cleanup how message factory is used

apparantly if you use binary protobuf you cant recall the same instance

Issue-ID: TEST-175
Change-Id: I413c04dec5f94363a54d5e9e00e135d95620abd3
Signed-off-by: DR695H <>
diff --git a/robotframework-onap/tests/ b/robotframework-onap/tests/
index b58215a..3422dfe 100644
--- a/robotframework-onap/tests/
+++ b/robotframework-onap/tests/
@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
-import unittest
+from unittest import TextTestRunner
+from unittest import TestLoader
+from unittest import TestSuite
 # import your test modules
-from tests.vcpeutils.SoUtils_test import *
+from tests.vcpeutils.SoUtils_test import SoUtilsTest
+from tests.ONAPLibrary.ProtobufKeywordsTest import ProtobufKeywordsTest
 # initialize the test suite
-loader = unittest.TestLoader()
-suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+loader = TestLoader()
+suite = TestSuite()
 # add tests to the test suite
 # initialize a runner, pass it your suite and run it
-runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3)
+runner = TextTestRunner(verbosity=3)
 result =