Fix the structure in the doc for bpmn
Issue-ID: SO-675
Change-Id: I2dc7bc2f77b191a60206678a6fe25bd2ef81f83c
Signed-off-by: seshukm <>
diff --git a/docs/Configure_git_and_gerrit.rst b/docs/Configure_git_and_gerrit.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c4598fa..0000000
--- a/docs/Configure_git_and_gerrit.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-Configure git and gerrit
-The recommended version of git is 2.7.4 or later. Check the installed version in the Ubuntu VM:
-.. code-block:: bash
- git --version
-Create an SSH key to user with gerrit. Use no passphrase.
-.. code-block:: bash
- ssh-keygen -t rsa
-Enter your SSH public key (id_rsa) into gerrit:
-- Browse to
-- Log in
-- Open the menu next to your name (under the green search button)
-.. image:: images/Configure_git_1.png
-- Select "Settings"
-- In the "Settings" sidebar, click "SSH Public Keys"`
-- Click "Add Key..."
-- Paste the entire contents of $HOME/.ssh/ into the text area and click "Add".
-.. image:: images/Configure_git_2.png
-Install the git-review package.
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install git-review
-Create $HOME/.gitconfig (replace highlighted values with your own information):
- [user]
- name = FirstName LastName
- email =
- [core]
- autocrlf = false
- [merge]
- tool = vimdiff
- [gitreview]
- username = YourLinuxFoundationId
-**If you're behind a corporate firewall and your proxy server has SOCKS support...**
-You may be able to use the SSH protocol with git, which is preferred versus HTTP. This method is known to work in the AT&T corporate network.
-Install the socat package, which allows you to tunnel SSH connections through a proxy that supports SOCKS:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install socat
-Create (or append to) $HOME/.ssh/config (replace highlighted values with your information)
- Host
- User userid
- Hostname
- ProxyCommand socat - PROXY:host:%h:%p,proxyport=port
- IdentityFile /home/userid/.ssh/id_rsa
- ServerAliveInterval 10
-Verify that you have connectivity to gerrit through the proxy. Answer "yes" to continue connecting, if prompted.
-.. code-block:: bash
- ssh -p 29418
-.. image:: images/Configure_git_3.png
diff --git a/docs/Install_Configure_SO.rst b/docs/Install_Configure_SO.rst
index eb33b38..29b5e9f 100644
--- a/docs/Install_Configure_SO.rst
+++ b/docs/Install_Configure_SO.rst
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
Guest Port: 22
-.. image:: images/Configure_ubuntu_SO_1.png
+.. image:: ../images/Configure_ubuntu_SO_1.png
-.. image:: images/Configure_ubuntu_SO_2.png
+.. image:: ../images/Configure_ubuntu_SO_2.png
Create Shared Folder
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
cd /media/cdrom
sudo ./
-.. image:: images/Configure_ubuntu_SO_9.png
+.. image:: ../images/Configure_ubuntu_SO_9.png
Add yourself to the vboxsf user group (replace "userid" with your user ID):
diff --git a/docs/Install_Docker.rst b/docs/Install_Docker.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a76a4..0000000
--- a/docs/Install_Docker.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. Copyright 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-Install Docker
-Make sure curl is installed on the Ubuntu VM:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install curl
-If you are behind a corporate firewall (replace "proxyhost:port" with your actual proxy information)
- https_proxy="https://*proxyhost:port*" curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
- curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
-Expected Response:
- OK
-Add the docker package repository:
- sudo apt-add-repository "deb ubuntu-xenial main"
-Install packages:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt-cache policy docker-engine
- sudo apt install docker-engine
- sudo apt install docker-compose
-If you are behind a corporate firewall, you will need to configure proxy settings for docker so that images may be obtained from internet repositories. In the commands shown here, replace *"proxyhost:port"*, *""*, and *""* with appropriate values.
- Make the docker configuration directory:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
- Edit (create) this file:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
- Add these lines:
- [Service]
- Environment="HTTP_PROXY=https://*proxyhost:port*"
- Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=https://*proxyhost:port*"
- Environment="NO_PROXY=localhost,,,"
- Restart docker:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- sudo systemctl restart docker
-Add yourself to the docker user group (replace "userid" with your user ID):
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo usermod -a -G docker *userid*
-Log out and log back in so that the user group change will takeeffect.
-Verify that you can connect to docker as yourself (i.e. not as root):
-.. code-block:: bash
- docker ps
-Verify that you can download and run the hello-world container
-.. code-block:: bash
- docker run hello-world
-.. image:: images/Docker_install_1.png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/SO_Interface.rst b/docs/SO_Interface.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index b7ab7be..0000000
--- a/docs/SO_Interface.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4479 +0,0 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. Copyright 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-SO Interfaces
-.. image:: images/SO_1.png
-North Bound APIs
-Create service instance
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6 |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestDetails |M |1 |requestDetails Object |Content of requestDetails object. |
-RequestDetails Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|modelInfo |modelInfo Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|subscriberInfo |subscriberInfo Object |Content of subscriberInfo object. |
-|requestInfo |requestInfo Object |Content of requestInfo object. |
-|requestParameters |requestParameters Object |Content of requestParameters object. |
-|relatedInstanceList|relatedInstanceList Object|Content of relatedInstanceList object. |
-|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object |Content of cloudConfiguration object. |
-|project |project Object |Content of project object. |
-|owningEntity |owningEntity Object |Content of owningEntity object. |
-|platform |platform Object |Content of platform object. |
-|lineOfBusiness |lineOfBusiness Object |Content of lineOfBusiness object. |
-ModelInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|ModelType |String |Type of model |
-|ModelInvariantId |String |The Model Invariant Id. |
-|ModelNameVersionId |String |The modelname Version Id |
-|ModelName |String |Name of the Model |
-|ModelVersion |String |Version of the model |
-|ModelCustomization Name |String |The Model Customization name |
-|modelCustomizationUuid |String |The Model Customization UUid |
-|modelVersionId |String |The Model version id |
-|modelUuid |String |The Model UUid |
-|modelInvariantUuid |String |The Model Invariant UUid |
-|modelInstanceName |String |The Model Instance name |
-SubscriberInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|GlobalSubscriberId |String |Global customer Id (in A&AI) |
-|SubscriberName |String |Name of the Subscriber |
-RequestInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|Source |String |source of the request |
-|billingAccountNumber |String |billingAccountNumber of the request |
-|callbackUrl |String |callbackUrl of the request |
-|correlator |String |correlator of the request |
-|orderNumber |String |orderNumber of the request |
-|productFamilyId |String |productFamilyId of the request |
-|orderVersion |String |orderVersion of the request |
-|instanceName |String |instanceName of the request |
-|suppressRollback |String |suppressRollback of the request |
-|requestorId |String |requestorId of the request |
-RequestParameters Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|SubscriptionServiceType |String |The service type of the Subscription |
-|UserParams |Array |The product family Id. |
-|aLaCarte |Boolean | aLaCarte |
-|autoBuildVfModules |Boolean |autoBuildVfModules |
-|cascadeDelete |Boolean |cascadeDelete |
-|usePreload |Boolean |usePreload |
-|rebuildVolumeGroups |Boolean |rebuildVolumeGroups |
-|payload |String |payload |
-|controllerType |String |controllerType |
-UserParams Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|name |String |Tag name of attribute |
-|value |String |Value of the tag |
-CloudConfiguration Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|lcpCloudRegionId |String |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI) |
-|tenantId |String |Name of the Subscriber |
-|aicNodeClli |String |aicNodeClli property |
-Project Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|projectName |String |Name of the project |
-OwningEntity Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|owningEntityId |String |owningEntityId of the owingEntity |
-|owningEntityName |String |owningEntityName of the owingEntity |
-Platform Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|platformName |String |Platform Name |
-LineOfBusiness Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|lineOfBusinessName |String |Line Of Business Name |
-Delete service instance
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestDetails |M |1 |requestDetails Object |Content of requestDetails object. |
-RequestDetails Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|modelInfo |modelInfo Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|requestInfo |requestInfo Object |Content of requestInfo object. |
-ModelInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|ModelType |String |Type of model |
-|ModelInvariantId |String |The Model Invariant Id. |
-|ModelName |String |Name of the Model |
-|ModelVersion |String |Version of the model |
-RequestInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|Source |String |source of the request |
-Create Volume Group
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/volumeGroups |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestDetails |M |1 |requestDetails Object |Content of requestDetails object. |
-RequestDetails Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|modelInfo |modelInfo Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|subscriberInfo |subscriberInfo Object |Content of subscriberInfo object. |
-|requestInfo |requestInfo Object |Content of requestInfo object. |
-|requestParameters |requestParameters Object |Content of requestParameters object. |
-|relatedInstanceList|relatedInstanceList Object|Content of relatedInstanceList object. |
-|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object |Content of cloudConfiguration object. |
-|project |project Object |Content of project object. |
-|owningEntity |owningEntity Object |Content of owningEntity object. |
-|platform |platform Object |Content of platform object. |
-|lineOfBusiness |lineOfBusiness Object |Content of lineOfBusiness object. |
-ModelInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|ModelType |String |Type of model |
-|ModelInvariantId |String |The Model Invariant Id. |
-|ModelNameVersionId |String |The modelname Version Id |
-|ModelName |String |Name of the Model |
-|ModelVersion |String |Version of the model |
-|ModelCustomization Name |String |The Model Customization name |
-|modelCustomizationUuid |String |The Model Customization UUid |
-|modelVersionId |String |The Model version id |
-|modelUuid |String |The Model UUid |
-|modelInvariantUuid |String |The Model Invariant UUid |
-|modelInstanceName |String |The Model Instance name |
-CloudConfiguration Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|lcpCloudRegionId |String |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI) |
-|tenantId |String |Name of the Subscriber |
-|aicNodeClli |String |aicNodeClli property |
-RequestInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|Source |String |source of the request |
-|billingAccountNumber |String |billingAccountNumber of the request |
-|callbackUrl |String |callbackUrl of the request |
-|correlator |String |correlator of the request |
-|orderNumber |String |orderNumber of the request |
-|productFamilyId |String |productFamilyId of the request |
-|orderVersion |String |orderVersion of the request |
-|instanceName |String |instanceName of the request |
-|suppressRollback |String |suppressRollback of the request |
-|requestorId |String |requestorId of the request |
-relatedInstance List
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|relatedInstance |Object |relatedInstance Object |
-relatedInstance List
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|instanceId |String |instanceId |
-|modelInfo |Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-Delete Volume Group
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/volumeGroups/{volume-groupinstance-id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestDetails |M |1 |requestDetails Object |Content of requestDetails object. |
-RequestDetails Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|modelInfo |modelInfo Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object|Content of cloudConfiguration object. |
-|requestInfo |requestInfo Object |Content of requestInfo object. |
-ModelInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|ModelType |String |Type of model |
-|ModelName |String |Name of the Model |
-CloudConfiguration Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|lcpCloudRegionId |String |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI) |
-|tenantId |String |Name of the Subscriber |
-RequestInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|Source |String |source of the request |
-Create VF Module
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestDetails |M |1 |requestDetails Object |Content of requestDetails object. |
-RequestDetails Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|modelInfo |modelInfo Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object|Content of cloudConfiguration object. |
-|requestInfo |requestInfo Object |Content of requestInfo object. |
-|relatedInstanceList |List |Content of relatedInstanceList. |
-ModelInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|ModelType |String |Type of model |
-|ModelInvariantId |String |The Model Invariant Id. |
-|ModelNameVersionId |String |The modelname Version Id |
-|ModelName |String |Name of the Model |
-|ModelVersion |String |Version of the model |
-|ModelCustomization Name |String |The Model Customization name |
-CloudConfiguration Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|lcpCloudRegionId |String |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI) |
-|tenantId |String |Name of the Subscriber |
-RequestInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|InstanceName |String |The instance Name |
-|Source |String |source of the request |
-|SuppressRollback |Boolean |SuppressRollback |
-relatedInstance List
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|relatedInstance |Object |relatedInstance Object |
-relatedInstance List
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|instanceId |String |instanceId |
-|modelInfo |Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|instanceName |String |Name of the instance |
-Delete VF Module
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/{vfmoduleinstance-id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestDetails |M |1 |requestDetails Object |Content of requestDetails object. |
-RequestDetails Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|modelInfo |modelInfo Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object|Content of cloudConfiguration object. |
-|requestInfo |requestInfo Object |Content of requestInfo object. |
-ModelInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|ModelType |String |Type of model |
-|ModelInvariantId |String |The Model Invariant Id. |
-|ModelNameVersionId |String |The modelname Version Id |
-|ModelName |String |Name of the Model |
-|ModelVersion |String |Version of the model |
-|ModelCustomization Name |String |The Model Customization name |
-CloudConfiguration Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|lcpCloudRegionId |String |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI) |
-|tenantId |String |Name of the Subscriber |
-RequestInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|Source |String |source of the request |
-Create VNF
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestDetails |M |1 |requestDetails Object |Content of requestDetails object. |
-RequestDetails Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|modelInfo |modelInfo Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|subscriberInfo |subscriberInfo Object |Content of subscriberInfo object. |
-|requestInfo |requestInfo Object |Content of requestInfo object. |
-|requestParameters |requestParameters Object |Content of requestParameters object. |
-|relatedInstanceList|relatedInstanceList Object|Content of relatedInstanceList object. |
-|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object |Content of cloudConfiguration object. |
-|project |project Object |Content of project object. |
-|owningEntity |owningEntity Object |Content of owningEntity object. |
-|platform |platform Object |Content of platform object. |
-|lineOfBusiness |lineOfBusiness Object |Content of lineOfBusiness object. |
-ModelInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|ModelType |String |Type of model |
-|ModelInvariantId |String |The Model Invariant Id. |
-|ModelNameVersionId |String |The modelname Version Id |
-|ModelName |String |Name of the Model |
-|ModelVersion |String |Version of the model |
-|ModelCustomization Name |String |The Model Customization name |
-|modelCustomizationUuid |String |The Model Customization UUid |
-|modelVersionId |String |The Model version id |
-|modelUuid |String |The Model UUid |
-|modelInvariantUuid |String |The Model Invariant UUid |
-|modelInstanceName |String |The Model Instance name |
-CloudConfiguration Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|lcpCloudRegionId |String |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI) |
-|tenantId |String |Name of the Subscriber |
-RequestInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|Source |String |source of the request |
-|billingAccountNumber |String |billingAccountNumber of the request |
-|callbackUrl |String |callbackUrl of the request |
-|correlator |String |correlator of the request |
-|orderNumber |String |orderNumber of the request |
-|productFamilyId |String |productFamilyId of the request |
-|orderVersion |String |orderVersion of the request |
-|instanceName |String |instanceName of the request |
-|suppressRollback |String |suppressRollback of the request |
-|requestorId |String |requestorId of the request |
-relatedInstance List
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|relatedInstance |Object |relatedInstance Object |
-relatedInstance List
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|instanceId |String |instanceId |
-|modelInfo |Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-RequestParameters Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|UserParams |Array |The product family Id. |
-UserParams Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|name |String |Tag name of attribute |
-|value |String |Value of the tag |
-Delete VNF
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/serviceInstances/v6/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestDetails |M |1 |requestDetails Object |Content of requestDetails object. |
-RequestDetails Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|modelInfo |modelInfo Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object|Content of cloudConfiguration object. |
-|requestInfo |requestInfo Object |Content of requestInfo object. |
-|requestParameters |requestParameters Object |Content of requestParameters object. |
-ModelInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|ModelType |String |Type of model |
-|ModelName |String |Name of the Model |
-CloudConfiguration Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|lcpCloudRegionId |String |CloudRegion Id (in A&AI) |
-|tenantId |String |Name of the Subscriber |
-RequestInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|Source |String |source of the request |
-RequestParameters Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|UserParams |Array |The product family Id. |
-UserParams Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|name |String |Tag name of attribute |
-|value |String |Value of the tag |
-GET Orchestration Request
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/orchestrationRequests/v6/{request-id} |
-|Operation Type |GET |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Response Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|request |M |1 |request Object |Content of request object. |
-Request Object
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestId |M |1 |String |Request Id |
-|startTime |M |1 |request Object |Start time. |
-|requestScope |M |1 |request Object |Scope of the request. |
-|requestType |M |1 |request Object |Type of the request. |
-|requestDetails |M |1 |requestDetails Object |Type of the request. |
-|requestStatus |M |1 |requestStatus Object |Type of the request. |
-RequestDetails Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|modelInfo |modelInfo Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|subscriberInfo |subscriberInfo Object |Content of subscriberInfo object. |
-|requestInfo |requestInfo Object |Content of requestInfo object. |
-|requestParameters |requestParameters Object |Content of requestParameters object. |
-|relatedInstanceList|relatedInstanceList Object|Content of relatedInstanceList object. |
-|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object |Content of cloudConfiguration object. |
-|project |project Object |Content of project object. |
-|owningEntity |owningEntity Object |Content of owningEntity object. |
-|platform |platform Object |Content of platform object. |
-|lineOfBusiness |lineOfBusiness Object |Content of lineOfBusiness object. |
-ModelInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|ModelType |String |Type of model |
-|ModelInvariantId |String |The Model Invariant Id. |
-|ModelNameVersionId |String |The modelname Version Id |
-|ModelName |String |Name of the Model |
-|ModelVersion |String |Version of the model |
-|ModelCustomization Name |String |The Model Customization name |
-|modelCustomizationUuid |String |The Model Customization UUid |
-|modelVersionId |String |The Model version id |
-|modelUuid |String |The Model UUid |
-|modelInvariantUuid |String |The Model Invariant UUid |
-|modelInstanceName |String |The Model Instance name |
-SubscriberInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|GlobalSubscriberId |String |Global customer Id (in A&AI) |
-|SubscriberName |String |Name of the Subscriber |
-RequestInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|Source |String |source of the request |
-|billingAccountNumber |String |billingAccountNumber of the request |
-|callbackUrl |String |callbackUrl of the request |
-|correlator |String |correlator of the request |
-|orderNumber |String |orderNumber of the request |
-|productFamilyId |String |productFamilyId of the request |
-|orderVersion |String |orderVersion of the request |
-|instanceName |String |instanceName of the request |
-|suppressRollback |String |suppressRollback of the request |
-|requestorId |String |requestorId of the request |
-RequestParameters Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|SubscriptionServiceType |String |The service type of the Subscription |
-RequestStatus Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|finishTime |String |Time |
-|requestState |String |state of the request |
-|statusMessage |String |statusMessage |
-|percentProgress |String |percentage of progress |
-GET Orchestration Requests
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/orchestrationRequests/v6 |
-|Operation Type |GET |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Response Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestList |M |1 |Array |Content of request List. |
-RequestList :
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|request |M |1 |request Object |Content of request object. |
-Request Object
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|requestId |M |1 |String |Request Id. |
-|startTime |M |1 |request Object |Start time. |
-|requestScope |M |1 |request Object |Scope of the request. |
-|requestType |M |1 |request Object |Type of the request. |
-|requestDetails |M |1 |requestDetails Object |Type of the request. |
-|requestStatus |M |1 |requestStatus Object |Type of the request. |
-RequestDetails Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|modelInfo |modelInfo Object |Content of modelInfo object. |
-|subscriberInfo |subscriberInfo Object |Content of subscriberInfo object. |
-|requestInfo |requestInfo Object |Content of requestInfo object. |
-|requestParameters |requestParameters Object |Content of requestParameters object. |
-|relatedInstanceList|relatedInstanceList Object|Content of relatedInstanceList object. |
-|cloudConfiguration |cloudConfiguration Object |Content of cloudConfiguration object. |
-|project |project Object |Content of project object. |
-|owningEntity |owningEntity Object |Content of owningEntity object. |
-|platform |platform Object |Content of platform object. |
-|lineOfBusiness |lineOfBusiness Object |Content of lineOfBusiness object. |
-ModelInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|ModelType |String |Type of model |
-|ModelInvariantId |String |The Model Invariant Id. |
-|ModelNameVersionId |String |The modelname Version Id |
-|ModelName |String |Name of the Model |
-|ModelVersion |String |Version of the model |
-|ModelCustomization Name |String |The Model Customization name |
-|modelCustomizationUuid |String |The Model Customization UUid |
-|modelVersionId |String |The Model version id |
-|modelUuid |String |The Model UUid |
-|modelInvariantUuid |String |The Model Invariant UUid |
-|modelInstanceName |String |The Model Instance name |
-SubscriberInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|GlobalSubscriberId |String |Global customer Id (in A&AI) |
-|SubscriberName |String |Name of the Subscriber |
-RequestInfo Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|Source |String |source of the request |
-|billingAccountNumber |String |billingAccountNumber of the request |
-|callbackUrl |String |callbackUrl of the request |
-|correlator |String |correlator of the request |
-|orderNumber |String |orderNumber of the request |
-|productFamilyId |String |productFamilyId of the request |
-|orderVersion |String |orderVersion of the request |
-|instanceName |String |instanceName of the request |
-|suppressRollback |String |suppressRollback of the request |
-|requestorId |String |requestorId of the request |
-RequestParameters Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|SubscriptionServiceType |String |The service type of the Subscription |
-RequestStatus Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|finishTime |String |Time |
-|requestState |String |state of the request |
-|statusMessage |String |statusMessage |
-|percentProgress |String |percentage of progress |
-Get List of Existing Catalog Assets
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}|
-|Operation Type |GET |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|assetType |M |1 |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services.|
-|service-type |M |1 |String |Service Type |
-|service-instance-id|M |1 |String |Service Instance ID |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
-|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y |Instance ID |
-|Accept |N |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are : “application/json”|
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|uuid |M |1 |String |Global Asset Version Identifier: UUID generated by SDC per each version of the asset. |
-|invariantUUID |M |1 |String |UUID generated by SDC per each asset. |
-|name |M |1 |String |The name of the asset |
-|version |M |1 |String |The asset version in SDC catalog. |
-|toscaModelURL |M |1 |String |Relative asset’s URL. Should be used in REST GET API to download the asset’s CSAR. |
-|category |M |1 |String |Category of the asset. |
-|subcategory |M |1 |String |Sub-category of the asset |
-|resourceType |M |1 |String |The type of resource.resource types are VF, VL, CP, VFC, VFCMT, PNF. |
-|lifecycleState |M |1 |String |The lifecycle state of the asset |
-|lastUpdaterUserId |M |1 |String |UserID of the SDC designer who was the last to update the asset for this major version|
-Get Specific Asset Detailed Metadata
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/metadata|
-|Operation Type |GET |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|assetType |M |1 |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services. |
-|uuid |M |1 |String |Global Asset Version Identifier: UUID generated by SDC per each version of the asset.|
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
-|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y |Instance ID |
-|Accept |N |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are : “application/json”|
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Content|Description |
-|uuid |M |String |Global Asset Version Identifier: UUID generated by SDC per each version of the asset. |
-|invariantUUID |M |String |UUID generated by SDC per each asset. |
-|name |M |String |The name of the asset |
-|version |M |String |The asset version in SDC catalog. |
-|toscaModelURL |M |String |Relative asset’s URL. Should be used in REST GET API to download the asset’s CSAR. |
-|description |M |String |Short description of the resource |
-|lastUpdaterUserId |M |String |UserID of the SDC designer who was the last to update the asset for this major version|
-|lastUpdaterFullName |M |String |UserID of the SDC designer who was the last to update the asset for this major version|
-|category |M |String |Category of the asset |
-|subCategory |M |String |Sub-category of the asset. |
-|toscaResourceName |M |String |The full name of the asset |
-|resourceType |M |String |The type of resource. |
-|lifecycleState |M |String |The lifecycle state of the asset |
-|resources |N |Object |Category of the asset |
-|artifacts |M |Object |Category of the asset |
-Resource Object:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Content|Description | |
-|resourceInstanceName |M |String |Logical Resource Instance Name.Unique Identifier of the instance of the specific resource in the service context.|
-|resourceName |M |String |Resource Name |
-|resourceInvariantUUID|M |String |The invariant UUID of the resource |
-|resourceVersion |M |String |Resource Version |
-|resoucreType |M |String |Resource Type |
-|resourceUUID |M |String |Global UUID of the resource that specific artifact belongs to |
-|artifacts |M |Object |Array of resource instance deployment artifacts. |
-Artifact Metadata Object:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Content |Description |
-|artifactName |M |String |Artifact File name |
-|artifactLabel |M |String |Identifier of the artifact within the VF / Service. |
-|artifactType |M |String |Artifact Type |
-|artifactGroupType |M |String |Whether the artifact is informational or deployment. |
-|artifactURL |M |String |Relative artifact’s URL. |
-|artifactDescription |M |String |Artifact Description |
-|artifactTimeout |N |Integer |Artifact Description |
-|artifactChecksum |M |String |Base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of the artifact’s payload. |
-|artifactUUID |M |String |Global UUID generated by SDC each time when artifact payload is updated. |
-|artifactVersion |M |String |Service Version |
-|generatedFromUUID |N |String |This attribute will be sent only in the case of an artifact generated on basis of other artifact |
-Download (CSAR of) Specific Asset
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/artifacts/{artifactUUID}|
-|Operation Type |GET |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|assetType |M |1 |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services. |
-|Uuid |M |1 |String |The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata |
-|artifactUUID |M |1 |String |The artifactUUID of the asset as published in the metadata |
-|Header name |Qualifier|Description |
-|Content-Type |M |Specifies the downloaded payload format as “ arbitrary data in binary format” .Valid value is : application/octet-stream |
-|Content-Length |M |Streamed artifact payload size |
-|Content-Disposition |M |Specifies the name of file to store the downloaded artifact’s payload ( RFC 2183) . |
-Upload Artifact
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{resourceInstanceNormalizedName}/artifacts|
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|assetType |M |1 |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services. |
-|Uuid |M |1 |String |The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata |
-|resourceInstanceNormalizedName|M |1 |String |Normalized name of resource |
-Request Body
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|payloadData |M |1 |String |The data of the artifact after Base64 encoding |
-|artifactLabel |M |1 |String |Identifier of the artifact within the VF / Service. |
-|artifactName |M |1 |String |The name of the artifact |
-|artifactType |M |1 |String |The type of the artifact |
-|artifactGroupType |M |1 |String |Whether the artifact is informational or deployment. |
-|description |M |1 |String |Description of the artifact |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
-|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y |Instance ID |
-|Accept |N |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are : “application/json”|
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-|USER_ID |Y |The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC |
-|Content-Type |Y |Valid value is : application/json |
-|Content-MD5 |Y |The value for this header must be the MD5 checksum over the whole json body |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Content|Description |
-|artifactName |M |String |Artifact File name |
-|artifactType |M |String |Artifact Type |
-|artifactURL |M |String |Relative artifact’s URL. |
-|artifactDescription |M |String |Artifact Description. |
-|artifactTimeout |N |String |Will be populated only if its value is not 0. |
-|artifactChecksum |Y |String |Base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of the artifact’s payload. |
-|artifactUUID |Y |String |Global UUID generated by SDC each time when artifact payload is updated. |
-|artifactVersion |Y |String |Service Version . |
-|generatedFromUUID |N |String |This attribute will be sent only in the case of an artifact generated on basis of other artifact |
-Update Artifact
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{resourceInstanceNormalizedName}/artifacts/{artifactUUID}|
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|assetType |M |1 |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services. |
-|Uuid |M |1 |String |The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata |
-|artifactUUID |M |1 |String |The uuid of the artifact as published in the response of the upload/update operation |
-|resourceInstanceNormalizedName|M |1 |String |Normalized name of resource |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
-|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y |Instance ID |
-|Accept |N |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are : “application/json”|
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-|USER_ID |Y |The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC |
-|Content-Type |Y |Valid value is : application/json |
-|Content-MD5 |Y |The value for this header must be the MD5 checksum over the whole json body |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|payloadData |M |1 |String |The data of the artifact after Base64 encoding |
-|artifactLabel |M |1 |String |Identifier of the artifact within the VF / Service. |
-|artifactName |M |1 |String |The name of the artifact |
-|artifactType |M |1 |String |The type of the artifact |
-|artifactGroupType |M |1 |String |Whether the artifact is informational or deployment. |
-|description |M |1 |String |Description of the artifact |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Content|Description |
-|artifactName |M |String |Artifact File name |
-|artifactType |M |String |Artifact Type |
-|artifactURL |M |String |Relative artifact’s URL. |
-|artifactDescription |M |String |Artifact Description. |
-|artifactTimeout |N |String |Will be populated only if its value is not 0. |
-|artifactChecksum |Y |String |Base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of the artifact’s payload. |
-|artifactUUID |Y |String |Global UUID generated by SDC each time when artifact payload is updated. |
-|artifactVersion |Y |String |Service Version . |
-|generatedFromUUID |N |String |This attribute will be sent only in the case of an artifact generated on basis of other artifact |
-Delete Artifact
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{resourceInstanceNormalizedName}/artifacts/{artifactUUID}|
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|assetType |M |1 |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services. |
-|Uuid |M |1 |String |The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata |
-|artifactUUID |M |1 |String |The uuid of the artifact as published in the response of the upload/update operation |
-|resourceInstanceNormalizedName|M |1 |String |Normalized name of resource |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
-|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y |Instance ID |
-|Accept |N |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are : “application/json”|
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-|USER_ID |Y |The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Content|Description |
-|artifactUUID |Y |String |Global UUID generated by SDC each time when artifact payload is updated. |
-Update Lifecycle
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/lifecycleState/{lifecycleOperation} |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|assetType |M |1 |String |The requested asset type.valid values are resources/services. |
-|Uuid |M |1 |String |The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata |
-|lifecycleOperation |M |1 |String |The lifecycle operation to be performed on the asset.Valid values are: Checkin / Checkout / Certify |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
-|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y |Instance ID |
-|Accept |N |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are : “application/json”|
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-|USER_ID |Y |The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Description |
-|userRemarks |N |Short description (free text) about the asset version being changed |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Content|Description |
-|uuid |Y |String |UUID generated by SDC per each major version of the asset |
-|invariantUUID |Y |String |UUID generated by SDC per each asset. This UUID stays constant for all the asset’s versions |
-|name |Y |String |The name of the asset. |
-|version |Y |String |The asset version in SDC catalog |
-|category |Y |String |Category of the asset. |
-|subcategory |Y |String |Sub-category of the asset. |
-|resourceType |Y |String |The type of resource. |
-|lifecycleState |Y |String |The lifecycle state of the asset. |
-|lastUpdaterUserId |Y |String |User ID of the SDC designer who was the last to update the asset for this major version. |
-Create Resource
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/sdc/v1/catalog/resources |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |request ID.If it is not sent it will be automatically generated by SDC on request receipt|
-|X-ECOMP-InstanceID |Y |Instance ID |
-|Accept |N |Determines the format of the body of the response. Valid values are : “application/json”|
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-|USER_ID |Y |The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC |
-|Content-Type |Y |Valid value is : application/json |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Description |
-|name |Y |The name of the resource |
-|description |Y |Short description of the resource |
-|resourceType |Y |“VFCMT” / “VF” / “PNF” |
-|category |Y |VFCMT category is “Template”. |
-|subcategory |Y |VFCMT subcategory is “Monitoring Template”. |
-|vendorName |Y |Vendor Name |
-|vendorRelease |Y |Vendor Release |
-|tags |Y |The tags are used for search options. |
-|icon |Y |The icon should be pre-defined in SDC. |
-|contactId |Y |The user ID of user responsible for this VFCMT. |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Content|Description |
-|uuid |Y |String |UUID generated by SDC per each major version of the asset |
-|invariantUUID |Y |String |UUID generated by SDC per each asset. This UUID stays constant for all the asset’s versions |
-|name |Y |String |The name of the asset. |
-|version |Y |String |The asset version in SDC catalog |
-|category |Y |String |Category of the asset. |
-|subcategory |Y |String |Sub-category of the asset. |
-|resourceType |Y |String |The type of resource. |
-|lifecycleState |Y |String |The lifecycle state of the asset. |
-|lastUpdaterUserId |Y |String |User ID of the SDC designer who was the last to update the asset for this major version. |
-Create E2E service instance
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/e2eServiceInstances/v3 |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|service |M |1 |Service Object |Content of service object. |
-Service Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|name |String |Service instance name. |
-|description |String |Service instance description |
-|serviceUuid |String |Model UUID |
-|serviceInvariantUuid |String |Model Invariant UUID |
-|gloabalSubscriberId |String |Customer Id |
-|serviceType |String |service Type |
-|parameters |Object |Parameter Object |
-Parameter Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|locationConstraints |List of object |location infor for each vnf |
-|resource |List of Resource |resource of service/resource |
-|requestInputs |key-value map |input of service/resource
-LocationConstraint Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|vnfProfileId |String |Customization id for VNF |
-|locationConstraints |Object |DC location info of VNF |
-VnfLocationConstraint Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|vimId |String |VIM id from ESR definition |
-Resource Object
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|resourceName |String |The resource name |
-|resourceInvariantUuid |String |The resource invariant UUID. |
-|resourceUuid |String |The resource UUID. |
-|resourceCustomizationUuid |String |The resource customization UUID. |
-|parameters |Object |Parameter of resource |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|serviceId |M |1 |String |Service instance ID. |
-|operationId |M |1 |String |Service Operation ID. |
-Delete E2E service instance
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/e2eServiceInstances/v3/{serviceId}|
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|globalSubscriberId |M |1 |String |The subscriber id. It is defined in AAI |
-|serviceType |M |1 |String |The service type. It is defined in AAI |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|operationId |M |1 |String |The operation id. |
-Query E2E service operation result
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{serverRoot}/e2eServiceInstances/v3/{serviceId}/operations/{operationId}|
-|Operation Type |GET |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|serviceId |M |1 |Service instance ID. |
-|operationId |M |1 |Service Operation ID. |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|operation |M |1 |String |Operation object identify. |
-|operationId |M |1 |String |Operation ID. |
-|operation |M |1 |String |Operation type, create|delete. |
-|result |M |1 |String |Operation result: finished, error, processing. |
-|reason |M |1 |String |If failing, need to write fail reason. |
-|userId |M |1 |String |Operation user ID. |
-|operationContent |M |1 |String |The status detail of current operation which is being executing. |
-|progress |M |1 |String |Current operation progress. |
-|operateAt |M |1 |String |Time that it starts to execute operation. |
-|finishedAt |M |1 |String |Time that it finished executing operation. |
-Inventory APIs
-create or update an existing service-instance
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances/service-instance/{service-instance-id}|
-|Operation Type |PUT |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|global-customer-id |M |1 |String |Global Customer ID |
-|service-type |M |1 |String |Service Type |
-|service-instance-id|M |1 |String |Service Instance ID |
-|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|HTTP code|M |1 |Integer|HTTP response code |
-delete an existing service-instance
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances/service-instance/{service-instance-id}|
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|global-customer-id |M |1 |String |Global Customer ID |
-|service-type |M |1 |String |Service Type |
-|service-instance-id|M |1 |String |Service Instance ID |
-|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|HTTP code|M |1 |Integer|HTTP response code |
-get service-instances
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances|
-|Operation Type |GET |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|global-customer-id |M |1 |String |Global Customer ID |
-|service-type |M |1 |String |Service Type |
-|subscriber-name |O |1 |String |Subscriber name |
-|subscriber-type |O |1 |String |Subscriber type |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|service-instances|M |1 |ServiceInstances|Service Instances |
-get service-instance
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances/service-instance/{service-instance-id}|
-|Operation Type |GET |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|global-customer-id |M |1 |String |Global Customer ID |
-|service-type |M |1 |String |Service Type |
-|service-instance-id|M |1 |String |Service instance ID |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|service-instance |M |1 |ServiceInstance |Service Instance |
-see node definition for valid relationships
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances/service-instance/{service-instance-id}/relationship-list/relationship|
-|Operation Type |PUT |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|global-customer-id |M |1 |String |Global Customer ID |
-|service-type |M |1 |String |Service Type |
-|service-instance-id|M |1 |String |Service instance ID |
-|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|HTTP code|M |1 |Integer|HTTP response code |
-delete an existing relationship
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}/service-instances/service-instance/{service-instance-id}/relationship-list/relationship|
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|global-customer-id |M |1 |String |Global Customer ID |
-|service-type |M |1 |String |Service Type |
-|service-instance-id|M |1 |String |Service instance ID |
-|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|HTTP code|M |1 |Integer|HTTP response code |
-Create NS
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/ns |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|context |M |1 |Object |Context |
-|csarId |M |1 |String |csarId |
-|nsName |M |1 |String |Name of the NS |
-|description |M |1 |String |description |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|nsInstanceId |M |1 |String |nsInstanceId |
-Get NS
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/ns |
-|Operation Type |GET |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|nsInstanceId |M |1 |String |nsInstanceId |
-|nsName |M |1 |String |The name of ns |
-|description |M |1 |String |description |
-|nsdId |M |1 |String |ID of ns |
-|vnfInfo |M |1 |Array |Vnf information |
-|vlInfo |M |1 |Array |vl information |
-|vnffgInfo |M |1 |Array |vnffg information |
-|nsState |M |1 |String |state of ns |
-vnfInfo Object:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|vnfInstanceId |M |1 |String |vnfInstanceId |
-|vnfInstanceName |M |1 |String |vnfInstanceName |
-|vnfdId |M |1 |String |vnfdId |
-vlInfo Object:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|vlInstanceId |M |1 |String |vlInstanceId |
-|vlInstanceName |M |1 |String |vlInstanceName |
-|vldId |M |1 |String |vldId |
-|relatedCpInstanceId |M |1 |Array |relatedCpInstanceId|
-relatedCpInstanceId Array:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|cpInstanceId |M |1 |String |cpInstanceId |
-|cpInstanceName |M |1 |String |cpInstanceName |
-|cpdId |M |1 |String |cpdId |
-vnffgInfo Array:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|vnffgInstanceId |M |1 |String |vnffgInstanceId |
-|vnfId |M |1 |String |vnfId |
-|pnfId |M |1 |String |pnfId |
-|virtualLinkId |M |1 |Array |virtualLinkId |
-|cpId |M |1 |Array |cpId |
-|nfp |M |1 |Array |nfp |
-Instantiate NS
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/ns/{nsInstanceId}/Instantiate |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|LocationConstraints |M |1 |Array |LocationConstraints |
-|additionalParamForNs |M |1 |String |additionalParamForNs |
-|nsInstanceId |M |1 |String |nsInstanceId |
-LocationConstraints Array:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|vnfProfileId |M |1 |String |vnfProfileId |
-|vimid |M |1 |String |vimid |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|jobId |M |1 |String |jobId |
-Terminate NS
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/ns/{ns_instance_id}/terminate |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|terminationType |M |1 |String |terminationType |
-|gracefulTerminationTimeout |M |1 |String |gracefulTerminationTimeout |
-|nsInstanceId |M |1 |String |nsInstanceId |
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|jobId |M |1 |String |jobId |
-Delete NS
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/ns/{ns_instance_id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|nsInstanceId |M |1 |String |nsInstanceId |
-Get token
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/identity/v3/auth/tokens |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|nocatalog |O |1 |string |The authentication response excludes the service catalog. By default, the response includes the service catalog. |
-|name |O |1 |string |The user name. Required if you do not specify the ID of the user. If you specify the user name, you must also specify the domain, by ID or name.|
-|auth |M |1 |object |An auth object. |
-|user |M |1 |object |A user object. |
-|scope |O |1 |string |The authorization scope, including either a project or a domain |
-|password |M |1 |object |The password object, contains the authentication information. |
-|id |O |1 |string |The ID of the user. Required if you do not specify the user name. |
-|identity |M |1 |object |An identity object. |
-|methods |M |1 |array |The authentication method. For password authentication, specify password. |
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|X-Subject-Token |String |The authentication token. |
-|domain |object |A domain object, containing: |
-|region_id |String |The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint. |
-|methods |array |The authentication method. For password authentication, specify password. |
-|roles |array |A list of role objects, each containing: |
-|url |String |The endpoint URL. |
-|region |String |The geographic location of the service endpoint. |
-|token |object |A token object. |
-|expires_at |String |The date and time when the token expires. |
-|project |object |A project object, containing: |
-|issued_at |String |The date and time when the token was issued. |
-|catalog |array |A catalog object. |
-|extras |object |A set of metadata key and value pairs, if any. |
-|user |object |A user object. |
-|audit_ids |array |A list of one or two audit IDs. |
-|interface |String |The interface type, which describes the visibility of the endpoint. |
-|endpoints |array |A list of endpoint objects. |
-|type |String |The endpoint type. |
-|id |String |The ID of the user. Required if you do not specify the user name. |
-|name |String |The user name. |
-Create stack
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/heat/v1/{tenant-id}/stacks |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|tenant_id |M |1 |string |The UUID of the tenant. A tenant is also known as a project. |
-|disable_rollback |O |1 |boolean |Enables or disables deletion of all stack resources when stack creation fails. |
-|environment |O |1 |object |A JSON environment for the stack. |
-|files |O |1 |object |Supplies the contents of files referenced in the template or the environment. |
-|parameters |O |1 |object |Supplies arguments for parameters defined in the stack template. |
-|stack_name |M |1 |string |A name for the stack. |
-|tags |O |1 |string |One or more simple string tags to associate with the stack. |
-|template |O |1 |object |The stack template on which to perform the operation. |
-|template_url |O |1 |string |A URI to the location containing the stack template on which to perform the operation. |
-|timeout_mins |O |1 |integer |The timeout for stack creation in minutes. |
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|location |String |For asynchronous resource operations. |
-|X-Openstack-Reqeuest-Id |object |A domain object, containing: |
-|stack |String |The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint. |
-|id |String |The authentication method. For password authentication, specify password. |
-|links |String |The authentication method. For password authentication, specify password. |
-Get stack
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/heat/v1/{tenant-id}/stacks/{stack-name}/{stack-id} |
-|Operation Type |GET |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|tenant_id |M |1 |string |The UUID of the tenant. A tenant is also known as a project. |
-|stack_name |M |1 |string |The name of a stack. |
-|stack_id |M |1 |string |The UUID of the stack. |
-|resolve_outputs |O |1 |boolean |A boolean indicating whether the outputs section of a stack should be resolved. |
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|X-Openstack-Reqeuest-Id |String |A unique ID for tracking service request. |
-|stack |Object |The stack object. |
-|capabilities |array |List of stack capabilities for stack. |
-|creation_time |String |The date and time when the resource was created. |
-|deletion_time |String |The date and time when the resource was (soft-) deleted. |
-|description |String |The description of the stack resource. |
-|disable_rollback |boolean |Whether deletion of all stack resources when stack creation fails is enabled. |
-|id |String |The UUID of the stack. |
-|links |array |A list of URLs for the stack. |
-|notification_topics |array |List of notification topics for stack. |
-|outputs |array |A list of stack outputs. |
-|parameters |object | A group of key-value pairs |
-|parent |String |The stack ID of the parent stack, if this is a nested stack. |
-|stack_name |String |A name for the stack. |
-|stack_owner |String |The owner of the stack. |
-|stack_status |String |The status of the stack. |
-|stack_status_reason |String |The reason for the current status of the stack. |
-|stack_user_project_id |String |The project UUID of the stack user. |
-|tags |array |The stack tags. |
-|template_description |String |The description of the stack template. |
-|timeout_mins |integer |The timeout for stack creation in minutes. |
-|updated_time |String |The date and time when the object was updated. |
-Delete stack
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/heat/v1/{tenant-id}/stacks/{stack-name}/{stack-id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|tenant_id |M |1 |string |The UUID of the tenant. A tenant is also known as a project. |
-|stack_name |M |1 |string |The name of a stack. |
-|stack_id |M |1 |string |The UUID of the stack. |
-Create server
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/nova/v2.37/{tenant_id}/servers |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|server |M |1 |object |A server object. |
-|name |M |1 |string |The server name. |
-|flavorRef |M |1 |string |The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL |
-|imageRef |M |1 |string |The UUID of the image to use for your server instance |
-|security_groups |O |1 |array |One or more security groups. |
-|metadata |O |1 |object |Metadata key and value pairs. |
-|accessIPv4 |O |1 |string |IPv4 address that should be used to access this server. |
-|accessIPv6 |O |1 |string |IPv6 address that should be used to access this server. |
-|adminPass |O |1 |string |The administrative password of the server. |
-|user_data |O |1 |string |Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. |
-|availability_zone |O |1 |string |The availability zone from which to launch the server. |
-|networks |M |1 |object |A networks object. |
-|networks.uuid |O |1 |string |To provision the server instance with a NIC for a network |
-|networks.port |O |1 |string |To provision the server instance with a NIC for an already existing port |
-|networks.fixed_ip |O |1 |string |A fixed IPv4 address for the NIC |
-|networks.tag |O |1 |string |A device role tag that can be applied to a network interface. |
-|personality |O |1 |array |The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. |
-|block_device_mapping_v2 |O |1 |array |Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. |
-|block_device_mapping_v2.device_name |M |1 |string |A path to the device for the volume that you want to use to boot the server. |
-|block_device_mapping_v2.source_type |M |1 |string |The source type of the volume. |
-|block_device_mapping_v2.destination_type |O |1 |string |Defines where the volume comes from. |
-|block_device_mapping_v2.delete_on_termination |O |1 |string |To delete the boot volume when the server is destroyed, specify true. |
-|block_device_mapping_v2.guest_format |M |1 |string |Specifies the guest server disk file system format, such as ephemeral or swap. |
-|block_device_mapping_v2.boot_index |M |1 |string |Defines the order in which a hypervisor tries devices |
-|block_device_mapping_v2.uuid |O |1 |string |This is the uuid of source resource. |
-|block_device_mapping_v2.tag |O |1 |string |A device role tag that can be applied to a block device. |
-|block_device_mapping_v2.disk_bus |O |1 |string |Disk bus type, some hypervisors (currently only libvirt) support specify this parameter |
-|config_drive |O |1 |boolean |Indicates whether a configuration drive enables metadata injection. |
-|key_name |O |1 |string |Key pair name. |
-|os:scheduler_hints |O |1 |object |The dictionary of data to send to the scheduler. |
-|OS-DCF:diskConfig |O |1 |string |Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. |
-|description |O |1 |string |A free form description of the server. |
-|tags |O |1 |array |A list of tags. |
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|Location |String |The location URL of the server. |
-|server |object |A server object. |
-|id |String |The UUID of the server. |
-|links |array |Links to the resources in question. |
-|OS-DCF:diskConfig |String |Disk configuration. |
-|security_groups |array |One or more security groups objects. |
-| |String |The security group name. |
-|adminPass |String |The administrative password for the server. |
-Delete server
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/nova/v2.1/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|server_id |M |1 |string |The UUID of the server. |
-Create Keypair
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/nova/v2.1/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|keypair |M |1 |Object |Keypair object |
-|name |M |1 |string |A name for the keypair which will be used to reference it later. |
-|public_key |O |1 |string |The public ssh key to import. If you omit this value, a keypair is generated for you. |
-|type |O |1 |string |The type of the keypair. |
-|user_id |O |1 |string |The user_id for a keypair. |
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|keypair |object |Keypair object |
-|name |String |A name for the keypair which will be used to reference it later. |
-|public_key |String |The keypair public key. |
-|fingerprint |String |The fingerprint for the keypair. |
-|user_id |String |The user_id for a keypair. |
-|private_key |String |If you do not provide a public key on create |
-|type |String |The type of the keypair. |
-Delete Keypair
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/nova/v2.1/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs/{keypair-id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|keypair_name |M |1 |String |The keypair name. |
-|user_id |O |1 |String |This allows administrative users to operate key-pairs of specified user ID. |
-Create Network
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/networks |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|network |M |1 |Object |A network object. |
-|admin_state_up |O |1 |boolean |The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false). |
-|dns_domain |O |1 |string |A valid DNS domain. |
-|mtu |O |1 |integer |The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. |
-|name |O |1 |string |Human-readable name of the network. |
-|port_security_enabled |O |1 |boolean |The port security status of the network. |
-|project_id |O |1 |string |The ID of the project that owns the resource. |
-|provider:network_type |O |1 |string |The type of physical network that this network should be mapped to. |
-|provider:physical_network |O |1 |string |The physical network where this network should be implemented. |
-|provider:segmentation_id |O |1 |integer |The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. |
-|qos_policy_id |O |1 |string |The ID of the QoS policy. |
-|router:external |O |1 |boolean |Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router. |
-|segments |O |1 |array |A list of provider segment objects. |
-|shared |O |1 |boolean |Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. |
-|tenant_id |O |1 |string |The ID of the project that owns the resource. |
-|vlan_transparent |O |1 |boolean |Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network, |
-|description |O |1 |string |A human-readable description for the resource. |
-|is_default |O |1 |boolean |The network is default or not. |
-|availability_zone_hints |O |1 |array |The availability zone candidate for the network. |
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|network |object |A network object. |
-|admin_state_up |boolean |The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false). |
-|availability_zone_hints |array |The availability zone candidate for the network. |
-|availability_zones |array |The availability zone for the network. |
-|created_at |String |Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format). |
-|dns_domain |String |A valid DNS domain. |
-|id |String |The ID of the network. |
-|ipv4_address_scope |String |The ID of the IPv4 address scope that the network is associated with. |
-|ipv6_address_scope |String |The ID of the IPv6 address scope that the network is associated with. |
-|mtu |integer |The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. |
-|name |String |Human-readable name of the network. |
-|port_security_enabled |boolean |The port security status of the network. |
-|project_id |String |The ID of the project. |
-|provider:network_type |String |The type of physical network that this network is mapped to. |
-|provider:physical_network |String |The physical network where this network is implemented. |
-|provider:segmentation_id |integer |The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. |
-|qos_policy_id |String |The ID of the QoS policy. |
-|revision_number |integer |The revision number of the resource. |
-|router:external |boolean |Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router. |
-|segments |array |A list of provider segment objects. |
-|shared |boolean |Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. |
-|status |String |The network status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD or ERROR. |
-|subnets |array |The associated subnets. |
-|tenant_id |String |The ID of the project. |
-|updated_at |String |Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format). |
-|vlan_transparent |boolean |Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network. |
-|description |String |A human-readable description for the resource. |
-|is_default |boolean |The network is default pool or not. |
-Delete Network
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/networks/{network-id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|network_id |M |1 |String |The ID of the network. |
-Create Subnet
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/subnets |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|subnet |M |1 |string |A subnet object. |
-|tenant_id |O |1 |string |The ID of the project that owns the resource. |
-|project_id |O |1 |string |The ID of the project that owns the resource. |
-|name |O |1 |string |Human-readable name of the resource. |
-|enable_dhcp |O |1 |boolean |Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet. |
-|network_id |M |1 |string |The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs. |
-|dns_nameservers |O |1 |array |List of dns name servers associated with the subnet. |
-|allocation_pools |O |1 |array |Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet. |
-|host_routes |O |1 |array |Additional routes for the subnet. |
-|ip_version |M |1 |integer |The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6. |
-|gateway_ip |O |1 |string |Gateway IP of this subnet. |
-|cidr |M |1 |string |The CIDR of the subnet. |
-|description |O |1 |string |A human-readable description for the resource. |
-|ipv6_address_mode |O |1 |string |The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses. |
-|ipv6_ra_mode |O |1 |string |The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service |
-|segment_id |O |1 |string |The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. |
-|subnetpool_id |O |1 |string |The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet. |
-|use_default_subnetpool |O |1 |boolean |Whether to allocate this subnet from the default subnet pool. |
-|service_types |O |1 |array |The service types associated with the subnet. |
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|subnet |string |A subnet object. |
-|id |string |The ID of the subnet. |
-|tenant_id |string |The ID of the project. |
-|project_id |string |The ID of the project. |
-|name |String |Human-readable name of the resource. |
-|enable_dhcp |boolean |Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet. |
-|network_id |String |The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs. |
-|dns_nameservers |array |List of dns name servers associated with the subnet. |
-|allocation_pools |array |Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet. |
-|host_routes |array |Additional routes for the subnet. |
-|ip_version |integer |The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6. |
-|gateway_ip |string |Gateway IP of this subnet. |
-|cidr |string |The CIDR of the subnet. |
-|created_at |string |Time at which the subnet has been created. |
-|description |string |A human-readable description for the resource. |
-|ipv6_address_mode |string |The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses. |
-|ipv6_ra_mode |string |The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service |
-|revision_number |integer |The revision number of the resource. |
-|service_types |string |The service types associated with the subnet. |
-|subnetpool_id |string |The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet. |
-|segment_id |string |The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. |
-|updated_at |string |Time at which the subnet has been updated. |
-Delete Subnet
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/subnets/{subnet-id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|subnet_id |M |1 |String |The ID of the subnet. |
-Create Port
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/ports |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|port |M |1 |object |A port object. |
-|admin_state_up |O |1 |boolean |The administrative state of the resource. |
-|allowed_address_pairs |O |1 |array |A set of zero or more allowed address pairs. |
-|binding:host_id |O |1 |string |The ID of the host where the port resides. |
-|binding:profile |O |1 |string |A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host |
-|binding:vnic_type |O |1 |string |The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. |
-|description |O |1 |string |A human-readable description for the resource. |
-|device_id |O |1 |string |The ID of the device that uses this port. |
-|device_owner |O |1 |string |The entity type that uses this port. |
-|dns_domain |O |1 |string |A valid DNS domain. |
-|dns_name |O |1 |string |A valid DNS name. |
-|extra_dhcp_opts |O |1 |array |A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. |
-|fixed_ips |O |1 |array |The IP addresses for the port. |
-|mac_address |O |1 |string |The MAC address of the port. |
-|name |O |1 |string |Human-readable name of the resource. |
-|network_id |M |1 |string |The ID of the attached network. |
-|port_security_enabled |O |1 |boolean |The port security status. |
-|project_id |O |1 |string |The ID of the project that owns the resource. |
-|qos_policy_id |O |1 |string |QoS policy associated with the port. |
-|security_groups |O |1 |array |The IDs of security groups applied to the port. |
-|tenant_id |O |1 |string |The ID of the project that owns the resource. |
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|port |object |A port object. |
-|admin_state_up |boolean |The administrative state of the resource. |
-|allowed_address_pairs |array |A set of zero or more allowed address pairs. |
-|binding:host_id |string |The ID of the host where the port resides. |
-|binding:profile |String |A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host |
-|binding:vif_details |object |A dictionary which contains additional information on the port. |
-|binding:vif_type |String |The type of which mechanism is used for the port. |
-|binding:vnic_type |string |The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. |
-|created_at |string |Time at which port has been created. |
-|data_plane_status |string |Status of the underlying data plane of a port. |
-|description |string |A human-readable description for the resource. |
-|device_id |string |The ID of the device that uses this port. |
-|device_owner |string |The entity type that uses this port. |
-|dns_assignment |object |Data assigned to a port by the Networking internal DNS |
-|dns_domain |string |A valid DNS domain. |
-|dns_name |string |A valid DNS name. |
-|extra_dhcp_opts |array |A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. |
-|fixed_ips |array |The IP addresses for the port. |
-|id |string |The ID of the resource. |
-|ip_allocation |string |Indicates when ports use either deferred, immediate or no IP allocation (none)|
-|mac_address |string |The MAC address of the port. |
-|name |string |Human-readable name of the resource. |
-|network_id |string |The ID of the attached network. |
-|port_security_enabled |boolean |The port security status. |
-|project_id |string |The ID of the project. |
-|revision_number |integer |The revision number of the resource. |
-|qos_policy_id |string |The ID of the QoS policy associated with the port. |
-|security_groups |array |The IDs of security groups applied to the port. |
-|status |string |The port status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD and ERROR. |
-|tenant_id |string |The ID of the project. |
-|updated_at |string |Time at which port has been updated. |
-Delete Port
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/ports/{port-id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|port_id |M |1 |String |The ID of the port. |
-Create Security Group
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/security-groups |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|security_group |M |1 |object |A security_group object. |
-|tenant_id |M |1 |string |The ID of the project. |
-|project_id |M |1 |string |The ID of the project. |
-|description |O |1 |string |A human-readable description for the resource. |
-|name |M |1 |string |Human-readable name of the resource. |
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|security_group |object |A security_group object. |
-|id |string |The ID of the security group. |
-|tenant_id |string |The ID of the project. |
-|project_id |string |The ID of the project. |
-|created_at |string |Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format). |
-|updated_at |string |Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format). |
-|revision_number |integer |The revision number of the resource. |
-|name |string |Human-readable name of the resource. |
-|description |string |A human-readable description for the resource. |
-|security_group_rules |array |A list of security_group_rule objects. |
-Delete security group
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/security-groups/{security-group-id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|security_group_id |M |1 |String |The ID of the security group. |
-Create Security Group Rule
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/security-group-rules |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|security_group_rule |M |1 |object |A security_group_rule object. |
-|remote_group_id |O |1 |string |The remote group UUID to associate with this security group rule. |
-|direction |M |1 |string |Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied. |
-|protocol |M |1 |string |The IP protocol can be represented by a string, an integer, or null. |
-|ethertype |O |1 |string |Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules. |
-|port_range_max |O |1 |integer |The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. |
-|security_group_id |M |1 |string |The security group ID to associate with this security group rule. |
-|port_range_min |O |1 |integer |The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. |
-|remote_ip_prefix |M |1 |string |The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet. |
-|description |O |1 |string |A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string. |
-|Attribute |Content |Description |
-|security_group_rule |object |A security_group_rule object. |
-|remote_group_id |string |The remote group UUID to associate with this security group rule. |
-|direction |string |Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied. |
-|protocol |string |The IP protocol can be represented by a string, an integer, or null. |
-|ethertype |string |Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules. |
-|port_range_max |integer |The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. |
-|security_group_id |string |The security group ID to associate with this security group rule. |
-|tenant_id |string |The ID of the project. |
-|project_id |string |The ID of the project. |
-|port_range_min |integer |The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. |
-|remote_ip_prefix |string |The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet. |
-|revision_number |integer |The revision number of the resource. |
-|id |string |The ID of the security group rule. |
-|description |string |A human-readable description for the resource. |
-Delete security group
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |{cloud-owner}_{cloud-region}/neutron/v2.0/security-group-rules/{security-group-rule-id} |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-|Content-Type |application/json |
-Request Body:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content |Description |
-|security_group_rule_id |M |1 |String |The ID of the security group rule. |
-Policy API
-Create a dictionary item
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/createDictionaryItem |
-|Operation Type |PUT |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|dictionory |M |1 |String | |
-|dictionaryJson |M |1 |String | |
-|dictionaryType |M |1 |String | |
-|requestId |M |1 |String | |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Create Policy
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/createPolicy |
-|Operation Type |PUT |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|attributes |M |1 |Object |set of attributes in key value pair |
-|configBody |M |1 |String | |
-|configBodyType |M |1 |String | |
-|configName |M |1 |String | |
-|ecompName |M |1 |String | |
-|policyClass |M |1 |String | |
-|policyConfigType |M |1 |String | |
-|policyDescription |M |1 |String | |
-|policyName |M |1 |String | |
-|requestID |M |1 |String |request ID |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Delete Policy
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/deletePolicy |
-|Operation Type |DELETE |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|deleteCondition |M |1 |String | |
-|pdpGroup |M |1 |String | |
-|policyComponent |M |1 |String | |
-|policyName |M |1 |String | |
-|policyType |M |1 |String | |
-|requestID |M |1 |String |request ID |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Get Configuration
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/getConfig |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|configAttributes |M |1 |String | |
-|configName |M |1 |String | |
-|ecompName |M |1 |String | |
-|policyName |M |1 |String | |
-|unique |M |1 |Boolean| |
-|requestID |M |1 |String |request ID |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Get Decision
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/getDecision |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|decisionAttributes |M |1 |Object | |
-|ecompComponentName |M |1 |String | |
-|requestID |M |1 |String |request ID |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Response Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|decision |N |1 |String | |
-|details |N |1 |String | |
-Get Dictionary Items
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/getDictionaryItems |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|dictionary |N |1 |String | |
-|dictionaryJson |N |1 |String | |
-|dictionaryType |N |1 |String | |
-|requestID |M |1 |String |request ID |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Response Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|dictionaryData |N |1 |Object | |
-|dictionaryJson |N |1 |Object | |
-|responseCode |N |1 |Integer| |
-|responseMessage |N |1 |Object | |
-Get Metrics
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/getMetrics |
-|Operation Type |GET |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Response Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|metricsTotal |N |1 |Integer| |
-|papMetrics |N |1 |Integer| |
-|pdpMetrics |N |1 |Integer| |
-|responseCode |N |1 |Object | |
-|responseMessage |N |1 |String | |
-Get Notification
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/getNotification |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Response Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|metricsTotal |N |1 |Integer| |
-|papMetrics |N |1 |Integer| |
-|pdpMetrics |N |1 |Integer| |
-|responseCode |N |1 |Object | |
-|responseMessage |N |1 |String | |
-List Configuration
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/listConfiguration |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|configAttributes |N |1 |Object | |
-|configName |N |1 |String | |
-|ecompName |N |1 |String | |
-|policyName |N |1 |String | |
-|requestID |N |1 |String | |
-|unique |N |1 |Boolean| |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Import policy
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/policyEngineImport |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|importParameterJson|Y |1 |String | |
-|file |Y |1 |File | |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Push Policy
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/pushPolicy |
-|Operation Type |PUT |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|pdpGroup |N |1 |String | |
-|policyName |N |1 |String | |
-|policyType |N |1 |String | |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Send Event
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/sendEvent |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|eventAttributes |N |1 |Object | |
-|requestID |N |1 |String | |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Send Heartbeat
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/sendEvent |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|notificationTopic |Y |1 |String | |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Stop Notification
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/stopNotification |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|notificationTopic |Y |1 |String | |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Update Dictionary
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/updateDictionaryItem |
-|Operation Type |PUT |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|dictionary |N |1 |String | |
-|dictionaryJson |N |1 |String | |
-|dictionaryType |N |1 |String | |
-|requestID |N |1 |String | |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-Update Policy
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/updatePolicy |
-|Operation Type |PUT |
-Request Headers:
-|Header Name |Qualifier|Description |
-|ClientAuth |Y |encoded client authentication details |
-|X-ECOMP-RequestID |N |Request ID to track the requests |
-|Environment |Y |execution environments |
-|Authorization |Y |Base64 encoded username:password |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|attributes |N |1 |Object | |
-|configBody |N |1 |String | |
-|configBodyType |N |1 |String | |
-|configName |N |1 |String | |
-|ecompName |N |1 |String | |
-|policyClass |N |1 |String | |
-|policyConfigType |N |1 |String | |
-|policyDescription |N |1 |String | |
-|policyName |N |1 |String | |
-|requestID |N |1 |String | |
-HTTP Response Code:
-|HTTP CODE |Description |
-|200 |successful |
-|400 |Invalid Request |
-|401 |Unauthorized |
-|500 |Error |
-OOF/HAS create update API
-|Interface Definition|Description |
-|URI |/api/oof/v1/placement |
-|Operation Type |POST |
-Request Parameters:
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|requestInfo |Y |1 |Object |The content of the RequestInfo object. |
-|placementInfo |Y |1 |Object |The Content of the PlacementInfo object. |
-|licenseInfo |N |1 |Object |The Content of the LicenseInfo object. |
-|serviceInfo |Y |1 |Object |The Content of the ServiceInfo object. |
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|transactionId |Y |1 |String |A unique ID to track an ONAP transaction. |
-|requestId |Y |1 |String |A unique ID to track multiple requests. |
-|callbackUrl |Y |1 |String |The end point of a callback service where recommendations are posted. |
-|callbackHeader |N |1 |String |The header information a client expecting in a async callback. |
-|sourceId |Y |1 |String |The unique ID of a client making an optimization call. |
-|requestType |Y |1 |String |The type of a request |
-|numSolutions |N |1 |Integer|Expected number of solutions. |
-|optimizers |Y |1..N |List of Strings|A list of optimization services. |
-|timeout |N |1 |Integer|A tolerance window (in secs) for expecting solutions. Default is 600 secs.|
-PlacementInfo Object
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|requestParameters |C |1 |String |A JSON object conaining service and customer-specific data. A client or service designer is required to specify the parameters of interest for a given service and their location in the JSON blob through optimization query policies. This attribute is only required if a request contains service or customer-specific information.|
-|placementDemands |Y |1..N |List of PlacementDemand Object|The resource information for a placement service.|
-|subscriberInfo |N |1 |Object |The information of a service subscriber. |
-PlacementDemand Object
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|resourceModuleName |Y |1 |String |A resource name as defined in a service model. |
-|serviceResourceId |Y |1 |String |A unique resource Id with a local scope between client and OOF. |
-|tenantId |N |1 |String |A tenant Id as defined in the ordering system. |
-|resourceModelInfo |Y |1 |Object |Resource model information as defined in SDC. |
-|existingCandidates |N |1..N |List of Candidates Objects | The existing placement information of a resource. |
-|excludedCandidates |N |1..N |List of Candidates Objects |Candidates that need to be excluded from solutions.|
-|requiredCandidates |N |1..N |List of Candidates Objects |Candidates that must be included in solutions. |
-SubscriberInfo Object
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|globalSubscriberId |Y |1 |String |An ID of a subscriber. |
-|subscriberName |Y |1.N |String |The name of a subscriber. If the name is not known, the value must be 'unknown'.|
-|subscriberCommonSiteId |N |1 |String |Id representing a subscriber location. |
-ModelMetaData Object
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|modelInvariantId |Y |1 |String |A model invariant Id as defined in a service model. |
-|modelVersionId |Y |1 |String |A unique model Id as defined in a service model. |
-|modelName |N |1 |String |A model name as defined in a service model. |
-|modelType |N |1 |String |A model type as defined in a service model. |
-|modelVersion |N |1 |String |A model version as defined in a service model. |
-|modelCustomizationName |N |1 |String |A model customization name as defined in a service model. |
-Candidates Object
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|identifierType |Y |1 |String |The type of a candidate. |
-|identifiers |Y |1..N |List |A list of identifiers. |
-|cloudOwner |C |1 |String |The name of a cloud owner. Only required if identifierType is cloud_region_id.|
-ServiceInfo Object
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|serviceInstanceId |Y |1 |String |A service instance id associated with a request. |
-|modelInfo |Y |1 |ModelMetaData Object |A list of identifiers. |
-|serviceName |Y |1 |String |The name of a service |
-LicenseInfo Object
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|licenseDemands |Y |1..N |List of LicenseDemands Object |A list of resources for license selection. |
-LicenseDemand Object
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|resourceModuleName |Y |1 |String |A resource name as defined in a service model. |
-|serviceResourceId |Y |1 |String |A unique resource Id with a local scope between client and OOF. |
-|resourceModelInfo |Y |1 |ModelMetaData Object |Resource model information as defined in a service model.|
-|existingLicenses |N |1 |LicenseModel Object |Existing license information assigned to a resource. |
-LicenseModel Object
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|entitlementPoolUUID|Y |1..N |List |Entitlement pool UUIDs associated with a resource. |
-|licenseKeyGroupUUID|Y |1..N |List |License key groups associated with a resource. |
-Response Body
-|Attribute |Required |Cardinality|Content|Description |
-|requestId |Y |1 |String |A unique Id for an ONAP transaction. |
-|transactionId |Y |1 |String |A unique ID to track multiple requests associated with a transaction. |
-|statusMessage |N |1 |String |Reasoning if a requestStatus is failed. |
-|requestStatus |Y |1 |String |The status of a request. |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/Workspace_and_Development_Tools.rst b/docs/Workspace_and_Development_Tools.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 2012a20..0000000
--- a/docs/Workspace_and_Development_Tools.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-Workspace and Development Tools
-We recognize that there are different ways to set up a workspace and different tools that may be chosen. This is just one way to set things up.
-Suggested Directory Structure
-*NOTE*: You may have different versions of eclipse and java.
- onap
- .m2
- apache-maven-3.3.9
- camunda-modeler
- eclipse-jee-neon-3-linux-gtk-x86_64
- jdk1.8.0_131
- workspace
- SO
- chef-repo
- docker-config
- libs
- so
- so-config
-Download the latest Java_8_SE_Development_Kit_ from Oracle. Select a Linux x64 package.
-Unpack it.
-.. _Java_8_SE_Development_Kit:
-Download the Apache_Maven_3.3.9_ binary. NOTE: 3.3.9 is the recommended version, even though much higher versions are available.
-Unpack it.
-.. _Apache_Maven_3.3.9:
-Create an .m2 directory for maven and put settings.xml_ in it. Edit the local repository path in settings.xml to make it correct for your environment. Everything else should be OK.
-.. _settings.xml:
-Camunda Modeler
-Download the Camunda_Modeler_. Select the Linux x64 package.
-Unpack it.
-.. _Camunda_Modeler:
-Download Eclipse_for_Linux_. Select the 64-bit Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Oxygen seems to be the latest version. These instructions were written for Neon.
-Unpack it.
-.. _Eclipse_for_Linux:
-In the eclipse directory, edit eclipse.ini
- Add (or change) the -vm setting so that it points to your JDK.
- Adjust the maximum heap space (2GB is recommended).
- Example:
-.. image:: images/Workspace_and_Development_Tools.png
-Eclipse Settings
-**Configure eclipse to use your external maven 3.3.9 installation:**
- Go to Window→Preferences→Maven→Installations
- Click "Add" and browse to your apache-maven-3.3.9 directory. Click "OK" to select it.
- Click "Finish"
-.. image:: images/Workspace_and_Development_Tools_2.png
-Make sure the external installation is selected:
-.. image:: images/Workspace_and_Development_Tools_3.png
-**Configure eclipse to use your settings.xml**
- Go to Window→Preferences→Maven→User Settings
- Type the full path to your settings.xml file into the "User Settings" box and click "OK".
-.. image:: images/Workspace_and_Development_Tools_4.png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/architecture.rst b/docs/architecture.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index e988632..0000000
--- a/docs/architecture.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. Copyright 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-SO - Architecture
-.. image:: images/SO_Architecture_1.png
-SO Sub-Components
-**API Handler**
- RESTful interface to northbound clients
- * Handle service-level and infrastructure (VNF & network) requests
- Service-agnostic APIs
- * “Service Instantiation API”
- Model-driven recipe selection
- * Use SO Catalog to map input requests to BPMN flows
- * Dynamic lookup based on service-model + action
- * Input data forwarded to BPMN flow
- Track open and completed requests via SO Request DB
- Multiple API-H modules may support different APIs
-**BPMN Execution Engine**
- Open-source Camunda platform
- * Support BPMN 2.0 service recipes
- Expose RESTful interface to API-H (unique path per recipe)
- Make use of common “building block” sub-flows
- Sequence orchestration steps for each Resource in the recipe
- * Request and configure network resources via SDN-C
- * Manage cloud resources via PO (OpenStack)
- * Update inventory via A&AI
- Perform error handling/rollback
-**Resource Adapters**
- Interfaces to lower level controllers and other ONAP components
- * Platform Orchestrator, SDN-Controller, APP-Controller, VFC-Controllers
- * Hides the details of complex interfaces (e.g. OpenStack APIs)
- * Expose interfaces to BPMN flows as SOAP or REST APIs
- * Support synchronous and asynchronous operations
- Provided as part of SO platform for use by all BPMN flows
- Use SO Catalog to map resource requests to a recipe/template
- Data-driven design
- * Catalog templates may be updated via self-service (outside of release cycles)
- * Merge input parameters with templates at run-time
-**Data Stores**
- Request DB
- * Tracks open and completed requests
- SO Catalog
- * SO view of the SDC Catalog
- * service and resource models, recipes, and templates
- * Populated via SDC distribution service from TOSCA models
- Camunda DB
- * Maintain state for BPMN flows
- * Supports multiple active engines
-**SDC Distribution Client**
- Receive updated service models from SDC
- * Event-bus notifications when new models available
- * HTTP retrieval of models (TOSCA) and artifacts (Heat)
- Receive distributions as TOSCA models
- Populate SO Catalog
- Support self-service updates to models and artifacts
-Third Party and Open Source
-**BPMN Engine**
- Camunda (open source)
-**Other Open Source Components of Note:**
- JBOSS EAP/Wildfly
- MySQL/MariaDB
- Openstack Java SDK (“woorea”)
diff --git a/docs/architecture/architecture.rst b/docs/architecture/architecture.rst
index 8ee9367..754c6f8 100644
--- a/docs/architecture/architecture.rst
+++ b/docs/architecture/architecture.rst
@@ -85,6 +85,12 @@
Populate SO Catalog
Support self-service updates to models and artifacts
+** SO Monitoring**
+ Monitor BPMN Workflow execution by providing
+ * Service list search based on search criteria
+ * Service statistic
+ * Service Process Instance Rendering and Detail
Third Party and Open Source
@@ -93,7 +99,7 @@
Camunda (open source)
**Other Open Source Components of Note:**
- JBOSS EAP/Wildfly
+ Tomcat
Openstack Java SDK (“woorea”)
diff --git a/docs/BPMN_Main_Process_Flows.rst b/docs/bpmn/BPMN_Main_Process_Flows.rst
similarity index 99%
rename from docs/BPMN_Main_Process_Flows.rst
rename to docs/bpmn/BPMN_Main_Process_Flows.rst
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--- a/docs/BPMN_Main_Process_Flows.rst
+++ b/docs/bpmn/BPMN_Main_Process_Flows.rst
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-BPMN Main Process Flows
-**Invoked by an API Handler**
- The BPMN application (war) exposes a REST endpoint to which the API Handler(s) send requests for flow execution. The message sent by the API Handler to this endpoint is a JSON wrapper containing:
- * The original request received by the API handler from the portal or other client.
- * Metadata such as the request-id generated by the API Handler for the request.
- * The name of the BPMN process to execute (obtained by the API Handler from the mso_catalog.service_recipe table.
-**Asynchronous Service Model**
- All main process flows implement an asynchronous service model. The connection to the API Handler is kept open until the main process flow sends back a response. In the flow shown below, this is done by the "Send Sync Ack Response" script task. A flow is expected to send a response after validating the request, but before performing any long running tasks or tasks that could cause the process to be suspended.
- After the synchronous response is sent, the flow continues to execute. When the flow ends, it may optionally send an asynchronous notification to a callback URL provided in the original request (behavior depends on the API agreement)
-**Typically calls one or more subprocess flows**
- Main process flows usually implement the high-level service logic, delegating the "real" work to reusable subflows (Building Blocks) or custom subflows
-**Handles "Completion" and "Fallout" tasks**
- "Completion" tasks are those that occur when the process ends successfully, and "Fallout" tasks are those that occur when the process fails. Activities include:
- * Updating the mso_requests database.
- * Rolling back uncompleted work.
- * Sending an asynchronous callback notification.
-Example: CreateVfModuleVolumeInfraV1.bpmn
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+BPMN Main Process Flows
+**Invoked by an API Handler**
+ The BPMN application (war) exposes a REST endpoint to which the API Handler(s) send requests for flow execution. The message sent by the API Handler to this endpoint is a JSON wrapper containing:
+ * The original request received by the API handler from the portal or other client.
+ * Metadata such as the request-id generated by the API Handler for the request.
+ * The name of the BPMN process to execute (obtained by the API Handler from the mso_catalog.service_recipe table.
+**Asynchronous Service Model**
+ All main process flows implement an asynchronous service model. The connection to the API Handler is kept open until the main process flow sends back a response. In the flow shown below, this is done by the "Send Sync Ack Response" script task. A flow is expected to send a response after validating the request, but before performing any long running tasks or tasks that could cause the process to be suspended.
+ After the synchronous response is sent, the flow continues to execute. When the flow ends, it may optionally send an asynchronous notification to a callback URL provided in the original request (behavior depends on the API agreement)
+**Typically calls one or more subprocess flows**
+ Main process flows usually implement the high-level service logic, delegating the "real" work to reusable subflows (Building Blocks) or custom subflows
+**Handles "Completion" and "Fallout" tasks**
+ "Completion" tasks are those that occur when the process ends successfully, and "Fallout" tasks are those that occur when the process fails. Activities include:
+ * Updating the mso_requests database.
+ * Rolling back uncompleted work.
+ * Sending an asynchronous callback notification.
+Example: CreateVfModuleVolumeInfraV1.bpmn
.. image:: images/BPMN_Main_Process_Flows_1.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from docs/BPMN_Project_Deployment_Strategy.rst
rename to docs/bpmn/BPMN_Project_Deployment_Strategy.rst
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similarity index 99%
rename from docs/BPMN_Project_Structure.rst
rename to docs/bpmn/BPMN_Project_Structure.rst
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--- a/docs/BPMN_Project_Structure.rst
+++ b/docs/bpmn/BPMN_Project_Structure.rst
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-BPMN Project Structure
-BPMN main process flow
-A BPMN main process flow is a top-level flow. All main process flows are under the src/main/resources/process folder.
-CreateVfModuleVolumeInfraV1 is a main process flow.
-.. image:: images/bpmn_project_structure_1.png
-Open BPMN files with the camunda modeler (standalone application). To launch the modeler from eclipse, right-click→open-with→Other→Browse. Select Check the boxes on the dialog so that eclipse will open all .bpmn files with the camunda-modeler executable.
-BPMN subprocess flow
-A BPMN subprocess flow is meant to be invoked by other flows (either main process flows or other subprocess flows). All subprocess flows are under the src/main/resources/subprocess folder.
-The CreateVfModuleVolumeInfraV1 process flow is delivered with two custom subflows: DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2 and DoCreateVfModuleVolumeRollback.
-.. image:: images/bpmn_project_structure_2.png
-Groovy scripts
-There is one groovy script for each BPMN file. Groovy scripts are invoked by script tasks within the BPMN flows.
-.. image:: images/bpmn_project_structure_3.png
-Unit Tests
-Normally, we create a unit test class for every flow. This one is missing a unit test for its rollback flow.
-.. image:: images/bpmn_project_structure_4.png
-Unit Test Resource Files
-Any files needed by the unit tests are kept under the src/test/resources/__files folder.
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+BPMN Project Structure
+BPMN main process flow
+A BPMN main process flow is a top-level flow. All main process flows are under the src/main/resources/process folder.
+CreateVfModuleVolumeInfraV1 is a main process flow.
+.. image:: images/bpmn_project_structure_1.png
+Open BPMN files with the camunda modeler (standalone application). To launch the modeler from eclipse, right-click→open-with→Other→Browse. Select Check the boxes on the dialog so that eclipse will open all .bpmn files with the camunda-modeler executable.
+BPMN subprocess flow
+A BPMN subprocess flow is meant to be invoked by other flows (either main process flows or other subprocess flows). All subprocess flows are under the src/main/resources/subprocess folder.
+The CreateVfModuleVolumeInfraV1 process flow is delivered with two custom subflows: DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2 and DoCreateVfModuleVolumeRollback.
+.. image:: images/bpmn_project_structure_2.png
+Groovy scripts
+There is one groovy script for each BPMN file. Groovy scripts are invoked by script tasks within the BPMN flows.
+.. image:: images/bpmn_project_structure_3.png
+Unit Tests
+Normally, we create a unit test class for every flow. This one is missing a unit test for its rollback flow.
+.. image:: images/bpmn_project_structure_4.png
+Unit Test Resource Files
+Any files needed by the unit tests are kept under the src/test/resources/__files folder.
.. image:: images/bpmn_project_structure_5.png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/BPMN_Subprocess_Process_Flows.rst b/docs/bpmn/BPMN_Subprocess_Process_Flows.rst
similarity index 99%
rename from docs/BPMN_Subprocess_Process_Flows.rst
rename to docs/bpmn/BPMN_Subprocess_Process_Flows.rst
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--- a/docs/BPMN_Subprocess_Process_Flows.rst
+++ b/docs/bpmn/BPMN_Subprocess_Process_Flows.rst
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-BPMN Subprocess Process Flows
-**Invoked by other flows**
- A BPMN Call_Activity_ provides the mechanism to invoke subprocess flows. The Called Element attribute of the Call Activity specifies the name of the subprocess to execute.
-.. _Call_Activity:
-**Input and Output variable mapping**
- In the modeler, you can specify a list of "In Mappings". With this, you can map execution variables from the calling flow to the subprocess. The subprocess always has its own copy of each variable. To transfer values back to the calling flow, you specify "Out Mappings".
-**May throw MSOWorkflowException**
- The current best practice for reporting errors from subprocess is described here:
- * The subprocess should create a WorkflowException object and store it in an execution called WorkflowException.
- * The WorkflowException object contains an error code and an error message.
- * The subprocess should then throw an MSOWorkflowException BPMN event which may be handled by the calling flow.
-Example: VnfAdapterRestV1.bpmn
-.. image:: images/BPMN_Subprocess_process_flows_1.png
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+BPMN Subprocess Process Flows
+**Invoked by other flows**
+ A BPMN Call_Activity_ provides the mechanism to invoke subprocess flows. The Called Element attribute of the Call Activity specifies the name of the subprocess to execute.
+.. _Call_Activity:
+**Input and Output variable mapping**
+ In the modeler, you can specify a list of "In Mappings". With this, you can map execution variables from the calling flow to the subprocess. The subprocess always has its own copy of each variable. To transfer values back to the calling flow, you specify "Out Mappings".
+**May throw MSOWorkflowException**
+ The current best practice for reporting errors from subprocess is described here:
+ * The subprocess should create a WorkflowException object and store it in an execution called WorkflowException.
+ * The WorkflowException object contains an error code and an error message.
+ * The subprocess should then throw an MSOWorkflowException BPMN event which may be handled by the calling flow.
+Example: VnfAdapterRestV1.bpmn
+.. image:: images/BPMN_Subprocess_process_flows_1.png
diff --git a/docs/Camunda_Cockpit_Community_Edition.rst b/docs/bpmn/Camunda_Cockpit_Community_Edition.rst
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/Camunda_Cockpit_Community_Edition.rst
rename to docs/bpmn/Camunda_Cockpit_Community_Edition.rst
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similarity index 100%
rename from docs/Camunda_Cockpit_Enterprise_Edition.rst
rename to docs/bpmn/Camunda_Cockpit_Enterprise_Edition.rst
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similarity index 99%
rename from docs/Camunda_Modeler.rst
rename to docs/bpmn/Camunda_Modeler.rst
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--- a/docs/Camunda_Modeler.rst
+++ b/docs/bpmn/Camunda_Modeler.rst
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-Camunda Modeler
-The Camunda_Modeler_ is the editor for BPMN 2.0 process flows. It is a standalone application. NOTE: the Camunda eclipse plugin is no longer supported and should not be used.
-.. _Camunda_Modeler:
-.. image:: images/camunda_modeler_1.png
-Modeler Templates
-Some work has already been done in MSO to develop templates_ for "building block" subprocess flows. When a template is provided for a BPMN element, the modeler displays a custom form for inputting parameters. This significantly simplifies flow construction and reduces the chance of making mistakes.
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+Camunda Modeler
+The Camunda_Modeler_ is the editor for BPMN 2.0 process flows. It is a standalone application. NOTE: the Camunda eclipse plugin is no longer supported and should not be used.
+.. _Camunda_Modeler:
+.. image:: images/camunda_modeler_1.png
+Modeler Templates
+Some work has already been done in MSO to develop templates_ for "building block" subprocess flows. When a template is provided for a BPMN element, the modeler displays a custom form for inputting parameters. This significantly simplifies flow construction and reduces the chance of making mistakes.
.. _templates:
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index 86b6447..553b7f4 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
- Install_Configure_SO.rst
- architecture.rst
+ installconfigure/Install_Configure_SO.rst
+ architecture/architecture.rst
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index f18b5bd..78f531d 100644
--- a/docs/offered_consumed_apis.rst
+++ b/docs/offered_consumed_apis.rst
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
- SO_Interface.rst
+ api/SO_Interface.rst