merge from ecomp a88f0072 - Modern UI

Issue-ID: VID-378
Change-Id: Ibcb23dd27f550cf32ce2fe0239f0f496ae014ff6
Signed-off-by: Ittay Stern <>
diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.spec.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617a81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1761 @@
+import {HttpClientTestingModule} from "@angular/common/http/testing";
+import {getTestBed, TestBed} from "@angular/core/testing";
+import {MockNgRedux, NgReduxTestingModule} from "@angular-redux/store/testing";
+import {SharedTreeService} from "./shared.tree.service";
+import {ObjectToInstanceTreeService} from "./objectToInstanceTree/objectToInstanceTree.service";
+import {ObjectToTreeService} from "./objectToTree.service";
+import {DefaultDataGeneratorService} from "../../../shared/services/defaultDataServiceGenerator/";
+import {DynamicInputsService} from "./dynamicInputs.service";
+import {DialogService} from "ng2-bootstrap-modal";
+import {VnfPopupService} from "../../../shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/vnf/vnf.popup.service";
+import {BasicControlGenerator} from "../../../shared/components/genericForm/formControlsServices/basic.control.generator";
+import {AaiService} from "../../../shared/services/aaiService/aai.service";
+import {NetworkPopupService} from "../../../shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/network/network.popup.service";
+import {NetworkControlGenerator} from "../../../shared/components/genericForm/formControlsServices/networkGenerator/network.control.generator";
+import {VfModulePopuopService} from "../../../shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/vfModule/vfModule.popuop.service";
+import {VfModuleControlGenerator} from "../../../shared/components/genericForm/formControlsServices/vfModuleGenerator/vfModule.control.generator";
+import {VnfGroupControlGenerator} from "../../../shared/components/genericForm/formControlsServices/vnfGroupGenerator/vnfGroup.control.generator";
+import {FeatureFlagsService} from "../../../shared/services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service";
+import {VnfControlGenerator} from "../../../shared/components/genericForm/formControlsServices/vnfGenerator/vnf.control.generator";
+import {NgRedux} from "@angular-redux/store";
+import {GenericFormService} from "../../../shared/components/genericForm/generic-form.service";
+import {FormBuilder} from "@angular/forms";
+import {SdcUiComponentsModule} from "onap-ui-angular";
+import {LogService} from "../../../shared/utils/log/log.service";
+import {IframeService} from "../../../shared/utils/iframe.service";
+import {BasicPopupService} from "../../../shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/basic.popup.service";
+import {VnfGroupPopupService} from "../../../shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/vnfGroup/vnfGroup.popup.service";
+import {DuplicateService} from "../duplicate/duplicate.service";
+import {AppState} from "../../../shared/store/reducers";
+import {MessageBoxService} from "../../../shared/components/messageBox/messageBox.service";
+import {ErrorMsgService} from "../../../shared/components/error-msg/error-msg.service";
+import {AuditInfoModalComponent} from "../../../shared/components/auditInfoModal/auditInfoModal.component";
+import {ILevelNodeInfo} from "./models/";
+import {VnfModelInfo} from "./models/vnf/";
+import {ServiceInstanceActions} from "../../../shared/models/serviceInstanceActions";
+import each from "jest-each";
+import {DrawingBoardModes} from "../drawing-board.modes";
+import {ComponentInfoService} from "../component-info/component-info.service";
+class MockAppStore<T> {
+  getState() {
+    return getStore()
+  }
+  dispatch() {
+  }
+class MockVnfModelInfo<T> {
+  getModel() {
+    return {}
+  }
+describe('Shared Tree Service', () => {
+  let injector;
+  let service: SharedTreeService;
+  let _objectToInstanceTreeService: ObjectToInstanceTreeService;
+  let store: NgRedux<AppState>;
+  beforeAll(done => (async () => {
+    TestBed.configureTestingModule({
+      imports: [HttpClientTestingModule, NgReduxTestingModule, SdcUiComponentsModule],
+      providers: [
+        SharedTreeService,
+        ObjectToTreeService,
+        DefaultDataGeneratorService,
+        DialogService,
+        VnfPopupService,
+        BasicControlGenerator,
+        AaiService,
+        LogService,
+        BasicPopupService,
+        VnfGroupPopupService,
+        DuplicateService,
+        IframeService,
+        DynamicInputsService,
+        NetworkPopupService,
+        NetworkControlGenerator,
+        VfModulePopuopService,
+        VfModuleControlGenerator,
+        VnfGroupControlGenerator,
+        DialogService,
+        FeatureFlagsService,
+        VnfControlGenerator,
+        AaiService,
+        DialogService,
+        GenericFormService,
+        FormBuilder,
+        ErrorMsgService,
+        ObjectToInstanceTreeService,
+        ComponentInfoService,
+        {provide: NgRedux, useClass: MockAppStore}
+      ]
+    });
+    await TestBed.compileComponents();
+    injector = getTestBed();
+    service = injector.get(SharedTreeService);
+    _objectToInstanceTreeService = injector.get(ObjectToInstanceTreeService);
+    store = injector.get(NgRedux);
+  })().then(done).catch(;
+  test('SharedTreeService should be defined', () => {
+    expect(service).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  test('shouldShowDeleteInstanceWithChildrenModal should open modal if child exist with action create', () => {
+    jest.spyOn(MessageBoxService.openModal, 'next');
+    let foo = () => {
+    };
+    let node = <any>{
+      children: [{action: "Create"}, {action: "None"}],
+      data: {
+        typeName: 'VNF'
+      }
+    };
+    service.shouldShowDeleteInstanceWithChildrenModal(node, "serviceModelId", foo);
+    expect(;
+  });
+  test('openAuditInfoModal should open modal for failed instance', () => {
+    jest.spyOn(AuditInfoModalComponent.openInstanceAuditInfoModal, 'next');
+    let modelInfoServiceMock: ILevelNodeInfo = new VnfModelInfo(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
+    const modelMock = {"a": "a"};
+    const instanceMock = {"instance": "instance", "trackById": "123456789"};
+    const instanceTypeMock = "instanceTypeMock";
+    jest.spyOn(modelInfoServiceMock, 'getModel').mockReturnValue(modelMock);
+    let node = <any>{
+      data: {
+        modelId: '6b528779-44a3-4472-bdff-9cd15ec93450',
+        trackById: '1245df21',
+        isFailed: true
+      }
+    };
+    service.openAuditInfoModal(node, "serviceModelId", instanceMock, instanceTypeMock, <any>modelInfoServiceMock);
+    expect(
+      {
+        "instance": instanceMock,
+        "instanceId": "serviceModelId",
+        "isInstanceFailed":,
+        "model": modelMock,
+        "trackById": instanceMock.trackById,
+        "type": instanceTypeMock
+      });
+  });
+  test('shouldShowDeleteInstanceWithChildrfenModal should not open modal if all childs with action None', () => {
+    let foo = () => {
+    };
+    spyOn(MessageBoxService.openModal, 'next');
+    let node = <any>{
+      children: [{action: "None"}, {action: "None"}],
+      data: {
+        typeName: 'VNF'
+      }
+    };
+    service.shouldShowDeleteInstanceWithChildrenModal(node, "serviceModelId", foo);
+    expect(;
+  });
+  test('statusProperties should be prop on node according to node properties', () => {
+    let node = service.addingStatusProperty({orchStatus: 'completed', provStatus: 'inProgress', inMaint: false});
+    expect(node.statusProperties).toBeDefined();
+    expect(node.statusProperties).toEqual([Object({
+      key: 'Prov Status:',
+      value: 'inProgress',
+      testId: 'provStatus'
+    }), Object({key: 'Orch Status:', value: 'completed', testId: 'orchStatus'})]);
+    node = service.addingStatusProperty({orchStatus: 'completed', provStatus: 'inProgress', inMaint: true});
+    expect(node.statusProperties).toEqual([Object({
+      key: 'Prov Status:',
+      value: 'inProgress',
+      testId: 'provStatus'
+    }), Object({key: 'Orch Status:', value: 'completed', testId: 'orchStatus'}), Object({
+      key: 'In-maintenance',
+      value: '',
+      testId: 'inMaint'
+    })]);
+  });
+  const enableRemoveAndEditItemsDataProvider = [
+    ['Create action CREATE mode', DrawingBoardModes.CREATE ,ServiceInstanceActions.Create, true],
+    ['Create action VIEW mode',DrawingBoardModes.VIEW , ServiceInstanceActions.Create,false],
+    ['Create action RETRY_EDIT mode',DrawingBoardModes.RETRY_EDIT,  ServiceInstanceActions.Create,  true],
+    ['Create action EDIT mode',DrawingBoardModes.EDIT, ServiceInstanceActions.Create,  true],
+    ['Create action RETRY mode',DrawingBoardModes.RETRY, ServiceInstanceActions.Create,  false],
+    ['None action EDIT mode',DrawingBoardModes.EDIT,  ServiceInstanceActions.None, false],
+    ['None action RETRY_EDIT mode', DrawingBoardModes.RETRY_EDIT, ServiceInstanceActions.None, false]];
+  each(enableRemoveAndEditItemsDataProvider).test('shouldShowEditAndDelete if child exist with %s', (description, mode, action, enabled) => {
+    jest.spyOn(store, 'getState').mockReturnValue({
+        global: {
+          drawingBoardStatus: mode
+        }
+      });
+      let node = <any>{
+        data:{
+          action: action
+        },
+      };
+      let res = service.shouldShowRemoveAndEdit(node);
+      expect(res).toBe(enabled);
+    });
+function generateService() {
+  return {
+    "vnfs": {
+      "2017-488_ADIOD-vPE 0": {
+        "inMaint": false,
+        "rollbackOnFailure": "true",
+        "originalName": "2017-488_ADIOD-vPE 0",
+        "isMissingData": false,
+        "trackById": "stigekyxrqi",
+        "vfModules": {
+          "2017488_adiodvpe0..2017488AdiodVpe..ADIOD_base_vPE_BV..module-0": {
+            "2017488_adiodvpe0..2017488AdiodVpe..ADIOD_base_vPE_BV..module-0gytfi": {
+              "isMissingData": false,
+              "sdncPreReload": null,
+              "modelInfo": {
+                "modelType": "VFmodule",
+                "modelInvariantId": "b34833bb-6aa9-4ad6-a831-70b06367a091",
+                "modelVersionId": "f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db",
+                "modelName": "2017488AdiodVpe..ADIOD_base_vPE_BV..module-0",
+                "modelVersion": "5",
+                "modelCustomizationId": "a55961b2-2065-4ab0-a5b7-2fcee1c227e3",
+                "modelCustomizationName": "2017488AdiodVpe..ADIOD_base_vPE_BV..module-0"
+              },
+              "instanceParams": [{}],
+              "trackById": "3oj23o7nupo"
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        "vnfStoreKey": "2017-488_ADIOD-vPE 0",
+        "uuid": "69e09f68-8b63-4cc9-b9ff-860960b5db09",
+        "productFamilyId": "d8a6ed93-251c-47ca-adc9-86671fd19f4c",
+        "lcpCloudRegionId": "JANET25",
+        "tenantId": "092eb9e8e4b7412e8787dd091bc58e86",
+        "lineOfBusiness": "ONAP",
+        "platformName": "xxx1",
+        "modelInfo": {
+          "modelInvariantId": "72e465fe-71b1-4e7b-b5ed-9496118ff7a8",
+          "modelVersionId": "69e09f68-8b63-4cc9-b9ff-860960b5db09",
+          "modelName": "2017-488_ADIOD-vPE",
+          "modelVersion": "5.0",
+          "modelCustomizationName": "2017-488_ADIOD-vPE 0",
+          "modelCustomizationId": "1da7b585-5e61-4993-b95e-8e6606c81e45",
+          "uuid": "69e09f68-8b63-4cc9-b9ff-860960b5db09"
+        },
+        "legacyRegion": "11111111",
+        "instanceParams": [{}]
+      },
+      "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE 0": {
+        "inMaint": false,
+        "rollbackOnFailure": "true",
+        "originalName": "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE 0",
+        "isMissingData": false,
+        "trackById": "nib719t5vca",
+        "vfModules": {},
+        "vnfStoreKey": "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE 0",
+        "productFamilyId": "d8a6ed93-251c-47ca-adc9-86671fd19f4c",
+        "lcpCloudRegionId": "JANET25",
+        "legacyRegion": "11111",
+        "tenantId": "092eb9e8e4b7412e8787dd091bc58e86",
+        "platformName": "platform",
+        "lineOfBusiness": "zzz1",
+        "instanceParams": [{}],
+        "modelInfo": {
+          "modelInvariantId": "72e465fe-71b1-4e7b-b5ed-9496118ff7a8",
+          "modelVersionId": "afacccf6-397d-45d6-b5ae-94c39734b168",
+          "modelName": "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE",
+          "modelVersion": "4.0",
+          "modelCustomizationId": "b3c76f73-eeb5-4fb6-9d31-72a889f1811c",
+          "modelCustomizationName": "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE 0",
+          "uuid": "afacccf6-397d-45d6-b5ae-94c39734b168"
+        },
+        "uuid": "afacccf6-397d-45d6-b5ae-94c39734b168"
+      },
+      "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE 1": {
+        "inMaint": false,
+        "rollbackOnFailure": "true",
+        "originalName": "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE 1",
+        "isMissingData": false,
+        "trackById": "cv7l1ak8vpe",
+        "vfModules": {},
+        "vnfStoreKey": "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE 1",
+        "productFamilyId": "d8a6ed93-251c-47ca-adc9-86671fd19f4c",
+        "lcpCloudRegionId": "JANET25",
+        "legacyRegion": "123",
+        "tenantId": "092eb9e8e4b7412e8787dd091bc58e86",
+        "platformName": "platform",
+        "lineOfBusiness": "ONAP",
+        "instanceParams": [{}],
+        "modelInfo": {
+          "modelInvariantId": "00beb8f9-6d39-452f-816d-c709b9cbb87d",
+          "modelVersionId": "0903e1c0-8e03-4936-b5c2-260653b96413",
+          "modelName": "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE",
+          "modelVersion": "1.0",
+          "modelCustomizationId": "280dec31-f16d-488b-9668-4aae55d6648a",
+          "modelCustomizationName": "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE 1",
+          "uuid": "0903e1c0-8e03-4936-b5c2-260653b96413"
+        },
+        "uuid": "0903e1c0-8e03-4936-b5c2-260653b96413"
+      }
+    },
+    "instanceParams": [{}],
+    "validationCounter": 0,
+    "existingNames": {"yoav": ""},
+    "existingVNFCounterMap": {
+      "69e09f68-8b63-4cc9-b9ff-860960b5db09": 1,
+      "afacccf6-397d-45d6-b5ae-94c39734b168": 1,
+      "0903e1c0-8e03-4936-b5c2-260653b96413": 1
+    },
+    "existingVnfGroupCounterMap": {
+      "daeb6568-cef8-417f-9075-ed259ce59f48": 0,
+      "c2b300e6-45de-4e5e-abda-3032bee2de56": -1
+    },
+    "existingNetworksCounterMap": {"ddc3f20c-08b5-40fd-af72-c6d14636b986": 1},
+    "networks": {
+      "ExtVL 0": {
+        "inMaint": false,
+        "rollbackOnFailure": "true",
+        "originalName": "ExtVL 0",
+        "isMissingData": false,
+        "trackById": "s6okajvv2n8",
+        "networkStoreKey": "ExtVL 0",
+        "productFamilyId": "d8a6ed93-251c-47ca-adc9-86671fd19f4c",
+        "lcpCloudRegionId": "JANET25",
+        "legacyRegion": "12355555",
+        "tenantId": "092eb9e8e4b7412e8787dd091bc58e86",
+        "platformName": "platform",
+        "lineOfBusiness": null,
+        "instanceParams": [{}],
+        "modelInfo": {
+          "modelInvariantId": "379f816b-a7aa-422f-be30-17114ff50b7c",
+          "modelVersionId": "ddc3f20c-08b5-40fd-af72-c6d14636b986",
+          "modelName": "ExtVL",
+          "modelVersion": "37.0",
+          "modelCustomizationId": "94fdd893-4a36-4d70-b16a-ec29c54c184f",
+          "modelCustomizationName": "ExtVL 0",
+          "uuid": "ddc3f20c-08b5-40fd-af72-c6d14636b986"
+        },
+        "uuid": "ddc3f20c-08b5-40fd-af72-c6d14636b986"
+      }
+    },
+    "vnfGroups": {
+      "groupingservicefortest..ResourceInstanceGroup..0": {
+        "inMaint": false,
+        "rollbackOnFailure": "true",
+        "originalName": "groupingservicefortest..ResourceInstanceGroup..0",
+        "isMissingData": false,
+        "trackById": "se0obn93qq",
+        "vnfGroupStoreKey": "groupingservicefortest..ResourceInstanceGroup..0",
+        "instanceName": "groupingservicefortestResourceInstanceGroup0",
+        "instanceParams": [{}],
+        "modelInfo": {
+          "modelInvariantId": "4bb2e27e-ddab-4790-9c6d-1f731bc14a45",
+          "modelVersionId": "daeb6568-cef8-417f-9075-ed259ce59f48",
+          "modelName": "groupingservicefortest..ResourceInstanceGroup..0",
+          "modelVersion": "1",
+          "modelCustomizationName": "groupingservicefortest..ResourceInstanceGroup..0",
+          "uuid": "daeb6568-cef8-417f-9075-ed259ce59f48"
+        },
+        "uuid": "daeb6568-cef8-417f-9075-ed259ce59f48"
+      }
+    },
+    "instanceName": "yoav",
+    "globalSubscriberId": "e433710f-9217-458d-a79d-1c7aff376d89",
+    "subscriptionServiceType": "TYLER SILVIA",
+    "owningEntityId": "d61e6f2d-12fa-4cc2-91df-7c244011d6fc",
+    "productFamilyId": "d8a6ed93-251c-47ca-adc9-86671fd19f4c",
+    "lcpCloudRegionId": "JANET25",
+    "tenantId": "092eb9e8e4b7412e8787dd091bc58e86",
+    "aicZoneId": "ATL53",
+    "pause": null,
+    "projectName": "WATKINS",
+    "rollbackOnFailure": "true",
+    "bulkSize": 1,
+    "aicZoneName": "AAIATLTE-ATL53",
+    "owningEntityName": "WayneHolland",
+    "testApi": "VNF_API",
+    "isEcompGeneratedNaming": false,
+    "tenantName": "USP-SIP-IC-24335-T-01",
+    "modelInfo": {
+      "modelInvariantId": "cdb90b57-ed78-4d44-a5b4-7f43a02ec632",
+      "modelVersionId": "1a80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd",
+      "modelName": "action-data",
+      "modelVersion": "1.0",
+      "uuid": "1a80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd"
+    },
+    "isALaCarte": false,
+    "name": "action-data",
+    "version": "1.0",
+    "description": "ADIOD vMX vPE based on Juniper 17.2 release. Updated with updated VF for v8.0 of VLM",
+    "category": "Network L1-3",
+    "uuid": "1a80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd",
+    "invariantUuid": "cdb90b57-ed78-4d44-a5b4-7f43a02ec632",
+    "serviceType": "pnf",
+    "serviceRole": "Testing",
+    "vidNotions": {"instantiationUI": "legacy", "modelCategory": "other", "viewEditUI": "legacy"},
+    "isMultiStepDesign": true
+  };
+function getStore() {
+  return {
+    "global": {
+      "name": null,
+      "flags": {
+        "CREATE_INSTANCE_TEST": false,
+        "EMPTY_DRAWING_BOARD_TEST": false,
+        "FLAG_ASYNC_JOBS": true,
+        "FLAG_ADD_MSO_TESTAPI_FIELD": true,
+        "FLAG_UNASSIGN_SERVICE": true,
+        "FLAG_SERVICE_MODEL_CACHE": true,
+        "FLAG_SHOW_ASSIGNMENTS": true,
+        "FLAG_DUPLICATE_VNF": true,
+        "FLAG_DEFAULT_VNF": true,
+        "FLAG_A_LA_CARTE_AUDIT_INFO": true,
+        "FLAG_1902_NEW_VIEW_EDIT": true,
+        "FLAG_1810_IDENTIFY_SERVICE_FOR_NEW_UI": false,
+        "FLAG_1902_VNF_GROUPING": true,
+        "FLAG_SHOW_VERIFY_SERVICE": true,
+        "FLAG_ASYNC_ALACARTE_VNF": true,
+        "FLAG_1810_AAI_LOCAL_CACHE": true,
+        "FLAG_RESTRICTED_SELECT": false,
+      },
+      "drawingBoardStatus": "VIEW",
+    },
+    "service": {
+      "serviceHierarchy": {
+        "1a80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd": {
+          "service": {
+            "uuid": "1a80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd",
+            "invariantUuid": "cdb90b57-ed78-4d44-a5b4-7f43a02ec632",
+            "name": "action-data",
+            "version": "1.0",
+            "toscaModelURL": null,
+            "category": "Network L1-3",
+            "serviceType": "pnf",
+            "serviceRole": "Testing",
+            "description": "ADIOD vMX vPE based on Juniper 17.2 release. Updated with updated VF for v8.0 of VLM",
+            "serviceEcompNaming": "false",
+            "instantiationType": "Macro",
+            "inputs": {},
+            "vidNotions": {"instantiationUI": "legacy", "modelCategory": "other", "viewEditUI": "legacy"}
+          },
+          "vnfs": {
+            "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE 1": {
+              "uuid": "0903e1c0-8e03-4936-b5c2-260653b96413",
+              "invariantUuid": "00beb8f9-6d39-452f-816d-c709b9cbb87d",
+              "description": "Name ADIOD vPE Description The provider edge function for the ADIOD service supported by the Junipers VMX product Category Router Vendor Juniper Vendor Release Code 17.2 Owners Mary Fragale. Updated 9-25 to use v8.0 of the Juniper Valid 2 VLM",
+              "name": "2017-388_ADIOD-vPE",
+              "version": "1.0",
+              "customizationUuid": "280dec31-f16d-488b-9668-4aae55d6648a",
+              "inputs": {},
+              "commands": {},
+              "properties": {
+                "vmxvre_retype": "RE-VMX",
+                "vnf_config_template_version": "get_input:2017488_adiodvpe0_vnf_config_template_version",
+                "sriov44_net_id": "48d399b3-11ee-48a8-94d2-f0ea94d6be8d",
+                "int_ctl_net_id": "2f323477-6936-4d01-ac53-d849430281d9",
+                "vmxvpfe_sriov41_0_port_mac": "00:11:22:EF:AC:DF",
+                "int_ctl_net_name": "VMX-INTXI",
+                "vmx_int_ctl_prefix": "",
+                "sriov43_net_id": "da349ca1-6de9-4548-be88-2d88e99bfef5",
+                "sriov42_net_id": "760669ba-013d-4d9b-b0e7-4151fe2e6279",
+                "sriov41_net_id": "25ad52d5-c165-40f8-b3b0-ddfc2373280a",
+                "nf_type": "vPE",
+                "vmxvpfe_int_ctl_ip_1": "",
+                "is_AVPN_service": "false",
+                "vmx_RSG_name": "vREXI-affinity",
+                "vmx_int_ctl_forwarding": "l2",
+                "vmxvre_oam_ip_0": "",
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