Add CMPv2 E2E test case in robot test suite

Issue-ID: INT-1731

Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Kuzmicki <>
Change-Id: I79ac8cfc4755b134fa214d21cc71cc2b2067461b
diff --git a/robot/testsuites/cmpv2.robot b/robot/testsuites/cmpv2.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d20606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/testsuites/cmpv2.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     CMPv2 Usecase functionality
+Test Timeout      15m
+Library           RequestsLibrary
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           Collections
+Library           String
+Library           JSONLibrary
+Library           ONAPLibrary.JSON
+Library           ONAPLibrary.Utilities
+Library           ONAPLibrary.Templating    WITH NAME    Templating
+Resource          ../resources/dcae/deployment.robot
+Resource          ../resources/dcae/inventory.robot
+Resource          ../resources/global_properties.robot
+Resource          ../resources/test_templates/cmpv2.robot
+Resource          ../resources/test_templates/pnf_registration_without_SO_template.robot
+Suite Setup       Send VES integration request  ${initial entry}
+Suite Teardown    Usecase Teardown
+*** Variables ***
+${MONGO_BLUEPRINT_PATH}                  ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/cmpv2/k8s-mongo.yaml
+${PNF_SIMULATOR_BLUEPRINT_PATH}          ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/cmpv2/k8s-pnf-simulator.yaml
+${VES_INPUTS}                            deployment/VesTlsCmpv2Inputs.jinja
+${pnf_ves_integration_request}           ves/pnf_registration_request.jinja
+${NEXUS3}                                ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO}
+&{initial entry}                         correlation_id=dummy    PNF_IPv4_address=    PNF_IPv6_address=2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:1428:57ab
+${PNF_SIMULATOR_ERROR_GREP_COMMAND}      kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods -n onap | grep pnf-simulator | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME) -n onap --tail=2 --since=20s | grep 'Error sending message to ves: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown'
+*** Test Cases ***
+Deploying PNF Simulator
+    [Documentation]
+     ...  This test case deploys PNF simulator with "enable_tls": set to false and "external_cert_use_external_tls" (CMPv2) set to true as DCAE applictaion
+    [Tags]                              CMPv2
+    ${serviceTypeIdMongo}               Load Blueprint To Inventory        ${MONGO_BLUEPRINT_PATH}              mongo
+    ${serviceTypeIdPnfSimulator}        Load Blueprint To Inventory        ${PNF_SIMULATOR_BLUEPRINT_PATH}      pnf-simulator
+    Set Suite Variable                  ${serviceTypeIdMongo}
+    Set Suite Variable                  ${serviceTypeIdPnfSimulator}
+    ${deployment_data}=                 Set Variable                       {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeIdMongo}"}
+    Deploy Service                      ${deployment_data}                 mongo-dep                            2 minutes
+    ${resp}=                            Get Blueprint From Inventory       pnf-simulator
+    ${json}=                            Set Variable                       ${resp.json()}
+    ${image}                            Get Regexp Matches                 ${json['items'][0]['blueprintTemplate']}               nexus3(.)*?(?=\')
+    ${image}                            Replace String                     ${image}[0]                 ${NEXUS3}
+    ${deployment_data}=                 Set Variable                       {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeIdPnfSimulator}", "inputs": {"tag_version": "${image}"}}
+    Deploy Service                      ${deployment_data}                 pnf-simulator-dep                    4 minutes
+Deploying VES collector with CMPv2
+    [Documentation]
+     ...  This test case deploys second VES instance with "enable_tls": set to true and "external_cert_use_external_tls" (CMPv2) set to true as DCAE applictaion
+     ...  Both CMPv2 and AAF certificates are present
+    [Tags]                              CMPv2
+    ${resp}=                            Get Blueprint From Inventory       k8s-ves
+    ${json}=                            Set Variable                       ${resp.json()}
+    ${serviceTypeIdVes}                 Set Variable                       ${json['items'][0]['typeId']}
+    ${image}                            Get Regexp Matches                 ${json['items'][0]['blueprintTemplate']}             nexus3(.)*?(?=\")
+    ${image}                            Replace String                     ${image}[0]               ${NEXUS3}
+    ${arguments}=                       Create Dictionary                  serviceTypeId=${serviceTypeIdVes}
+    Set To Dictionary                   ${arguments}                       image                                                ${image}
+    Set To Dictionary                   ${arguments}                       external_port_tls                                    32226
+    Set To Dictionary                   ${arguments}                       service_component_name_override                      dcae-ves-collector-cmpv2-cert
+    Set To Dictionary                   ${arguments}                       external_cert_sans                                   dcae-ves-collector-cmpv2-cert:ves-collector-cmpv2-cert:ves-cmpv2-cert
+    Templating.Create Environment       deployment                         ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
+    ${deployment_data}=                 Templating.Apply Template          deployment                                           ${VES_INPUTS}            ${arguments}
+    Deploy Service                      ${deployment_data}                 ves-collector-cmpv2-dep                    4 minutes
+Send registration request to CMPv2 VES
+    [Documentation]
+    ...  This test case triggers registration request from PNF Simulator(where is present only CMPv2 certificate) to VES collector
+    ...  with enabled CMPv2 (both CMPv2 and AAF certificates are present).
+    ...  Test expects successful registration
+     [Tags]                                      CMPv2
+     ${pnf_correlation_id}=                     Generate Random String              20                                      [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
+     ${PNF_entry_dict}=                         Create Dictionary                   correlation_id=${pnf_correlation_id}    PNF_IPv4_address=    PNF_IPv6_address=2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:1428:57ab
+     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds                10x                                 5s                                      Check VES_PNFREG_OUTPUT topic presence in MR
+     Create PNF initial entry in A&AI           ${PNF_entry_dict}
+     Templating.Create Environment              ves                                 ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
+     ${template}=                               Templating.Apply Template           ves                                     ${pnf_ves_integration_request}   ${PNF_entry_dict}
+     Pnf simulator send single VES event        ${template}                         dcae-ves-collector-cmpv2-cert           8443                             pnf-simulator              5000
+     Verify PNF Integration Request in A&AI     ${PNF_entry_dict}
+Send registration request to VES without CMPv2 certificate
+    [Documentation]
+    ...  This test case triggers registration request from PNF Simulator (where is present only CMPv2 certificate)  to VES collector
+    ...  with disabled CMPv2 (only AAF certificate is present - VES collector deployed during whole ONAP deploy).
+    ...  Test expects exceptyion in PNF Simualtor logs
+    [Tags]                                     CMPv2
+    ${pnf_correlation_id}=                      Generate Random String              20                                      [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
+    ${PNF_entry_dict}=                         Create Dictionary                   correlation_id=${pnf_correlation_id}    PNF_IPv4_address=    PNF_IPv6_address=2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:1428:57ab
+    Templating.Create Environment              ves                                 ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
+    ${template}=                               Templating.Apply Template           ves                                     ${pnf_ves_integration_request}   ${PNF_entry_dict}
+    Pnf simulator send single VES event        ${template}                         dcae-ves-collector           8443                             pnf-simulator              5000
+    ${rc} =                                    Run and Return RC                   ${PNF_SIMULATOR_ERROR_GREP_COMMAND}
+    Should Be Equal As Integers                ${rc}                               0