Added CSIT test case for CMSO Dublin

Issue-ID: OPTFRA-473
Change-Id: Ib2bc8f73083b4320ad46109b52b4ec5131d4aebe
Signed-off-by: Jerry Flood <>
diff --git a/robot/assets/templates/cmso/OneVnfOneChangeWindow.json.template b/robot/assets/templates/cmso/OneVnfOneChangeWindow.json.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..158f591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/templates/cmso/OneVnfOneChangeWindow.json.template
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+	"domain" : "ChangeManagement",
+	"scheduleId" : "${uuid}",
+	"scheduleName" : "${uuid}",
+	"userId" : "${userId}",
+	"domainData" : [{
+			"CallbackUrl" : "${callbackUrl}",
+			"CallbackData" : "${callbackData}",
+			"WorkflowName" : "${workflow}"
+		}
+	],
+	"schedulingInfo" : {
+		"normalDurationInSeconds" : 3600,
+		"additionalDurationInSeconds" : 0,
+		"concurrencyLimit" : 10,
+		"policyId" : "AllDayEveryDay",
+		"vnfDetails" : [{
+				"groupId" : "group",
+				"node" : [
+					"${node1}"
+				],
+				"changeWindow" : [{
+						"startTime" : "${start_time1}",
+						"endTime" : "${end_time1}"
+					}
+				]
+			}
+		]
+	}
diff --git a/robot/assets/templates/cmso/VidCallbackData.json.template b/robot/assets/templates/cmso/VidCallbackData.json.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9abf9b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/templates/cmso/VidCallbackData.json.template
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+	"vnfName" : "${vnfName}",
+	"vnfInstanceId" : "dummy-vnfinstance-id",
+	"modelInfo" : {
+		"modelType" : "vnf",
+		"modelInvariantId" : "dummy-id",
+		"modelVersionId" : "dummy-id",
+		"modelName" : "dummy",
+		"modelCustomizationId" : "dummy-id"
+	},
+	"cloudConfiguration" : {
+		"lcpCloudRegionId" : "dummy",
+		"tenantId" : "dummy-id"
+	},
+	"requestInfo" : {
+		"source" : "VID",
+		"suppressRollback" : false,
+		"requestorId" : "az2016"
+	},
+	"relatedInstanceList" : [{
+			"relatedInstance" : {
+				"instanceId" : "dummy-id",
+				"modelInfo" : {
+					"modelType" : "service",
+					"modelInvariantId" : "dummy-id",
+					"modelVersionId" : "dummy-id",
+					"modelName" : "dummy-id",
+					"modelVersion" : "4.0"
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	],
+	"requestParameters" : {
+		"usePreload" : true
+	}
diff --git a/robot/resources/oof_interface.robot b/robot/resources/oof_interface.robot
index 02b8177..24a2345 100644
--- a/robot/resources/oof_interface.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/oof_interface.robot
@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
 *** Settings ***
 Documentation     The main interface for interacting with OOF: SNIRO and Homing Service
 Library           RequestsLibrary
+Library	          UUID
+Library	          String
+Library           DateTime
+Library           Collections
+Library           JSONUtils
 Resource          global_properties.robot
+Resource          json_templater.robot
 *** Variables ***
 ${OOF_HOMING_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH}       /v1/plans/healthcheck
 ${OOF_SNIRO_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH}        /api/oof/v1/healthcheck
-${OOF_CMSO_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH}        /cmso/v1/health?checkInterfaces=false
+${OOF_CMSO_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH}        /cmso/v1/health?checkInterfaces=true
+${OOF_CMSO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}   robot/assets/templates/cmso
+${OOF_CMSO_UTC}   %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
@@ -27,7 +35,7 @@
      Should Be Equal As Integers   ${resp.status_code}   200
      Log    Received response from OOF-Homing ${resp.text}
      [Return]    ${resp}
 Run OOF-SNIRO Health Check
      [Documentation]    Runs OOF-SNIRO Health check
      ${resp}=    Run OOF-SNIRO Get Request    ${OOF_SNIRO_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH}
@@ -57,3 +65,82 @@
      Should Be Equal As Integers   ${resp.status_code}   200
      Log    Received response from OOF-CMSO ${resp.text}
      [Return]    ${resp}
+Run OOF-CMSO Post Scheduler
+    [Documentation]    Runs a scheduler POST request
+    [Arguments]   ${data_path}   ${data}={}
+    ${session}=    Create Session   session   ${OOF_CMSO_ENDPOINT}   auth=${auth}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary   Accept=application/json    Content-Type=application/json
+    ${resp}= 	Post Request 	session 	${data_path}     headers=${headers}   data=${data}
+    Log    Received response from scheduler ${resp.text}
+    [Return]    ${resp}
+Run OOF-CMSO Future Schedule
+   [Documentation]   Runs CMSO Future Schedule ETE test. One VNF, One Change Window
+   [Arguments]    ${request_file}=OneVnfOneChangeWindow.json.template   ${workflow}=Replace   ${minutesFromNow}=3
+   ${uuid}=   Generate UUID
+   ${resp}=   OOF-CMSO Create Schedule   ${uuid}   ${request_file}   workflow=${workflow}   minutesFromNow=${minutesFromNow}
+   Should Be Equal as Strings    ${resp.status_code}    202
+   Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    600s    30s    OOF-CMSO Wait For Pending Approval   ${uuid}
+   OOF-CMSO Send Tier2 Approval   ${uuid}   jf9860    Accepted
+   Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    600s    30s    OOF-CMSO Wait for Schedule to Complete   Completed   ${uuid}
+OOF-CMSO Create Schedule
+    [Documentation]   Creates a CMSO future schedule request for the passed template.
+    [Arguments]   ${uuid}   ${request_file}    ${workflow}    ${minutesFromNow}=5
+    ${testid}=   Catenate   ${uuid}
+    ${testid}=   Get Substring   ${testid}   -4
+    ${dict}=   Create Dictionary   serviceInstanceId=${uuid}   parent_service_model_name=${uuid}
+	${map}=   Create Dictionary   uuid=${uuid}   callbackUrl=http://localhost:8080    testid=${testid}   workflow=${workflow}
+	${nodelist}=   Create List   node1   node2   node3   node4
+	${nn}=    Catenate    1
+    # Support up to 4 ChangeWindows
+    : For   ${i}   IN RANGE   1    4
+    \  ${today}=    Evaluate   ((${i}-1)*1440)+${minutesFromNow}
+    \  ${tomorrow}   Evaluate   ${today}+1440
+    \  ${last_time}   Evaluate  ${today}+30
+    \  ${start_time}=    Get Current Date   UTC  + ${today} minutes   result_format=${OOF_CMSO_UTC}
+    \  ${end_time}=    Get Current Date   UTC   + ${tomorrow} minutes   result_format=${OOF_CMSO_UTC}
+    \  Set To Dictionary    ${map}   start_time${i}=${start_time}   end_time${i}=${end_time}
+    ${requestList}=   Create List
+	: For   ${vnf}   IN    @{nodelist}
+	\   Set To Dictionary    ${map}   node${nn}   ${vnf}
+	\   ${nn}=   Evaluate    ${nn}+1
+	\   Set To DIctionary   ${dict}   vnfName=${vnf}
+    \   ${requestInfo}=   Fill JSON Template File    ${OOF_CMSO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}/VidCallbackData.json.template   ${dict}
+    \   Append To List   ${requestList}   ${requestInfo}
+    ${callBackDataMap}=  Create Dictionary   requestType=Update   requestDetails=${requestList}
+    ${callbackDataString}=   OOF-CMSO Json Escape    ${callbackDataMap}
+    Set To Dictionary   ${map}   callbackData=${callbackDataString}
+    ${data}=   Fill JSON Template File    ${OOF_CMSO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}/${request_file}   ${map}
+    ${resp}=   Run OOF-CMSO Post Scheduler   cmso/v1/schedules/${uuid}   data=${data}
+    [Return]   ${resp}
+OOF-CMSO Wait For Pending Approval
+     [Documentation]    Gets the schedule identified by the uuid and checks if it is in the Pending Approval state
+     [Arguments]   ${uuid}     ${status}=Pending Approval
+     ${resp}=   Run OOF-CMSO Get Request   cmso/v1/schedules/${uuid}
+     ${json}=   Catenate   ${resp.json()}
+     Dictionary Should Contain Item    ${resp.json()}    status    ${status}
+OOF-CMSO Send Tier2 Approval
+    [Documentation]    Sends an approval post request for the given schedule using the UUID and User given and checks that request worked
+    [Arguments]   ${uuid}   ${user}   ${status}
+    ${approval}=   Create Dictionary   approvalUserId=${user}   approvalType=Tier 2   approvalStatus=${status}
+    ${resp}=   Run OOF-CMSO Post Scheduler   cmso/v1/schedules/${uuid}/approvals   data=${approval}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}   204
+OOF-CMSO Wait for Schedule to Complete
+    [Arguments]   ${status}   ${uuid}
+    ${resp}=   Run OOF-CMSO Get Request   cmso/v1/schedules/${uuid}
+    Dictionary Should Contain Item   ${resp.json()}   status   Completed
+OOF-CMSO Json Escape
+    [Arguments]    ${json}
+    ${json_string}=    Evaluate    json.dumps(${json})    json
+    ${escaped}=   Replace String    ${json_string}   "   \\"
+    [Return]   ${escaped}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/robot/testsuites/oof-cmso.robot b/robot/testsuites/oof-cmso.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98cf63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/testsuites/oof-cmso.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     Testing OOF-CMSO
+...               Testing OOF-CMSO Future Schedule ETE
+Resource          ../resources/oof_interface.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+    [Tags]    cmso
+    Run OOF-CMSO Future Schedule
\ No newline at end of file