merge from ecomp a88f0072 - Modern UI

Issue-ID: VID-378
Change-Id: Ibcb23dd27f550cf32ce2fe0239f0f496ae014ff6
Signed-off-by: Ittay Stern <>
diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/instantiationStatus/instantiationStatus.component.service.spec.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/instantiationStatus/instantiationStatus.component.service.spec.ts
index c9f434e..4848d8e 100644
--- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/instantiationStatus/instantiationStatus.component.service.spec.ts
+++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/instantiationStatus/instantiationStatus.component.service.spec.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import {getTestBed, TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';
 import {
@@ -10,24 +11,64 @@
 } from './instantiationStatus.component.service';
 import {ServiceInfoModel} from '../shared/server/serviceInfo/serviceInfo.model';
-import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Rx';
+import {AaiService} from "../shared/services/aaiService/aai.service";
+import {MsoService} from "../shared/services/msoService/mso.service";
+import {NgRedux} from "@angular-redux/store";
+import {HttpClientTestingModule} from "@angular/common/http/testing";
+import {FeatureFlagsService} from "../shared/services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service";
+import {DrawingBoardModes} from "../drawingBoard/service-planning/drawing-board.modes";
+import {RouterTestingModule} from "@angular/router/testing";
+import {of} from "rxjs";
+import {UrlTree} from "@angular/router";
+class MockAppStore<T> {
+  getState() {
+    return {
+      global: {
+        flags: {
+          'FLAG_1902_NEW_VIEW_EDIT': true,
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  dispatch() {
+  }
 describe('Instantiation Status Service', () => {
   let injector;
+  let aaiService: AaiService;
+  let msoService: MsoService;
   let service: InstantiationStatusComponentService;
-  beforeEach(() => {
+  beforeAll(done => (async () => {
-      imports: [],
-      providers: [InstantiationStatusComponentService]
+      imports: [
+        HttpClientTestingModule,
+        RouterTestingModule,
+      ],
+      providers: [
+        InstantiationStatusComponentService,
+        AaiService,
+        MsoService,
+        FeatureFlagsService,
+        {provide: NgRedux, useClass: MockAppStore}]
+    await TestBed.compileComponents();
     injector = getTestBed();
+    aaiService = injector.get(AaiService);
+    msoService = injector.get(MsoService);
     service = injector.get(InstantiationStatusComponentService);
-  });
-  it('generateServiceInfoDataMapping should return mapping of arrays', (done: DoneFn) => {
-    let data : Array<ServiceInfoModel> = generateServiceInfoData();
+  })().then(done).catch(;
+  test('generateServiceInfoDataMapping should return mapping of arrays', () => {
+    let data : ServiceInfoModel[] = generateServiceInfoData();
     let result = service.generateServiceInfoDataMapping(data);
@@ -37,53 +78,81 @@
-    done();
-  it('generateServiceInfoDataMapping if array is empty  should return empty object', (done: DoneFn) => {
+  test('generateServiceInfoDataMapping if array is empty  should return empty object', () => {
     let result = service.generateServiceInfoDataMapping([]);
-    done();
-  it('convertObjectToArray', (done: DoneFn) => {
+  test('convertObjectToArray', () => {
-    spyOn(service, 'convertObjectToArray').and.returnValue(
-      Observable.of([])
+    jest.spyOn(service, 'convertObjectToArray').mockReturnValue(
+      of([])
-    let data : Array<ServiceInfoModel> = generateServiceInfoData();
+    let data : ServiceInfoModel[] = generateServiceInfoData();
     service.convertObjectToArray(data).subscribe((result) => {
-      done();
-  it('getStatusTooltip should return status popover', (done: DoneFn) => {
+  test('click on "Open" button should open new view edit' , ()=>{
+    const item = {
+      serviceModelId : 'serviceModelId',
+      serviceInstanceId : 'serviceInstanceId',
+      serviceType : 'serviceType',
+      subscriberId : 'subscriberId'
+    };
+    let params:UrlTree = service.getNewViewEditUrlTree(item, DrawingBoardModes.VIEW);
+    expect(params.toString().startsWith('/servicePlanning/VIEW')).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(params.queryParams).toEqual(
+      {
+        serviceModelId: item.serviceModelId,
+        serviceInstanceId: item.serviceInstanceId,
+        serviceType : item.serviceType,
+        subscriberId : item.subscriberId
+      });
+  });
+  test('build the View Edit url' , ()=>{
+    const item = {
+      serviceModelId : '28aeb8f6-5620-4148-8bfb-a5fb406f0309',
+    };
+    let serviceModelUrl: string = '/servicePlanning/EDIT?serviceModelId=28aeb8f6-5620-4148-8bfb-a5fb406f0309';
+    let suffix:string = '../../serviceModels.htm#';
+    let tree:UrlTree = service.getNewViewEditUrlTree(item, DrawingBoardModes.EDIT);
+    let result = service.getViewEditUrl(tree);
+    expect (suffix + serviceModelUrl).toEqual(result);
+  });
+  test('getStatusTooltip should return status popover', () => {
     let result : ServiceStatus  = service.getStatus('pending');
-    expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('Pending: The service will automatically be sent for instantiation as soon as possible.');
+    expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('Pending: The action required will be sent as soon as possible.');
     result = service.getStatus('IN_PROGRESS');
-    expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('In-progress: the service is in process of instantiation.');
+    expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('In-progress: the service is in process of the action required.');
     result = service.getStatus('PAUSED');
     expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('Paused: Service has paused and waiting for your action.\n Select actions from the menu to the right.');
     result = service.getStatus('FAILED');
-    expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('Failed: Service instantiation has failed, load the service to see the error returned.');
+    expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('Failed: All planned actions have failed.');
     result = service.getStatus('COMPLETED');
-    expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('Completed successfully: Service is successfully instantiated.');
+    expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('Completed successfully: Service is successfully instantiated, updated or deleted.');
     result = service.getStatus('STOPPED');
     expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('Stopped: Due to previous failure, will not be instantiated.');
-    done();
+    result = service.getStatus('COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS');
+    expect(result.tooltip).toEqual('Completed with errors: some of the planned actions where successfully committed while other have not.\n Open the service to check it out.');
-  it('getStatusTooltip should return correct icon per job status', (done: DoneFn) => {
+  test('getStatusTooltip should return correct icon per job status', () => {
     let result : ServiceStatus  = service.getStatus('pending');
@@ -101,9 +170,10 @@
     result = service.getStatus('STOPPED');
-    done();
-  });
+    result = service.getStatus('COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS');
+    expect(result.iconClassName).toEqual(COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS);
+  });
   function generateServiceInfoData(){
     return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([