Initial checkin of EopenECOMP testsuite

Change-Id: I64a2b6d8cf66169829866b73b3d26a4ff59b0a42
Signed-off-by: DR695H <>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..808a7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This script is run by the policy closed loop to generate traffic (DNS packets) to the DNS
+#           Usage:  <DNSIP> <RATE_PER_SEC> <ITERATIONS>
+# The DNSIP is that of the DNS vLoadBalancer.
+# The RATE_PER_SEC is the approximate number of nslookup requests generated per second.
+# The ITERATIONS is roughly the number of seconds to run the test. Note that the Robot 
+# will kill this script after the validation is complete.
+# The validation portion of the script has done a successful lookup, so the point of 
+# these requests is to generate DNS packets. We do not care about the results. The timeout
+# of 1 second is to ensure we do not flood the process table with long waits 
+# on failed lookups.
+# We generate an approximate rate because we sleep for a full second so the RATE_PER_SEC 
+# should have some slop in it. We only need to drive this to 20+ per second, so a 35 
+# per second should fall within the range to trigger the polciy check and prvide enough
+# to validate even distribution without spawning a 3rd DNS
+for iter in `seq 1 $ITERATIONS`;
+   for i in `seq 1 $RATE_PER_SEC`;
+   do
+        nslookup -timeout=1 $DNSIP >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+   done
+   sleep 1