Merge "Doc VID version 3.2.3 (fix formatting)"
diff --git a/deliveries/src/main/docker/docker-files/Dockerfile b/deliveries/src/main/docker/docker-files/Dockerfile
index 3f9c1ad..9b46853 100755
--- a/deliveries/src/main/docker/docker-files/Dockerfile
+++ b/deliveries/src/main/docker/docker-files/Dockerfile
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 # add vim and uncomment alias to speedup troubleshooting purpose
 RUN apk update && apk add openjdk8 vim net-tools
+RUN adduser --disabled-password onap onap
+RUN mkdir -p /opt/app
 COPY conf.d/ /etc/onap/vid/conf.d/
 # MariaDB variables
@@ -90,6 +92,7 @@
 ADD maven/scripts/*.sh /tmp/vid/
 ADD maven/artifacts/vid.war /tmp/vid/stage/
+RUN chown onap:onap /tmp/vid /usr/local/tomcat /etc/onap/vid /opt/app -R
 RUN chmod +x /tmp/vid/
-CMD ["/tmp/vid/"]
\ No newline at end of file
+USER onap
+CMD ["/tmp/vid/"]
diff --git a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.js b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.js
index 05a6cde..16ec01d 100755
--- a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.js
+++ b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.js
@@ -55,13 +55,11 @@






         $scope.cancelCreateSI = function () {


             window.location.href = COMPONENT.WELCOME_PATH;




         $scope.getServiceTypes = function (globalCustomerId) {

diff --git a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.test.js b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.test.js
index 3e6bd2f..af3c218 100644
--- a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.test.js
+++ b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.test.js
@@ -19,35 +19,1487 @@
 const jestMock = require('jest-mock');
 describe('TreeCtrl testing', () => {
-  let $scope;
-  beforeEach(
-      angular.mock.module('app')
-  );
+    var window;
-  beforeEach(inject(function (_$controller_) {
-    $scope = {};
-    _$controller_('TreeCtrl', {
-      $scope: $scope
+    let $scope;
+    beforeEach(
+        angular.mock.module('app')
+    );
+    beforeEach(inject(function (_$controller_) {
+        $scope = {};
+        _$controller_('TreeCtrl', {
+            $scope: $scope
+        });
+    }));
+    test('Verify expandAll calls broadcast with expand-all parameter', () => {
+        // given
+        const broadcast = jestMock.fn();
+        $scope.$broadcast = broadcast;
+        FIELD = {
+            ID: {
+                ANGULAR_UI_TREE_EXPANDALL: "angular-ui-tree:expand-all"
+            }
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.expandAll();
+        // then
+        expect(broadcast).toHaveBeenCalledWith("angular-ui-tree:expand-all");
-  }));
-  test('Verify expandAll calls broadcast with expand-all parameter', () => {
-    // given
-    const broadcast = jestMock.fn();
-    $scope.$broadcast = broadcast;
-    FIELD = {
-      ID: {
-        ANGULAR_UI_TREE_EXPANDALL: "angular-ui-tree:expand-all"
-      }
-    };
-    // when
-    $scope.expandAll();
-    // then
-    expect(broadcast).toHaveBeenCalledWith("angular-ui-tree:expand-all");
-  });
+    test('Verify collapseAll calls broadcast with collapse-all parameter', () => {
+        // given
+        const broadcast = jestMock.fn();
+        $scope.$broadcast = broadcast;
+        FIELD = {
+            ID: {
+                ANGULAR_UI_TREE_COLLAPSEALL: "angular-ui-tree:collapse-all"
+            }
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.collapseAll();
+        // then
+        expect(broadcast).toHaveBeenCalledWith("angular-ui-tree:collapse-all");
+    });
+    test('Verify toggle calls toggle in given scope', () => {
+        // given
+        const testScope = {};
+        testScope.toggle = jestMock.fn();
+        // when
+        $scope.toggle(testScope);
+        // then
+        expect(testScope.toggle).toHaveBeenCalled();
+    });
+    test('Verify remove calls remove in given scope', () => {
+        // given
+        const testScope = {};
+        testScope.remove = jestMock.fn();
+        // when
+        $scope.remove(testScope);
+        // then
+        expect(testScope.remove).toHaveBeenCalled();
+    });
+    test('Verify moveLastToTheBeginning pops last element from data and puts it on the beginning', () => {
+        // given
+        $ = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ];
+        const expectedResult = [ 'c', 'a', 'b' ];
+        // when
+        $scope.moveLastToTheBeginning();
+        // then
+        expect($;
+    });
+    test('Verify newSubItem pushes new item into given scope', () => {
+        // given
+        const testScope = {};
+        const testModel = {};
+ = 2;
+        testModel.nodes = [];
+        testModel.title = 'testObject';
+        const expectedResult = {
+            id: 20,
+            title: 'testObject.1',
+            nodes: []
+        };
+        testScope.$modelValue = testModel;
+        // when
+        $scope.newSubItem(testScope);
+        // then
+        expect(testModel.nodes.length).toBe(1);
+        expect(testModel.nodes[0]).toMatchObject(expectedResult);
+    });
+describe('aaiSubscriberController testing', () => {
+    beforeEach(
+        angular.mock.module('app')
+    );
+    let $scope;
+    let $any;
+    let mockFIELD = {
+        PROMPT: {
+            SELECT_SERVICE: 'testService'
+        },
+        NAME: {
+            SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID: 'testID',
+            SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME: 'testName'
+        },
+        ID: {
+        },
+        STYLE: {
+            MSO_CTRL_BTN: 'testButtonStyle',
+        },
+        STATUS: {
+            DONE: 'done',
+        },
+        ERROR: {
+            AAI: 'testAAIError',
+            FETCHING_SERVICE_TYPES: 'testServiceType',
+            SELECT: 'testAlertError',
+        },
+    };
+    let mockCOMPONENT = {
+        SHOW_COMPONENT_DETAILS: 'testComponentDetails',
+        VNF: 'testComponentVNF',
+        WELCOME_PATH: 'http://test/welcome/',
+        CREATE_INSTANCE_PATH: 'testInstancePath',
+        FEATURE_FLAGS:{},
+    };
+    let mockAaiService = {
+        getSubscriptionServiceTypeList(customerId,successFunction,failFunction){},
+        getServiceModelsByServiceType(queryId,customerId,serviceType,successFunction,failFunction){},
+        searchServiceInstances(query){},
+    };
+    let mockAsdcService = {
+        isMacro(item){},
+        shouldTakeTheAsyncInstantiationFlow(serviceModel){},
+    };
+    let mockPropertyService = {
+        retrieveMsoMaxPollingIntervalMsec(){return 1000},
+        setMsoMaxPollingIntervalMsec(msecs){},
+        retrieveMsoMaxPolls(){return 1000},
+        setMsoMaxPolls(polls){},
+    };
+    let mockUtilityService = {
+    };
+    let mockVidService = {
+        setModel(model){},
+    };
+    let dataService;
+    let mockLocation = {
+        path(path){},
+    };
+    let mockHttp = {
+        get(){},
+    };
+    let mockOwningEntityService = {
+        getOwningEntityProperties(callBack){}
+    };
+    let mockQ = {
+    };
+    $ = (selector) => {return mockSelector};
+    let mockSelector = {
+        addClass(){return this},
+        removeClass(){return this},
+        attr(){},
+    };
+    let mock_ = {
+        reduce(service,iterateeFunction,accumulatorFunction){},
+        forEach(services,iteratedFunction){},
+        includes(array, status){
+            return array.includes(status);
+        },
+    };
+    let mockedLog = {};
+    let mockFeatureFlags = {};
+    let mockVIDCONFIGURATION = {};
+    let mockRoute = {};
+    let mockUibModal = {};
+    let timeout;
+    beforeEach(inject(function (_$controller_,DataService,$timeout) {
+        $scope = {
+            $on(request,toDoFunction){}
+        };
+        $any = {};
+        dataService = DataService;
+        timeout = $timeout;
+        _$controller_('aaiSubscriberController', {
+            $scope: $scope,
+            COMPONENT: mockCOMPONENT,
+            FIELD: mockFIELD,
+            PARAMETER: $any,
+            DataService: DataService,
+            PropertyService: mockPropertyService,
+            $http: mockHttp,
+            $timeout: timeout,
+            $location: mockLocation,
+            $log: mockedLog,
+            $route: mockRoute,
+            $uibModal: mockUibModal,
+            UtilityService: mockUtilityService,
+            vidService: mockVidService,
+            AaiService: mockAaiService,
+            MsoService: $any,
+            OwningEntityService: mockOwningEntityService,
+            AsdcService: mockAsdcService,
+            featureFlags: mockFeatureFlags,
+            $q: mockQ,
+            _: mock_
+        });
+    }));
+    test('Verify showVnfDetails calls proper broadcast methots with proper parameters', () => {
+        // given
+        const broadcast = jestMock.fn();
+        $scope.$broadcast = broadcast;
+        aaiResult = [[['test']]];
+        // when
+        $scope.showVnfDetails('testVNF');
+        // then
+        expect(broadcast).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockCOMPONENT.SHOW_COMPONENT_DETAILS, { componentId: mockCOMPONENT.VNF,callbackFunction: expect.any(Function) } );
+    });
+    test('Verify getSubs will call fetchSubs and fetchServices and gets gets customer list from AaiService on success', () => {
+        // given
+        mockAaiService.getSubList = (successFunction,failFunction) => {
+            successFunction(['testCustomer1', 'testCustomer2']);
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getServices2 = (successFunction,failFunction) => {
+            successFunction('testListId');
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.getSubs();
+        // then
+        expect( $scope.customerList ).toContain('testCustomer1','testCustomer2');
+        expect( dataService.getServiceIdList() ).toEqual('testListId');
+    });
+    test('Verify getSubs will call fetchSubs and fetchServices and return error message from AaiService on fail', () => {
+        // given
+        mockAaiService.getSubList = (successFunction,failFunction) => {
+            failFunction({status: 404, data: 'getSubListTestErrorMessage'} );
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getServices2 = (successFunction,failFunction) => {
+            failFunction({status: 404, data: 'getServices02TestErrorMessage'} );
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.getSubs();
+        // then
+        expect( $scope.errorDetails ).toEqual('getServices02TestErrorMessage');
+    });
+    test('Verify refreshServiceTypes will call getServiceTypesList and gets service type list from AaiService, with proper customerID ', () => {
+        // given
+        dataService.setGlobalCustomerId('testCustomerID');
+        dataService.setServiceIdList(['testServiceId1','testServiceId2']);
+        mockAaiService.getSubscriptionServiceTypeList = (customerId, successFunction,failFunction) => {
+            if (customerId === 'testCustomerID'){
+                successFunction(['testServiceType1', 'testServiceType2']);
+            }
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.refreshServiceTypes('testCustomerID');
+        // then
+        expect( $scope.serviceTypeList ).toContain('testServiceType1','testServiceType2');
+    });
+    test('Verify refreshServiceTypes will call getServiceTypesList and return error message with wrong customerID ', () => {
+        // given
+        mockAaiService.getSubscriptionServiceTypeList = (customerId, successFunction,failFunction) => {
+            if (customerId === 'testWrongCustomerID'){
+                failFunction( {status: 404, data: 'testErrorMessage'} );
+            }
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.refreshServiceTypes('testWrongCustomerID');
+        // then
+        expect( $scope.errorDetails ).toEqual('testErrorMessage');
+    });
+    test('Verify refreshServiceTypes will call getServiceTypesList and calls alert with no customerID ', () => {
+        // given
+        alert = jestMock.fn();
+        // when
+        $scope.refreshServiceTypes('');
+        // then
+        expect( alert ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockFIELD.ERROR.SELECT);
+    });
+    test('Verify getAaiServiceModels will set correct location ', () => {
+        // given
+        mockLocation.path = jestMock.fn();
+        // when
+        $scope.getAaiServiceModels('testServiceType','testSubName');
+        // then
+        expect(mockLocation.path).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockCOMPONENT.CREATE_INSTANCE_PATH);
+    });
+    test('Verify getAaiServiceModels wont set correct location if service type is empty', () => {
+        // given
+        mockLocation.path = jestMock.fn();
+        // when
+        $scope.getAaiServiceModels('','testSubName');
+        // then
+        expect(mockLocation.path).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+    });
+    test('Verify getAaiServiceModelsList will call AaiService getServiceModelsByServiceType and will set wholeData ', () => {
+        // given
+        mockAaiService.getServiceModelsByServiceType = (queryId,customerId,serviceType,successFunction,failFunction) => {
+            let response = {};
+   = {};
+  ['inventory-response-item'] = [[],[]];
+  ['inventory-response-item'][0]['inventory-response-items'] = [];
+  ['inventory-response-item'][0]['service-subscription'] = [];
+            let testItem = [];
+            testItem['extra-properties'] = [];
+            testItem['extra-properties']['extra-property'] = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];
+            testItem['extra-properties']['extra-property'][6]["property-value"] = 1.546;
+            testItem['extra-properties']['extra-property'][4]['property-value'] = 0;
+  ['inventory-response-item'][0]['service-subscription']['service-type'] = 'testServiceType';
+  ['inventory-response-item'][0]['inventory-response-items']['inventory-response-item'] = testItem;
+            successFunction(response);
+        };
+        mock_.reduce = (service,iterateeFunction,accumulatorFunction) => {
+            return iterateeFunction([],service);
+        };
+        mock_.forEach = (service,iterateeFunction) => {
+            iterateeFunction(service);
+        };
+        mock_.maxBy = (item,maxFunction) => {
+            return maxFunction( item[0][0] )
+        };
+        dataService.setServiceIdList(['testService1','testService2','testService3','testService4']);
+        dataService.setSubscribers([{subscriberName:'testSubscriber1'},{subscriberName:'testSubscriber2'},{subscriberName:'testSubscriber3'},{subscriberName:'testSubscriber4'}]);
+        dataService.setGlobalCustomerId(2);
+        dataService.setSubscriberName('testSubscriber1');
+        // when
+        $scope.getAaiServiceModelsList();
+        // then
+        expect($[0]).toEqual(1.546);
+        expect($scope.serviceType).toEqual('testServiceType');
+    });
+    test('Verify getAaiServiceModelsList will call AaiService getServiceModelsByServiceType and will return error data on fail ', () => {
+        // given
+        dataService.setServiceIdList([['testServiceId1','testServiceId2']]);
+        dataService.setSubscribers(['testSubscriber1,testSubscriber2']);
+        mockAaiService.getServiceModelsByServiceType = (queryId,customerId,serviceType,successFunction,failFunction) => {
+            failFunction( {status: 404, data: 'testErrorMessage'})
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.getAaiServiceModelsList();
+        // then
+        expect($scope.errorDetails).toEqual('testErrorMessage');
+    });
+    test('Verify getAaiServiceModelsList will call AaiService getServiceModelsByServiceType and will return error data if respose data is empty ', () => {
+        // given
+        dataService.setServiceIdList([['testServiceId1','testServiceId2']]);
+        dataService.setSubscribers(['testSubscriber1,testSubscriber2']);
+        mockAaiService.getServiceModelsByServiceType = (queryId,customerId,serviceType,successFunction,failFunction) => {
+            let response = {};
+   = {};
+  ['inventory-response-item'] = [];
+            successFunction(response);
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.getAaiServiceModelsList();
+        // then
+        expect($scope.status).toEqual('Failed to get service models from SDC.');
+    });
+    test('Verify deployService will call http get method to rest model service', () => {
+        // given
+        mockedLog.error = jestMock.fn();
+        mockAsdcService.isMacro = (item) => { return true };
+        mockAsdcService.shouldTakeTheAsyncInstantiationFlow = (serviceModel) => {return 'testModel'};
+        mockUtilityService.convertModel = (serviceModel)=>{return serviceModel};
+        $scope.$broadcast = (broadcastType, broadcastObject) => {broadcastObject.callbackFunction(
+            {
+                isSuccessful:true,
+                control:
+                    [
+                        {id:"subscriberName",value:"testSubscriber"},
+                        {id:"serviceType",value:"testService"}
+                        ],
+                instanceId:"testInstance"
+            })};
+        let service = {
+            "service-instance":{
+                "model-version-id": 101
+            }
+        };
+        $scope.refreshSubs = jestMock.fn();
+        let mockedGetPromise = Promise.resolve({data: {service: {name: 'testServiceName' }}});
+        mockHttp.get = () => mockedGetPromise;
+        // when
+        $scope.deployService(service,true);
+    });
+    test('Verify deployService will log error if get fails ', () => {
+        // given
+        let mockedGetPromise = Promise.reject({code: 404});
+        mockHttp.get = () => mockedGetPromise;
+        let service = {
+            "service-instance":{
+                "model-version-id": 101
+            }
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.deployService(service,false);
+    });
+    test('Verify refreshSubs fetches Subs and Services', () => {
+        // given
+        $scope.fetchSubs = jestMock.fn();
+        $scope.fetchServices = jestMock.fn();
+        $scope.init = jestMock.fn();
+        mockFIELD.PROMPT.REFRESH_SUB_LIST = 'testRefreshMock';
+        // when
+        $scope.refreshSubs();
+        // then
+        expect($scope.init).toHaveBeenCalled();
+        expect($scope.fetchSubs).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockFIELD.PROMPT.REFRESH_SUB_LIST);
+        expect($scope.fetchServices).toHaveBeenCalled();
+    });
+    test('Verify loadOwningEntity gets owning entity properties', () => {
+        // given
+        mockOwningEntityService.getOwningEntityProperties = (callBack) => {
+          callBack({owningEntity:'testOwner',project:'testProject'});
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.loadOwningEntity();
+        // then
+        expect($scope.owningEntities).toEqual('testOwner');
+        expect($scope.projects).toEqual('testProject');
+    });
+    test('Verify getPermitted returns items permission', () => {
+        // given
+        mockFIELD.ID.IS_PERMITTED = 'testPermission';
+        // when
+        expect(
+            $scope.getPermitted({})
+        ).toEqual(undefined);
+        expect(
+            $scope.getPermitted({isPermitted:true})
+        ).toEqual(true);
+        expect(
+            $scope.getPermitted({isPermitted:false})
+        ).toEqual(undefined);
+        expect(
+            $scope.getPermitted({isPermitted:false,testPermission:true})
+        ).toEqual(true);
+        expect(
+            $scope.getPermitted({testPermission:false,testPermission:false})
+        ).toEqual(false);
+        expect(
+            $scope.getPermitted({isPermitted:true,testPermission:false})
+        ).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    test('Verify getSubDetails calls to aaiService for service instance', () => {
+        // given
+        let aaiPromise = Promise.resolve(
+            {
+                displayData:[
+                    {globalCustomerId:"testCustomerId01",subscriberName:"testCustomer1"},
+                    {globalCustomerId:"testCustomerId02",subscriberName:"testCustomer2"},
+                ]
+            });
+        mockLocation.url = () => {return ""};
+        mockAaiService.searchServiceInstances = (query)=>aaiPromise;
+        // when
+        $scope.getSubDetails();
+    });
+    test('Verify getSubDetails catches bad response', () => {
+        // given
+        let aaiPromise = Promise.reject(
+            {data:'testError',status:404});
+        mockLocation.url = () => {return ""};
+        mockAaiService.searchServiceInstances = (query)=>aaiPromise;
+        // when
+        $scope.getSubDetails();
+    });
+    test('Verify getComponentList returns list of components if query is correct', () => {
+        // given
+ = () => {
+            return {
+                subscriberId: 'testSubscriberID',
+                serviceType: 'testService',
+                serviceInstanceId: "testServiceInstanceID",
+                subscriberName: "testSubscriber",
+                aaiModelVersionId: "testModelVersion"
+            }
+        };
+        mockVidService.getModel = () => {
+            return {
+                service:{
+                    uuid: "testModelVersion",
+                },
+            }
+        };
+        mockUtilityService.hasContents = (content) => {
+            if (content==="testModelVersion") {
+                return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        };
+        mockQ.resolve = (item) => {return Promise.resolve("testModelVersion")};
+        $scope.prepareScopeWithModel = () => {return Promise.resolve()};
+        mockAaiService.getVlansByNetworksMapping = (globalCustomerId, serviceType, serviceInstanceId, modelServiceUuid) => {
+            return Promise.resolve({serviceNetworks:true});
+        };
+        $scope.service ={
+            model:{
+                service:{
+                    uuid: 'testModelServiceUuid'
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        mockedLog.debug = () => {};
+        mockUtilityService.isObjectEmpty = () => {
+            return false;
+        };
+        mockFIELD.ID.INVENTORY_RESPONSE_ITEM = "testResponseItems";
+        mockFIELD.ID.SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID = 'testServiceInstanceID';
+        mockFIELD.STATUS.ASSIGNED = 'teststatus';
+        mockAaiService.runNamedQuery = (namedQueryId,globalCustomerId,serviceType,serviceInstanceId,successFunction,failureFunction) => {
+            successFunction({
+                data:{
+                    testResponseItems:[
+                        "testItem1",
+                        "testItem2",
+                        "testItem3",
+                    ]
+                },
+            });
+            return Promise.resolve("testComponentList");
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getPortMirroringData = (portMirroringConfigurationIds) => {
+            return Promise.resolve({data:[8080,9090]});
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getPortMirroringSourcePorts = (portMirroringConfigurationIds) => {
+          return Promise.resolve({data:[8888,9999]})
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getSubscriberName = (customerId, successFunction) => {
+            successFunction({subscriberName:"testSubscriber1",serviceSubscriptions:[[
+                    [[[{'testServiceInstanceID':'testServiceInstanceID','orchestration-status':'testStatus'},{'testServiceInstanceID':'','orchestration-status':''}]]],
+                    [[[{'testServiceInstanceID':'','orchestration-status':''}]]]
+                ]],
+            });
+        };
+ = (serviceNetworkVlans, networkId) => {
+            return ["aaiNetworkId1","aaiNetworkId2"];
+        };
+        // when
+        return $scope.getComponentList('','').
+        then(components =>{
+            expect(components).toEqual("testComponentList")
+        });
+    });
+    test('Verify handleServerError sets proper  $scope.error and $scope.status', () => {
+        // given
+        mockUtilityService.getHttpErrorMessage = (response) => {return response.statusText};
+        mockFIELD.ERROR.SYSTEM_ERROR = "testSystemError";
+        mockFIELD.STATUS.ERROR = "testStatusError";
+        // when
+        $scope.handleServerError({statusText:'testStatusError'},'');
+        // then
+        expect($scope.error).toEqual("testSystemError (testStatusError)");
+        expect($scope.status).toEqual("testStatusError");
+    });
+    test('Verify showContentError sets proper $scope.error and $scope.status if UtilityService has that content', () => {
+        // given
+        mockFIELD.STATUS.ERROR = "testStatusError";
+        mockUtilityService.hasContents = (content) => {
+          return content === 'testContentError';
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.showContentError('testContentError');
+        // then
+        expect($scope.error).toEqual("System failure (testContentError)");
+        expect($scope.status).toEqual("testStatusError");
+    });
+    test('Verify showContentError sets proper $scope.error and $scope.status if UtilityService has not that content', () => {
+        // given
+        mockFIELD.ERROR.SYSTEM_ERROR = "testSystemError";
+        mockFIELD.STATUS.ERROR = "testStatusError";
+        mockUtilityService.hasContents = (content) => {
+            return false;
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.showContentError('testContentError');
+        // then
+        expect($scope.error).toEqual("testSystemError");
+        expect($scope.status).toEqual("testStatusError");
+    });
+    test('Verify handleInitialResponse shows error for response codes other then 200,201,202', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let response = {
+            data:{
+                status:404,
+            }
+        };
+        mockFIELD.ERROR.MSO = "testSystemError";
+        mockFIELD.ERROR.AAI_FETCHING_CUST_DATA = "testStatusError:";
+        $scope.showError = jestMock.fn();
+        // when
+        $scope.handleInitialResponse(response);
+        // then
+        expect($scope.showError).toHaveBeenCalledWith("testSystemError");
+        expect($scope.status).toEqual("testStatusError:404");
+    });
+    test('Verify handleInitialResponse updates customer list with response code 202', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let customer ={
+            'globalCustomerId':'testCustomerID',
+            "subscriberName":'testSubscriber',
+            "isPermitted":false
+        };
+        let response = {
+            data:{
+                status:202,
+                customer:[customer],
+            }
+        };
+        mockFIELD.ID.GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID = 'globalCustomerId';
+        mockFIELD.ID.SUBNAME = 'subscriberName';
+        mockFIELD.ID.IS_PERMITTED = 'isPermitted';
+        // when
+        $scope.handleInitialResponse(response);
+        // then
+        expect($scope.customerList).toContainEqual(customer);
+    });
+    test('Verify handleInitialResponse calls showContentError with wrong response ', ()  => {
+        // given
+        $scope.showContentError = jestMock.fn();
+        // when
+        $scope.handleInitialResponse(null);
+        // then
+        expect($scope.showContentError).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({message:"Cannot read property 'data' of null"}));
+    });
+    test('Verify isConfigurationDataAvailiable will return proper response', ()  => {
+        // given
+        mockedLog.debug = jestMock.fn();
+        // when
+        expect( $scope.isConfigurationDataAvailiable({configData:{}}) ).toEqual(true);
+        expect( $scope.isConfigurationDataAvailiable({configData:{errorDescription:"testerror"}}) ).toEqual(false);
+        expect( $scope.isConfigurationDataAvailiable({}) ).toEqual(undefined);
+    });
+    test('Verify isActivateDeactivateEnabled will return proper response', ()  => {
+        // given
+        mockedLog.debug = jestMock.fn();
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = "active";
+        mockCOMPONENT.ACTIVATE_SERVICE_STATUSES = ["active","up"];
+        // when
+        expect( $scope.isActivateDeactivateEnabled("deactivate")).toEqual(true);
+        expect( $scope.isActivateDeactivateEnabled("activate")).toEqual(true);
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = "down";
+        mockCOMPONENT.ACTIVATE_SERVICE_STATUSES = ["active","up"];
+        expect( $scope.isActivateDeactivateEnabled("deactivate")).toEqual(false);
+        expect( $scope.isActivateDeactivateEnabled("activate")).toEqual(false);
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = null;
+        expect( $scope.isActivateDeactivateEnabled(null)).toEqual(false);
+    });
+    test('Verify isShowVerifyService will return proper response base on feature flag', ()  => {
+        // given
+        mockFeatureFlags.isOn = (flag) => {
+            if (flag === 'showVerifyService'){return true};
+        };
+        // when
+        expect( $scope.isShowVerifyService()).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    test('Verify isEnableVerifyService will return false if is not ALaCarte', ()  => {
+        // given
+        dataService.setALaCarte(false);
+        // when
+        expect( $scope.isEnableVerifyService()).toEqual(false);
+    });
+    test('Verify isEnableVerifyService will return verifyButtonEnabled if is ALaCarte', ()  => {
+        // given
+        dataService.setALaCarte(true);
+        // when
+        $scope.verifyButtonEnabled = true;
+        expect( $scope.isEnableVerifyService()).toEqual(true);
+        $scope.verifyButtonEnabled = false;
+        expect( $scope.isEnableVerifyService()).toEqual(false);
+    });
+    test('Verify activateVerifyService will post POMBA verification', ()  => {
+        // given
+        mockAaiService.postPOMBAverificationRequest = jestMock.fn();
+        $scope.serviceInstanceId = "testInstanceID";
+        $scope.service = {model:{service:{}},instance:{}};
+        $scope.service.model.service.uuid = "testUuid";
+        $scope.service.model.service.invariantUuid = "testInvariantUuid";
+        $scope.globalCustomerId = "testCustomerId";
+        $scope.service.instance.serviceType = "testServiceType";
+        // when
+        $scope.activateVerifyService();
+        // then
+        expect(mockAaiService.postPOMBAverificationRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+            "/testURL",
+            expect.objectContaining({'serviceInstanceList':[expect.any(Object)]}),
+            expect.objectContaining({'headers':expect.any(Object)}));
+    });
+    test('Verify isShowAssignmentsEnabled will return proper response determine by feature flag', ()  => {
+        // given
+        mockFeatureFlags.isOn = (flag) => {
+            if (flag === 'showAssignment'){return true};
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = "assigned";
+        expect( $scope.isShowAssignmentsEnabled() ).toEqual(true);
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = "notAssigned";
+        expect( $scope.isShowAssignmentsEnabled() ).toEqual(false);
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = null;
+        expect( $scope.isShowAssignmentsEnabled() ).toEqual(false);
+    });
+    test('Verify isActivateFabricConfiguration will return proper response determine by feature flag', ()  => {
+        // given
+        $scope.hasFabricConfigurations = true;
+        mockFeatureFlags.isOn = (flag) => {
+            if (flag === 'fabricConfigurationAssignment'){return true};
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = "assigned";
+        expect( $scope.isActivateFabricConfiguration() ).toEqual(true);
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = "notAssigned";
+        expect( $scope.isActivateFabricConfiguration() ).toEqual(false);
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = null;
+        expect( $scope.isActivateFabricConfiguration() ).toEqual(false);
+    });
+    test('Verify isResumeShown will return proper response determine by feature flag with disabled ActivateDeactivate', ()  => {
+        // given
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = "assigned";
+        $scope.isActivateDeactivateEnabled = () => {return false};
+        // when
+        expect( $scope.isResumeShown("assigned") ).toEqual(true);
+        expect( $scope.isResumeShown("unAssigned") ).toEqual(false);
+    });
+    test('Verify isResumeShown will return proper response determine by feature flag with enable ActivateDeactivate', ()  => {
+        // given
+        $scope.serviceOrchestrationStatus = "assigned";
+        $scope.isActivateDeactivateEnabled = () => {return true};
+        // when
+        expect( $scope.isResumeShown("assigned") ).toEqual(false);
+        expect( $scope.isResumeShown("unAssigned") ).toEqual(false);
+    });
+    test('Verify close will call time out cancel and hides pop up window if timer is defined', ()  => {
+        // given
+        $scope.timer = 1000;
+        $scope.isPopupVisible = true;
+        timeout.cancel = jestMock.fn();
+        // when
+        $scope.close();
+        // then
+        expect(timeout.cancel).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1000);
+        expect($scope.isPopupVisible).toEqual(false);
+    });
+    test('Verify close will hide pop up window if timer is undefined', ()  => {
+        // given
+        $scope.timer = undefined;
+        $scope.isPopupVisible = true;
+        // when
+        $scope.close();
+        // then
+        expect($scope.isPopupVisible).toEqual(false);
+    });
+    test('Verify reloadRoute will call reload on rout', ()  => {
+        // given
+        mockRoute.reload = jestMock.fn();
+        // when
+        $scope.reloadRoute();
+        // then
+        expect(mockRoute.reload).toHaveBeenCalled();
+    });
+    test('Verify prevPage will decrease currentPage', ()  => {
+        // given
+        $scope.currentPage = 5;
+        // when
+        $scope.prevPage();
+        // then
+        expect($scope.currentPage).toEqual(4);
+    });
+    test('Verify showAssignmentsSDNC will return proper response base on VIDCONFIGURATION', ()  => {
+        // given
+        $scope.service = {};
+        $scope.service.instance = {};
+        $ = "testServiceInstanceId";
+        // when
+        expect( $scope.showAssignmentsSDNC() ).toEqual("test/ulr/to/testServiceInstanceId");
+    });
+    test('Verify showAssignmentsSDNC will return null if service instance dos not exist or is null', ()  => {
+        // given
+        $scope.service = {};
+        // when
+        expect( $scope.showAssignmentsSDNC() ).toEqual(null);
+        $scope.service.instance = null;
+        expect( $scope.showAssignmentsSDNC() ).toEqual(null);
+    });
+    test('Verify activateFabricConfigurationMSO with logged in user, will call uibModal open that will return response ', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let resopnse = {};
+        $scope.service = {};
+        $scope.service.model = {};
+        $scope.service = {};
+        $scope.serviceInstanceId= "testServiceInstanceId";
+        dataService.setLoggedInUserId("testUserId");
+ = (testResponse) => {
+            resopnse = testResponse.resolve;
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.activateFabricConfigurationMSO();
+        // then
+        expect( resopnse.msoType() ).toEqual("testMsoActivateType");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceInstanceId ).toEqual("testServiceInstanceId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().userId ).toEqual("testUserId");
+        expect( resopnse.configuration() ).toEqual(undefined);
+    });
+    test('Verify activateFabricConfigurationMSO without logged in user will first get user id from AaiService , will call uibModal open that will return response ', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let resopnse = {};
+        $scope.service = {};
+        $scope.service.model = {};
+        $scope.service = {};
+        $scope.serviceInstanceId= "testServiceInstanceId";
+        mockAaiService.getLoggedInUserID = (onSuccess) => {
+            onSuccess({data:"testAaiUserId"});
+        };
+ = (testResponse) => {
+            resopnse = testResponse.resolve;
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.activateFabricConfigurationMSO();
+        // then
+        expect( resopnse.msoType() ).toEqual("testMsoActivateType");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceInstanceId ).toEqual("testServiceInstanceId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().userId ).toEqual("testAaiUserId");
+        expect( resopnse.configuration() ).toEqual(undefined);
+    });
+    test('Verify activateMSOInstance with logged in user, will get aicZone from AaiService and call uibModal open that will return response ', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let resopnse = {};
+        mockCOMPONENT.MSO_ACTIVATE_SERVICE_REQ = "testMsoActivateType";
+        $scope.service = {};
+        $scope.service.model = {};
+        $scope.service.instance = {};
+        dataService.setLoggedInUserId("testUserId");
+        mockAaiService.getAicZoneForPNF = (globalCustomerId,serviceType,serviceInstanceId,getZoneFunction) => {
+            getZoneFunction("testAicZone");
+        };
+ = (testResponse) => {
+            resopnse = testResponse.resolve;
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.activateMSOInstance();
+        // then
+        expect( resopnse.msoType() ).toEqual("testMsoActivateType");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().aicZone ).toEqual("testAicZone");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().userId ).toEqual("testUserId");
+        expect( resopnse.configuration() ).toEqual(undefined);
+    });
+    test('Verify activateMSOInstance without logged in user will first get user id from AaiService , will call uibModal open that will return response ', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let resopnse = {};
+        mockCOMPONENT.MSO_ACTIVATE_SERVICE_REQ = "testMsoActivateType";
+        $scope.service = {};
+        $scope.service.model = {};
+        $scope.service.instance = {};
+        mockAaiService.getAicZoneForPNF = (globalCustomerId,serviceType,serviceInstanceId,getZoneFunction) => {
+            getZoneFunction("testAicZone");
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getLoggedInUserID = (onSuccess) => {
+            onSuccess({data:"testAaiUserId"});
+        };
+ = (testResponse) => {
+            resopnse = testResponse.resolve;
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.activateMSOInstance();
+        // then
+        expect( resopnse.msoType() ).toEqual("testMsoActivateType");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().aicZone ).toEqual("testAicZone");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().userId ).toEqual("testAaiUserId");
+        expect( resopnse.configuration() ).toEqual(undefined);
+    });
+    test('Verify deactivateMSOInstance will get call uibModal open that will return response ', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let resopnse = {};
+        mockCOMPONENT.MSO_DEACTIVATE_SERVICE_REQ = "testMsoDeactivateType";
+        $scope.service = {};
+        $scope.service.model = {};
+        $scope.service.instance = {};
+        mockAaiService.getAicZoneForPNF = (globalCustomerId,serviceType,serviceInstanceId,getZoneFunction) => {
+            getZoneFunction("testAicZone");
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getLoggedInUserID = (onSuccess) => {
+            onSuccess({data:"testAaiUserId"});
+        };
+ = (testResponse) => {
+            resopnse = testResponse.resolve;
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.deactivateMSOInstance();
+        // then
+        expect( resopnse.msoType() ).toEqual("testMsoDeactivateType");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().aicZone ).toEqual("testAicZone");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().userId ).toEqual("testAaiUserId");
+        expect( resopnse.configuration() ).toEqual(undefined);
+    });
+    test('Verify deleteConfiguration will get call uibModal open that will return response ', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let resopnse = {};
+        serviceObject = {
+            model:{
+                service:{
+                    invariantUuid:"testInvariantUuid",
+                    uuid:"testUuid",
+                    name:"testService",
+                    version:"testVersion",
+                }},
+            instance:{
+                serviceInstanceId:"testServiceInstanceId",
+            }
+        };
+        configuration = {
+            modelInvariantId:"testModelInvariantId",
+            modelVersionId:"testModelVersionId",
+            modelCustomizationId:"testModelCustomizationId",
+            nodeId:"testNodeId",
+            DELETE:"testDELETE",
+        };
+        mockCOMPONENT.MSO_DELETE_CONFIGURATION_REQ = "testMsoDeleteType";
+        mockAaiService.getLoggedInUserID = (successFunction) => {
+            successFunction( {data:"testLoggedInUserId"} );
+        };
+ = (testResponse) => {
+            resopnse = testResponse.resolve;
+        };
+        // when
+        $scope.deleteConfiguration(serviceObject, configuration);
+        // then
+        expect( resopnse.msoType() ).toEqual("testMsoDeleteType");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelInvariantId ).toEqual("testInvariantUuid");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelVersionId ).toEqual("testUuid");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelName ).toEqual("testService");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelVersion ).toEqual("testVersion");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceInstanceId ).toEqual("testServiceInstanceId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationModel.modelInvariantId ).toEqual("testModelInvariantId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationModel.modelVersionId ).toEqual("testModelVersionId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationModel.modelCustomizationId ).toEqual("testModelCustomizationId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationId ).toEqual("testNodeId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configStatus ).toEqual("testDELETE");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().userId ).toEqual("testLoggedInUserId");
+    });
+    test('Verify toggleConfigurationStatus will get call uibModal open that will return response ', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let resopnse = {};
+        serviceObject = {
+            model:{
+                service:{
+                    invariantUuid:"testInvariantUuid",
+                    uuid:"testUuid",
+                    name:"testService",
+                    version:"testVersion",
+                }},
+            instance:{
+                serviceInstanceId:"testServiceInstanceId",
+            }
+        };
+        configuration = {
+            modelInvariantId:"testModelInvariantId",
+            modelVersionId:"testModelVersionId",
+            modelCustomizationId:"testModelCustomizationId",
+            nodeId:"testNodeId",
+            nodeStatus:"testNodeStatus",
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getLoggedInUserID = (successFunction) => {
+            successFunction( {data:"testLoggedInUserId"} );
+        };
+ = (testResponse) => {
+            resopnse = testResponse.resolve;
+        };
+        mockCOMPONENT.MSO_CHANGE_CONFIG_STATUS_REQ = "testMsoChangeConfig";
+        // when
+        $scope.toggleConfigurationStatus(serviceObject, configuration);
+        // then
+        expect( resopnse.msoType() ).toEqual("testMsoChangeConfig");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelInvariantId ).toEqual("testInvariantUuid");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelVersionId ).toEqual("testUuid");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelName ).toEqual("testService");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelVersion ).toEqual("testVersion");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceInstanceId ).toEqual("testServiceInstanceId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationModel.modelInvariantId ).toEqual("testModelInvariantId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationModel.modelVersionId ).toEqual("testModelVersionId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationModel.modelCustomizationId ).toEqual("testModelCustomizationId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationId ).toEqual("testNodeId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configStatus ).toEqual("testNodeStatus");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().userId ).toEqual("testLoggedInUserId");
+    });
+    test('Verify togglePortStatus will get call uibModal open that will return response ', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let resopnse = {};
+        let serviceObject = {
+            model:{
+                service:{
+                    invariantUuid:"testInvariantUuid",
+                    uuid:"testUuid",
+                    name:"testService",
+                    version:"testVersion",
+                }},
+            instance:{
+                serviceInstanceId:"testServiceInstanceId",
+            }
+        };
+        let configuration = {
+            modelInvariantId:"testModelInvariantId",
+            modelVersionId:"testModelVersionId",
+            modelCustomizationId:"testModelCustomizationId",
+            nodeId:"testNodeId",
+        };
+        let port = {
+            portId:"testPort",
+            portStatus:"open",
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getLoggedInUserID = (successFunction) => {
+            successFunction( {data:"testLoggedInUserId"} );
+        };
+ = (testResponse) => {
+            resopnse = testResponse.resolve;
+        };
+        mockCOMPONENT.MSO_CHANGE_PORT_STATUS_REQ = "testMsoPortStatus";
+        // when
+        $scope.togglePortStatus(serviceObject, configuration,port);
+        // then
+        expect( resopnse.msoType() ).toEqual("testMsoPortStatus");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelInvariantId ).toEqual("testInvariantUuid");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelVersionId ).toEqual("testUuid");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelName ).toEqual("testService");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceModel.modelVersion ).toEqual("testVersion");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().serviceInstanceId ).toEqual("testServiceInstanceId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationModel.modelInvariantId ).toEqual("testModelInvariantId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationModel.modelVersionId ).toEqual("testModelVersionId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationModel.modelCustomizationId ).toEqual("testModelCustomizationId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().configurationId ).toEqual("testNodeId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().userId ).toEqual("testLoggedInUserId");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().portId ).toEqual("testPort");
+        expect( resopnse.requestParams().portStatus ).toEqual("open");
+    });
+    test('Verify getServiceInstancesSearchResults will get global customer Id from AaiService with proper service instance', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let selectedCustomer = 'testCustomer';
+        let selectedInstanceIdentifierType = 'testInstanceIdentifierType';
+        let selectedServiceInstance = 'testServiceInstance ';
+        let selectedProject = "testProject";
+        let selectedOwningEntity = "testOwningEntity";
+        let globalCustomerId = 'testCustomerIdResponse';
+        mockAaiService.getGlobalCustomerIdByInstanceIdentifier = jestMock.fn((serviceInstance, instanceIdentifierType) => {
+            if(serviceInstance===selectedServiceInstance && instanceIdentifierType == selectedInstanceIdentifierType){
+                return Promise.resolve(globalCustomerId);
+            }
+            return Promise.reject();
+        });
+        mockAaiService.getMultipleValueParamQueryString = ( element, subPath) => {
+            return subPath + '/ ' + element;
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getJoinedQueryString = jestMock.fn();
+ = (element,id) => {
+            return element;
+        };
+        mockCOMPONENT.PROJECT_SUB_PATH = "test/project/sub";
+        mockCOMPONENT.OWNING_ENTITY_SUB_PATH = "test/entity/sub";
+        mockCOMPONENT.SELECTED_SUBSCRIBER_SUB_PATH = "test/subscriber/sub";
+        mockCOMPONENT.SELECTED_SERVICE_INSTANCE_SUB_PATH = "test/service/instance/sub";
+        mockCOMPONENT.SELECTED_SERVICE_SUB_PATH = "text/service/sub";
+        mockUtilityService.hasContents = (element) => {
+          if (  element ===  selectedCustomer ||
+                element === selectedServiceInstance ||
+                element === globalCustomerId )
+              return true;
+        };
+        window.location = {};
+        // when
+        $scope.getServiceInstancesSearchResults(selectedCustomer, selectedInstanceIdentifierType, selectedServiceInstance, selectedProject, selectedOwningEntity);
+        // then
+        expect(mockAaiService.getGlobalCustomerIdByInstanceIdentifier).toHaveBeenCalledWith(selectedServiceInstance,selectedInstanceIdentifierType);
+    });
+    test('Verify getServiceInstancesSearchResults will alert error if non of parameters is located in UtilityService', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let selectedCustomer = 'testCustomer';
+        let selectedInstanceIdentifierType = 'testInstanceIdentifierType';
+        let selectedServiceInstance = 'testServiceInstance ';
+        let selectedProject = "testProject";
+        let selectedOwningEntity = "testOwningEntity";
+        let globalCustomerId = 'testCustomerIdResponse';
+        mockAaiService.getGlobalCustomerIdByInstanceIdentifier = (serviceInstance, instanceIdentifierType) => {
+            if(serviceInstance===selectedServiceInstance && instanceIdentifierType == selectedInstanceIdentifierType){
+                return Promise.resolve(globalCustomerId);
+            }
+            return Promise.reject();
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getMultipleValueParamQueryString = ( element, subPath) => {
+            return subPath + '/ ' + element;
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getJoinedQueryString = (queryArray) => {
+            let joinedQuery = "";
+            queryArray.forEach((element)=>{
+                joinedQuery += element + "//"
+            });
+            return joinedQuery;
+        };
+ = (element,id) => {
+            return element;
+        };
+        mockCOMPONENT.PROJECT_SUB_PATH = "test/project/sub";
+        mockCOMPONENT.OWNING_ENTITY_SUB_PATH = "test/entity/sub";
+        mockCOMPONENT.SELECTED_SUBSCRIBER_SUB_PATH = "test/subscriber/sub";
+        mockCOMPONENT.SELECTED_SERVICE_INSTANCE_SUB_PATH = "test/service/instance/sub";
+        mockCOMPONENT.SELECTED_SERVICE_SUB_PATH = "text/service/sub";
+        mockUtilityService.hasContents = (element) => {
+                return false;
+        };
+        alert = jestMock.fn();
+        mockFIELD.ERROR.SELECT = "testError";
+        window.location = {};
+        // when
+        $scope.getServiceInstancesSearchResults(selectedCustomer, selectedInstanceIdentifierType, selectedServiceInstance, selectedProject, selectedOwningEntity);
+        // then
+        expect(alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith("testError");
+    });
+    test('Verify getServiceInstancesSearchResults will navigate to proper page if selected service instance is not present in UtilityService', ()  => {
+        // given
+        let selectedCustomer = 'testCustomer';
+        let selectedInstanceIdentifierType = 'testInstanceIdentifierType';
+        let selectedServiceInstance = 'testServiceInstance ';
+        let selectedProject = "testProject";
+        let selectedOwningEntity = "testOwningEntity";
+        let globalCustomerId = 'testCustomerIdResponse';
+        mockAaiService.getGlobalCustomerIdByInstanceIdentifier = (serviceInstance, instanceIdentifierType) => {
+            if(serviceInstance===selectedServiceInstance && instanceIdentifierType == selectedInstanceIdentifierType){
+                return Promise.resolve(globalCustomerId);
+            }
+            return Promise.reject();
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getMultipleValueParamQueryString = ( element, subPath) => {
+            return subPath + element;
+        };
+        mockAaiService.getJoinedQueryString = jestMock.fn();
+ = (element,id) => {
+            return element;
+        };
+        mockCOMPONENT.PROJECT_SUB_PATH = "test/project/sub/";
+        mockCOMPONENT.OWNING_ENTITY_SUB_PATH = "test/entity/sub/";
+        mockCOMPONENT.SELECTED_SUBSCRIBER_SUB_PATH = "test/subscriber/sub/";
+        mockCOMPONENT.SELECTED_SERVICE_INSTANCE_SUB_PATH = "test/service/instance/sub/";
+        mockCOMPONENT.SELECTED_SERVICE_SUB_PATH = "text/service/sub/";
+        mockUtilityService.hasContents = (element) => {
+            return element === selectedCustomer;
+        };
+        window.location = {};
+        // when
+        $scope.getServiceInstancesSearchResults(selectedCustomer, selectedInstanceIdentifierType, selectedServiceInstance, selectedProject, selectedOwningEntity);
+        // then
+        expect(mockAaiService.getJoinedQueryString).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.arrayContaining([
+            mockCOMPONENT.PROJECT_SUB_PATH+selectedProject,
+            mockCOMPONENT.OWNING_ENTITY_SUB_PATH+selectedOwningEntity,
+            mockCOMPONENT.SELECTED_SUBSCRIBER_SUB_PATH+selectedCustomer
+        ]));
+    });
\ No newline at end of file