As MSO are trying a macro/a-la-carte API consolidation, this feature will signal MSO whether to use the old API or the new one. If enabled, VID will add the field "testApi" (with a selectable value) to many requests' payloads.
If FLAG_NETWORK_TO_ASYNC_INSTANTIATION is enabled - services that contain networks will also use the new macro instantiation flow as describes under: FLAG_ASYNC_INSTANTIATION Combination of FLAG_ASYNC_INSTANTIATION- enabled and FLAG_NETWORK_TO_ASYNC_INSTANTIATION- disabled - may break tests that contain csars with networks and expected to go to new flow
Enable deployment of 5G a-la-carte services in the "new" Angular 2 instantiation pages. If disabled, the deploy process will be in old UI.
enable creating vnfs via async instantiation of a-la-carte service
This flag enable show a-la-carte mso audit info, online from mso
Once a Provider Network is instantiated and the user goes to View / Edit, she will be able to view the Tenant Networks associated with a Provider network.
This information about the networks is retrieved from A&AI.
If flag disabled, A&AI is not approached, and View / Edit shows no underlying VLANs.
Enable creating vfModules and volume groups via async instantiation of a-la-carte service. If turned off, only VNFs will be created; vf modules will be ignored.
Experimental flag that route any a-la-carte service deployment to "new" Angular 2 instantiation pages. This flag is currently only for development propose and shall not be enabled in testing/production.
When this flag is is on, VID is adding cloudOwner field into CloudConfiguration section of MSO requests. Relevant requests for 1810 :
Enable soft delete for vf-module in view/edit page for a-la-carte only.
Enables the caching of selected AAI responses.
Enables to identify the service for new UI.
Enables using DefaultHostnameVerifier in HttpAuthClient in order to enable a more secure connection
Enable users to go to new view service instance page that is based on service planning page. If the feature flag is on, once a use click open a service on instantiation status dashboard, the user is redirected to the new view page.
Support services with vnf grouping. If the flag is enabled, clicking on deploy of service with vnf grouping would open the new UI of deploy service. Also if the flag is enabled, view/edit of such a service is service planning new UI in view/edit mode.
FLAG_1902_RETRY_JOB Support retry of failed job. Once async job has failed, the user is able to retry execute the job again.
While creating a port-mirroring configuration, user will be able to choose the service-type for both pnf anv vnf (aka pprobe and vprobe).
Disable this flag to go back to original behaviour, that pnf defaults to the service's service- type, without a visible queue nor an option to change.
Enable the user to create resources (like VNF, NETWORK, VF_MODULE) in parallel during ALaCarte. For 1902 version the flag is false, since SDNC doesn't support creation of resources in parallel for ALaCarte scenarios.
Show in drawing board an information for each resource, when the resource is selected in the drawing board tree
Enable user role validation for the Backend API instantiation request. The validation is applied for subscriber and service type. There is no tenants validation.
Enable using the depth=1 instead of depth=2 parameter in outgoing A&AI GET 'business/customers/customer/{subscriberId}' request when the Frontend sends the GET '/aai_sub_details/{subscriberId}' request with additional parameter 'omitServiceInstances=true' to the Backend.
Relevant for these specific cases:
FLAG_1908_TRANSPORT_SERVICE_NEW_INSTANTIATION_UI Enable opening transport service (service with type:TRANSPORT) in new instantiation UI.
FLAG_1908_INFRASTRUCTURE_VPN Enable opening VRF service (service with type:BONDING, role: INFRASTRUCTURE-VPN) in new instantiation UI.
FLAG_1908_RESUME_MACRO_SERVICE Enable resume macro service from new view edit page, if :
FLAG_1908_VNF_FABRIC_CONFIGURATION_NEW_INSTANTIATION_UI Enable open the "new" Angular 2 instantiation pages for service with service-role = "VNF"
FLAG_FLASH_MORE_ACTIONS_BUTTON_IN_OLD_VIEW_EDIT Adds a button in legacy View/Edit screen that reopens the service in the new View/Edit screen. This button is not displayed when no "Edit" permissions.
FLAG_FLASH_REPLACE_VF_MODULE Enable Replace VF module for upgrade flows, requested by the Flash team. When upgrading a VF module VID will invoke the MSO POST VF-module/replace request
FLAG_1908_MACRO_NOT_TRANSPORT_NEW_VIEW_EDIT Enable New UI on View Edit for Macro, NON TRANSPORT services
FLAG_FLASH_CLOUD_REGION_AND_NF_ROLE_OPTIONAL_SEARCH Add cloud-region and nf-role as an optional search criteria fields when fetching VNF details.
FLAG_1911_INSTANTIATION_ORDER_IN_ASYNC_ALACARTE Let the user set the order of resource instantiation while using drawing board (new view edit) for a-la-carte instantiation.
FLAG_SHOW_ORCHESTRATION_TYPE enables showing/hiding (true/false) column with orchestration type in Service Model browser. The types are fetched from aai.
FLAG_2002_ANY_ALACARTE_BESIDES_EXCLUDED_NEW_INSTANTIATION_UI Any a-la-carte new service deployment will be open in modern UI, besides excluded services : Port mirroring, VLAN Tagging
FLAG_2002_VFM_UPGRADE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS When flag is true the new popup will be opened with additional options to perform on VFM.
FLAG_2002_IDENTIFY_INVARIANT_MACRO_UUID_BY_BACKEND, When flag is true, VID use macro_services_by_invariant_uuid.json file to identify if csar without instantiation type is macro service.
Otherwise, MACRO_SERVICES list in vidConfiguration.js is used to identify if it's a macro service (in ng1 code)
FLAG_2002_VNF_PLATFORM_MULTI_SELECT When flag is true the platform will appear as a multi select field, if false the platform will be dropdown list.