[TEST-56] checkin the heat templates for vpce

initial checkins of the heat templates needed for vcpe

Change-Id: I00c84e1d71d8a6e2059adecd63483c579826a261
Signed-off-by: DR695H <dr695h@att.com>
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_infra/MANIFEST.json b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_infra/MANIFEST.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11ce42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_infra/MANIFEST.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+    "name": "", 
+    "description": "", 
+    "data": [
+        {
+            "file": "base_vcpe_infra.yaml", 
+            "type": "HEAT", 
+            "isBase": "true", 
+            "data": [
+                {
+                    "file": "base_vcpe_infra.env", 
+                    "type": "HEAT_ENV"
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_infra/base_vcpe_infra.env b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_infra/base_vcpe_infra.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..689d1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_infra/base_vcpe_infra.env
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+  vcpe_image_name: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM)
+  vcpe_flavor_name: 4 GB General Purpose v1
+  public_net_id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+  cpe_signal_net_id: zdfw1cpe01_private
+  cpe_public_net_id: zdfw1cpe01_public
+  onap_private_subnet_id: PUT THE ONAP PRIVATE NETWORK NAME HERE
+  onap_private_net_cidr:
+  cpe_signal_net_cidr:
+  cpe_public_net_cidr:
+  vdhcp_private_ip_0:
+  vdhcp_private_ip_1:
+  vaaa_private_ip_0:
+  vaaa_private_ip_1:
+  vdns_private_ip_0:
+  vdns_private_ip_1:
+  vweb_private_ip_0:
+  vweb_private_ip_1:
+  mr_ip_addr:
+  vaaa_name_0: zdcpe1cpe01aaa01
+  vdns_name_0: zdcpe1cpe01dns01
+  vdhcp_name_0: zdcpe1cpe01dhcp01
+  vweb_name_0: zdcpe1cpe01web01
+  vnf_id: vCPE_Infrastructure_demo_app
+  vf_module_id: vCPE_Intrastructure
+  dcae_collector_ip:
+  dcae_collector_port: 8080
+  repo_url_blob: https://nexus.onap.org/content/sites/raw
+  repo_url_artifacts: https://nexus.onap.org/content/groups/staging
+  demo_artifacts_version: 1.1.0
+  install_script_version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
+  key_name: vaaa_key
+  pub_key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDQXYJYYi3/OUZXUiCYWdtc7K0m5C0dJKVxPG0eI8EWZrEHYdfYe6WoTSDJCww+1qlBSpA5ac/Ba4Wn9vh+lR1vtUKkyIC/nrYb90ReUd385Glkgzrfh5HdR5y5S2cL/Frh86lAn9r6b3iWTJD8wBwXFyoe1S2nMTOIuG4RPNvfmyCTYVh8XTCCE8HPvh3xv2r4egawG1P4Q4UDwk+hDBXThY2KS8M5/8EMyxHV0ImpLbpYCTBA6KYDIRtqmgS6iKyy8v2D1aSY5mc9J0T5t9S2Gv+VZQNWQDDKNFnxqYaAo1uEoq/i1q63XC5AD3ckXb2VT6dp23BQMdDfbHyUWfJN
+  cloud_env: rackspace
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_infra/base_vcpe_infra.yaml b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_infra/base_vcpe_infra.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a1875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_infra/base_vcpe_infra.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Heat template to deploy vCPE Infrastructue emlements (vAAA, vDHCP, vDNS_DHCP, webServer_sink) for ONAP
+#            #
+#            #
+  vcpe_image_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Image name or ID
+    description: Image to be used for compute instance
+  vcpe_flavor_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Flavor
+    description: Type of instance (flavor) to be used
+  public_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: Public network name or ID
+    description: Public network that enables remote connection to VNF
+  onap_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP management network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects ONAP components and the VNF
+  onap_private_subnet_id:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP management sub-network name or ID
+    description: Private sub-network that connects ONAP components and the VNF
+  onap_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the protected private network
+  cpe_signal_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vAAA private network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vAAA with vDNSs
+  cpe_signal_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vAAA private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the vAAA private network
+  cpe_public_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vCPE Public network (emulates internet) name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vGW to emulated internet
+  cpe_public_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vCPE public network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the vCPE public
+  vaaa_private_ip_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vAAA private IP address towards the CPE_SIGNAL private network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vAAA to communicate with the vCPE components
+  vaaa_private_ip_1:
+    type: string
+    label: vAAA private IP address towards the ONAP management network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vAAA to communicate with ONAP components
+  vdns_private_ip_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vDNS private IP address towards the CPE_PUBLIC private network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vDNS to communicate with the vCPE components
+  vdns_private_ip_1:
+    type: string
+    label: vDNS private IP address towards the ONAP management network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vDNS to communicate with ONAP components
+  vdhcp_private_ip_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vDHCP  private IP address towards the CPE_SIGNAL private network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vDHCP to communicate with the vCPE components
+  vdhcp_private_ip_1:
+    type: string
+    label: vDNS private IP address towards the ONAP management network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vDHCP to communicate with ONAP components
+  vweb_private_ip_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vWEB private IP address towards the CPE_PUBLIC private network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vWEB to communicate with the vGWs 
+  vweb_private_ip_1:
+    type: string
+    label: vWEB private IP address towards the ONAP management network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vWEB to communicate with ONAP components
+  vaaa_name_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vAAA name
+    description: Name of the vAAA
+  vdns_name_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vDNS name
+    description: Name of the vDNS
+  vdhcp_name_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vDHCP name
+    description: Name of the vDHCP
+  vweb_name_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vWEB name
+    description: Name of the vWEB 
+  vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    label: VNF ID
+    description: The VNF ID is provided by ONAP
+  vf_module_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vFirewall module ID
+    description: The vAAA Module ID is provided by ONAP
+  dcae_collector_ip:
+    type: string
+    label: DCAE collector IP address
+    description: IP address of the DCAE collector
+  dcae_collector_port:
+    type: string
+    label: DCAE collector port
+    description: Port of the DCAE collector
+  mr_ip_addr:
+    type: string
+    label: Message Router IP address
+    description: IP address of the Message Router that for vDHCP configuration 
+  key_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Key pair name
+    description: Public/Private key pair name
+  pub_key:
+    type: string
+    label: Public key
+    description: Public key to be installed on the compute instance
+  repo_url_blob:
+    type: string
+    label: Repository URL
+    description: URL of the repository that hosts the demo packages
+  repo_url_artifacts:
+    type: string
+    label: Repository URL
+    description: URL of the repository that hosts the demo packages
+  install_script_version:
+    type: string
+    label: Installation script version number
+    description: Version number of the scripts that install the vFW demo app
+  demo_artifacts_version:
+    type: string
+    label: Artifacts version used in demo vnfs
+    description: Artifacts (jar, tar.gz) version used in demo vnfs
+  cloud_env:
+    type: string
+    label: Cloud environment
+    description: Cloud environment (e.g., openstack, rackspace)
+#           #
+#           #
+  random-str:
+    type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+    properties:
+      length: 4
+  my_keypair:
+    type: OS::Nova::KeyPair
+    properties:
+      name:
+        str_replace:
+          template: base_rand
+          params:
+            base: { get_param: key_name }
+            rand: { get_resource: random-str }
+      public_key: { get_param: pub_key }
+      save_private_key: false
+  cpe_signal_network:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Net
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: cpe_signal_net_id }
+  cpe_signal_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: cpe_signal_net_id }
+      network_id: { get_resource: cpe_signal_network }
+      cidr: { get_param: cpe_signal_net_cidr }
+  cpe_public_network:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Net
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: cpe_public_net_id }
+  cpe_public_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: cpe_public_net_id }
+      network_id: { get_resource: cpe_public_network }
+      cidr: { get_param: cpe_public_net_cidr }
+  # Virtual AAA server Instantiation
+  vaaa_private_0_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_resource: cpe_signal_network }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: cpe_signal_subnet }, "ip_address": { get_param: vaaa_private_ip_0 }}]
+  vaaa_private_1_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: onap_private_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: onap_private_subnet_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vaaa_private_ip_1 }}]
+  vaaa_0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      image: { get_param: vcpe_image_name }
+      flavor: { get_param: vcpe_flavor_name }
+      name: { get_param: vaaa_name_0 }
+      key_name: { get_resource: my_keypair }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: public_net_id }
+        - port: { get_resource: vaaa_private_0_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vaaa_private_1_port }
+      metadata: {vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }, vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id }}
+      user_data_format: RAW
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          params:
+            __dcae_collector_ip__: { get_param: dcae_collector_ip }
+            __dcae_collector_port__: { get_param: dcae_collector_port }
+            __cpe_signal_net_ipaddr__: { get_param: vaaa_private_ip_0 }
+            __oam_ipaddr__: { get_param: vaaa_private_ip_1 }
+            __oam_cidr__: { get_param: onap_private_net_cidr }
+            __cpe_signal_net_cidr__: { get_param: cpe_signal_net_cidr }
+            __repo_url_blob__ : { get_param: repo_url_blob }
+            __repo_url_artifacts__ : { get_param: repo_url_artifacts }
+            __demo_artifacts_version__ : { get_param: demo_artifacts_version }
+            __install_script_version__ : { get_param: install_script_version }
+            __cloud_env__ : { get_param: cloud_env }
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            # Create configuration files
+            mkdir /opt/config
+            echo "__dcae_collector_ip__" > /opt/config/dcae_collector_ip.txt
+            echo "__dcae_collector_port__" > /opt/config/dcae_collector_port.txt
+            echo "__cpe_signal_net_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/cpe_signal_net_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__oam_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/oam_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__oam_cidr__" > /opt/config/oam_cidr.txt
+            echo "__cpe_signal_net_cidr__" > /opt/config/cpe_signal_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_blob__" > /opt/config/repo_url_blob.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_artifacts__" > /opt/config/repo_url_artifacts.txt
+            echo "__demo_artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/demo_artifacts_version.txt
+            echo "__install_script_version__" > /opt/config/install_script_version.txt
+            echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt
+            # Download and run install script
+            curl -k __repo_url_blob__/org.onap.demo/vnfs/vcpe/__install_script_version__/v_aaa_install.sh -o /opt/v_aaa_install.sh
+            cd /opt
+            chmod +x v_aaa_install.sh
+            ./v_aaa_install.sh
+  # Virtual DNS Instantiation
+  vdns_private_0_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_resource: cpe_public_network }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: cpe_public_subnet }, "ip_address": { get_param: vdns_private_ip_0 }}]
+  vdns_private_1_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: onap_private_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: onap_private_subnet_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vdns_private_ip_1 }}]
+  vdns_0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      image: { get_param: vcpe_image_name }
+      flavor: { get_param: vcpe_flavor_name }
+      name: { get_param: vdns_name_0 }
+      key_name: { get_resource: my_keypair }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: public_net_id }
+        - port: { get_resource: vdns_private_0_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vdns_private_1_port }
+      metadata: {vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }, vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id }}
+      user_data_format: RAW
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          params:
+            __oam_ipaddr__ : { get_param: vdns_private_ip_1 }
+            __cpe_public_net_ipaddr__: { get_param: vdns_private_ip_0 }
+            __oam_cidr__: { get_param: onap_private_net_cidr }
+            __cpe_public_net_cidr__: { get_param: cpe_public_net_cidr }
+            __repo_url_blob__ : { get_param: repo_url_blob }
+            __repo_url_artifacts__ : { get_param: repo_url_artifacts }
+            __demo_artifacts_version__ : { get_param: demo_artifacts_version }
+            __install_script_version__ : { get_param: install_script_version }
+            __cloud_env__ : { get_param: cloud_env }
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            # Create configuration files
+            mkdir /opt/config
+            echo "__oam_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/oam_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__cpe_public_net_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/cpe_public_net_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__oam_cidr__" > /opt/config/oam_cidr.txt
+            echo "__cpe_public_net_cidr__" > /opt/config/cpe_public_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_blob__" > /opt/config/repo_url_blob.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_artifacts__" > /opt/config/repo_url_artifacts.txt
+            echo "__demo_artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/demo_artifacts_version.txt
+            echo "__install_script_version__" > /opt/config/install_script_version.txt
+            echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt
+            # Download and run install script
+            curl -k __repo_url_blob__/org.onap.demo/vnfs/vcpe/__install_script_version__/v_dns_install.sh -o /opt/v_dns_install.sh
+            cd /opt
+            chmod +x v_dns_install.sh
+            ./v_dns_install.sh
+  # Virtual DHCP Instantiation
+  vdhcp_private_0_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_resource: cpe_signal_network }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: cpe_signal_subnet }, "ip_address": { get_param: vdhcp_private_ip_0 }}]
+  vdhcp_private_1_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: onap_private_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: onap_private_subnet_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vdhcp_private_ip_1 }}]
+  vdhcp_0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      image: { get_param: vcpe_image_name }
+      flavor: { get_param: vcpe_flavor_name }
+      name: { get_param: vdhcp_name_0 }
+      key_name: { get_resource: my_keypair }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: public_net_id }
+        - port: { get_resource: vdhcp_private_0_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vdhcp_private_1_port }
+      metadata: {vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }, vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id }}
+      user_data_format: RAW
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          params:
+            __oam_ipaddr__ : { get_param: vdhcp_private_ip_1 }
+            __cpe_signal_ipaddr__ : { get_param: vdhcp_private_ip_0 }
+            __oam_cidr__ : { get_param: onap_private_net_cidr }
+            __cpe_signal_net_cidr__ : { get_param: cpe_signal_net_cidr }
+            __mr_ip_addr__ : { get_param: mr_ip_addr }
+            __repo_url_blob__ : { get_param: repo_url_blob }
+            __repo_url_artifacts__ : { get_param: repo_url_artifacts }
+            __demo_artifacts_version__ : { get_param: demo_artifacts_version }
+            __install_script_version__ : { get_param: install_script_version }
+            __cloud_env__ : { get_param: cloud_env }
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            # Create configuration files
+            mkdir /opt/config
+            echo "__oam_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/oam_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__cpe_signal_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/cpe_signal_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__oam_cidr__" > /opt/config/oam_cidr.txt
+            echo "__cpe_signal_net_cidr__" > /opt/config/cpe_signal_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__mr_ip_addr__" > /opt/config/mr_ip_addr.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_blob__" > /opt/config/repo_url_blob.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_artifacts__" > /opt/config/repo_url_artifacts.txt
+            echo "__demo_artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/demo_artifacts_version.txt
+            echo "__install_script_version__" > /opt/config/install_script_version.txt
+            echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt
+            # Download and run install script
+            curl -k __repo_url_blob__/org.onap.demo/vnfs/vcpe/__install_script_version__/v_dhcp_install.sh -o /opt/v_dhcp_install.sh
+            cd /opt
+            chmod +x v_dhcp_install.sh
+            ./v_dhcp_install.sh
+  # vWEB instantiaion
+  vweb_private_0_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_resource: cpe_public_network }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: cpe_public_subnet }, "ip_address": { get_param: vweb_private_ip_0 }}]
+  vweb_private_1_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: onap_private_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: onap_private_subnet_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vweb_private_ip_1 }}]
+  vweb_0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      image: { get_param: vcpe_image_name }
+      flavor: { get_param: vcpe_flavor_name }
+      name: { get_param: vweb_name_0 }
+      key_name: { get_resource: my_keypair }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: public_net_id }
+        - port: { get_resource: vweb_private_0_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vweb_private_1_port }
+      metadata: {vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }, vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id }}
+      user_data_format: RAW
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          params:
+            __oam_ipaddr__ : { get_param: vweb_private_ip_1 }
+            __cpe_public_ipaddr__: { get_param: vweb_private_ip_0 }
+            __oam_cidr__: { get_param: onap_private_net_cidr }
+            __cpe_public_net_cidr__: { get_param: cpe_public_net_cidr }
+            __repo_url_blob__ : { get_param: repo_url_blob }
+            __repo_url_artifacts__ : { get_param: repo_url_artifacts }
+            __demo_artifacts_version__ : { get_param: demo_artifacts_version }
+            __install_script_version__ : { get_param: install_script_version }
+            __cloud_env__ : { get_param: cloud_env }
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            # Create configuration files
+            mkdir /opt/config
+            echo "__oam_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/oam_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__cpe_public_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/cpe_public_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__oam_cidr__" > /opt/config/oam_cidr.txt
+            echo "__cpe_public_net_cidr__" > /opt/config/cpe_public_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_blob__" > /opt/config/repo_url_blob.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_artifacts__" > /opt/config/repo_url_artifacts.txt
+            echo "__demo_artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/demo_artifacts_version.txt
+            echo "__install_script_version__" > /opt/config/install_script_version.txt
+            echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt
+            # Download and run install script
+            curl -k __repo_url_blob__/org.onap.demo/vnfs/vcpe/__install_script_version__/v_web_install.sh -o /opt/v_web_install.sh
+            cd /opt
+            chmod +x v_web_install.sh
+            ./v_web_install.sh
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbng/MANIFEST.json b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbng/MANIFEST.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4fbb30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbng/MANIFEST.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+    "name": "", 
+    "description": "", 
+    "data": [
+        {
+            "file": "base_vcpe_vbng_rackspace.yaml", 
+            "type": "HEAT", 
+            "isBase": "true", 
+            "data": [
+                {
+                    "file": "base_vcpe_vbng_rackspace.env", 
+                    "type": "HEAT_ENV"
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbng/base_vcpe_vbng_rackspace.env b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbng/base_vcpe_vbng_rackspace.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e363b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbng/base_vcpe_vbng_rackspace.env
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ parameters:
+  vcpe_image_name: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM)
+  vcpe_flavor_name: 4 GB General Purpose v1
+  public_net_id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+  brgemu_bng_private_net_id: zdfw1bngin01_private
+  bng_gmux_private_net_id: zdfw1bngmux01_private
+  onap_private_net_id: <PUT_YOUR_ONAP_NET_ID_HERE>
+  onap_private_subnet_id: <PUT_YOUR_ONAP_NET_ID_HERE>
+  onap_private_net_cidr:
+  cpe_signal_net_id: zdfw1cpe01_private
+  brgemu_bng_private_net_cidr:
+  bng_gmux_private_net_cidr:
+  cpe_signal_private_net_cidr:
+  vbng_private_ip_0:
+  vbng_private_ip_1:
+  vbng_private_ip_2:
+  vbng_private_ip_3:
+  vbng_name_0: zdcpe1cpe01bng01
+  vnf_id: vCPE_Infrastructure_Metro_vBNG_demo_app
+  vf_module_id: vCPE_Intrastructure_Metro_vBNG
+  dcae_collector_ip:
+  dcae_collector_port: 8080
+  repo_url_blob: https://nexus.onap.org/content/sites/raw
+  repo_url_artifacts: https://nexus.onap.org/content/groups/staging
+  demo_artifacts_version: 1.1.0
+  install_script_version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
+  key_name: vbng_key
+  pub_key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDQXYJYYi3/OUZXUiCYWdtc7K0m5C0dJKVxPG0eI8EWZrEHYdfYe6WoTSDJCww+1qlBSpA5ac/Ba4Wn9vh+lR1vtUKkyIC/nrYb90ReUd385Glkgzrfh5HdR5y5S2cL/Frh86lAn9r6b3iWTJD8wBwXFyoe1S2nMTOIuG4RPNvfmyCTYVh8XTCCE8HPvh3xv2r4egawG1P4Q4UDwk+hDBXThY2KS8M5/8EMyxHV0ImpLbpYCTBA6KYDIRtqmgS6iKyy8v2D1aSY5mc9J0T5t9S2Gv+VZQNWQDDKNFnxqYaAo1uEoq/i1q63XC5AD3ckXb2VT6dp23BQMdDfbHyUWfJN
+  cloud_env: rackspace
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbng/base_vcpe_vbng_rackspace.yaml b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbng/base_vcpe_vbng_rackspace.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5c0eed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbng/base_vcpe_vbng_rackspace.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Heat template to deploy vCPE virtual Broadband Network Gateway (vBNG) for ONAP
+#            #
+#            #
+  vcpe_image_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Image name or ID
+    description: Image to be used for compute instance
+  vcpe_flavor_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Flavor
+    description: Type of instance (flavor) to be used
+  public_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: Public network name or ID
+    description: Public network that enables remote connection to VNF
+  brgemu_bng_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG IN private network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vBRG to vBNG
+  brgemu_bng_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG IN private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the input side of vBNG private network
+  bng_gmux_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG vGMUX private network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vBNG to vGMUX
+  bng_gmux_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vGMUX private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the input side of vGMUX private network
+  onap_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP management network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects ONAP components and the VNF
+  onap_private_subnet_id:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP management sub-network name or ID
+    description: Private sub-network that connects ONAP components and the VNF
+  onap_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the protected private network
+  cpe_signal_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vCPE private network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vCPE elements with vCPE infrastructure elements
+  cpe_signal_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vAAA private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the vAAA private network
+  vbng_private_ip_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG IN private IP address
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vBNG IN
+  vbng_private_ip_1:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG private IP address towards the ONAP management network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vBNG to communicate with ONAP components
+  vbng_private_ip_2:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG to CPE_SIGNAL private IP address
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vBNG in the CPE_SIGNAL network
+  vbng_private_ip_3:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG to vGMUX private IP address
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vBNG to vGMUX port
+  vbng_name_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG name
+    description: Name of the vBNG
+  vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    label: VNF ID
+    description: The VNF ID is provided by ONAP
+  vf_module_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vCPE module ID
+    description: The vCPE Module ID is provided by ONAP
+  dcae_collector_ip:
+    type: string
+    label: DCAE collector IP address
+    description: IP address of the DCAE collector
+  dcae_collector_port:
+    type: string
+    label: DCAE collector port
+    description: Port of the DCAE collector
+  key_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Key pair name
+    description: Public/Private key pair name
+  pub_key:
+    type: string
+    label: Public key
+    description: Public key to be installed on the compute instance
+  repo_url_blob:
+    type: string
+    label: Repository URL
+    description: URL of the repository that hosts the demo packages
+  repo_url_artifacts:
+    type: string
+    label: Repository URL
+    description: URL of the repository that hosts the demo packages
+  install_script_version:
+    type: string
+    label: Installation script version number
+    description: Version number of the scripts that install the vFW demo app
+  demo_artifacts_version:
+    type: string
+    label: Artifacts version used in demo vnfs
+    description: Artifacts (jar, tar.gz) version used in demo vnfs
+  cloud_env:
+    type: string
+    label: Cloud environment
+    description: Cloud environment (e.g., openstack, rackspace)
+#           #
+#           #
+  random-str:
+    type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+    properties:
+      length: 4
+  my_keypair:
+    type: OS::Nova::KeyPair
+    properties:
+      name:
+        str_replace:
+          template: base_rand
+          params:
+            base: { get_param: key_name }
+            rand: { get_resource: random-str }
+      public_key: { get_param: pub_key }
+      save_private_key: false
+  brgemu_bng_private_network:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Net
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: brgemu_bng_private_net_id }
+  brgemu_bng_private_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: brgemu_bng_private_net_id }
+      network_id: { get_resource: brgemu_bng_private_network }
+      cidr: { get_param: brgemu_bng_private_net_cidr }
+  # Virtual BNG Instantiation
+  vbng_private_0_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_resource: brgemu_bng_private_network }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: brgemu_bng_private_subnet }, "ip_address": { get_param: vbng_private_ip_0 }}]
+  vbng_private_1_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: onap_private_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: onap_private_subnet_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vbng_private_ip_1 }}]
+  vbng_private_2_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: cpe_signal_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: cpe_signal_net_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vbng_private_ip_2 }}]
+  vbng_private_3_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: bng_gmux_private_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: bng_gmux_private_net_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vbng_private_ip_3 }}]
+  vbng_0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      image: { get_param: vcpe_image_name }
+      flavor: { get_param: vcpe_flavor_name }
+      name: { get_param: vbng_name_0 }
+      key_name: { get_resource: my_keypair }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: public_net_id }
+        - port: { get_resource: vbng_private_0_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vbng_private_1_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vbng_private_2_port }
+      metadata: {vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }, vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id }}
+      user_data_format: RAW
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          params:
+            __oam_ipaddr__: { get_param: vbng_private_ip_1 }
+            __brgemu_bng_net_ipaddr__: { get_param: vbng_private_ip_0 }
+            __cpe_signal_net_ipaddr__: { get_param: vbng_private_ip_2 }
+            __bng_gmux_net_ipaddr__: { get_param: vbng_private_ip_3 }
+            __oam_cidr__: { get_param: onap_private_net_cidr }
+            __brgemu_bng_cidr__: { get_param: brgemu_bng_private_net_cidr }
+            __cpe_signal_cidr__: { get_param: cpe_signal_private_net_cidr }
+            __bng_gmux_cidr__: { get_param: bng_gmux_private_net_cidr }
+            __dcae_collector_ip__: { get_param: dcae_collector_ip }
+            __dcae_collector_port__: { get_param: dcae_collector_port }
+            __repo_url_blob__ : { get_param: repo_url_blob }
+            __repo_url_artifacts__ : { get_param: repo_url_artifacts }
+            __demo_artifacts_version__ : { get_param: demo_artifacts_version }
+            __install_script_version__ : { get_param: install_script_version }
+            __cloud_env__ : { get_param: cloud_env }
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            # Create configuration files
+            mkdir /opt/config
+            echo "__brgemu_bng_net_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/brgemu_bng_net_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__cpe_signal_net_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/cpe_signal_net_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__bng_gmux_net_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/bng_gmux_net_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__oam_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/oam_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__oam_cidr__" > /opt/config/oam_cidr.txt
+            echo "__bng_gmux_cidr__" > /opt/config/bng_gmux_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__cpe_signal_cidr__" > /opt/config/cpe_signal_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__brgemu_bng_cidr__" > /opt/config/brgemu_bng_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__dcae_collector_ip__" > /opt/config/dcae_collector_ip.txt
+            echo "__dcae_collector_port__" > /opt/config/dcae_collector_port.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_blob__" > /opt/config/repo_url_blob.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_artifacts__" > /opt/config/repo_url_artifacts.txt
+            echo "__demo_artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/demo_artifacts_version.txt
+            echo "__install_script_version__" > /opt/config/install_script_version.txt
+            echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt
+            # Download and run install script
+            curl -k __repo_url_blob__/org.onap.demo/vnfs/vcpe/__install_script_version__/v_bng_install.sh -o /opt/v_bng_install.sh
+            cd /opt
+            chmod +x v_bng_install.sh
+            ./v_bng_install.sh
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbrgemu/MANIFEST.json b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbrgemu/MANIFEST.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edc4b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbrgemu/MANIFEST.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+    "name": "", 
+    "description": "", 
+    "data": [
+        {
+            "file": "base_vcpe_vbrgemu_rackspace.yaml", 
+            "type": "HEAT", 
+            "isBase": "true", 
+            "data": [
+                {
+                    "file": "base_vcpe_vbrgemu_rackspace.env", 
+                    "type": "HEAT_ENV"
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbrgemu/base_vcpe_vbrgemu_rackspace.env b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbrgemu/base_vcpe_vbrgemu_rackspace.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1951c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbrgemu/base_vcpe_vbrgemu_rackspace.env
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ parameters:
+  vcpe_image_name: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM)
+  vcpe_flavor_name: 4 GB General Purpose v1
+  public_net_id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+  vbrgemu_bng_private_net_id: zdfw1bngin01_private
+  vbrgemu_private_net_id: zdfw1vbrgemu01_private
+  vbrgemu_bng_private_net_cidr:
+  vbrgemu_private_net_cidr:
+  vbrgemu_private_ip_0:
+  vbrgemu_private_ip_1:
+  vbrgemu_name_0: zdcpe1cpe01brgemu01
+  vnf_id: vCPE_Infrastructure_BGREMU_demo_app
+  vf_module_id: vCPE_Customer_BRGEMU
+  repo_url_blob: https://nexus.onap.org/content/sites/raw
+  repo_url_artifacts: https://nexus.onap.org/content/groups/staging
+  demo_artifacts_version: 1.1.0
+  install_script_version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
+  key_name: vbrgemu_key
+  pub_key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDQXYJYYi3/OUZXUiCYWdtc7K0m5C0dJKVxPG0eI8EWZrEHYdfYe6WoTSDJCww+1qlBSpA5ac/Ba4Wn9vh+lR1vtUKkyIC/nrYb90ReUd385Glkgzrfh5HdR5y5S2cL/Frh86lAn9r6b3iWTJD8wBwXFyoe1S2nMTOIuG4RPNvfmyCTYVh8XTCCE8HPvh3xv2r4egawG1P4Q4UDwk+hDBXThY2KS8M5/8EMyxHV0ImpLbpYCTBA6KYDIRtqmgS6iKyy8v2D1aSY5mc9J0T5t9S2Gv+VZQNWQDDKNFnxqYaAo1uEoq/i1q63XC5AD3ckXb2VT6dp23BQMdDfbHyUWfJN
+  cloud_env: rackspace
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbrgemu/base_vcpe_vbrgemu_rackspace.yaml b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbrgemu/base_vcpe_vbrgemu_rackspace.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f926eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vbrgemu/base_vcpe_vbrgemu_rackspace.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Heat template to deploy vCPE vBRG Emulator (vBRGEMU) for ONAP
+#                                                                     #
+# PARAMETERS 							                                            #
+#                                                                     #
+#     0_port should get IP address from DHCP discover through vBNG    #
+#     DCAE is not monitoring the BRGEMULATOR                          #
+  vcpe_image_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Image name or ID
+    description: Image to be used for compute instance
+  vcpe_flavor_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Flavor
+    description: Type of instance (flavor) to be used
+  public_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: Public network name or ID
+    description: Public network that enables remote connection to VNF
+  vbrgemu_bng_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG private network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vBRGEMU to vBNG
+  vbrgemu_bng_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG IN private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the input side of vBNG private network
+  vbrgemu_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vBRGEMU Home private network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vBRGEMU to local devices
+  vbrgemu_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vBRGEMU Home private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the input side of vBRGEMU Home private network
+  vbrgemu_private_ip_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vGW private IP address
+    description: Private IP address towards the BRGEMU-BNG network
+  vbrgemu_private_ip_1:
+    type: string
+    label: vGW private IP address
+    description: Private IP address towards the BRGEMU private network
+  vbrgemu_name_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vGW  name
+    description: Name of the vGW
+  vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    label: VNF ID
+    description: The VNF ID is provided by ONAP
+  vf_module_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vCPE module ID
+    description: The vCPE Module ID is provided by ONAP
+  key_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Key pair name
+    description: Public/Private key pair name
+  pub_key:
+    type: string
+    label: Public key
+    description: Public key to be installed on the compute instance
+  repo_url_blob:
+    type: string
+    label: Repository URL
+    description: URL of the repository that hosts the demo packages
+  repo_url_artifacts:
+    type: string
+    label: Repository URL
+    description: URL of the repository that hosts the demo packages
+  install_script_version:
+    type: string
+    label: Installation script version number
+    description: Version number of the scripts that install the vFW demo app
+  demo_artifacts_version:
+    type: string
+    label: Artifacts version used in demo vnfs
+    description: Artifacts (jar, tar.gz) version used in demo vnfs
+  cloud_env:
+    type: string
+    label: Cloud environment
+    description: Cloud environment (e.g., openstack, rackspace)
+#           #
+#           #
+  random-str:
+    type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+    properties:
+      length: 4
+  my_keypair:
+    type: OS::Nova::KeyPair
+    properties:
+      name:
+        str_replace:
+          template: base_rand
+          params:
+            base: { get_param: key_name }
+            rand: { get_resource: random-str }
+      public_key: { get_param: pub_key }
+      save_private_key: false
+  vbrgemu_private_network:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Net
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vbrgemu_private_net_id }
+  vbrgemu_private_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vbrgemu_private_net_id }
+      network_id: { get_resource: vbrgemu_private_network }
+      cidr: { get_param: vbrgemu_private_net_cidr }
+  # Virtual BRG Emulator Instantiation
+  # 0_port should get IP address from DHCP discover through vBNG once the VNF is running
+  vbrgemu_private_0_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: vbrgemu_bng_private_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: vbrgemu_bng_private_net_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vbrgemu_private_ip_0 }}]
+  vbrgemu_private_1_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_resource: vbrgemu_private_network }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: vbrgemu_private_subnet }, "ip_address": { get_param: vbrgemu_private_ip_1 }}]
+  vbrgemu_0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      image: { get_param: vcpe_image_name }
+      flavor: { get_param: vcpe_flavor_name }
+      name: { get_param: vbrgemu_name_0 }
+      key_name: { get_resource: my_keypair }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: public_net_id }
+        - port: { get_resource: vbrgemu_private_0_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vbrgemu_private_1_port }
+      metadata: {vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }, vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id }}
+      user_data_format: RAW
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          params:
+            __brgemu_net_ipaddr__: { get_param: vbrgemu_private_ip_1 }
+            __brgemu_cidr__: { get_param: vbrgemu_private_net_cidr }
+            __brgemu_bng_private_net_cidr__: { get_param: vbrgemu_bng_private_net_cidr }
+            __repo_url_blob__ : { get_param: repo_url_blob }
+            __repo_url_artifacts__ : { get_param: repo_url_artifacts }
+            __demo_artifacts_version__ : { get_param: demo_artifacts_version }
+            __install_script_version__ : { get_param: install_script_version }
+            __cloud_env__ : { get_param: cloud_env }
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            # Create configuration files
+            mkdir /opt/config
+            echo "__brgemu_net_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/brgemu_net_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__brgemu_cidr__" > /opt/config/brgemu_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__brgemu_bng_private_net_cidr__" > /opt/config/brgemu_bng_private_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_blob__" > /opt/config/repo_url_blob.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_artifacts__" > /opt/config/repo_url_artifacts.txt
+            echo "__demo_artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/demo_artifacts_version.txt
+            echo "__install_script_version__" > /opt/config/install_script_version.txt
+            echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt
+            # Download and run install script
+            curl -k __repo_url_blob__/org.onap.demo/vnfs/vcpe/__install_script_version__/v_brgemu_install.sh -o /opt/v_brgemu_install.sh
+            cd /opt
+            chmod +x v_brgemu_install.sh
+            ./v_brgemu_install.sh
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgmux/MANIFEST.json b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgmux/MANIFEST.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35603f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgmux/MANIFEST.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+    "name": "", 
+    "description": "", 
+    "data": [
+        {
+            "file": "base_vcpe_vgmux_rackspace.yaml", 
+            "type": "HEAT", 
+            "isBase": "true", 
+            "data": [
+                {
+                    "file": "base_vcpe_vgmux_rackspace.env", 
+                    "type": "HEAT_ENV"
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgmux/base_vcpe_vgmux_rackspace.env b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgmux/base_vcpe_vgmux_rackspace.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b20f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgmux/base_vcpe_vgmux_rackspace.env
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ parameters:
+  vcpe_image_name: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM)
+  vcpe_flavor_name: 4 GB General Purpose v1
+  public_net_id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+  bng_gmux_private_net_id: zdfw1bngmux01_private
+  mux_gw_private_net_id: zdfw1muxgw01_private
+  onap_private_net_id: <PUT_YOUR_ONAP_NET_ID_HERE>
+  onap_private_subnet_id: <PUT_YOUR_ONAP_NET_ID_HERE>
+  onap_private_net_cidr:
+  bng_gmux_private_net_cidr:
+  mux_gw_private_net_cidr:
+  vgmux_private_ip_0:
+  vgmux_private_ip_1:
+  vgmux_private_ip_2:
+  vgmux_name_0: zdcpe1cpe01mux01
+  vnf_id: vCPE_Infrastructure_vGMUX_demo_app
+  vf_module_id: vCPE_Intrastructure_Metro_vGMUX
+  dcae_collector_ip:
+  dcae_collector_port: 8080
+  repo_url_blob: https://nexus.onap.org/content/sites/raw
+  repo_url_artifacts: https://nexus.onap.org/content/groups/staging
+  demo_artifacts_version: 1.1.0
+  install_script_version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
+  key_name: vbng_key
+  pub_key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDQXYJYYi3/OUZXUiCYWdtc7K0m5C0dJKVxPG0eI8EWZrEHYdfYe6WoTSDJCww+1qlBSpA5ac/Ba4Wn9vh+lR1vtUKkyIC/nrYb90ReUd385Glkgzrfh5HdR5y5S2cL/Frh86lAn9r6b3iWTJD8wBwXFyoe1S2nMTOIuG4RPNvfmyCTYVh8XTCCE8HPvh3xv2r4egawG1P4Q4UDwk+hDBXThY2KS8M5/8EMyxHV0ImpLbpYCTBA6KYDIRtqmgS6iKyy8v2D1aSY5mc9J0T5t9S2Gv+VZQNWQDDKNFnxqYaAo1uEoq/i1q63XC5AD3ckXb2VT6dp23BQMdDfbHyUWfJN
+  cloud_env: rackspace
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgmux/base_vcpe_vgmux_rackspace.yaml b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgmux/base_vcpe_vgmux_rackspace.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e212a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgmux/base_vcpe_vgmux_rackspace.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Heat template to deploy vCPE Infrastructue Metro vGMUX for ONAP
+#            #
+#            #
+  vcpe_image_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Image name or ID
+    description: Image to be used for compute instance
+  vcpe_flavor_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Flavor
+    description: Type of instance (flavor) to be used
+  public_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: Public network name or ID
+    description: Public network that enables remote connection to VNF
+  bng_gmux_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG vGMUX private network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vBNG to vGMUX
+  bng_gmux_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vBNG vGMUX private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the vBNG-vGMUX private network
+  mux_gw_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vCPE Public network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vGMUX to vGWs
+  mux_gw_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vGMUX private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the vGMUX private network
+  onap_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP management network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects ONAP components and the VNF
+  onap_private_subnet_id:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP management sub-network name or ID
+    description: Private sub-network that connects ONAP components and the VNF
+  onap_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the protected private network
+  vgmux_private_ip_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vGMUX private IP address towards the vBNG-vGMUX private network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vGMUX to communicate with the vBNG
+  vgmux_private_ip_1:
+    type: string
+    label: vGMUX private IP address towards the ONAP management network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vGMUX to communicate with ONAP components
+  vgmux_private_ip_2:
+    type: string
+    label: vGMUX private IP address towards the vGMUX-vGW private network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vGMUX to communicate with vGWs
+  vgmux_name_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vGMUX name
+    description: Name of the vGMUX
+  vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    label: VNF ID
+    description: The VNF ID is provided by ONAP
+  vf_module_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vCPE module ID
+    description: The vCPE Module ID is provided by ONAP
+  dcae_collector_ip:
+    type: string
+    label: DCAE collector IP address
+    description: IP address of the DCAE collector
+  dcae_collector_port:
+    type: string
+    label: DCAE collector port
+    description: Port of the DCAE collector
+  key_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Key pair name
+    description: Public/Private key pair name
+  pub_key:
+    type: string
+    label: Public key
+    description: Public key to be installed on the compute instance
+  repo_url_blob:
+    type: string
+    label: Repository URL
+    description: URL of the repository that hosts the demo packages
+  repo_url_artifacts:
+    type: string
+    label: Repository URL
+    description: URL of the repository that hosts the demo packages
+  install_script_version:
+    type: string
+    label: Installation script version number
+    description: Version number of the scripts that install the vFW demo app
+  demo_artifacts_version:
+    type: string
+    label: Artifacts version used in demo vnfs
+    description: Artifacts (jar, tar.gz) version used in demo vnfs
+  cloud_env:
+    type: string
+    label: Cloud environment
+    description: Cloud environment (e.g., openstack, rackspace)
+#           #
+#           #
+  random-str:
+    type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+    properties:
+      length: 4
+  my_keypair:
+    type: OS::Nova::KeyPair
+    properties:
+      name:
+        str_replace:
+          template: base_rand
+          params:
+            base: { get_param: key_name }
+            rand: { get_resource: random-str }
+      public_key: { get_param: pub_key }
+      save_private_key: false
+  mux_gw_private_network:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Net
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: mux_gw_private_net_id }
+  mux_gw_private_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: mux_gw_private_net_id }
+      network_id: { get_resource: mux_gw_private_network }
+      cidr: { get_param: mux_gw_private_net_cidr }
+  bng_gmux_private_network:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Net
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: bng_gmux_private_net_id }
+  bng_gmux_private_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: bng_gmux_private_net_id }
+      network_id: { get_resource: bng_gmux_private_network }
+      cidr: { get_param: bng_gmux_private_net_cidr }
+  # Virtual GMUX Instantiation
+  vgmux_private_0_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_resource: bng_gmux_private_network }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: bng_gmux_private_subnet }, "ip_address": { get_param: vgmux_private_ip_0 }}]
+  vgmux_private_1_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: onap_private_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: onap_private_subnet_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vgmux_private_ip_1 }}]
+  vgmux_private_2_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_resource: mux_gw_private_network }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": {  get_resource: mux_gw_private_subnet }, "ip_address": { get_param: vgmux_private_ip_2 }}]
+  vgmux_0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      image: { get_param: vcpe_image_name }
+      flavor: { get_param: vcpe_flavor_name }
+      name: { get_param: vgmux_name_0 }
+      key_name: { get_resource: my_keypair }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: public_net_id }
+        - port: { get_resource: vgmux_private_0_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vgmux_private_1_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vgmux_private_2_port }
+      metadata: {vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }, vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id }}
+      user_data_format: RAW
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          params:
+            __bng_mux_net_ipaddr__ : { get_param: vgmux_private_ip_0 }
+            __oam_ipaddr__ : { get_param: vgmux_private_ip_1 }
+            __mux_gw_net_ipaddr__ : { get_param: vgmux_private_ip_2 }
+            __bng_mux_net_cidr__ : { get_param: bng_gmux_private_net_cidr }
+            __oam_cidr__ : { get_param: onap_private_net_cidr }
+            __mux_gw_net_cidr__ : { get_param: mux_gw_private_net_cidr }
+            __repo_url_blob__ : { get_param: repo_url_blob }
+            __repo_url_artifacts__ : { get_param: repo_url_artifacts }
+            __demo_artifacts_version__ : { get_param: demo_artifacts_version }
+            __install_script_version__ : { get_param: install_script_version }
+            __cloud_env__ : { get_param: cloud_env }
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            # Create configuration files
+            mkdir /opt/config
+            echo "__bng_mux_net_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/bng_mux_net_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__oam_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/oam_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__mux_gw_net_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/mux_gw_net_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__bng_mux_net_cidr__" > /opt/config/bng_mux_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__oam_cidr__" > /opt/config/oam_cidr.txt
+            echo "__mux_gw_net_cidr__" > /opt/config/mux_gw_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_blob__" > /opt/config/repo_url_blob.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_artifacts__" > /opt/config/repo_url_artifacts.txt
+            echo "__demo_artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/demo_artifacts_version.txt
+            echo "__install_script_version__" > /opt/config/install_script_version.txt
+            echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt
+            # Download and run install script
+            curl -k __repo_url_blob__/org.onap.demo/vnfs/vcpe/__install_script_version__/v_gmux_install.sh -o /opt/v_gmux_install.sh
+            cd /opt
+            chmod +x v_gmux_install.sh
+            ./v_gmux_install.sh
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgw/MANIFEST.json b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgw/MANIFEST.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edaface
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgw/MANIFEST.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+    "name": "", 
+    "description": "", 
+    "data": [
+        {
+            "file": "base_vcpe_vgw_rackspace.yaml", 
+            "type": "HEAT", 
+            "isBase": "true", 
+            "data": [
+                {
+                    "file": "base_vcpe_vgw_rackspace.env", 
+                    "type": "HEAT_ENV"
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgw/base_vcpe_vgw_rackspace.env b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgw/base_vcpe_vgw_rackspace.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93096f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgw/base_vcpe_vgw_rackspace.env
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ parameters:
+  vcpe_image_name: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM)
+  vcpe_flavor_name: 4 GB General Purpose v1
+  public_net_id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+  mux_gw_private_net_id: zdfw1muxgw01_private
+  mux_gw_private_net_cidr:
+  cpe_public_net_id: zdfw1cpe01_public
+  cpe_public_net_cidr:
+  onap_private_net_id: <PUT_YOUR_ONAP_NET_ID_HERE>
+  onap_private_subnet_id: <PUT_YOUR_ONAP_NET_ID_HERE>
+  onap_private_net_cidr:
+  vgw_private_ip_0:
+  vgw_private_ip_1:
+  vgw_private_ip_2:
+  vgw_name_0: zdcpe1cpe01gw01
+  vnf_id: vCPE_Infrastructure_GW_demo_app
+  vf_module_id: vCPE_Customer_GW
+  dcae_collector_ip:
+  dcae_collector_port: 8080
+  repo_url_blob: https://nexus.onap.org/content/sites/raw
+  repo_url_artifacts: https://nexus.onap.org/content/groups/staging
+  demo_artifacts_version: 1.1.0
+  install_script_version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
+  key_name: vgw_key
+  pub_key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDQXYJYYi3/OUZXUiCYWdtc7K0m5C0dJKVxPG0eI8EWZrEHYdfYe6WoTSDJCww+1qlBSpA5ac/Ba4Wn9vh+lR1vtUKkyIC/nrYb90ReUd385Glkgzrfh5HdR5y5S2cL/Frh86lAn9r6b3iWTJD8wBwXFyoe1S2nMTOIuG4RPNvfmyCTYVh8XTCCE8HPvh3xv2r4egawG1P4Q4UDwk+hDBXThY2KS8M5/8EMyxHV0ImpLbpYCTBA6KYDIRtqmgS6iKyy8v2D1aSY5mc9J0T5t9S2Gv+VZQNWQDDKNFnxqYaAo1uEoq/i1q63XC5AD3ckXb2VT6dp23BQMdDfbHyUWfJN
+  cloud_env: rackspace
diff --git a/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgw/base_vcpe_vgw_rackspace.yaml b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgw/base_vcpe_vgw_rackspace.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0621556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/asdc/base_vcpe_vgw/base_vcpe_vgw_rackspace.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Heat template to deploy vCPE vGateway (vG) for ONAP
+#            #
+#            #
+  vcpe_image_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Image name or ID
+    description: Image to be used for compute instance
+  vcpe_flavor_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Flavor
+    description: Type of instance (flavor) to be used
+  public_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: Public network name or ID
+    description: Public network that enables remote connection to VNF
+  mux_gw_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vGMUX private network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vGMUX to vGWs
+  mux_gw_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vGMUX private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the vGMUX private network
+  onap_private_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP management network name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects ONAP components and the VNF
+  onap_private_subnet_id:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP management sub-network name or ID
+    description: Private sub-network that connects ONAP components and the VNF
+  onap_private_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: ONAP private network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the protected private network
+  cpe_public_net_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vCPE network that emulates internetmanagement name or ID
+    description: Private network that connects vGW to emulated internet
+  cpe_public_net_cidr:
+    type: string
+    label: vCPE public network CIDR
+    description: The CIDR of the vCPE public
+  vgw_private_ip_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vGW private IP address towards the vGMUX
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vGW to communicate with vGMUX
+  vgw_private_ip_1:
+    type: string
+    label: vGW private IP address towards the ONAP management network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vGW to communicate with ONAP components
+  vgw_private_ip_2:
+    type: string
+    label: vGW private IP address towards the vCPE public network
+    description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vGW to communicate with vCPE public network
+  vgw_name_0:
+    type: string
+    label: vGW  name
+    description: Name of the vGW
+  vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    label: VNF ID
+    description: The VNF ID is provided by ONAP
+  vf_module_id:
+    type: string
+    label: vCPE module ID
+    description: The vCPE Module ID is provided by ONAP
+  dcae_collector_ip:
+    type: string
+    label: DCAE collector IP address
+    description: IP address of the DCAE collector
+  dcae_collector_port:
+    type: string
+    label: DCAE collector port
+    description: Port of the DCAE collector
+  key_name:
+    type: string
+    label: Key pair name
+    description: Public/Private key pair name
+  pub_key:
+    type: string
+    label: Public key
+    description: Public key to be installed on the compute instance
+  repo_url_blob:
+    type: string
+    label: Repository URL
+    description: URL of the repository that hosts the demo packages
+  repo_url_artifacts:
+    type: string
+    label: Repository URL
+    description: URL of the repository that hosts the demo packages
+  install_script_version:
+    type: string
+    label: Installation script version number
+    description: Version number of the scripts that install the vFW demo app
+  demo_artifacts_version:
+    type: string
+    label: Artifacts version used in demo vnfs
+    description: Artifacts (jar, tar.gz) version used in demo vnfs
+  cloud_env:
+    type: string
+    label: Cloud environment
+    description: Cloud environment (e.g., openstack, rackspace)
+#           #
+#           #
+  random-str:
+    type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+    properties:
+      length: 4
+  my_keypair:
+    type: OS::Nova::KeyPair
+    properties:
+      name:
+        str_replace:
+          template: base_rand
+          params:
+            base: { get_param: key_name }
+            rand: { get_resource: random-str }
+      public_key: { get_param: pub_key }
+      save_private_key: false
+  # Virtual GW Instantiation
+  #   mux_gw_private_net created by mux heat template
+  #   cpe_public_net created by infra heat template (vDNS)
+  vgw_private_0_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: mux_gw_private_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: mux_gw_private_net_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vgw_private_ip_0 }}]
+  vgw_private_1_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: onap_private_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: onap_private_subnet_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vgw_private_ip_1 }}]
+  vgw_private_2_port:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: cpe_public_net_id}
+      fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_param: cpe_public_net_id }, "ip_address": { get_param: vgw_private_ip_2 }}]
+  vgw_0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      image: { get_param: vcpe_image_name }
+      flavor: { get_param: vcpe_flavor_name }
+      name: { get_param: vgw_name_0 }
+      key_name: { get_resource: my_keypair }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: public_net_id }
+        - port: { get_resource: vgw_private_0_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vgw_private_1_port }
+        - port: { get_resource: vgw_private_2_port }
+      metadata: {vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }, vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id }}
+      user_data_format: RAW
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          params:
+            __mux_gw_private_net_ipaddr__ : { get_param: vgw_private_ip_0 }
+            __oam_ipaddr__ : { get_param: vgw_private_ip_1 }
+            __oam_cidr__ : { get_param: onap_private_net_cidr }
+            __cpe_public_net_cidr__ : { get_param: cpe_public_net_cidr }
+            __mux_gw_private_net_cidr__ : { get_param: mux_gw_private_net_cidr }
+            __repo_url_blob__ : { get_param: repo_url_blob }
+            __repo_url_artifacts__ : { get_param: repo_url_artifacts }
+            __demo_artifacts_version__ : { get_param: demo_artifacts_version }
+            __install_script_version__ : { get_param: install_script_version }
+            __cloud_env__ : { get_param: cloud_env }
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            # Create configuration files
+            mkdir /opt/config
+            echo "__oam_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/oam_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__oam_cidr__" > /opt/config/oam_cidr.txt
+            echo "__cpe_public_net_cidr__" > /opt/config/cpe_public_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__mux_gw_private_net_ipaddr__" > /opt/config/mux_gw_private_net_ipaddr.txt
+            echo "__mux_gw_private_net_cidr__" > /opt/config/mux_gw_private_net_cidr.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_blob__" > /opt/config/repo_url_blob.txt
+            echo "__repo_url_artifacts__" > /opt/config/repo_url_artifacts.txt
+            echo "__demo_artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/demo_artifacts_version.txt
+            echo "__install_script_version__" > /opt/config/install_script_version.txt
+            echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt
+            # Download and run install script
+            curl -k __repo_url_blob__/org.onap.demo/vnfs/vcpe/__install_script_version__/v_gw_install.sh -o /opt/v_gw_install.sh
+            cd /opt
+            chmod +x v_gw_install.sh
+            ./v_gw_install.sh