Adding UT for SO

IssueId: SO-191

Change-Id: Ic9fb77341842fd48efc81341c3a42c26d101b60d
Signed-off-by: seshukm <>
diff --git a/adapters/mso-adapter-utils/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/adapter_utils/tests/ b/adapters/mso-adapter-utils/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/adapter_utils/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f231c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/mso-adapter-utils/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/adapter_utils/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@

+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================

+ * ONAP - SO

+ * ================================================================================

+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

+ * ================================================================================

+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ * 

+ *

+ * 

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+ * limitations under the License.

+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================

+ */


+package org.openecomp.mso.adapter_utils.tests;


+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


+import java.util.ArrayList;

+import java.util.HashMap;

+import java.util.List;

+import java.util.Map;


+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.openecomp.mso.entity.MsoRequest;

+import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.HeatStatus;

+import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.MsoTenant;

+import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.NetworkInfo;

+import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.NetworkRollback;

+import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.NetworkStatus;

+import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.Pool;

+import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.StackInfo;

+import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.Subnet;

+import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.VnfRollback;


+import com.woorea.openstack.heat.model.Stack;


+public class AdapterBeansTest {

+	@Test

+	public final void msoTenantTest() {

+		MsoTenant tenant = new MsoTenant();

+		tenant.setTenantId("1");

+		assertTrue(tenant.getTenantId().equalsIgnoreCase("1"));

+		tenant.setTenantName("TenantName");

+		assertTrue(tenant.getTenantName().equalsIgnoreCase("TenantName"));

+		Map<String, String> hm = new HashMap<>();

+		hm.put("Key1", "value1");

+		tenant.setMetadata(hm);

+		assertTrue(tenant.getMetadata() != null);

+		new MsoTenant("1", "TenantName", hm);

+		// assertTrue(tenant.toString() != null);

+	}


+	@Test

+	public final void networkInfoTest() {

+		NetworkInfo networkInfo = new NetworkInfo();

+		networkInfo.setName("name");

+		assertTrue(networkInfo.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("name"));

+		networkInfo.setId("1");

+		assertTrue(networkInfo.getId().equalsIgnoreCase("1"));

+		networkInfo.setStatus(NetworkStatus.ACTIVE);

+		assertTrue(networkInfo.getStatus().equals(NetworkStatus.ACTIVE));

+		networkInfo.setProvider("provider");

+		networkInfo.getProvider().equalsIgnoreCase("provider");

+		List<Integer> al = new ArrayList<>();

+		al.add(1);

+		al.add(2);

+		networkInfo.setVlans(al);

+		assertTrue(networkInfo.getVlans() != null);

+		networkInfo.setShared("shared");

+		assertTrue(networkInfo.getShared().equalsIgnoreCase("shared"));

+		List<String> als = new ArrayList<>();

+		als.add("1");

+		als.add("2");

+		networkInfo.setSubnets(als);

+		assertTrue(networkInfo.getSubnets() != null);

+		new NetworkInfo("string", NetworkStatus.ACTIVE);

+		assertTrue(networkInfo.toString() != null);

+	}


+	@Test

+	public final void networkRollbackTest() {

+		NetworkRollback networkRollback = new NetworkRollback();

+		networkRollback.setCloudId("cloudId");

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getCloudId().equalsIgnoreCase("cloudId"));

+		networkRollback.setModelCustomizationUuid("modelCustomizationUuid");

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getModelCustomizationUuid().equalsIgnoreCase("modelCustomizationUuid"));

+		MsoRequest msoRequest = new MsoRequest();

+		networkRollback.setMsoRequest(msoRequest);

+		networkRollback.getMsoRequest();

+		// assertTrue(networkRollback.getMsoRequest() == null);

+		networkRollback.setNetworkCreated(Boolean.TRUE);

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getNetworkCreated());

+		networkRollback.setNetworkId("networkId");

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getNetworkId().equalsIgnoreCase("networkId"));

+		networkRollback.setNetworkName("networkName");

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getNetworkName().equalsIgnoreCase("networkName"));

+		networkRollback.setNetworkStackId("networkStackId");

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getNetworkStackId().equalsIgnoreCase("networkStackId"));

+		networkRollback.setNetworkType("networkType");

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getNetworkType().equalsIgnoreCase("networkType"));

+		networkRollback.setNeutronNetworkId("neutronNetworkId");

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getNeutronNetworkId().equalsIgnoreCase("neutronNetworkId"));

+		networkRollback.setPhysicalNetwork("physicalNetwork");

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getPhysicalNetwork().equalsIgnoreCase("physicalNetwork"));

+		networkRollback.setTenantId("tenantId");

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getTenantId().equalsIgnoreCase("tenantId"));

+		List<Integer> al = new ArrayList<>();

+		al.add(1);

+		al.add(2);

+		networkRollback.setVlans(al);

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.getVlans() != null);

+		assertTrue(networkRollback.toString() != null);

+	}


+	@Test

+	public final void poolTest() {

+		Pool p = new Pool();

+		p.setStart("start");

+		p.getStart();

+		p.setEnd("end");

+		p.getEnd();

+		p.toString();

+	}


+	@Test

+	public final void stackInfoTest() {

+		StackInfo stackInfo = new StackInfo();

+		new StackInfo(new Stack());

+		new StackInfo("name", HeatStatus.CREATED, "statusmessage", new HashMap<>());

+		new StackInfo("name", HeatStatus.CREATED);

+		stackInfo.setCanonicalName("Canonicalname");

+		stackInfo.getCanonicalName();

+		stackInfo.setName("name");

+		stackInfo.getName();

+		stackInfo.setOutputs(new HashMap<>());

+		stackInfo.getOutputs();

+		stackInfo.setParameters(new HashMap<>());

+		stackInfo.getParameters();

+		stackInfo.setStatus(HeatStatus.CREATED);

+		stackInfo.getStatus();

+		stackInfo.setStatusMessage("statusMessage");

+		stackInfo.getStatusMessage();

+	}


+	@Test

+	public final void subnetTest() {

+		Subnet subnet = new Subnet();

+		subnet.setAllocationPools(new ArrayList<>());

+		subnet.getAllocationPools();

+		subnet.setCidr("cidr");

+		subnet.getCidr();

+		subnet.setDnsNameServers(new ArrayList<>());

+		subnet.getDnsNameServers();

+		subnet.setEnableDHCP(true);

+		subnet.getEnableDHCP();

+		subnet.setGatewayIp("gatewayIp");

+		subnet.getGatewayIp();

+		subnet.setHostRoutes(new ArrayList<>());

+		subnet.getHostRoutes();

+		subnet.setIpVersion("ipVersion");

+		subnet.getIpVersion();

+		subnet.setNeutronId("neutronId");

+		subnet.getNeutronId();

+		subnet.setSubnetId("subnetId");

+		subnet.getSubnetId();

+		subnet.setSubnetName("subnetName");

+		subnet.getSubnetName();

+		subnet.toString();

+	}


+	@Test

+	public final void vnfRollbackTest() {

+		VnfRollback vnfRollback = new VnfRollback();

+		new VnfRollback("vnfId", "tenantId", "cloudSiteId", true, true, new MsoRequest(), "volumeGroupName",

+				"volumeGroupId", "requestType", "modelCustomizationUuid");

+		vnfRollback.setBaseGroupHeatStackId("baseGroupHeatStackId");

+		vnfRollback.getBaseGroupHeatStackId();

+		vnfRollback.setCloudSiteId("cloudId");

+		vnfRollback.getCloudSiteId();

+		vnfRollback.setIsBase(false);

+		vnfRollback.isBase();

+		vnfRollback.setModelCustomizationUuid("modelCustomizationUuid");

+		vnfRollback.getModelCustomizationUuid();

+		vnfRollback.setMsoRequest(new MsoRequest());

+		vnfRollback.getMsoRequest();

+		vnfRollback.setRequestType("requestType");

+		vnfRollback.getRequestType();

+		vnfRollback.setTenantCreated(true);

+		vnfRollback.getTenantCreated();

+		vnfRollback.setTenantId("tenantId");

+		vnfRollback.getTenantId();

+		vnfRollback.setVfModuleStackId("vfModuleStackId");

+		vnfRollback.getVfModuleStackId();

+		vnfRollback.setVnfCreated(true);

+		vnfRollback.getVnfCreated();

+		vnfRollback.setVnfId("vnfId");

+		vnfRollback.getVnfId();

+		vnfRollback.setVolumeGroupHeatStackId("volumeGroupHeatStackId");

+		vnfRollback.getVolumeGroupHeatStackId();

+		vnfRollback.setVolumeGroupId("volumeGroupId");

+		vnfRollback.getVolumeGroupId();

+		vnfRollback.setVolumeGroupName("volumeGroupName");

+		vnfRollback.getVolumeGroupName();

+		vnfRollback.toString();

+	}


diff --git a/asdc-controller/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/asdc/util/tests/ b/asdc-controller/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/asdc/util/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d65501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asdc-controller/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/asdc/util/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@

+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================

+ * ONAP - SO

+ * ================================================================================

+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

+ * ================================================================================

+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ * 

+ *

+ * 

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+ * limitations under the License.

+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================

+ */


+package org.openecomp.mso.asdc.util.tests;


+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


+import java.util.ArrayList;

+import java.util.List;


+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.openecomp.mso.asdc.installer.IVfModuleData;

+import org.openecomp.mso.asdc.installer.VfModuleMetaData;

+import org.openecomp.mso.asdc.util.ASDCNotificationLogging;

+import org.openecomp.sdc.api.notification.IArtifactInfo;

+import org.openecomp.sdc.api.notification.INotificationData;

+import org.openecomp.sdc.api.notification.IResourceInstance;


+public class ASDCNotificationLoggingTest {

+	@Test

+	public void dumpASDCNotificationTestForNull() throws Exception {

+		INotificationData asdcNotification = iNotificationDataObject();


+		String result = ASDCNotificationLogging.dumpASDCNotification(asdcNotification);


+		assertTrue(!result.equalsIgnoreCase("NULL"));

+	}


+	private INotificationData iNotificationDataObject() {

+		INotificationData iNotification = new INotificationData() {


+			@Override

+			public String getServiceVersion() {

+				return "DistributionID";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getServiceUUID() {

+				return "12343254";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getServiceName() {

+				return "servername";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getServiceInvariantUUID() {

+				return "ServiceInvariantUUID";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getServiceDescription() {

+				return "Description";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public List<IArtifactInfo> getServiceArtifacts() {

+				return new ArrayList();

+			}


+			@Override

+			public List<IResourceInstance> getResources() {

+				return new ArrayList();

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getDistributionID() {

+				return "23434";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public IArtifactInfo getArtifactMetadataByUUID(String arg0) {

+				return null;

+			}

+		};

+		return iNotification;

+	}


+	@Test

+	public void dumpASDCNotificationTest() throws Exception {

+		INotificationData asdcNotification = iNotificationDataObject();

+		String result = ASDCNotificationLogging.dumpASDCNotification(asdcNotification);


+		assertTrue(!result.equalsIgnoreCase("NULL"));

+	}


+	@Test

+	public void dumpVfModuleMetaDataListTest() {

+		INotificationData asdcNotification = iNotificationDataObject();

+		List<IVfModuleData> list = new ArrayList<>();

+		list.add(new VfModuleMetaData());

+		String result = null;

+		try {

+			result = ASDCNotificationLogging.dumpVfModuleMetaDataList(list);

+		} catch (Exception e) {

+		}


+		assertTrue(result == null);


+	}


+	public IArtifactInfo getIArtifactInfo() {

+		return new IArtifactInfo() {


+			@Override

+			public List<IArtifactInfo> getRelatedArtifacts() {

+				return null;

+			}


+			@Override

+			public IArtifactInfo getGeneratedArtifact() {

+				return null;

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getArtifactVersion() {

+				return "version";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getArtifactUUID() {

+				return "123";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getArtifactURL() {

+				return "url";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getArtifactType() {

+				return "type";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public Integer getArtifactTimeout() {

+				return 12;

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getArtifactName() {

+				return "name";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getArtifactDescription() {

+				return "desc";

+			}


+			@Override

+			public String getArtifactChecksum() {

+				return "true";

+			}

+		};

+	}


diff --git a/mso-api-handlers/mso-api-handler-infra/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/apihandlerinfra/ b/mso-api-handlers/mso-api-handler-infra/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/apihandlerinfra/
index d1d8544..08abf57 100644
--- a/mso-api-handlers/mso-api-handler-infra/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/apihandlerinfra/
+++ b/mso-api-handlers/mso-api-handler-infra/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/apihandlerinfra/
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
 package org.openecomp.mso.apihandlerinfra;



+import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;

+import org.apache.http.ProtocolVersion;

+import org.apache.http.entity.BasicHttpEntity;

+import org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpResponse;

 import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion;

 import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;

 import org.junit.Test;

@@ -31,9 +35,19 @@
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

 import static;




 import java.util.Collections;

+import java.util.HashMap;

 import java.util.List;


+import org.openecomp.mso.apihandler.common.CamundaClient;

+import org.openecomp.mso.apihandler.common.RequestClient;

+import org.openecomp.mso.apihandler.common.RequestClientFactory;

+import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.CatalogDatabase;

+import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.beans.Service;

+import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.beans.ServiceRecipe;


 import org.openecomp.mso.requestsdb.InfraActiveRequests;

 import org.openecomp.mso.requestsdb.RequestsDatabase;


@@ -54,6 +68,383 @@



+	public void createServiceInstanceNormalDuplicate(){

+		new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public InfraActiveRequests checkInstanceNameDuplicate (HashMap<String,String> instanceIdMap, String instanceName, String requestScope) {

+                return new InfraActiveRequests();

+            }

+        };

+		ServiceInstances instance = new ServiceInstances();

+		String requestJson = "{\"serviceInstanceId\":\"1882939\","

+				+"\"vnfInstanceId\":\"1882938\","

+				+"\"networkInstanceId\":\"1882937\","

+				+"\"volumeGroupInstanceId\":\"1882935\","

+				+"\"vfModuleInstanceId\":\"1882934\","

+				+ "\"requestDetails\": {\"requestInfo\": { \"source\": \"VID\", \"requestorId\": \"zz9999\",\"instanceName\": \"testService\"},\"requestParameters\": { \"autoBuildVfModules\": false,\"subscriptionServiceType\": \"test\"},\"modelInfo\":{\"modelInvariantId\": \"557ea944-c83e-43cf-9ed7-3a354abd6d34\",\"modelVersion\":\"v2\",\"modelType\":\"service\",\"modelName\":\"serviceModel\"}}}";

+		Response resp = instance.createServiceInstance(requestJson, "v2");

+		String respBody = resp.getEntity().toString();

+		assertTrue(respBody.indexOf("Locked instance - This service (testService) already has a request being worked with a status of null (RequestId - null). The existing request must finish or be cleaned up before proceeding.") != -1);

+	}


+	@Test

+	public void createServiceInstanceTestDBException(){

+		new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public InfraActiveRequests checkInstanceNameDuplicate (HashMap<String,String> instanceIdMap, String instanceName, String requestScope) {

+                return null;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public Service getServiceByModelName (String defaultServiceModelName) {

+            	Service serviceRecord = new Service();

+            	serviceRecord.setModelUUID("2883992993");

+            	return serviceRecord;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID (String uuid,String action) {

+            	ServiceRecipe recipe =new ServiceRecipe();

+            	recipe.setOrchestrationUri("/test/mso");

+            	recipe.setRecipeTimeout(1000);

+            	return recipe;

+            }

+        };

+		ServiceInstances instance = new ServiceInstances();

+		String requestJson = "{\"serviceInstanceId\":\"1882939\","

+				+"\"vnfInstanceId\":\"1882938\","

+				+"\"networkInstanceId\":\"1882937\","

+				+"\"volumeGroupInstanceId\":\"1882935\","

+				+"\"vfModuleInstanceId\":\"1882934\","

+				+ "\"requestDetails\": {\"requestInfo\": { \"source\": \"VID\", \"requestorId\": \"zz9999\",\"instanceName\": \"testService\"},\"requestParameters\": { \"autoBuildVfModules\": false,\"subscriptionServiceType\": \"test\"},\"modelInfo\":{\"modelInvariantId\": \"557ea944-c83e-43cf-9ed7-3a354abd6d34\",\"modelVersion\":\"v2\",\"modelType\":\"service\",\"modelName\":\"serviceModel\"}}}";

+		Response resp = instance.createServiceInstance(requestJson, "v2");

+		String respBody = resp.getEntity().toString();

+		assertTrue(respBody.indexOf("Exception while creating record in DB null") != -1);

+	}


+	@Test

+	public void createServiceInstanceTestBpmnFail(){

+		new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public InfraActiveRequests checkInstanceNameDuplicate (HashMap<String,String> instanceIdMap, String instanceName, String requestScope) {

+                return null;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public Service getServiceByModelName (String defaultServiceModelName) {

+            	Service serviceRecord = new Service();

+            	serviceRecord.setModelUUID("2883992993");

+            	return serviceRecord;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID (String uuid,String action) {

+            	ServiceRecipe recipe =new ServiceRecipe();

+            	recipe.setOrchestrationUri("/test/mso");

+            	recipe.setRecipeTimeout(1000);

+            	return recipe;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<MsoRequest>() {

+            @Mock

+            public void createRequestRecord (Status status, Action action) {

+            	return;

+            }

+        };

+		ServiceInstances instance = new ServiceInstances();

+		String requestJson = "{\"serviceInstanceId\":\"1882939\","

+				+"\"vnfInstanceId\":\"1882938\","

+				+"\"networkInstanceId\":\"1882937\","

+				+"\"volumeGroupInstanceId\":\"1882935\","

+				+"\"vfModuleInstanceId\":\"1882934\","

+				+ "\"requestDetails\": {\"requestInfo\": { \"source\": \"VID\", \"requestorId\": \"zz9999\",\"instanceName\": \"testService\"},\"requestParameters\": { \"autoBuildVfModules\": false,\"subscriptionServiceType\": \"test\"},\"modelInfo\":{\"modelInvariantId\": \"557ea944-c83e-43cf-9ed7-3a354abd6d34\",\"modelVersion\":\"v2\",\"modelType\":\"service\",\"modelName\":\"serviceModel\"}}}";

+		Response resp = instance.createServiceInstance(requestJson, "v2");

+		String respBody = resp.getEntity().toString();

+		assertTrue(respBody.indexOf("Failed calling bpmn properties") != -1);

+	}


+	@Test(expected = Exception.class)

+	public void createServiceInstanceTest200Http(){

+		new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public InfraActiveRequests checkInstanceNameDuplicate (HashMap<String,String> instanceIdMap, String instanceName, String requestScope) {

+                return null;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public Service getServiceByModelName (String defaultServiceModelName) {

+            	Service serviceRecord = new Service();

+            	serviceRecord.setModelUUID("2883992993");

+            	return serviceRecord;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID (String uuid,String action) {

+            	ServiceRecipe recipe =new ServiceRecipe();

+            	recipe.setOrchestrationUri("/test/mso");

+            	recipe.setRecipeTimeout(1000);

+            	return recipe;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<MsoRequest>() {

+            @Mock

+            public void createRequestRecord (Status status, Action action) {

+            	return;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {

+            @Mock

+            public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI, MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException{

+            	RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();

+            	client.setUrl("/test/url");

+            	return client;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {

+            @Mock

+            public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,

+        			int recipeTimeout, String requestAction, String serviceInstanceId,

+        			String vnfId, String vfModuleId, String volumeGroupId, String networkId,

+        			String serviceType, String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,

+        			String requestDetails){ 

+            	ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP",1,1);

+            	HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv,200, "test response");

+            	BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();

+            	String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";

+            	InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());

+            	entity.setContent(instream);

+            	resp.setEntity(entity);

+            	return resp;

+            }

+        };

+		ServiceInstances instance = new ServiceInstances();

+		String requestJson = "{\"serviceInstanceId\":\"1882939\","

+				+"\"vnfInstanceId\":\"1882938\","

+				+"\"networkInstanceId\":\"1882937\","

+				+"\"volumeGroupInstanceId\":\"1882935\","

+				+"\"vfModuleInstanceId\":\"1882934\","

+				+ "\"requestDetails\": {\"requestInfo\": { \"source\": \"VID\", \"requestorId\": \"zz9999\",\"instanceName\": \"testService\"},\"requestParameters\": { \"autoBuildVfModules\": false,\"subscriptionServiceType\": \"test\"},\"modelInfo\":{\"modelInvariantId\": \"557ea944-c83e-43cf-9ed7-3a354abd6d34\",\"modelVersion\":\"v2\",\"modelType\":\"service\",\"modelName\":\"serviceModel\"}}}";

+		Response resp = instance.createServiceInstance(requestJson, "v2");

+		String respBody = resp.getEntity().toString();

+	}


+	@Test

+	public void createServiceInstanceTest500Http(){

+		new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public InfraActiveRequests checkInstanceNameDuplicate (HashMap<String,String> instanceIdMap, String instanceName, String requestScope) {

+                return null;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public Service getServiceByModelName (String defaultServiceModelName) {

+            	Service serviceRecord = new Service();

+            	serviceRecord.setModelUUID("2883992993");

+            	return serviceRecord;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID (String uuid,String action) {

+            	ServiceRecipe recipe =new ServiceRecipe();

+            	recipe.setOrchestrationUri("/test/mso");

+            	recipe.setRecipeTimeout(1000);

+            	return recipe;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<MsoRequest>() {

+            @Mock

+            public void createRequestRecord (Status status, Action action) {

+            	return;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {

+            @Mock

+            public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI, MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException{

+            	RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();

+            	client.setUrl("/test/url");

+            	return client;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {

+            @Mock

+            public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,

+        			int recipeTimeout, String requestAction, String serviceInstanceId,

+        			String vnfId, String vfModuleId, String volumeGroupId, String networkId,

+        			String serviceType, String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,

+        			String requestDetails){ 

+            	ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP",1,1);

+            	HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv,500, "test response");

+            	BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();

+            	String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";

+            	InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());

+            	entity.setContent(instream);

+            	resp.setEntity(entity);

+            	return resp;

+            }

+        };

+		ServiceInstances instance = new ServiceInstances();

+		String requestJson = "{\"serviceInstanceId\":\"1882939\","

+				+"\"vnfInstanceId\":\"1882938\","

+				+"\"networkInstanceId\":\"1882937\","

+				+"\"volumeGroupInstanceId\":\"1882935\","

+				+"\"vfModuleInstanceId\":\"1882934\","

+				+ "\"requestDetails\": {\"requestInfo\": { \"source\": \"VID\", \"requestorId\": \"zz9999\",\"instanceName\": \"testService\"},\"requestParameters\": { \"autoBuildVfModules\": false,\"subscriptionServiceType\": \"test\"},\"modelInfo\":{\"modelInvariantId\": \"557ea944-c83e-43cf-9ed7-3a354abd6d34\",\"modelVersion\":\"v2\",\"modelType\":\"service\",\"modelName\":\"serviceModel\"}}}";

+		Response resp = instance.createServiceInstance(requestJson, "v2");

+		String respBody = resp.getEntity().toString();

+		assertTrue(respBody.indexOf("Request Failed due to BPEL error with HTTP Status") != -1);

+	}


+	@Test

+	public void createServiceInstanceTestVnfModelType(){

+		new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public InfraActiveRequests checkInstanceNameDuplicate (HashMap<String,String> instanceIdMap, String instanceName, String requestScope) {

+                return null;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public Service getServiceByModelName (String defaultServiceModelName) {

+            	Service serviceRecord = new Service();

+            	serviceRecord.setModelUUID("2883992993");

+            	return serviceRecord;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID (String uuid,String action) {

+            	ServiceRecipe recipe =new ServiceRecipe();

+            	recipe.setOrchestrationUri("/test/mso");

+            	recipe.setRecipeTimeout(1000);

+            	return recipe;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<MsoRequest>() {

+            @Mock

+            public void createRequestRecord (Status status, Action action) {

+            	return;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {

+            @Mock

+            public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI, MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException{

+            	RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();

+            	client.setUrl("/test/url");

+            	return client;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {

+            @Mock

+            public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,

+        			int recipeTimeout, String requestAction, String serviceInstanceId,

+        			String vnfId, String vfModuleId, String volumeGroupId, String networkId,

+        			String serviceType, String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,

+        			String requestDetails){ 

+            	ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP",1,1);

+            	HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv,500, "test response");

+            	BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();

+            	String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";

+            	InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());

+            	entity.setContent(instream);

+            	resp.setEntity(entity);

+            	return resp;

+            }

+        };

+		ServiceInstances instance = new ServiceInstances();

+		String requestJson = "{\"serviceInstanceId\":\"1882939\","

+				+"\"vnfInstanceId\":\"1882938\","

+				+"\"networkInstanceId\":\"1882937\","

+				+"\"volumeGroupInstanceId\":\"1882935\","

+				+"\"vfModuleInstanceId\":\"1882934\","

+				+ "\"requestDetails\": {\"requestInfo\": { \"source\": \"VID\", \"requestorId\": \"zz9999\",\"instanceName\": \"testService\"},\"requestParameters\": { \"autoBuildVfModules\": false,\"subscriptionServiceType\": \"test\"},\"modelInfo\":{\"modelInvariantId\": \"557ea944-c83e-43cf-9ed7-3a354abd6d34\",\"modelVersion\":\"v2\",\"modelType\":\"vnf\",\"modelName\":\"serviceModel\",\"modelCustomizationName\":\"test\"}}}";

+		Response resp = instance.createServiceInstance(requestJson, "v5");

+		String respBody = resp.getEntity().toString();

+		assertTrue(respBody.indexOf("No valid modelVersionId is specified") != -1);

+	}


+	@Test

+	public void createServiceInstanceTestNullHttpResp(){

+		new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public InfraActiveRequests checkInstanceNameDuplicate (HashMap<String,String> instanceIdMap, String instanceName, String requestScope) {

+                return null;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public Service getServiceByModelName (String defaultServiceModelName) {

+            	Service serviceRecord = new Service();

+            	serviceRecord.setModelUUID("2883992993");

+            	return serviceRecord;

+            }

+        };

+        new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {

+            @Mock

+            public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID (String uuid,String action) {

+            	ServiceRecipe recipe =new ServiceRecipe();

+            	recipe.setOrchestrationUri("/test/mso");

+            	recipe.setRecipeTimeout(1000);

+            	return recipe;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<MsoRequest>() {

+            @Mock

+            public void createRequestRecord (Status status, Action action) {

+            	return;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {

+            @Mock

+            public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI, MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException{

+            	RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();

+            	client.setUrl("/test/url");

+            	return client;

+            }

+        };


+        new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {

+            @Mock

+            public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,

+        			int recipeTimeout, String requestAction, String serviceInstanceId,

+        			String vnfId, String vfModuleId, String volumeGroupId, String networkId,

+        			String serviceType, String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,

+        			String requestDetails){ 

+            	return null;

+            }

+        };

+		ServiceInstances instance = new ServiceInstances();

+		String requestJson = "{\"serviceInstanceId\":\"1882939\","

+				+"\"vnfInstanceId\":\"1882938\","

+				+"\"networkInstanceId\":\"1882937\","

+				+"\"volumeGroupInstanceId\":\"1882935\","

+				+"\"vfModuleInstanceId\":\"1882934\","

+				+ "\"requestDetails\": {\"requestInfo\": { \"source\": \"VID\", \"requestorId\": \"zz9999\",\"instanceName\": \"testService\"},\"requestParameters\": { \"autoBuildVfModules\": false,\"subscriptionServiceType\": \"test\"},\"modelInfo\":{\"modelInvariantId\": \"557ea944-c83e-43cf-9ed7-3a354abd6d34\",\"modelVersion\":\"v2\",\"modelType\":\"service\",\"modelName\":\"serviceModel\"}}}";

+		Response resp = instance.createServiceInstance(requestJson, "v2");

+		String respBody = resp.getEntity().toString();

+		assertTrue(respBody.indexOf("bpelResponse is null") != -1);

+	}


+	@Test

 	public void createServiceInstanceNormalNullDBFatch(){

 		new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
