E2E sunny scenario for PNF registration
Change-Id: I09e23319bd33ba89ac256a3d687c9caa351d4d46
Issue-ID: INT-685
Signed-off-by: krzysztof kuzmicki <krzysztof.kuzmicki@nokia.com>
diff --git a/robot/testsuites/pnf-registration.robot b/robot/testsuites/pnf-registration.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc2d7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/testsuites/pnf-registration.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Executes the PNF registration test cases including setup and teardown
+Resource ../resources/test_templates/pnf_registration_without_SO_template.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Create A&AI antry without SO and succesfully registrate PNF, PNF entry contains: correlation ID, PNF_IPv4_address and PNF_IPv6_address
+ [Documentation] This test is checking creation A&AI entry without SO and succesfull PNF registration
+ [Tags] pnf_registrate
+ [Setup] Initialize PNF entry with correlation ID, PNF_IPv4_address and PNF_IPv6_address
+ Create A&AI antry without SO and succesfully registrate PNF ${PNF_entry_dict}
+ [Teardown] Cleanup PNF entry in A&AI ${PNF_entry_dict}
+*** Keyword ***
+Initialize PNF entry with correlation ID, PNF_IPv4_address and PNF_IPv6_address
+ [Documentation] Setup test case variable
+ ${PNF_entry_dict}= Create Dictionary correlation_id=ABCDEFG1234567 PNF_IPv4_address= PNF_IPv6_address=2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:1428:57ab
+ Set Test Variable ${PNF_entry_dict}
+ Log Initial PNF entry ${PNF_entry_dict}