blob: 02e4ce6903a6ed35372e25216a0bac1f4eca89ee [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This test template encapsulates the VNF Orchestration use case.
Resource test_templates/model_test_template.robot
Resource test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot
Resource asdc_interface.robot
Library UUID
Library Collections
Library OperatingSystem
Library HttpLibrary.HTTP
Library ExtendedSelenium2Library
*** Variables ***
${ADD_DEMO_CUSTOMER_BODY} robot/assets/templates/aai/add_demo_customer.template
${AAI_INDEX_PATH} /aai/v8
${VF_MODULES_NAME} _Demo_VFModules.json
${FILE_CACHE} /share/
*** Keywords ***
Load Customer And Models
[Documentation] Use openECOMP to Orchestrate a service.
[Arguments] ${customer_name}
Setup Orchestrate VNF ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} SharedNode OwnerType v1 CloudZone
Set Test Variable ${CUSTOMER_NAME} ${customer_name}
${status} ${value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Distribute Model vFW demoVFW
${status} ${value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Distribute Model vLB demoVLB
## MSO polling is 60 second intervals
Sleep 60s
${region}= Get Openstack Region
Distribute Model
[Arguments] ${service} ${modelName}
${service_model_type} ${vnf_type} ${vf_modules}= Model Distribution For Directory ${service} ${modelName}
${jsonString}= Evaluate json.dumps(${vf_modules}) json
OperatingSystem.Create File ${FILE_CACHE}${service}${VF_MODULES_NAME} ${jsonString}
Create Customer For VNF Demo
[Documentation] Create demo customer for the demo
[Arguments] ${customer_name} ${customer_id} ${customer_type} ${clouder_owner} ${cloud_region_id} ${tenant_id}
${data_template}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${ADD_DEMO_CUSTOMER_BODY}
${arguments}= Create Dictionary subscriber_name=${customer_name} global_customer_id=${customer_id} subscriber_type=${customer_type} cloud_owner=${clouder_owner} cloud_region_id=${cloud_region_id} tenant_id=${tenant_id}
Set To Dictionary ${arguments} service1=vFW service2=vLB
${data}= Fill JSON Template ${data_template} ${arguments}
${put_resp}= Run A&AI Put Request ${INDEX PATH}${ROOT_CUSTOMER_PATH}${customer_id} ${data}
${status_string}= Convert To String ${put_resp.status_code}
Should Match Regexp ${status_string} ^(201|412)$
Create Service If Not Exists vFW
Create Service If Not Exists vLB
Preload Demo
[Arguments] ${vnf_name} ${vf_module_name}
${vf_modules}= Create List
${status} ${generic_vnf}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Get Service Instance ${vnf_name}
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' FAIL VNF Name: ${vnf_name} is not found.
${vnf_type}= Set Variable ${generic_vnf['vnf-type']}
${relationships}= Set Variable ${generic_vnf['relationship-list']['relationship']}
${relationship_data}= Get Relationship Data ${relationships}
:for ${r} in @{relationship_data}
\ ${service}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == 'service-subscription.service-type' ${r['relationship-value']} ${service}
\ ${service_instance_id}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == 'service-instance.service-instance-id' ${r['relationship-value']} ${service_instance_id}
${data}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${FILE_CACHE}${service}${VF_MODULES_NAME}
${vf_modules}= Evaluate json.loads('''${data}''') json
Log ${generic_vnf}
Log ${service_instance_id},${vnf_name},${vnf_type},${vf_module_name},${vf_modules},${service}
Setup Browser
Preload Vnf ${service_instance_id} ${vnf_name} ${vnf_type} ${vf_module_name} ${vf_modules} ${service} demo
[Teardown] Close All Browsers
Get Relationship Data
[Arguments] ${relationships}
:for ${r} in @{relationships}
\ ${status} ${relationship_data} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Set Variable ${r['relationship-data']}
\ Return From Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' ${relationship_data}
Get Service Instance
[Arguments] ${vnf_name}
${resp}= Run A&AI Get Request ${AAI_INDEX PATH}/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf?vnf-name=${vnf_name}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
[Return] ${resp.json()}
APPC Mount Point
[Arguments] ${vf_module_name}
Run Openstack Auth Request auth
${status} ${stack_info}= Run Keyword and Ignore Error Wait for Stack to Be Deployed auth ${vf_module_name} timeout=120s
Run Keyword if '${status}' == 'FAIL' FAIL ${vf_module_name} Stack is not found
${stack_id}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} id
${server_list}= Get Openstack Servers auth
${vpg_name_0}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} vpg_name_0
${vpg_public_ip}= Get Server Ip ${server_list} ${stack_info} vpg_name_0 network_name=public
${vpg_oam_ip}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} vpg_private_ip_1
${appc}= Create Mount Point In APPC ${vpg_name_0} ${vpg_oam_ip}