move preload to the sdnc interface

Issue-ID: TEST-173
Change-Id: Ie5cf74ebb20af3b9994ff6dfbec3a51f49cddef8
Signed-off-by: DR695H <>
diff --git a/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/ b/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02ea14f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  "VNF-API:input": {
+    "VNF-API:request-information": {
+      "VNF-API:request-id": "robot0012",
+      "VNF-API:notification-url": "",
+      "VNF-API:order-number": "robot0012",
+      "VNF-API:request-sub-action": "SUPP",
+      "VNF-API:request-action": "PreloadNetworkRequest",
+      "VNF-API:source": "robot",
+      "VNF-API:order-version": "1.0"
+    },
+    "VNF-API:network-topology-information": {
+      "VNF-API:network-topology-identifier": {
+        "VNF-API:network-role": "{{network_role}}",
+        "VNF-API:network-technology": "neutron",
+        "VNF-API:service-type": "{{service_type}}",
+        "VNF-API:network-name": "{{network_name}}",
+        "VNF-API:network-type": "{{network_type}}"
+      },
+      "VNF-API:provider-network-information": {
+        "VNF-API:is-external-network": "true",
+        "VNF-API:physical-network-name": "{{network_name}}",
+        "VNF-API:is-provider-network": "true",
+        "VNF-API:is-shared-network": "true"
+      },
+      "VNF-API:subnets": [
+        {
+          "VNF-API:start-address": "{{subnet_start_ip}}",
+          "VNF-API:cidr-mask": "24",
+          "VNF-API:ip-version": "4",
+          "VNF-API:dhcp-enabled": "N",
+          "VNF-API:gateway-address": "{{subnet_gateway}}"
+        }
+	]
+    },
+    "VNF-API:sdnc-request-header": {
+      "VNF-API:svc-action": "reserve",
+      "VNF-API:svc-notification-url": "",
+      "VNF-API:svc-request-id": "robot0012"
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/template.vcpe_gwgra_vfmodule.jinja b/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/template.vcpe_gwgra_vfmodule.jinja
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1fec64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/template.vcpe_gwgra_vfmodule.jinja
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+		"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:request-information": {
+			"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:notification-url": "",
+			"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:order-number": "robot12",
+			"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:order-version": "1.0",
+			"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:request-action": "PreloadVfModuleRequest",
+			"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:request-id": "robot12",
+		},
+		"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:sdnc-request-header": {
+			"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:svc-action": "reserve",
+			"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:svc-notification-url": "",
+			"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:svc-request-id": "robot12"
+		},
+		"preload-vf-module-topology-information": {
+			"vf-module-topology": {
+				"vf-module-parameters":  {
+            				"param": [
+                                        {
+                                            "name": "vcpe_image_name",
+                                            "value": "vgw-casa-base-ubuntu-16-04"
+                                        },
+                                        {
+                                            "name": "vcpe_flavor_name",
+                                            "value": "m1.medium"
+                                        },
+					{
+					    "name": "public_net_id", 
+					    "value": "{{public_net_id}}"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "mux_gw_private_net_id", 
+					    "value": "{{mux_gw_net}}"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "mux_gw_private_subnet_id", 
+					    "value": "{{mux_gw_subnet}}"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "mux_gw_private_net_cidr", 
+					    "value": ""
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "cpe_public_net_id", 
+					    "value": "{{cpe_public_net}}"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "cpe_public_subnet_id", 
+					    "value": "{{cpe_public_subnet}}"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "cpe_public_net_cidr", 
+					    "value": ""
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "vgw_private_ip_0", 
+					    "value": ""
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "vgw_private_ip_1", 
+					    "value": ""
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "vgw_private_ip_2", 
+					    "value": ""
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "vgw_name_0", 
+					    "value": "zdcpe1cpe01gw01_{{suffix}}"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "mux_ip_addr", 
+					    "value": ""
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "vg_vgmux_tunnel_vni", 
+					    "value": "92"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "onap_private_net_id", 
+					    "value": "{{oam_onap_net}}"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "onap_private_subnet_id", 
+					    "value": "{{oam_onap_subnet}}"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "onap_private_net_cidr", 
+					    "value": ""
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "repo_url_blob", 
+					    "value": ""
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "repo_url_artifacts", 
+					    "value": ""
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "demo_artifacts_version", 
+					    "value": "1.1.1"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "script_version", 
+					    "value": "1.3.0"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "key_name", 
+					    "value": "vgw_key"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "pub_key", 
+					    "value": "{{pub_key}}"
+					}, 
+					{
+					    "name": "cloud_env", 
+					    "value": "openstack"
+					}
+				] },
+				"vf-module-assignments": {},
+				"vf-module-topology-identifier": {
+					"vf-module-name": "VGW2BRG-{{brg_mac}}"
+				}
+			},
+			"vnf-resource-assignments": {},
+			"vnf-topology-identifier-structure": {
+				"nf-type": "vgw",
+                                "vnf-id": "VGW2BRG-{{brg_mac}}" 
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/template.vcpe_infra_vfmodule.jinja b/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/template.vcpe_infra_vfmodule.jinja
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8babc7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/template.vcpe_infra_vfmodule.jinja
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+   "VNF-API:input": {
+     "VNF-API:request-information": {
+       "VNF-API:request-id": "robot12",
+       "VNF-API:notification-url": "",
+       "VNF-API:order-number": "robot12",
+       "VNF-API:request-sub-action": "SUPP",
+       "VNF-API:request-action": "PreloadVNFRequest",
+       "VNF-API:source": "VID",
+       "VNF-API:order-version": "1.0"
+     },
+     "VNF-API:sdnc-request-header": {
+       "VNF-API:svc-action": "reserve",
+       "VNF-API:svc-notification-url": "",
+       "VNF-API:svc-request-id": "robot12"
+     },
+     "VNF-API:vnf-topology-information": {
+             "vnf-topology-identifier": {
+               "service-type": "{{service_type}}",
+               "vnf-type": "{{vnf_type}}",
+               "generic-vnf-name": "{{generic_vnf_name}}",
+               "generic-vnf-type": "{{generic_vnf_type}}",
+               "vnf-name": "{{vnf_name}}"
+       },
+       "VNF-API:vnf-parameters": [
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vcpe_image_name",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "ubuntu-16-04-cloud-amd64"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vcpe_flavor_name",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "m1.medium"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "public_net_id",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "{{public_net_id}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "cpe_signal_net_id",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "{{cpe_signal_net}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "cpe_signal_subnet_id",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "{{cpe_signal_subnet}}" 
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "cpe_public_net_id",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "{{cpe_public_net}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "cpe_public_subnet_id",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "{{cpe_public_subnet}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "onap_private_net_id",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "{{oam_onap_net}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "onap_private_subnet_id",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "{{oam_onap_subnet}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "onap_private_net_cidr",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "cpe_signal_net_cidr",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "cpe_public_net_cidr",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vdhcp_private_ip_0",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vdhcp_private_ip_1",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vaaa_private_ip_0",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vaaa_private_ip_1",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vdns_private_ip_0",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vdns_private_ip_1",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vweb_private_ip_0",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vweb_private_ip_1",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "mr_ip_addr",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "{{mr_ip_addr}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "mr_ip_port",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "{{mr_ip_port}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vaaa_name_0",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "zdcpe1cpe01aaa01_{{suffix}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vdns_name_0",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "zdcpe1cpe01dns01_{{suffix}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vdhcp_name_0",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "zdcpe1cpe01dhcp01_{{suffix}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vweb_name_0",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "zdcpe1cpe01web01_{{suffix}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vnf_id",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "vCPE_Infrastructure_demo_app_{{suffix}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "vf_module_id",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "vCPE_Intrastructure_{{suffix}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "dcae_collector_ip",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "dcae_collector_port",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "8080"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "repo_url_blob",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "repo_url_artifacts",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": ""
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "demo_artifacts_version",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "1.3.0"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "install_script_version",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "1.3.0"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "key_name",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "vaaa_key"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "pub_key",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "{{pub_key}}"
+	},
+	{
+	"vnf-parameter-name": "cloud_env",
+	"vnf-parameter-value": "openstack"
+	}
+       ],
+       "VNF-API:vnf-assignments": {
+         }
+       }
+     }
diff --git a/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/template.vcpe_vgw_vfmodule.jinja b/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/template.vcpe_vgw_vfmodule.jinja
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daf0d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/assets/templates/sdnc/template.vcpe_vgw_vfmodule.jinja
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+    "VNF-API:input": {
+        "VNF-API:request-information": {
+            "VNF-API:notification-url": "", 
+            "VNF-API:order-number": "robot12", 
+            "VNF-API:order-version": "1.0", 
+            "VNF-API:request-action": "PreloadVNFRequest", 
+            "VNF-API:request-id": "robot12", 
+            "VNF-API:request-sub-action": "SUPP", 
+            "VNF-API:source": "VID"
+        }, 
+        "VNF-API:sdnc-request-header": {
+            "VNF-API:svc-action": "reserve", 
+            "VNF-API:svc-notification-url": "", 
+            "VNF-API:svc-request-id": "robot12"
+        }, 
+        "VNF-API:vnf-topology-information": {
+            "VNF-API:vnf-assignments": {}, 
+            "VNF-API:vnf-parameters": [
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "vcpe_image_name", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "vgw-casa-base-ubuntu-16-04"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "vcpe_flavor_name", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "m1.medium"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "public_net_id", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "{{public_net_id}}"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "mux_gw_private_net_id", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "{{mux_gw_net}}"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "mux_gw_private_subnet_id", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "{{mux_gw_subnet}}"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "mux_gw_private_net_cidr", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": ""
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "cpe_public_net_id", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "{{cpe_public_net}}"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "cpe_public_subnet_id", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "{{cpe_public_subnet}}"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "cpe_public_net_cidr", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": ""
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "vgw_private_ip_0", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": ""
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "vgw_private_ip_1", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": ""
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "vgw_private_ip_2", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": ""
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "vgw_name_0", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "zdcpe1cpe01gw01_{{suffix}}"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "mux_ip_addr", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": ""
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "vg_vgmux_tunnel_vni", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "126"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "onap_private_net_id", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "{{oam_onap_net}}"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "onap_private_subnet_id", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "{{oam_onap_subnet}}"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "onap_private_net_cidr", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": ""
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "repo_url_blob", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": ""
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "repo_url_artifacts", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": ""
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "demo_artifacts_version", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "1.1.1"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "script_version", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "1.3.0"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "key_name", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "vgw_key"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "pub_key", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "{{pub_key}}"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "vnf-parameter-name": "cloud_env", 
+                    "vnf-parameter-value": "openstack"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "vnf-topology-identifier": {
+                "generic-vnf-name": "GENERIC-VGW-VNF-NAME0", 
+                "generic-vnf-type": "GENERIC-VGW-VNF-TYPE", 
+                "service-type": "VGW-SERVICE-TYPE", 
+                "vnf-name": "VGW2BRG-{{brg_mac}}", 
+                "vnf-type": "VGW-VNF-TYPE"
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file