removing unused libraries

openstacklib and heatutils have been moved to the new keyword structure
so remvoing the old one as csit and testsuite have moved

Change-Id: I18b3ac7afc714174da4bebf5bacd5c7297b3dd59
Issue-ID: TEST-158
Signed-off-by: DR695H <>
diff --git a/robotframework-onap/eteutils/ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 69c026e..0000000
--- a/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import yaml
-import io
-import copy
-from hashlib import md5
-from paramiko import RSAKey
-from paramiko.ssh_exception import PasswordRequiredException
-class HEATUtils:
-    """ Utilities useful for constructing OpenStack HEAT requests """
-    def get_yaml(self, template_file):
-        """Template Yaml To Json reads a YAML Heat template file returns a JSON string that can be used included in an Openstack Add Stack Request"""
-        if isinstance(template_file, str) or isinstance(template_file, unicode):
-            fin = open(template_file, 'r')
-            yamlobj = yaml.load(fin)
-            return yamlobj
-        return None
-    def template_yaml_to_json(self, template_file):
-        """Template Yaml To Json reads a YAML Heat template file returns a JSON string that can be used included in an Openstack Add Stack Request"""
-        contents = None
-        if isinstance(template_file, str) or isinstance(template_file, unicode):
-            fin = open(template_file, 'r')
-            yamlobj = yaml.load(fin)
-            fin.close()
-            if 'heat_template_version' in yamlobj:
-                datetime = yamlobj['heat_template_version']
-                yamlobj['heat_template_version'] = str(datetime)
-            fout = io.BytesIO()
-            json.dump(yamlobj, fout)
-            contents = fout.getvalue()
-            fout.close()
-        return contents
-    def env_yaml_to_json(self, template_file):
-        """Env Yaml To JSon reads a YAML Heat env file and returns a JSON string that can be used included in an Openstack Add Stack Request"""
-        if isinstance(template_file, str) or isinstance(template_file, unicode):
-            fin = open(template_file, 'r')
-            yamlobj = yaml.load(fin)
-            fin.close()
-            if 'parameters' in yamlobj:
-                fout = io.BytesIO()
-                json.dump(yamlobj['parameters'], fout)
-                contents = fout.getvalue()
-                fout.close()
-                return contents
-        return None
-    def stack_info_parse(self, stack_info):
-        """ returns a flattened version of the Openstack Find Stack results """
-        d = {}
-        if isinstance(stack_info, dict):
-            s = stack_info['stack']
-            p = s['parameters']
-            d = copy.deepcopy(p)
-            d['id'] = s['id']
-            d['name'] = s['stack_name']
-            d['stack_status'] = s['stack_status']
-        return d
-    def match_fingerprint(self, pvt_file, pw, fingerprint):
-        try:
-            sshKey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(pvt_file, pw)
-            keybytes = md5(sshKey.asbytes()).hexdigest()
-            printableFingerprint = ':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(keybytes[::2], keybytes[1::2]))
-            return printableFingerprint == fingerprint.__str__()
-        except PasswordRequiredException:
-            return False
-    def match_private_key_file_to_keypair(self, files, keypair):
-        for keyfile in files:
-            if (self.match_fingerprint(keyfile, None, keypair['keypair']['fingerprint'])):
-                return keyfile
-        return None
-    def get_openstack_server_ip(self, server, network_name="public", ipversion=4):
-        ipaddr = None
-        try:
-            versions = server['addresses'][network_name]
-            for version in versions:
-                if version['version'] == ipversion:
-                    ipaddr = version['addr']
-                    break;
-        except ValueError:
-            return ipaddr
-        return ipaddr
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diff --git a/robotframework-onap/eteutils/ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8791450..0000000
--- a/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
-import robot.utils
-import json
-class OpenstackLibrary:
-    """OpenstackLibrary manages the connection state and service catalog of an openstack instance."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._cache = robot.utils.ConnectionCache('No connections created')
-        self.builtin = BuiltIn()
-    def save_openstack_auth(self, alias, response,token, version='v2.0'):
-        """Save Openstack Auth takes in an openstack auth response and saves it to allow easy retrival of token and service catalog"""
-        self.builtin.log('Creating connection: %s' % alias, 'DEBUG')
-        jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
-        jsonResponse['auth_token'] = token
-        jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] = version
-        self._cache.register(jsonResponse, alias=alias)
-    def get_openstack_token(self, alias):
-        """Get Openstack auth token from the current alias"""
-        response = self._cache.switch(alias)
-        if isinstance(response, str):
-            jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
-        else:
-            jsonResponse = response;
-        if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
-            return  jsonResponse['access']['token']['id']
-        else:
-            return  jsonResponse['auth_token']
-    def get_openstack_catalog(self, alias):
-        """Get Openstack service catalog from the current alias"""
-        response = self._cache.switch(alias)
-        if isinstance(response, str):
-            jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
-        else:
-            jsonResponse = response;
-        if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
-            return  jsonResponse['access']['serviceCatalog']
-        else:
-            return  jsonResponse['token']['catalog']
-    def get_current_openstack_tenant(self, alias):
-        """Get Openstack tenant from the current alias"""
-        response = self._cache.switch(alias)
-        if isinstance(response, str):
-            jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
-        else:
-            jsonResponse = response;
-        if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
-            return  jsonResponse['access']['token']['tenant']
-        else:
-            return  jsonResponse['token']['project']
-    def get_current_openstack_tenant_id(self, alias):
-        """Get Openstack tenant id from the current alias"""
-        tenant = self.get_current_openstack_tenant(alias);
-        return  tenant['id']
-    def get_openstack_regions(self, alias):
-        """Get all Openstack regions from the current alias"""
-        response = self._cache.switch(alias)
-        if isinstance(response, str):
-            jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
-        else:
-            jsonResponse = response;
-        regions = [];
-        if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
-            resp = jsonResponse['access']['serviceCatalog']
-        else:
-            resp = jsonResponse['token']['catalog']
-        for catalogEntry in resp:
-            listOfEndpoints = catalogEntry['endpoints'];
-            for endpoint in listOfEndpoints:
-                if 'region'in endpoint:
-                    if endpoint['region'] not in regions:
-                        regions.append(endpoint['region'])
-        return regions;
-    def get_openstack_service_url(self, alias, servicetype, region =  None, tenant_id = None):
-        """Get Openstack service catalog from the current alias"""
-        response = self._cache.switch(alias)
-        if isinstance(response, str):
-            jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
-        else:
-            jsonResponse = response;
-        endPoint = None;
-        if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
-            resp = jsonResponse['access']['serviceCatalog']
-        else:
-            resp = jsonResponse['token']['catalog']
-        for catalogEntry in resp:    
-            if self.__determine_match(catalogEntry['type'], servicetype):
-                listOfEndpoints = catalogEntry['endpoints'];
-                # filter out non matching regions if provided
-                listOfEndpoints[:] = [x for x in listOfEndpoints if self.__determine_match(x['region'], region)];
-                # filter out non matching tenants if provided
-                # Only provide tenant id when authorizing without qualifying with tenant id
-                # WindRiver does not return the tenantId on the endpoint in this case.
-                if tenant_id is not None:
-                    listOfEndpoints[:] = [y for y in listOfEndpoints if self.__determine_match(y['tenantId'], tenant_id)];
-                if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v3':
-                        listOfEndpoints[:] = [z for z in listOfEndpoints if self.__determine_match(z['interface'], 'public')];
-                if len(listOfEndpoints) > 0:
-                    if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
-                        endPoint = listOfEndpoints[0]['publicURL'];
-                    else:
-                        endPoint = listOfEndpoints[0]['url'];
-        if endPoint == None:
-            self.builtin.should_not_be_empty("", "Service Endpoint Url should not be empty")
-        return endPoint;
-    def __determine_match(self, listItem, item):
-        if item is None:
-            return True;
-        elif listItem == item:
-            return True;
-        else:
-            return False;
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