ROBOT e2e test cases improvements for csar/zip tosca package validation in VNFSDK and SDC Onbarding
Issue-ID: INT-1240
Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Kuzmicki <>
Change-Id: I87dd001822e2fe2f61a731167250eb56e724b606
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile b/docker/Dockerfile
index 188a8e1..1a73203 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
x11-xserver-utils \
xvfb \
xxd \
- vim
+ vim \
+ zip
# install python 3 after so it isn't default python version
RUN apt-get install \
diff --git a/robot/assets/templates/vnfsdk/vnfsdk_validation_request.jinja b/robot/assets/templates/vnfsdk/vnfsdk_validation_request.jinja
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18f77b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/templates/vnfsdk/vnfsdk_validation_request.jinja
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "scenario": "{{scenario}}",
+ "testSuiteName": "{{test_suite_name}}",
+ "testCaseName": "{{test_case_name}}",
+ "parameters": {
+ "csar": "file://{{file_name}}",
+ "pnf":"{{pnf}}"
+ }
+ }]
diff --git a/robot/resources/sdc_interface.robot b/robot/resources/sdc_interface.robot
index a85ba27..4780a35 100644
--- a/robot/resources/sdc_interface.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/sdc_interface.robot
@@ -778,6 +778,7 @@
Create Multi Part ${files} upload ${file_path} contentType=application/zip
${resp}= SDC.Run Post Files Request ${SDC_BE_ONBOARD_ENDPOINT} ${SDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_PATH}/${software_product_id}/versions/${version_id}${SDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_UPLOAD_PATH} ${files} ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID} auth=${GLOBAL_SDC_AUTHENTICATION}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Return] ${resp}
Add SDC Catalog Service
[Documentation] Creates an SDC Catalog Service and returns its id
diff --git a/robot/resources/test_templates/vnfsdk_validation_template.robot b/robot/resources/test_templates/vnfsdk_validation_template.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56cd0b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/resources/test_templates/vnfsdk_validation_template.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation This test template encapsulates the VNF Orchestration use case.
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library ArchiveLibrary
+Library Collections
+Library ONAPLibrary.Templating WITH NAME Templating
+Resource ../global_properties.robot
+Resource ../vnfsdk_interface.robot
+Resource ../sdc_interface.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${VNFSDK_TEST} vnfsdk/vnfsdk_validation_request.jinja
+*** Variables ***
+*** Keywords ***
+Validate Onboarding Package
+ [Arguments] ${package_folder} ${scenario}=onap-vtp ${test_suite_name}=validation ${test_case_name}=csar-validate ${pnf}=TRUE ${secured_package}=FALSE ${negative_test_case}=TRUE ${failed_vnfreqNames}=@{empty_list} ${sdc_response}=@{empty_list} ${secure_type}=CMS ${sdc_cert}=sdc-valid
+ Create Directory ${VNFSDK_CSAR_DIRECTORY}
+ ${onboarding_package_path}= Run Keyword If "${secured_package}"=='FALSE' Create CSAR Package ${package_folder}
+ ... ELSE Create Secured CSAR ZIP Package ${package_folder} ${secure_type} ${sdc_cert}
+ Run Keyword If "${negative_test_case}"=='FALSE' Validate Valid Onboarding Package ${package_folder} ${onboarding_package_path} ${scenario} ${test_suite_name} ${test_case_name} ${pnf} ${secured_package}
+ ... ELSE Validate Not Valid Onboarding Package ${package_folder} ${onboarding_package_path} ${scenario} ${test_suite_name} ${test_case_name} ${pnf} ${failed_vnfreqNames} ${secured_package}
+ Validate Onboarding Package In SDC ${onboarding_package_path} ${package_folder} ${sdc_cert} ${negative_test_case} ${sdc_response} ${sdc_cert}
+Create CSAR Package
+ [Arguments] ${package_folder}
+ Empty Directory ${VNFSDK_CSAR_DIRECTORY}
+ ${csar}= Catenate ${VNFSDK_CSAR_DIRECTORY}/${package_folder}.csar
+ Copy File ${GLOBAL_TOSCA_ONBOARDING_PACKAGES_FOLDER}/vnfsdk/${package_folder}.csar ${csar}
+ [Return] ${csar}
+Create Secured CSAR ZIP Package
+ [Arguments] ${package_folder} ${secure_type} ${sdc_cert}
+ ${zip}= Run Keyword If "${secure_type}"=='CMS' Create Secured CSAR ZIP Package with CMS ${package_folder} ${sdc_cert}
+ ... ELSE Create Secured CSAR ZIP Package with CMS and CERT ${package_folder} ${sdc_cert}
+ [Return] ${zip}
+Create Secured CSAR ZIP Package with CMS
+ [Arguments] ${package_folder} ${cert}
+ ${zip}= Catenate ${VNFSDK_CSAR_DIRECTORY}/${package_folder}.zip
+ ${cms}= Catenate ${VNFSDK_CSAR_DIRECTORY}/${package_folder}.cms
+ ${csar}= Create CSAR Package ${package_folder}
+ ${rc} = Run and Return RC openssl cms -sign -signer /tmp/package-robot-${cert}.cert -inkey /tmp/package-private-robot-${cert}.key -outform PEM -binary -in ${csar} -out ${cms}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+ ${rc} = Run and Return RC cd ${VNFSDK_CSAR_DIRECTORY}; zip -r ${zip} *
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+ [Return] ${zip}
+Create Secured CSAR ZIP Package with CMS and CERT
+ [Arguments] ${package_folder} ${cert}
+ ${zip}= Catenate ${VNFSDK_CSAR_DIRECTORY}/${package_folder}.zip
+ ${cms}= Catenate ${VNFSDK_CSAR_DIRECTORY}/${package_folder}.cms
+ ${csar}= Create CSAR Package ${package_folder}
+ Copy File /tmp/package-robot-${cert}.cert ${VNFSDK_CSAR_DIRECTORY}/${package_folder}.cert
+ ${rc} = Run and Return RC openssl cms -sign -signer /tmp/package-robot-${cert}.cert -inkey /tmp/package-private-robot-${cert}.key -outform PEM -binary -nocerts -in ${csar} -out ${cms}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+ ${rc} = Run and Return RC cd ${VNFSDK_CSAR_DIRECTORY}; zip -r ${zip} *
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+ [Return] ${zip}
+Validate Valid Onboarding Package
+ [Arguments] ${package_folder} ${onboarding_package_path} ${scenario} ${test_suite_name} ${test_case_name} ${pnf} ${secured_package}
+ ${onboarding_package_name}= Run Keyword If "${secured_package}"=='FALSE' Catenate ${package_folder}.csar
+ ... ELSE Catenate ${package_folder}.zip
+ ${result}= Run VNFSDK Validate Request ${onboarding_package_name} ${onboarding_package_path} ${scenario} ${test_suite_name} ${test_case_name} ${pnf}
+ Log ${result.json()}
+ ${json}= Set Variable ${result.json()}
+ ${status}= Set Variable ${json[0]['results']['criteria']}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${status} PASS
+Run VNFSDK Validate Request
+ [Arguments] ${onboarding_package_name} ${onboarding_package_path} ${scenario} ${test_suite_name} ${test_case_name} ${pnf}
+ ${arguments}= Create Dictionary scenario=${scenario} onboarding_package_path=${onboarding_package_path} test_suite_name=${test_suite_name} test_case_name=${test_case_name} pnf=${pnf} file_name=${onboarding_package_name}
+ Templating.Create Environment vnfsdk ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
+ ${executions}= Templating.Apply Template vnfsdk ${VNFSDK_TEST} ${arguments}
+ ${fileData}= Get Binary File ${onboarding_package_path}
+ ${fileDir} ${fileName}= Split Path ${onboarding_package_path}
+ ${file_part}= Create List ${fileName} ${fileData} application/octet-stream
+ ${executions_parts}= Create List ${executions}
+ ${fileParts}= Create Dictionary
+ Set to Dictionary ${fileParts} file=${file_part}
+ Set to Dictionary ${fileParts} executions=${executions}
+ ${resp}= Run VNFSDK Post Request /onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/executions ${fileParts}
+ [Return] ${resp}
+Validate Not Valid Onboarding Package
+ [Arguments] ${package_folder} ${onboarding_package_path} ${scenario} ${test_suite_name} ${test_case_name} ${pnf} ${failed_req_list} ${secured_package}
+ ${onboarding_package_name}= Run Keyword If "${secured_package}"=='FALSE' Catenate ${package_folder}.csar
+ ... ELSE Catenate ${package_folder}.zip
+ ${result}= Run VNFSDK Validate Request ${onboarding_package_name} ${onboarding_package_path} ${scenario} ${test_suite_name} ${test_case_name} ${pnf}
+ Log ${result.json()}
+ ${json}= Set Variable ${result.json()}
+ ${status}= Set Variable ${json[0]['results']['criteria']}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${status} FAILED
+ ${status_req_list}= Set Variable ${json[0]['results']['results']}
+ ${failed_req_from_test_run}= Create List
+ :FOR ${status_req} IN @{status_req_list}
+ \ ${req_status}= Get From Dictionary ${status_req} passed
+ \ Run Keyword If "${req_status}"=='False' Add Failed Requirement To List ${status_req} ${failed_req_from_test_run} vnfreqName
+ Log ${failed_req_from_test_run}
+ Lists Should Be Equal ${failed_req_from_test_run} ${failed_req_list}
+Add Failed Requirement To List
+ [Arguments] ${status_req} ${failed_req} ${param_name}
+ ${req}= Get From Dictionary ${status_req} ${param_name}
+ Append To List ${failed_req} ${req}
+Get And Comapre Error Responses From SDC API
+ [Arguments] ${resp} ${sdc_response}
+ ${json}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
+ ${sdc_response_list} Set Variable ${json['errors']['uploadFile']}
+ ${failed_req_from_test_run}= Create List
+ :FOR ${message_item} IN @{sdc_response_list}
+ \ ${req_status}= Get From Dictionary ${message_item} level
+ \ Run Keyword If "${req_status}"=='ERROR' Add Failed Requirement To List ${message_item} ${failed_req_from_test_run} message
+ Log ${failed_req_from_test_run}
+ Lists Should Be Equal ${failed_req_from_test_run} ${sdc_response}
+Validate Onboarding Package In SDC
+ [Arguments] ${onboarding_package_path} ${package_folder} ${sdc_validation} ${negative_test_case} ${sdc_response} ${sdc_cert}
+ ${license_model_id} ${license_model_version_id}= Add SDC License Model
+ ${license_temp_date}= Get Current Date
+ ${license_start_date}= Get Current Date result_format=%m/%d/%Y
+ ${license_end_date}= Add Time To Date ${license_temp_date} 365 days result_format=%m/%d/%Y
+ ${key_group_id}= Add SDC License Group ${license_model_id} ${license_model_version_id} ${license_start_date} ${license_end_date}
+ ${pool_id}= Add SDC Entitlement Pool ${license_model_id} ${license_model_version_id} ${license_start_date} ${license_end_date}
+ ${feature_group_id}= Add SDC Feature Group ${license_model_id} ${key_group_id} ${pool_id} ${license_model_version_id}
+ ${license_agreement_id}= Add SDC License Agreement ${license_model_id} ${feature_group_id} ${license_model_version_id}
+ Submit SDC License Model ${license_model_id} ${license_model_version_id}
+ ${license_model_resp}= Get SDC License Model ${license_model_id} ${license_model_version_id}
+ ${software_product_id} ${software_product_version_id}= Add SDC Software Product ${license_agreement_id} ${feature_group_id} ${license_model_resp['vendorName']} ${license_model_id} ${license_model_version_id} ${package_folder}
+ ${resp}= Upload SDC Heat Package ${software_product_id} ${onboarding_package_path} ${software_product_version_id}
+ Run Keyword If "${negative_test_case}"=='TRUE' or "${sdc_cert}"=='sdc-invalid' Get And Comapre Error Responses From SDC API ${resp} ${sdc_response}
+ ... ELSE Validate SDC Software Product ${software_product_id} ${software_product_version_id}
diff --git a/robot/resources/vnfsdk_interface.robot b/robot/resources/vnfsdk_interface.robot
index 01cacf4..fea6b31 100644
--- a/robot/resources/vnfsdk_interface.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/vnfsdk_interface.robot
@@ -22,3 +22,10 @@
Log Received response from VNFSDK ${resp.text}
[Return] ${resp}
+Run VNFSDK Post Request
+ [Documentation] Runs VNFSDK Get request
+ [Arguments] ${data_path} ${files} ${headers}
+ ${session}= Create Session vnfsdk ${VNFSDK_ENDPOINT}
+ ${resp}= Post Request vnfsdk ${data_path} files=${files}
+ Log Received response from VNFSDK ${resp}
+ [Return] ${resp}
diff --git a/robot/testsuites/vnfsdk_validation.robot b/robot/testsuites/vnfsdk_validation.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..993efca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/testsuites/vnfsdk_validation.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation This test suite creates csara and signed zip tosca VSP packages, validates them in VNFSDK and SDC
+Test Timeout 1m
+Resource ../resources/test_templates/vnfsdk_validation_template.robot
+Library String
+Test Template Validate Onboarding Package
+Default Tags vnfsdk
+*** Variables ***
+@{allMandatoryEntriesDefinedInTOSCAMeta} r146092
+@{no_pnfd_release_date_time_error} r57019
+@{non_mano_artifact_sets_is_mandatory} r146092
+@{noETSI-Entry-ManifestOrETSI-Entry-Change-Log} r293901
+@{PNFD_missing} SOL004 r10087 r87234 r35854 r15837 r17852 r293901 r146092 r57019 r787965
+@{allMandatoryEntriesDefinedInTOSCAMeta_sdc_message} Following entry not supported in TOSCA.meta Entry-Tests=Artifacts/Tests Manifest contains invalid line : #The manifest file shall include a list of all files contained in or referenced from the VNF package with their location
+@{no_pnfd_release_date_time_error_sdc_message} Following entry not supported in TOSCA.meta Entry-Tests=Artifacts/Tests Manifest contains invalid line : #The manifest file shall include a list of all files contained in or referenced from the VNF package with their location
+@{non_mano_artifact_sets_is_mandatory_sdc_message} Following entry not supported in TOSCA.meta Entry-Tests=Artifacts/Tests Manifest contains invalid line : #The manifest file shall include a list of all files contained in or referenced from the VNF package with their location
+@{noETSI-Entry-ManifestOrETSI-Entry-Change-Log_sdc_message} Manifest contains invalid line : #The manifest file shall include a list of all files contained in or referenced from the VNF package with their location
+@{PNFD_missing_sdc_message} TOSCA.meta file in TOSCA-metadata directory missing entry Created-By
+@{invalid_certificate} Could not verify signature!
+*** Test Cases ***
+Validate Onboarding allMandatoryEntriesDefinedInTOSCAMeta
+ [Documentation]
+ ... This test case creates TOSCA csar software package for PNF, based on /var/opt/ONAP/demo/tosca/vnfsdk/allMandatoryEntriesDefinedInTOSCAMeta
+ ... Imports it as csar VSP package to SDC and comapres with list of expected errors.
+ ... Runs VNFSDK validation and comapres with list of expected errors.
+ allMandatoryEntriesDefinedInTOSCAMeta failed_vnfreqNames=@{allMandatoryEntriesDefinedInTOSCAMeta} sdc_response=@{allMandatoryEntriesDefinedInTOSCAMeta_sdc_message}
+Validate Onboarding non_mano_artifact_sets_is_mandatory
+ [Documentation]
+ ... This test case creates TOSCA csar software package for PNF, based on /var/opt/ONAP/demo/tosca/vnfsdk/non_mano_artifact_sets_is_mandatory
+ ... Imports it as csar VSP package to SDC and comapres with list of expected errors.
+ ... Runs VNFSDK validation and comapres with list of expected errors.
+ non_mano_artifact_sets_is_mandatory failed_vnfreqNames=@{non_mano_artifact_sets_is_mandatory} sdc_response=@{non_mano_artifact_sets_is_mandatory_sdc_message}
+Validate Onboarding no_pnfd_release_date_time_error
+ [Documentation]
+ ... This test case creates TOSCA csar software package for PNF, based on /var/opt/ONAP/demo/tosca/vnfsdk/no_pnfd_release_date_time_error
+ ... Imports it as csar VSP package to SDC and comapres with list of expected errors.
+ ... Runs VNFSDK validation and comapres with list of expected errors.
+ no_pnfd_release_date_time_error failed_vnfreqNames=@{no_pnfd_release_date_time_error} sdc_response=@{no_pnfd_release_date_time_error_sdc_message}
+Validate Onboarding noETSI-Entry-ManifestOrETSI-Entry-Change-Log
+ [Documentation]
+ ... This test case creates TOSCA csar software package for PNF, based on /var/opt/ONAP/demo/tosca/vnfsdk/noETSI-Entry-ManifestOrETSI-Entry-Change-Log
+ ... Imports it as csar VSP package to SDC and comapres with list of expected errors.
+ ... Runs VNFSDK validation and comapres with list of expected errors.
+ noETSI-Entry-ManifestOrETSI-Entry-Change-Log failed_vnfreqNames=@{noETSI-Entry-ManifestOrETSI-Entry-Change-Log} sdc_response=@{noETSI-Entry-ManifestOrETSI-Entry-Change-Log_sdc_message}
+Validate Onboarding PNFD_missing
+ [Documentation]
+ ... This test case creates TOSCA csar software package for PNF, based on /var/opt/ONAP/demo/tosca/vnfsdk/PNFD_missing
+ ... Imports it as csar VSP package to SDC and comapres with list of expected errors.
+ ... Runs VNFSDK validation and comapres with list of expected errors.
+ PNFD_missing failed_vnfreqNames=@{PNFD_missing} sdc_response=@{PNFD_missing_sdc_message}
+Validate Onboarding test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API
+ [Documentation]
+ ... This test case creates TOSCA csar software package for PNF, based on /var/opt/ONAP/demo/tosca/vnfsdk/test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API
+ ... Imports it as csar VSP package to SDC and expects success.
+ ... Runs VNFSDK validation and and expects success.
+ test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API negative_test_case=FALSE
+Validate Onboarding test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API, secured csar, CMS only, valid certificate
+ [Documentation]
+ ... This test case creates TOSCA csar software package for PNF, based on /var/opt/ONAP/demo/tosca/vnfsdk/test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API
+ ... Next sign with certificate that is imported to SDC onabarding POD using CMS only method (CMS file signs csar, zip contains only csar and cms files )
+ ... Imports it as zip VSP package to SDC and expects success.
+ ... Runs VNFSDK validation and and expects success.
+ test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API secured_package=TRUE negative_test_case=FALSE secure_type=CMS sdc_cert=sdc-valid
+Validate Onboarding test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API, secured csar, CMS and CERT, valid certificate
+ [Documentation]
+ ... This test case creates TOSCA csar software package for PNF, based on /var/opt/ONAP/demo/tosca/vnfsdk/test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API
+ ... Next sign with certificate that is imported to SDC onabarding POD using CMS and CERT method (CMS file signs csar, zip contains csar, certificate and cms files )
+ ... Imports it as zip VSP package to SDC and expects success.
+ ... Runs VNFSDK validation and and expects success.
+ test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API secured_package=TRUE negative_test_case=FALSE secure_type=CMS_AND_CERT sdc_cert=sdc-valid
+Validate Onboarding test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API secured csar, CMS only, invalid certificate
+ [Documentation]
+ ... This test case creates TOSCA csar software package for PNF, based on /var/opt/ONAP/demo/tosca/vnfsdk/test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API
+ ... Next sign with certificate that is not imported to SDC onabarding POD using CMS only method (CMS file signs csar, zip contains only csar and cms files )
+ ... Imports it as zip VSP package to SDC and expects error due to issues with certificate validation.
+ ... Runs VNFSDK validation and and expects success.
+ test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API secured_package=TRUE negative_test_case=FALSE sdc_response=@{invalid_certificate} secure_type=CMS sdc_cert=sdc-invalid
+Validate Onboarding test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API secured csar, CMS and CERT, invalid certificate
+ [Documentation]
+ ... This test case creates TOSCA csar software package for PNF, based on /var/opt/ONAP/demo/tosca/vnfsdk/test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API
+ ... Next sign with certificate that is not imported to SDC onabarding POD using CMS and CERT method (CMS file signs csar, zip contains csar, certificate and cms files )
+ ... Imports it as zip VSP package to SDC and expects error due to issues with certificate validation.
+ ... Runs VNFSDK validation and and expects success
+ test_SDC_and_VNFSDK_API secured_package=TRUE negative_test_case=FALSE sdc_response=@{invalid_certificate} secure_type=CMS_AND_CERT sdc_cert=sdc-invalid