TEST-2 first cut a soak test engine

runSoak.sh is used to initiate a soak test for a duration in seconds

runEteTag.sh is the command invoked by the soak test engine to execute a
single tag.

Change-Id: I11ee797442cd3baa246e0f4a20bc4dac19c5b89e
Signed-off-by: Jerry Flood <jf9860@att.com>
diff --git a/runEteTag.sh b/runEteTag.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64f36e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runEteTag.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Start display on 256 if it has not already been started...
+# This will stay up and be used for all soak tests
+# Tried this once and got an unexpected error so restored the start/kill
+# pattern for each test for now.
+# Perhaps the error was unrelated to the using the same display for 
+# all tests. Preserve this just in case....
+function start_display_if
+	export DISPLAY=:256
+    xdpyinfo -display $DISPLAY >/dev/null 2>&1
+    while [ $? = 1 ]
+    do
+		# Start Xvfb
+		echo -e "Starting Xvfb on display ${DISPLAY} with res ${RES}"
+		Xvfb ${DISPLAY} -ac -screen 0 ${RES} +extension RANDR &
+		disown
+    done
+function start_display
+	export DISPLAY=:$(( $TEST_NUMBER % 256 ))
+    xdpyinfo -display $DISPLAY >/dev/null 2>&1
+    while [ $? = 0 ]
+    do
+	   DISPLAY=$(( $RANDOM % 1000 ))
+       xdpyinfo -display $DISPLAY >/dev/null 2>&1
+    done
+	# Start Xvfb
+	echo -e "Starting Xvfb on display ${DISPLAY} with res ${RES}"
+	Xvfb ${DISPLAY} -ac -screen 0 ${RES} +extension RANDR &
+	disown
+	echo ${DISPLAY} > /tmp/robotDisplay.$TEST_NUMBER
+	# Get and save pid of this spawned process to make sure we kill the correct process later
+function kill_display
+    xdpyinfo -display $DISPLAY >/dev/null 2>&1
+    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+       kill -9 $XVFBPID >/dev/null 2>&1
+    fi
+    rm -rf   /tmp/robotDisplay.$TEST_NUMBER
+# main
+export ROBOT_TAG=$1
+export TEST_NUMBER=$2
+if [ "$TEST_NUMBER" = "" ];then
+# Use default if none specified as env var
+DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL="INFO" # Available levels: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO (default), WARN, NONE (no logging)
+# To mitigate the chromedriver hanging issue
+export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=/dev/null
+mkdir -p $OUTPUT_FOLDER
+VARIABLEFILES="-V /share/config/vm_properties.py -V /share/config/integration_robot_properties.py -V /share/config/integration_preload_parameters.py"
+# Execute tests
+echo -e "Executing robot test ${ROBOT_TAG} at log level ${LOG_LEVEL}"
+python -m robot.run -L ${LOG_LEVEL} -d ${OUTPUT_FOLDER} ${VARIABLEFILES} ${VARIABLES} ${LISTENERS} -P ${ROBOT_LIBS} -i ${ROBOT_TAG} $(pwd) > ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/robot.out 2>&1
+# Stop Xvfb we started earlier