blob: 3408c8c27d009555878536ee0d8850cba3132921 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation The main interface for interacting with 5G Bulkpm.
Library RequestsLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library JSONLibrary
Resource ../mr_interface.robot
Resource ../dr_interface.robot
Resource ../bc_interface.robot
Resource ../consul_interface.robot
Resource ../chart_museum.robot
*** Variables ***
${MR_PUBLISH_TEMPLATE} mr/mr_publish.jinja
${INVENTORY_ENDPOINT} /dcae-service-types
${XNF_SFTP_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/k8s-sftp.yaml
${XNF_HTTPS_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/k8s-https.yaml
${BLUEPRINT_TEMPLATE_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/blueprintTemplate.json
${DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT} dcae-deployments
${DR_SUB_CHECK_PATH} /internal/prov
${MR_TOPIC_URL_PATH} /events/
${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLIENT_PATH} /webapi/mr_clients
${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLUSTER_PATH} /webapi/mr_clusters
${JSON_DATA_FILE} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/Notification.json
${VES_LISTENER_PATH} /eventListener/v7
${PMMAPPER_SUB_ROLE_DATA} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/sub.json
${PMMAPPER_MR_CLUSTER_DATA} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/mr_clusters.json
${SET_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH} kubectl set env deployment/$(kubectl get deployment -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}') KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH=/home/datafile/.ssh/known_hosts -n onap
${CHECK_ENV_SET} kubectl set env pod/$(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}') --list -n onap
${COPY_RSA_KEY} kubectl cp /tmp/known_hosts $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}'):/home/datafile/.ssh/known_hosts -n onap
${CHECK_DFC_LOGS} kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}') -n onap --tail=10
${CHECK_ALL_DFC_LOGS} kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}') -n onap --all-containers
${CHECK_ALL_PMMAPPER_LOGS} kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep pm-mapper | awk '{print $1}') -n onap --all-containers
${EXPECTED_PRINT} StrictHostKeyChecking is enabled but environment variable KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH is not set or points to not existing file
${MONGO_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/cmpv2/k8s-mongo.yaml
${PNF_SIMULATOR_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/cmpv2/k8s-pnf-simulator.yaml
${MONGO_VES_CLIENT_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/cmpv2/k8s-mongo-ves-client.yaml
${VES_CLIENT_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/cmpv2/k8s-ves-client.yaml
${VES_INPUTS} deployment/VesTlsCmpv2Inputs.jinja
${pm_notification_event} dfc/notification.jinja
${consul_change_event} dfc/consul.jinja
${ves_client_single_event}= ves/pnf_simulator_single_event.jinja
${SFTP_HELM_CHARTS} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/helm/sftp
${HTTPS_SERVER_HELM_CHARTS} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/helm/pm-https-server
${HELM_RELEASE} kubectl --namespace onap get pods | sed 's/ .*//' | grep robot | sed 's/-.*//'
*** Keywords ***
xNF PM File Validate
... This keyword gathers all events from message router topic and validates if in recived data is present an expected string: "${expected_pm_str}" .
[Arguments] ${expected_pm_str}
${timestamp}= Get Time epoch
Should Contain ${resp.text} ${expected_pm_str}
Topic Validate
[Arguments] ${value}
${timestamp}= Get Current Date
${dict}= Create Dictionary timestamp=${timestamp}
Templating.Create Environment mr ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
${data}= Templating.Apply Template mr ${MR_PUBLISH_TEMPLATE} ${dict}
${resp}= Run MR Auth Post Request (User And Pass) ${MR_TOPIC_URL_PATH_FOR_POST} ${GLOBAL_DCAE_USERNAME} ${GLOBAL_DCAE_PASSWORD} ${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Should Contain ${resp.text} ${value}
Send File Ready Event to VES Collector and Deploy all DCAE Applications
[Arguments] ${pm_file} ${file_format_type} ${file_format_version}
Disable Warnings
Setting Global Variables
Send File Ready Event to VES Collector ${pm_file} ${file_format_type} ${file_format_version}
Add chart repository chart-museum http://chart-museum:80 onapinitializer demo123456!
Log To Console Deploying Data File Collector
Deploying Data File Collector
Log To Console Deploying 3GPP PM Mapper
Deploying 3GPP PM Mapper
Log To Console Deploying SFTP Server As xNF
Deploying SFTP Server As xNF
Log To Console Deploying HTTPS Server with correct CMPv2 certificates as xNF
Deploying HTTPS server with correct certificates
Log To Console Deploying HTTPS Server with wrong subject alternatives in CMPv2 certificates as xNF
Deploying HTTPS server with wrong certificates - wrong SAN-s
Checking PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS Topic In Message Router
DR Bulk PM Feed Check
DR PM Mapper Subscriber Check
Usecase Teardown
Disable Warnings
Get all logs from PM Mapper
Get all logs from Data File Collector
Uninstall helm charts ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-dcae-datafile-collector
Uninstall helm charts ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-dcae-pm-mapper
Uninstall helm charts ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-sftp
Uninstall helm charts ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-pm-https-server-correct-sans
Uninstall helm charts ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-pm-https-server-wrong-sans
${resp}= Delete MR topic /webapi/topics/
Setting Global Variables
${test_variables} = Create Dictionary
Set To Dictionary ${test_variables} FILE_FORMAT_TYPE=org.3GPP.32.435#measCollec
... PM_FILE_PATH=${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/pmfiles/A20181002.0000-1000-0015-1000_5G.xml.gz
... EXPECTED_PM_STR=perf3gpp_RnNode-Ericsson_pmMeasResult
Set Global Variable ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES} ${test_variables}
${command_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${HELM_RELEASE}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${command_output[0]} 0
Set Global Variable ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE} ${command_output[1]}
Send File Ready Event to VES Collector
[Arguments] ${pm_file} ${file_format_type} ${file_format_version}
Disable Warnings
${headers}= Create Dictionary content-type=application/json
${fileready}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${JSON_DATA_FILE}
${session}= Create Session ves ${VES_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH} auth=${auth}
${resp}= Post Request ves ${VES_LISTENER_PATH} data=${fileready} headers=${headers}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 202
${VES_FILE_READY_NOTIFICATION} Set Variable {"event":{"commonEventHeader":{"version":"4.0.1","vesEventListenerVersion":"7.0.1","domain":"notification","eventName":"Noti_RnNode-Ericsson_FileReady","eventId":"FileReady_1797490e-10ae-4d48-9ea7-3d7d790b25e1","lastEpochMicrosec":8745745764578,"priority":"Normal","reportingEntityName":"otenb5309","sequence":0,"sourceName":"oteNB5309","startEpochMicrosec":8745745764578,"timeZoneOffset":"UTC+05.30"},"notificationFields":{"changeIdentifier":"PM_MEAS_FILES","changeType":"FileReady","notificationFieldsVersion":"2.0","arrayOfNamedHashMap":[{"name":"${pm_file}","hashMap":{"location":"sftp://bulkpm:bulkpm@${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-sftp:22/upload/${pm_file}","compression":"gzip","fileFormatType":"${file_format_type}","fileFormatVersion":"${file_format_version}"}}]}}}
${resp}= Post Request ves ${VES_LISTENER_PATH} data=${VES_FILE_READY_NOTIFICATION} headers=${headers}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 202
Upload PM Files to xNF SFTP Server
[Arguments] ${pm_file_path}
Open Connection ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-sftp
Login bulkpm bulkpm
${epoch}= Get Current Date result_format=epoch
${pm_file}= Set Variable A${epoch}.xml.gz
Put File ${pm_file_path} upload/${pm_file}
[Return] ${pm_file}
Check Given Print In DFC Log
[Arguments] ${check_dfc_logs}
${dfc_logs}= Run Given Command On DFC Container ${CHECK_DFC_LOGS}
Should Contain ${dfc_logs} HostKey has been changed
Run Given Command On DFC Container
[Arguments] ${user_command}
${run_command} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${user_command}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${run_command[0]} 0
${command_output} = Set Variable ${run_command[1]}
${regexp_matches} = Get Regexp Matches ${command_output} .*(\\s|\\[)+(.+-datafile-collector).* 2
${matches_length} = Get length ${regexp_matches}
${log} = Run Keyword If "${matches_length}"!='0' Get DFC log by container name ${command_output} ${regexp_matches}
... ELSE Set Variable ${command_output}
[Return] ${log}
Get DFC log by container name
[Arguments] ${command_output} ${regexp_matches}
${dfc_container_name} = Set Variable ${regexp_matches[0]}
${new_command} = Set Variable ${user_command} ${dfc_container_name}
${command_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${new_command}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${run_command[0]} 0
${log} = Set Variable ${run_command[1]}
[Return] ${log}
Check Known Hosts In Env
[Arguments] ${CHECK_KNOWN_HOSTS}
${check} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${CHECK_KNOWN_HOSTS}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${check[0]} 0
${env} = Set Variable ${check[1]}
${string_matches} = Get Lines Containing String ${env} KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH=/home/datafile/.ssh/known_host case_insensitive=True
${output} = Should Not Be Empty ${string_matches}
[Return] ${output}
Deploying Data File Collector
Install helm charts chart-museum dcae-datafile-collector ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-dcae-datafile-collector 6m --set useCmpv2Certificates=true --set global.cmpv2Enabled=true --set masterPasswordOverride=test --set global.centralizedLoggingEnabled=false --debug
Deploying 3GPP PM Mapper
Install helm charts chart-museum dcae-pm-mapper ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-dcae-pm-mapper 6m --set global.centralizedLoggingEnabled=false --debug
Deploying SFTP Server As xNF
${override} = Set Variable --set fullnameOverride=${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-sftp --debug
Install helm charts from folder ${SFTP_HELM_CHARTS} ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-sftp set_values_override=${override}
Deploying HTTPS server with correct certificates
${name} = Set Variable ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-pm-https-server-correct-sans
${override} = Set Variable --set fullnameOverride=${name} --set nameOverride=${name} --set${name} --set certificates.commonName=${name} --set certificates.dnsNames={${name}} --debug
Install helm charts from folder ${HTTPS_SERVER_HELM_CHARTS} ${name} set_values_override=${override}
Deploying HTTPS server with wrong certificates - wrong SAN-s
${name} = Set Variable ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-pm-https-server-wrong-sans
${override} = Set Variable --set fullnameOverride=${name} --set nameOverride=${name} --set${name} --set certificates.commonName=wrong-sans-1 --set certificates.dnsNames={wrong-sans-2} --debug
Install helm charts from folder ${HTTPS_SERVER_HELM_CHARTS} ${name} set_values_override=${override}
Checking PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS Topic In Message Router
${headers}= Create Dictionary content-type=application/json
${subdata}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${PMMAPPER_SUB_ROLE_DATA}
${session}= Create Session dmaapbc ${DMAAP_BC_SERVER}
${resp}= Post Request dmaapbc ${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLIENT_PATH} data=${subdata} headers=${headers}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 minute 5 sec Topic Validate success
${resp}= Run MR Get Request ${MR_TOPIC_CHECK_PATH}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
${topics}= Set Variable ${resp.json().get('topics')}
List Should Contain Value ${topics}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
DR Bulk PM Feed Check
${resp}= Run DR Get Request ${DR_SUB_CHECK_PATH}
Should Contain ${resp.text} bulk_pm_feed
DR PM Mapper Subscriber Check
${resp}= Run DR Get Request ${DR_SUB_CHECK_PATH}
Should Contain ${resp.text} https://dcae-pm-mapper:8443/delivery
Setting KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH Environment Variable in DFC
${rc}= Run and Return RC ${SET_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 7 min 10s Check Known Hosts In Env ${CHECK_ENV_SET}
${GET_RSA_KEY}= Set Variable kubectl exec $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-sftp | awk '{print $1}') -n onap -- ssh-keyscan -t rsa ${ONAP_HELM_RELEASE}-sftp > /tmp/known_hosts
${rc}= Run and Return RC ${GET_RSA_KEY}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
${rc}= Run and Return RC ${COPY_RSA_KEY}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Uploading PM Files to xNF SFTP Server
${pm_file}= Upload PM Files to xNF SFTP Server ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES["PM_FILE_PATH"]}
Set Global Variable ${PM_FILE} ${pm_file}
Sending File Ready Event to VES Collector
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec xNF PM File Validate ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES["EXPECTED_PM_STR"]}
Changing SFTP Server RSA Key in DFC
${get_known_hosts_file}= OperatingSystem.Get File /tmp/known_hosts
${change_rsa_key}= Replace String ${get_known_hosts_file} A a
Create File /tmp/known_hosts ${change_rsa_key}
${rc}= Run and Return RC ${COPY_RSA_KEY}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Checking DFC Logs After KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH Env Variable Added
${dfc_logs}= Run Given Command On DFC Container ${CHECK_DFC_LOGS}
Should Not Contain ${dfc_logs} ${EXPECTED_PRINT}
Get all logs from PM Mapper
${pmmapper_logs}= Check logs ${CHECK_ALL_PMMAPPER_LOGS}
Log ${pmmapper_logs}
Get all logs from Data File Collector
${pmmapper_logs}= Check logs ${CHECK_ALL_DFC_LOGS}
Log ${pmmapper_logs}
Checking DFC Logs After SFTP Server RSA Key Changed
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 min 30 sec Check Given Print In DFC LOG ${CHECK_DFC_LOGS}
Check logs
[Arguments] ${LOG_CHECK}
${rc} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${LOG_CHECK}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc[0]} 0
[Return] ${rc[1]}
Change DFC httpsHostnameVerify configuration in Consul
[Documentation] Changes DFC httpsHostnameVerify config.
[Arguments] ${httpsHostnameVerify}
${httpsHostnameVerify_conf} Create Dictionary httpsHostnameVerify=${httpsHostnameVerify}
Templating.Create Environment pm ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
${event}= Templating.Apply Template pm ${consul_change_event} ${httpsHostnameVerify_conf}
${rc} ${container_name} = Run and Return RC and Output kubectl get pods -n onap | grep datafile-collector | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME | awk -F'-' '{print $2}'
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
${resp}= Run Consul Put Request /v1/kv/${container_name}-datafile-collector?raw=1 ${event}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
${rc} = Run and Return RC kubectl delete pods -n onap $(kubectl get pods -n onap | grep datafile-collector | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME)
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 360 sec 15 sec Check logs kubectl logs -n onap $(kubectl get pods -n onap | grep datafile-collector | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME) ${container_name}-datafile-collector
Sending File Ready Event to VES Collector for HTTPS Server
[Arguments] ${https-server_host}
Send File Ready Event to VES Collector for HTTPS Server ${PM_FILE} ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES["FILE_FORMAT_TYPE"]} ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES["FILE_FORMAT_VERSION"]} ${https-server_host}
Send File Ready Event to VES Collector for HTTPS Server
[Arguments] ${pm_file} ${file_format_type} ${file_format_version} ${https_server_host}
Disable Warnings
${pm_event} Create Dictionary https_server_host=${https_server_host} pm_file=${pm_file} fileFormatType=${file_format_type} fileFormatVersion=${file_format_version}
Templating.Create Environment pm ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
${VES_FILE_READY_NOTIFICATION}= Templating.Apply Template pm ${pm_notification_event} ${pm_event}
${headers}= Create Dictionary content-type=application/json
${session}= Create Session ves ${VES_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH} auth=${auth}
${resp}= Post Request ves ${VES_LISTENER_PATH} data=${VES_FILE_READY_NOTIFICATION} headers=${headers}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 202
Uploading PM Files to xNF HTTPS Server
[Arguments] ${https-server_host}
${pm_file}= Upload PM Files to xNF HTTPS Server ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES["PM_FILE_PATH"]} ${https-server_host}
Set Global Variable ${PM_FILE} ${pm_file}
Upload PM Files to xNF HTTPS Server
[Arguments] ${pm_file_path} ${https_server}
${epoch}= Get Current Date result_format=epoch
${pm_file} = Set Variable A${epoch}.xml.gz
Copy File ${pm_file_path} tmp/${pm_file}
${fileData}= Get Binary File tmp/${pm_file}
${file_part}= Create List ${pm_file} ${fileData} application/octet-stream
${fileParts}= Create Dictionary
Set to Dictionary ${fileParts} uploaded_file=${file_part}
${auth}= Create List demo demo123456!
${session}= Create Session https http://${https_server}:80 auth=${auth}
${resp}= Post Request https /upload.php files=${fileParts}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
[Return] ${pm_file}