |
+|creation_time            |String            |The date and time when the resource was created.                              |
+|deletion_time            |String            |The date and time when the resource was (soft-) deleted.                      |
+|description              |String            |The description of the stack resource.                                        |
+|disable_rollback         |boolean           |Whether deletion of all stack resources when stack creation fails is enabled. |
+|id                       |String            |The UUID of the stack.                                                        |
+|links                    |array             |A list of URLs for the stack.                                                 |
+|notification_topics      |array             |List of notification topics for stack.                                        |
+|outputs                  |array             |A list of stack outputs.                                                      |
+|parameters               |object            |	A group of key-value pairs                                                  |
+|parent                   |String            |The stack ID of the parent stack, if this is a nested stack.                  |
+|stack_name               |String            |A name for the stack.                                                         |
+|stack_owner              |String            |The owner of the stack.                                                       |
+|stack_status             |String            |The status of the stack.                                                      |
+|stack_status_reason      |String            |The reason for the current status of the stack.                               |
+|stack_user_project_id    |String            |The project UUID of the stack user.                                           |
+|tags                     |array             |The stack tags.                                                               |
+|template_description     |String            |The description of the stack template.                                        |
+|timeout_mins             |integer           |The timeout for stack creation in minutes.                                    |
+|updated_time             |String            |The date and time when the object was updated.                                |
+Delete stack
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/heat/v1/{tenant-id}/stacks/{stack-name}/{stack-id}  |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute         |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                      |
+|tenant_id         |M        |1          |string                    |The UUID of the tenant. A tenant is also known as a project.                                     |
+|stack_name        |M        |1          |string                    |The name of a stack.                                                                             |
+|stack_id          |M        |1          |string                    |The UUID of the stack.                                                                           |
+Create server
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/nova/v2.37/{tenant_id}/servers                      |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                                                   |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                                       |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                      |
+|server                                          |M        |1          |object                    |A server object.                                                                                 |
+|name                                            |M        |1          |string                    |The server name.                                                                                 |
+|flavorRef                                       |M        |1          |string                    |The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL                                    |
+|imageRef                                        |M        |1          |string                    |The UUID of the image to use for your server instance                                            |
+|security_groups                                 |O        |1          |array                     |One or more security groups.                                                                     |
+|metadata                                        |O        |1          |object                    |Metadata key and value pairs.                                                                    |
+|accessIPv4                                      |O        |1          |string                    |IPv4 address that should be used to access this server.                                          |
+|accessIPv6                                      |O        |1          |string                    |IPv6 address that should be used to access this server.                                          |
+|adminPass                                       |O        |1          |string                    |The administrative password of the server.                                                       |
+|user_data                                       |O        |1          |string                    |Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch.                                         |
+|availability_zone                               |O        |1          |string                    |The availability zone from which to launch the server.                                           |
+|networks                                        |M        |1          |object                    |A networks object.                                                                               |
+|networks.uuid                                   |O        |1          |string                    |To provision the server instance with a NIC for a network                                        |
+|networks.port                                   |O        |1          |string                    |To provision the server instance with a NIC for an already existing port                         |
+|networks.fixed_ip                               |O        |1          |string                    |A fixed IPv4 address for the NIC                                                                 |
+|networks.tag                                    |O        |1          |string                    |A device role tag that can be applied to a network interface.                                    |
+|personality                                     |O        |1          |array                     |The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch.                      |
+|block_device_mapping_v2                         |O        |1          |array                     |Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance.                        |
+|block_device_mapping_v2.device_name             |M        |1          |string                    |A path to the device for the volume that you want to use to boot the server.                     |
+|block_device_mapping_v2.source_type             |M        |1          |string                    |The source type of the volume.                                                                   |
+|block_device_mapping_v2.destination_type        |O        |1          |string                    |Defines where the volume comes from.                                                             |
+|block_device_mapping_v2.delete_on_termination   |O        |1          |string                    |To delete the boot volume when the server is destroyed, specify true.                            |
+|block_device_mapping_v2.guest_format            |M        |1          |string                    |Specifies the guest server disk file system format, such as ephemeral or swap.                   |
+|block_device_mapping_v2.boot_index              |M        |1          |string                    |Defines the order in which a hypervisor tries devices                                            |
+|block_device_mapping_v2.uuid                    |O        |1          |string                    |This is the uuid of source resource.                                                             |
+|block_device_mapping_v2.tag                     |O        |1          |string                    |A device role tag that can be applied to a block device.                                         |
+|block_device_mapping_v2.disk_bus                |O        |1          |string                    |Disk bus type, some hypervisors (currently only libvirt) support specify this parameter          |
+|config_drive                                    |O        |1          |boolean                   |Indicates whether a configuration drive enables metadata injection.                              |
+|key_name                                        |O        |1          |string                    |Key pair name.                                                                                   |
+|os:scheduler_hints                              |O        |1          |object                    |The dictionary of data to send to the scheduler.                                                 |
+|OS-DCF:diskConfig                               |O        |1          |string                    |Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers.            |
+|description                                     |O        |1          |string                    |A free form description of the server.                                                           |
+|tags                                            |O        |1          |array                     |A list of tags.                                                                                  |
+|Attribute                |Content           |Description                                                                   |
+|Location                 |String            |The location URL of the server.                                               |
+|server                   |object            |A server object.                                                              |
+|id                       |String            |The UUID of the server.                                                       |
+|links                    |array             |Links to the resources in question.                                           |
+|OS-DCF:diskConfig        |String            |Disk configuration.                                                           |
+|security_groups          |array             |One or more security groups objects.                                          |
+|     |String            |The security group name.                                                      |
+|adminPass                |String            |The administrative password for the server.                                   |
+Delete server
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/nova/v2.1/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}           |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute         |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                      |
+|server_id         |M        |1          |string                    |The UUID of the server.                                                                          |
+Create Keypair
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/nova/v2.1/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs                   |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                                                   |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute         |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                      |
+|keypair           |M        |1          |Object                    |Keypair object                                                                                   |
+|name              |M        |1          |string                    |A name for the keypair which will be used to reference it later.                                 |
+|public_key        |O        |1          |string                    |The public ssh key to import. If you omit this value, a keypair is generated for you.            |
+|type              |O        |1          |string                    |The type of the keypair.                                                                         |
+|user_id           |O        |1          |string                    |The user_id for a keypair.                                                                       |
+|Attribute        |Content           |Description                                                                   |
+|keypair          |object            |Keypair object                                                                |
+|name             |String            |A name for the keypair which will be used to reference it later.              |
+|public_key       |String            |The keypair public key.                                                       |
+|fingerprint      |String            |The fingerprint for the keypair.                                              |
+|user_id          |String            |The user_id for a keypair.                                                    |
+|private_key      |String            |If you do not provide a public key on create                                  |
+|type             |String            |The type of the keypair.                                                      |
+Delete Keypair
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/nova/v2.1/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs/{keypair-id}      |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute         |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                      |
+|keypair_name      |M        |1          |String                    |The keypair name.                                                                                |
+|user_id           |O        |1          |String                    |This allows administrative users to operate key-pairs of specified user ID.                      |
+Create Network
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/networks                               |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                                                   |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                      |
+|network                     |M        |1          |Object                    |A network object.                                                                                |
+|admin_state_up              |O        |1          |boolean                   |The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).                     |
+|dns_domain                  |O        |1          |string                    |A valid DNS domain.                                                                              |
+|mtu                         |O        |1          |integer                   |The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation.                              |
+|name                        |O        |1          |string                    |Human-readable name of the network.                                                              |
+|port_security_enabled       |O        |1          |boolean                   |The port security status of the network.                                                         |
+|project_id                  |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the project that owns the resource.                                                    |
+|provider:network_type       |O        |1          |string                    |The type of physical network that this network should be mapped to.                              |
+|provider:physical_network   |O        |1          |string                    |The physical network where this network should be implemented.                                   |
+|provider:segmentation_id    |O        |1          |integer                   |The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network.                                          |
+|qos_policy_id               |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the QoS policy.                                                                        |
+|router:external             |O        |1          |boolean                   |Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router.                            |
+|segments                    |O        |1          |array                     |A list of provider segment objects.                                                              |
+|shared                      |O        |1          |boolean                   |Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.                                     |
+|tenant_id                   |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the project that owns the resource.                                                    |
+|vlan_transparent            |O        |1          |boolean                   |Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network,                                             |
+|description                 |O        |1          |string                    |A human-readable description for the resource.                                                   |
+|is_default                  |O        |1          |boolean                   |The network is default or not.                                                                   |
+|availability_zone_hints     |O        |1          |array                     |The availability zone candidate for the network.                                                 |
+|Attribute                    |Content           |Description                                                                   |
+|network                      |object            |A network object.                                                             |
+|admin_state_up               |boolean           |The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).  |
+|availability_zone_hints      |array             |The availability zone candidate for the network.                              |
+|availability_zones           |array             |The availability zone for the network.                                        |
+|created_at                   |String            |Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).          |
+|dns_domain                   |String            |A valid DNS domain.                                                           |
+|id                           |String            |The ID of the network.                                                        |
+|ipv4_address_scope           |String            |The ID of the IPv4 address scope that the network is associated with.         |
+|ipv6_address_scope           |String            |The ID of the IPv6 address scope that the network is associated with.         |
+|mtu                          |integer           |The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation.           |
+|name                         |String            |Human-readable name of the network.                                           |
+|port_security_enabled        |boolean           |The port security status of the network.                                      |
+|project_id                   |String            |The ID of the project.                                                        |
+|provider:network_type        |String            |The type of physical network that this network is mapped to.                  |
+|provider:physical_network    |String            |The physical network where this network is implemented.                       |
+|provider:segmentation_id     |integer           |The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network.                       |
+|qos_policy_id                |String            |The ID of the QoS policy.                                                     |
+|revision_number              |integer           |The revision number of the resource.                                          |
+|router:external              |boolean           |Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router.         |
+|segments                     |array             |A list of provider segment objects.                                           |
+|shared                       |boolean           |Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.                  |
+|status                       |String            |The network status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD or ERROR.                  |
+|subnets                      |array             |The associated subnets.                                                       |
+|tenant_id                    |String            |The ID of the project.                                                        |
+|updated_at                   |String            |Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).          |
+|vlan_transparent             |boolean           |Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network.                          |
+|description                  |String            |A human-readable description for the resource.                                |
+|is_default                   |boolean           |The network is default pool or not.                                           |
+Delete Network
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/networks/{network-id}                  |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                   |
+|network_id                  |M        |1          |String                    |The ID of the network.                                        |
+Create Subnet
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/subnets                                |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                                                   |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                      |
+|subnet                      |M        |1          |string                    |A subnet object.                                                                                 |
+|tenant_id                   |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the project that owns the resource.                                                    |
+|project_id                  |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the project that owns the resource.                                                    |
+|name                        |O        |1          |string                    |Human-readable name of the resource.                                                             |
+|enable_dhcp                 |O        |1          |boolean                   |Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet.                                    |
+|network_id                  |M        |1          |string                    |The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.                                               |
+|dns_nameservers             |O        |1          |array                     |List of dns name servers associated with the subnet.                                             |
+|allocation_pools            |O        |1          |array                     |Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet.                                |
+|host_routes                 |O        |1          |array                     |Additional routes for the subnet.                                                                |
+|ip_version                  |M        |1          |integer                   |The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.                                                        |
+|gateway_ip                  |O        |1          |string                    |Gateway IP of this subnet.                                                                       |
+|cidr                        |M        |1          |string                    |The CIDR of the subnet.                                                                          |
+|description                 |O        |1          |string                    |A human-readable description for the resource.                                                   |
+|ipv6_address_mode           |O        |1          |string                    |The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses.                          |
+|ipv6_ra_mode                |O        |1          |string                    |The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service                           |
+|segment_id                  |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with.                                       |
+|subnetpool_id               |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet.                                            |
+|use_default_subnetpool      |O        |1          |boolean                   |Whether to allocate this subnet from the default subnet pool.                                    |
+|service_types               |O        |1          |array                     |The service types associated with the subnet.                                                    |
+|Attribute                    |Content           |Description                                                                   |
+|subnet                       |string            |A subnet object.                                                              |
+|id                           |string            |The ID of the subnet.                                                         |
+|tenant_id                    |string            |The ID of the project.                                                        |
+|project_id                   |string            |The ID of the project.                                                        |
+|name                         |String            |Human-readable name of the resource.                                          |
+|enable_dhcp                  |boolean           |Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet.                 |
+|network_id                   |String            |The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.                            |
+|dns_nameservers              |array             |List of dns name servers associated with the subnet.                          |
+|allocation_pools             |array             |Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet.             |
+|host_routes                  |array             |Additional routes for the subnet.                                             |
+|ip_version                   |integer           |The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.                                     |
+|gateway_ip                   |string            |Gateway IP of this subnet.                                                    |
+|cidr                         |string            |The CIDR of the subnet.                                                       |
+|created_at                   |string            |Time at which the subnet has been created.                                    |
+|description                  |string            |A human-readable description for the resource.                                |
+|ipv6_address_mode            |string            |The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses.       |
+|ipv6_ra_mode                 |string            |The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service        |
+|revision_number              |integer           |The revision number of the resource.                                          |
+|service_types                |string            |The service types associated with the subnet.                                 |
+|subnetpool_id                |string            |The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet.                         |
+|segment_id                   |string            |The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with.                    |
+|updated_at                   |string            |Time at which the subnet has been updated.                                    |
+Delete Subnet
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/subnets/{subnet-id}                    |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                   |
+|subnet_id                   |M        |1          |String                    |The ID of the subnet.                                         |
+Create Port
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/ports                                  |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                                                   |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                      |
+|port                        |M        |1          |object                    |A port object.                                                                                   |
+|admin_state_up              |O        |1          |boolean                   |The administrative state of the resource.                                                        |
+|allowed_address_pairs       |O        |1          |array                     |A set of zero or more allowed address pairs.                                                     |
+|binding:host_id             |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the host where the port resides.                                                       |
+|binding:profile             |O        |1          |string                    |A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host                           |
+|binding:vnic_type           |O        |1          |string                    |The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to.                                          |
+|description                 |O        |1          |string                    |A human-readable description for the resource.                                                   |
+|device_id                   |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the device that uses this port.                                                        |
+|device_owner                |O        |1          |string                    |The entity type that uses this port.                                                             |
+|dns_domain                  |O        |1          |string                    |A valid DNS domain.                                                                              |
+|dns_name                    |O        |1          |string                    |A valid DNS name.                                                                                |
+|extra_dhcp_opts             |O        |1          |array                     |A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs.                                                   |
+|fixed_ips                   |O        |1          |array                     |The IP addresses for the port.                                                                   |
+|mac_address                 |O        |1          |string                    |The MAC address of the port.                                                                     |
+|name                        |O        |1          |string                    |Human-readable name of the resource.                                                             |
+|network_id                  |M        |1          |string                    |The ID of the attached network.                                                                  |
+|port_security_enabled       |O        |1          |boolean                   |The port security status.                                                                        |
+|project_id                  |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the project that owns the resource.                                                    |
+|qos_policy_id               |O        |1          |string                    |QoS policy associated with the port.                                                             |
+|security_groups             |O        |1          |array                     |The IDs of security groups applied to the port.                                                  |
+|tenant_id                   |O        |1          |string                    |The ID of the project that owns the resource.                                                    |
+|Attribute                    |Content           |Description                                                                   |
+|port                         |object            |A port object.                                                                |
+|admin_state_up               |boolean           |The administrative state of the resource.                                     |
+|allowed_address_pairs        |array             |A set of zero or more allowed address pairs.                                  |
+|binding:host_id              |string            |The ID of the host where the port resides.                                    |
+|binding:profile              |String            |A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host        |
+|binding:vif_details          |object            |A dictionary which contains additional information on the port.               |
+|binding:vif_type             |String            |The type of which mechanism is used for the port.                             |
+|binding:vnic_type            |string            |The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to.                       |
+|created_at                   |string            |Time at which port has been created.                                          |
+|data_plane_status            |string            |Status of the underlying data plane of a port.                                |
+|description                  |string            |A human-readable description for the resource.                                |
+|device_id                    |string            |The ID of the device that uses this port.                                     |
+|device_owner                 |string            |The entity type that uses this port.                                          |
+|dns_assignment               |object            |Data assigned to a port by the Networking internal DNS                        |
+|dns_domain                   |string            |A valid DNS domain.                                                           |
+|dns_name                     |string            |A valid DNS name.                                                             |
+|extra_dhcp_opts              |array             |A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs.                                |
+|fixed_ips                    |array             |The IP addresses for the port.                                                |
+|id                           |string            |The ID of the resource.                                                       |
+|ip_allocation                |string            |Indicates when ports use either deferred, immediate or no IP allocation (none)|
+|mac_address                  |string            |The MAC address of the port.                                                  |
+|name                         |string            |Human-readable name of the resource.                                          |
+|network_id                   |string            |The ID of the attached network.                                               |
+|port_security_enabled        |boolean           |The port security status.                                                     |
+|project_id                   |string            |The ID of the project.                                                        |
+|revision_number              |integer           |The revision number of the resource.                                          |
+|qos_policy_id                |string            |The ID of the QoS policy associated with the port.                            |
+|security_groups              |array             |The IDs of security groups applied to the port.                               |
+|status                       |string            |The port status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD and ERROR.                    |
+|tenant_id                    |string            |The ID of the project.                                                        |
+|updated_at                   |string            |Time at which port has been updated.                                          |
+Delete Port
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/ports/{port-id}                        |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                   |
+|port_id                     |M        |1          |String                    |The ID of the port.                                           |
+Create Security Group
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/security-groups                        |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                                                   |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                   |
+|security_group              |M        |1          |object                    |A security_group object.                                      |
+|tenant_id                   |M        |1          |string                    |The ID of the project.                                        |
+|project_id                  |M        |1          |string                    |The ID of the project.                                        |
+|description                 |O        |1          |string                    |A human-readable description for the resource.                |
+|name                        |M        |1          |string                    |Human-readable name of the resource.                          |
+|Attribute                    |Content           |Description                                                                   |
+|security_group               |object            |A security_group object.                                                      |
+|id                           |string            |The ID of the security group.                                                 |
+|tenant_id                    |string            |The ID of the project.                                                        |
+|project_id                   |string            |The ID of the project.                                                        |
+|created_at                   |string            |Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).          |
+|updated_at                   |string            |Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).          |
+|revision_number              |integer           |The revision number of the resource.                                          |
+|name                         |string            |Human-readable name of the resource.                                          |
+|description                  |string            |A human-readable description for the resource.                                |
+|security_group_rules         |array             |A list of security_group_rule objects.                                        |
+Delete security group
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/security-groups/{security-group-id}    |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                                 |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                   |
+|security_group_id           |M        |1          |String                    |The ID of the security group.                                 |
+Create Security Group Rule
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                            |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/security-group-rules                   |
+|Operation Type      |POST                                                                                                                   |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                       |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                                                     |
+|security_group_rule         |M        |1          |object                    |A security_group_rule object.                                                                   |
+|remote_group_id             |O        |1          |string                    |The remote group UUID to associate with this security group rule.                               |
+|direction                   |M        |1          |string                    |Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied.                |
+|protocol                    |M        |1          |string                    |The IP protocol can be represented by a string, an integer, or null.                            |
+|ethertype                   |O        |1          |string                    |Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules. |
+|port_range_max              |O        |1          |integer                   |The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule.                |
+|security_group_id           |M        |1          |string                    |The security group ID to associate with this security group rule.                               |
+|port_range_min              |O        |1          |integer                   |The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule.                |
+|remote_ip_prefix            |M        |1          |string                    |The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet.                               |
+|description                 |O        |1          |string                    |A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.                      |
+|Attribute                    |Content           |Description                                                                                      |
+|security_group_rule          |object            |A security_group_rule object.                                                                    |
+|remote_group_id              |string            |The remote group UUID to associate with this security group rule.                                |
+|direction                    |string            |Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied.                 |
+|protocol                     |string            |The IP protocol can be represented by a string, an integer, or null.                             |
+|ethertype                    |string            |Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules.  |
+|port_range_max               |integer           |The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule.                 |
+|security_group_id            |string            |The security group ID to associate with this security group rule.                                |
+|tenant_id                    |string            |The ID of the project.                                                                           |
+|project_id                   |string            |The ID of the project.                                                                           |
+|port_range_min               |integer           |The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule.                 |
+|remote_ip_prefix             |string            |The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet.                                |
+|revision_number              |integer           |The revision number of the resource.                                                             |
+|id                           |string            |The ID of the security group rule.                                                               |
+|description                  |string            |A human-readable description for the resource.                                                   |
+Delete security group
+|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                                                      |
+|URI                 |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/security-group-rules/{security-group-rule-id}    |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                                                                           |
+|Content-Type        |application/json                                                                                                                 |
+Request Body:
+|Attribute                   |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                                   |
+|security_group_rule_id      |M        |1          |String                    |The ID of the security group rule.                            |
+Policy API
+Create a dictionary item 
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/createDictionaryItem     |
+|Operation Type      |PUT                       |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|dictionory         |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|dictionaryJson     |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|dictionaryType     |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|requestId          |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Create Policy 
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/createPolicy             |
+|Operation Type      |PUT                       |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|attributes         |M        |1          |Object |set of attributes in key value pair                          |
+|configBody         |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|configBodyType     |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|configName         |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|ecompName          |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyClass        |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyConfigType   |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyDescription  |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyName         |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|requestID          |M        |1          |String |request ID                                                   |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Delete Policy 
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/deletePolicy             |
+|Operation Type      |DELETE                    |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|deleteCondition    |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|pdpGroup           |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyComponent    |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyName         |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyType         |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|requestID          |M        |1          |String |request ID                                                   |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Get Configuration
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/getConfig                |
+|Operation Type      |POST                      |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|configAttributes   |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|configName         |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|ecompName          |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyName         |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|unique             |M        |1          |Boolean|                                                             |
+|requestID          |M        |1          |String |request ID                                                   |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Get Decision     
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/getDecision              |
+|Operation Type      |POST                      |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|decisionAttributes |M        |1          |Object |                                                             |
+|ecompComponentName |M        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|requestID          |M        |1          |String |request ID                                                   |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Response Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|decision           |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|details            |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+Get Dictionary Items
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/getDictionaryItems       |
+|Operation Type      |POST                      |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|dictionary         |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|dictionaryJson     |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|dictionaryType     |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|requestID          |M        |1          |String |request ID                                                   |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Response Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|dictionaryData     |N        |1          |Object |                                                             |
+|dictionaryJson     |N        |1          |Object |                                                             |
+|responseCode       |N        |1          |Integer|                                                             |
+|responseMessage    |N        |1          |Object |                                                             |
+Get Metrics         
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/getMetrics               |
+|Operation Type      |GET                       |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Response Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|metricsTotal       |N        |1          |Integer|                                                             |
+|papMetrics         |N        |1          |Integer|                                                             |
+|pdpMetrics         |N        |1          |Integer|                                                             |
+|responseCode       |N        |1          |Object |                                                             |
+|responseMessage    |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+Get Notification    
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/getNotification          |
+|Operation Type      |POST                      |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Response Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|metricsTotal       |N        |1          |Integer|                                                             |
+|papMetrics         |N        |1          |Integer|                                                             |
+|pdpMetrics         |N        |1          |Integer|                                                             |
+|responseCode       |N        |1          |Object |                                                             |
+|responseMessage    |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+List Configuration  
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/listConfiguration        |
+|Operation Type      |POST                      |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|configAttributes   |N        |1          |Object |                                                             |
+|configName         |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|ecompName          |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyName         |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|requestID          |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|unique             |N        |1          |Boolean|                                                             |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Import policy
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/policyEngineImport       |
+|Operation Type      |POST                      |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|importParameterJson|Y        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|file               |Y        |1          |File   |                                                             |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Push Policy
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/pushPolicy               |
+|Operation Type      |PUT                       |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|pdpGroup           |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyName         |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyType         |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Send Event 
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/sendEvent                |
+|Operation Type      |POST                      |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|eventAttributes    |N        |1          |Object |                                                             |
+|requestID          |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Send Heartbeat
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/sendEvent                |
+|Operation Type      |POST                      |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|notificationTopic  |Y        |1          |String |                                                             |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Stop Notification
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/stopNotification         |
+|Operation Type      |POST                      |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|notificationTopic  |Y        |1          |String |                                                             |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Update Dictionary
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/updateDictionaryItem     |
+|Operation Type      |PUT                       |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|dictionary         |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|dictionaryJson     |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|dictionaryType     |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|requestID          |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+Update Policy    
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/updatePolicy             |
+|Operation Type      |PUT                       |
+Request Headers:
+|Header Name        |Qualifier|Description                                                                              |
+|ClientAuth         |Y        |encoded client authentication details                                                    |
+|X-ECOMP-RequestID  |N        |Request ID  to track the requests                                                        |
+|Environment        |Y        |execution environments                                                                   |
+|Authorization      |Y        |Base64 encoded username:password                                                         |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|attributes         |N        |1          |Object |                                                             |
+|configBody         |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|configBodyType     |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|configName         |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|ecompName          |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyClass        |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyConfigType   |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyDescription  |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|policyName         |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+|requestID          |N        |1          |String |                                                             |
+HTTP Response Code:
+|HTTP CODE         |Description          |
+|200               |successful           |
+|400               |Invalid Request      |
+|401               |Unauthorized         |
+|500               |Error                |
+OOF/HAS create update API
+|Interface Definition|Description               |
+|URI                 |/api/oof/v1/placement     |
+|Operation Type      |POST                      |
+Request Parameters:
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|requestInfo        |Y        |1          |Object |The content of the RequestInfo object.                       |
+|placementInfo      |Y        |1          |Object |The Content of the PlacementInfo object.                     |
+|licenseInfo        |N        |1          |Object |The Content of the LicenseInfo object.                       |
+|serviceInfo        |Y        |1          |Object |The Content of the ServiceInfo object.                       |
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                            |
+|transactionId      |Y        |1          |String |A unique ID to track an ONAP transaction.                              |
+|requestId          |Y        |1          |String |A unique ID to track multiple requests.                                |
+|callbackUrl        |Y        |1          |String |The end point of a callback service where recommendations are posted.  |
+|callbackHeader	    |N	      |1	      |String |The header information a client expecting in a async callback.         |
+|sourceId           |Y        |1          |String |The unique ID of a client making an optimization call.                 |
+|requestType        |Y        |1          |String |The type of a request                                                  |
+|numSolutions       |N        |1          |Integer|Expected number of solutions.                                          |
+|optimizers         |Y        |1..N       |List of Strings|A list of optimization services.                               |
+|timeout            |N        |1          |Integer|A tolerance window (in secs) for expecting solutions. Default is 600 secs.|
+PlacementInfo Object
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                  |
+|requestParameters  |C        |1          |String |A JSON object conaining service and customer-specific data. A client or service designer is required to specify the parameters of interest for a given service and their location in the JSON blob through optimization query policies. This attribute is only required if a request contains service or customer-specific information.|
+|placementDemands   |Y        |1..N       |List of PlacementDemand Object|The resource information for a placement service.|
+|subscriberInfo	    |N	      |1	      |Object |The information of a service subscriber.                               |
+PlacementDemand Object
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                            |
+|resourceModuleName |Y        |1          |String |A resource name as defined in a service model.                         |
+|serviceResourceId  |Y        |1          |String |A unique resource Id with a local scope between client and OOF.        |
+|tenantId           |N        |1          |String |A tenant Id as defined in the ordering system.                         |
+|resourceModelInfo  |Y        |1          |Object |Resource model information as defined in SDC.                          |
+|existingCandidates |N        |1..N       |List of Candidates Objects | The existing placement information of a resource. |
+|excludedCandidates |N        |1..N       |List of Candidates Objects |Candidates that need to be excluded from solutions.|
+|requiredCandidates |N        |1..N       |List of Candidates Objects |Candidates that must be included in solutions.     |
+SubscriberInfo Object
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                            |
+|globalSubscriberId |Y        |1          |String |An ID of a subscriber.                                                 |
+|subscriberName     |Y        |1.N        |String |The name of a subscriber. If the name is not known, the value must be 'unknown'.|
+|subscriberCommonSiteId	|N	  |1	      |String |Id representing a subscriber location.                                 |
+ModelMetaData Object
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                            |
+|modelInvariantId   |Y        |1          |String |A model invariant Id as defined in a service model.                    |
+|modelVersionId     |Y        |1          |String |A unique model Id as defined in a service model.                       |
+|modelName          |N        |1          |String |A model name as defined in a service model.                            |
+|modelType          |N        |1          |String |A model type as defined in a service model.                            |
+|modelVersion       |N        |1          |String |A model version as defined in a service model.                         |
+|modelCustomizationName |N    |1          |String |A model customization name as defined in a service model.              |
+Candidates Object
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                            |
+|identifierType     |Y        |1          |String |The type of a candidate.                                               |
+|identifiers        |Y        |1..N       |List   |A list of identifiers.                                                 |
+|cloudOwner	        |C	      |1	      |String |The name of a cloud owner. Only required if identifierType is cloud_region_id.|
+ServiceInfo Object
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                            |
+|serviceInstanceId  |Y        |1          |String |A service instance id associated with a request.                       |
+|modelInfo          |Y        |1          |ModelMetaData Object |A list of identifiers.                                   |
+|serviceName	    |Y	      |1	      |String |The name of a service                                                  |
+LicenseInfo Object
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                            |
+|licenseDemands     |Y        |1..N       |List of LicenseDemands Object |A list of resources for license selection.      |
+LicenseDemand Object
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                            |
+|resourceModuleName |Y        |1          |String |A resource name as defined in a service model.                         |
+|serviceResourceId  |Y        |1          |String |A unique resource Id with a local scope between client and OOF.        |
+|resourceModelInfo  |Y        |1          |ModelMetaData Object |Resource model information as defined in a service model.|
+|existingLicenses   |N        |1          |LicenseModel Object  |Existing license information assigned to a resource.     |
+LicenseModel Object
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                            |
+|entitlementPoolUUID|Y        |1..N       |List   |Entitlement pool UUIDs associated with a resource.                     |
+|licenseKeyGroupUUID|Y        |1..N       |List   |License key groups associated with a resource.                         |
+Response Body
+|Attribute          |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description                                                            |
+|requestId          |Y        |1          |String |A unique Id for an ONAP transaction.                                   |
+|transactionId      |Y        |1          |String |A unique ID to track multiple requests associated with a transaction.  |
+|statusMessage      |N        |1          |String |Reasoning if a requestStatus is failed.                                |
+|requestStatus      |Y        |1          |String |The status of a request.                                               |
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+SO - Architecture
+.. image:: ../images/SO_Architecture_1.png
+SO Sub-Components
+**API Handler**
+  RESTful interface to northbound clients
+	* Handle service-level and infrastructure (VNF & network) requests
+  Service-agnostic APIs
+    * “Service Instantiation API”
+  Model-driven recipe selection
+    * Use SO Catalog to map input requests to BPMN flows
+    * Dynamic lookup based on service-model + action
+    * Input data forwarded to BPMN flow
+  Track open and completed requests via SO Request DB
+  Multiple API-H modules may support different APIs
+**BPMN Execution Engine**
+  Open-source Camunda platform
+    * Support BPMN 2.0 service recipes
+  Expose RESTful interface to API-H (unique path per recipe)
+  Make use of common “building block” sub-flows
+  Sequence orchestration steps for each Resource in the recipe
+    * Request and configure network resources via SDN-C
+    * Manage cloud resources via PO (OpenStack)
+    * Update inventory via A&AI
+  Perform error handling/rollback
+**Resource Adapters**
+  Interfaces to lower level controllers and other ONAP components
+   * Platform Orchestrator, SDN-Controller, APP-Controller, VFC-Controllers
+   * Hides the details of complex interfaces (e.g. OpenStack APIs)
+   * Expose interfaces to BPMN flows as SOAP or REST APIs
+   * Support synchronous and asynchronous operations
+  Provided as part of SO platform for use by all BPMN flows
+  Use SO Catalog to map resource requests to a recipe/template
+  Data-driven design
+   * Catalog templates may be updated via self-service (outside of release cycles)
+   * Merge input parameters with templates at run-time
+**Data Stores**
+  Request DB
+   * Tracks open and completed requests
+  SO Catalog
+   * SO view of the SDC Catalog
+      * service and resource models, recipes, and templates
+   * Populated via SDC distribution service from TOSCA models
+  Camunda DB
+   * Maintain state for BPMN flows
+   * Supports multiple active engines
+**SDC Distribution Client**
+  Receive updated service models from SDC
+   * Event-bus notifications when new models available
+   * HTTP retrieval of models (TOSCA) and artifacts (Heat)
+  Receive distributions as TOSCA models
+  Populate SO Catalog
+  Support self-service updates to models and artifacts
+Third Party and Open Source
+**BPMN Engine**
+  Camunda (open source)
+**Other Open Source Components of Note:**
+  JBOSS EAP/Wildfly
+  MySQL/MariaDB
+  Openstack Java SDK (“woorea”)