Merge "Update release notes with known issue."
diff --git a/docs/SO_R1_Interface.rst b/docs/SO_R1_Interface.rst
index bd65408..561a087 100644
--- a/docs/SO_R1_Interface.rst
+++ b/docs/SO_R1_Interface.rst
@@ -1771,33 +1771,65 @@
 |Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
-|modelName                     |String           |Service instance name.              |
+|name                          |String           |Service instance name.              |
 |description                   |String           |Service instance description        |
-|modelUUID                     |String           |Model UUID                          |
+|serviceUuid                   |String           |Model UUID                          |
-|modelInvariantUUID            |String           |Model Invariant UUID                |
+|serviceInvariantUuid          |String           |Model Invariant UUID                |
-|created                       |Timestamp        |Cretaed Timestamp                   |
-|toscaCsarArtifactUUID         |String           |tosca Csar Artifact UUID            |
-|modelVersion                  |String           |Model Version                       |
-|category                      |String           |category                            |
+|gloabalSubscriberId           |String           |Customer Id                         |
 |serviceType                   |String           |service Type                        |
-|serviceRole                   |String           |service Role                        |
+|parameters                    |Object           |Parameter Object                    |
-|environmentContext            |String           |environment Context                 |
+Parameter Object
-|workloadContext               |String           |workload Context                    |
+|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
+|locationConstraints           |List of object   |location infor for each vnf         |
-|recipes                       |Object           |recipes                             |
+|resource                      |List of Resource |resource of service/resource        |
-|serviceResourceCustomizations |Object           |serviceResourceCustomizations       |
+|requestInputs                 |key-value map    |input of service/resource
+LocationConstraint Object
+|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
+|vnfProfileId                  |String           |Customization id for VNF            |
+|locationConstraints           |Object           |DC location info of VNF             |
+VnfLocationConstraint Object
+|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
+|vimId                         |String           |VIM id from ESR definition          |
+Resource Object
+|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
+|resourceName                  |String           |The resource name                   |
+|resourceInvariantUuid         |String           |The resource invariant UUID.        |
+|resourceUuid                  |String           |The resource UUID.                  |
+|resourceCustomizationUuid     |String           |The resource customization UUID.    |
+|parameters                    |Object           |Parameter of resource               |