Correct the incorrect in Main

Issue-ID: SO-1259

Change-Id: I194c8001534a0407e8f344fc498c6bac88d70b02
Signed-off-by: seshukm <>
diff --git a/docs/api/offered_consumed_apis.rst b/docs/api/offered_consumed_apis.rst
index 0cf7e0f..4521604 100644
--- a/docs/api/offered_consumed_apis.rst
+++ b/docs/api/offered_consumed_apis.rst
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 SO Offered and Consumed APIs
-The list of APIs that SO offerers could be find in the following table:
+The list of APIs that SO offers can be found in following table:
 .. |yml-icon| image:: swagger/images/yaml.png
               :width: 40px
@@ -22,3 +22,13 @@
    "swagger json file", "html doc", "yaml doc"
    ":download:`link <swagger/swagger.json>`", ":download:`link <swagger/swagger.html>`", ":download:`link <swagger/swagger.yaml>`"
+The list of APIs that SO offerers for monitroing the BPMN flows could be found in the following table:   
+.. csv-table::
+   :header: "|Swagger-icon|", "|yml-icon|"
+   :widths: 60,60
+   "swagger json file", "yaml doc"
+   ":download:`link <swagger/SO_MONITORING_SWAGGER.json>`", ":download:`link <swagger/SO_MONITORING_SWAGGER.yaml>`"
\ No newline at end of file