Adding feature:  Replace vfmodule

Issue-ID: VID-603
Change-Id: I59068a0979d6fb733e4243c8f78921f396dc9d17
Signed-off-by: Einat Vinouze <>
Signed-off-by: Amichai Hemli <>
Signed-off-by: Ittay Stern <>
diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vfModule/ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vfModule/
index bfe1d00..47a6dcb 100644
--- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vfModule/
+++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vfModule/
@@ -23,10 +23,12 @@
-  updateVFModulePosition
+  undoUgradeVFModule,
+  updateVFModulePosition,
+  upgradeVFModule
 } from "../../../../../shared/storeUtil/utils/vfModule/vfModule.actions";
 import {ComponentInfoService} from "../../../component-info/component-info.service";
-import {ComponentInfoModel, ComponentInfoType} from "../../../component-info/component-info-model";
+import {ComponentInfoType} from "../../../component-info/component-info-model";
 import {ModelInformationItem} from "../../../../../shared/components/model-information/model-information.component";
 export class VFModuleModelInfo implements ILevelNodeInfo {
@@ -353,10 +355,32 @@
         visible: (node) => this._sharedTreeService.shouldShowUndoDelete(node),
         enable: (node, serviceModelId) => this._sharedTreeService.shouldShowUndoDelete(node) && this._sharedTreeService.shouldShowDelete(node.parent) && !this._sharedTreeService.isServiceOnDeleteMode(serviceModelId)
-      }
+      },
+      upgrade : {
+        method : (node, serviceModelId) => {
+          this._sharedTreeService.upgradeBottomUp(node, serviceModelId);
+          this._store.dispatch(upgradeVFModule(,, serviceModelId,;
+        },
+        visible: (node,serviceModelId) => {
+          return this._sharedTreeService.shouldShowUpgrade(node, serviceModelId);
+        },
+        enable:  (node, serviceModelId) => {
+          return this._sharedTreeService.shouldShowUpgrade(node, serviceModelId);
+        }
+      },
+      undoUpgrade: {
+        method: (node, serviceModelId) => {
+          this._sharedTreeService.undoUpgradeBottomUp(node, serviceModelId);
+          this._store.dispatch(undoUgradeVFModule(,, serviceModelId,;
+        },
+        visible: (node) => {
+          return this._sharedTreeService.shouldShowUndoUpgrade(node);
+        },
+        enable: (node) => {
+          return this._sharedTreeService.shouldShowUndoUpgrade(node);
+        }
+      },
   updatePosition(that , node, instanceId, parentStoreKey): void {
diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vnf/ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vnf/
index 2bdeda0..ebcba16 100644
--- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vnf/
+++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vnf/
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@
 import {
-  updateVnfPosition
+  undoUpgradeVnf,
+  updateVnfPosition,
+  upgradeVnf
 } from "../../../../../shared/storeUtil/utils/vnf/vnf.actions";
 import * as _ from 'lodash';
 import {IModalConfig} from "onap-ui-angular/dist/modals/models/modal-config";
@@ -278,7 +280,21 @@
         visible: (node) => this._sharedTreeService.shouldShowUndoDelete(node),
         enable: (node, serviceModelId) => this._sharedTreeService.shouldShowUndoDelete(node) && !this._sharedTreeService.isServiceOnDeleteMode(serviceModelId)
-      }
+      },
+      upgrade: {
+        method: (node, serviceModelId) => {
+          this._store.dispatch(upgradeVnf(, serviceModelId));
+        },
+        visible: () => false,
+        enable: () => false
+      },
+      undoUpgrade: {
+        method: (node, serviceModelId) => {
+          this._store.dispatch(undoUpgradeVnf(, serviceModelId));
+        },
+        visible: () => false,
+        enable: () => false
+      },
diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vrf/vrfModal/networkStep/network.step.service.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vrf/vrfModal/networkStep/network.step.service.ts
index 9cd928e..f303434 100644
--- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vrf/vrfModal/networkStep/network.step.service.ts
+++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/models/vrf/vrfModal/networkStep/network.step.service.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
 } from "../../../../../../../shared/storeUtil/utils/global/global.actions";
 import {ElementsTableService} from "../../../../../../../shared/components/searchMembersModal/members-table/elements-table.service";
 import {
-  ICriteria, ISearchField, ITableContent,
+  ICriteria,
+  ISearchField,
+  ITableContent,
 } from "../../../../../../../shared/components/searchMembersModal/members-table/element-table-row.model";
 import {Observable, of} from "rxjs";
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@
   getNetworks = (serviceInstance): Observable<any[]> => {
     let cloudRegion = serviceInstance.lcpCloudRegionId;
-    let tenantId = serviceInstance.tenantName;
+    let tenantId = serviceInstance.tenantId;
     return this._aaiService.retrieveActiveNetwork(cloudRegion, tenantId).map((networks: NetworkModalRow[]) => {
       return this.sortElementsResultByField(networks, this.uniqObjectField);
diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.spec.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.spec.ts
index cad23ff..89e20a2 100644
--- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.spec.ts
+++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.spec.ts
@@ -50,13 +50,27 @@
-class MockVnfModelInfo<T> {
-  getModel() {
-    return {}
-  }
+function getNodeWithData(menuAction:string){
+  const nodeData = {
+    menuActions: {}
+  };
+  nodeData['menuActions'][menuAction] =  {
+    method: (node, serviceModelId) => {}
+  }
+  const node = {
+    parent: {
+      data: nodeData,
+      parent: {
+        data: nodeData
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  return node
 describe('Shared Tree Service', () => {
   let injector;
   let service: SharedTreeService;
@@ -110,6 +124,25 @@
+  test('SharedTreeService upgradeBottomUp should call redux actions', () => {
+    const serviceModelId = "1a80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd";
+    const node = getNodeWithData("upgrade")
+    spyOn(['upgrade'], 'method');
+    service.upgradeBottomUp(node, serviceModelId);
+    expect(['upgrade'].method).toBeCalledWith(node.parent, serviceModelId);
+    expect(['upgrade'].method).toBeCalledTimes(2);
+  });
+  test('SharedTreeService undoUpgradeBottomUp should call redux actions', () => {
+    const serviceModelId = "1a80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd";
+    const node = getNodeWithData("undoUpgrade")
+    spyOn(['undoUpgrade'], 'method');
+    service.undoUpgradeBottomUp(node, serviceModelId);
+    expect(['undoUpgrade'].method).toBeCalledWith(node.parent, serviceModelId);
+    expect(['undoUpgrade'].method).toBeCalledTimes(2);
+  });
   test('shouldShowDeleteInstanceWithChildrenModal should open modal if child exist with action create', () => {
     jest.spyOn(MessageBoxService.openModal, 'next');
     let foo = () => {
@@ -128,7 +161,9 @@
   test('openAuditInfoModal should open modal for failed instance', () => {
     jest.spyOn(AuditInfoModalComponent.openInstanceAuditInfoModal, 'next');
-    let modelInfoServiceMock: ILevelNodeInfo = new VnfModelInfo(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,null);
+    let modelInfoServiceMock: ILevelNodeInfo = new VnfModelInfo(null, null,
+      null, null, null, null,
+      null, null, null, null,null);
     const modelMock = {"a": "a"};
     const instanceMock = {"instance": "instance", "trackById": "123456789"};
     const instanceTypeMock = "instanceTypeMock";
@@ -1331,128 +1366,8 @@
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@@ -1461,16 +1376,6 @@
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@@ -1567,199 +1472,28 @@
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         }, {"id": "7", "name": "vVM", "isPermitted": false}, {"id": "4", "name": "vVoiceMail", "isPermitted": false}]
-      "aicZones": [{"id": "ATL53", "name": "AAIATLTE-ATL53"}, {"id": "ABC15", "name": "AAITESAN-ABC15"}, {
-        "id": "TES36",
-        "name": "ABCEETES-TES36"
-      }, {"id": "ATL54", "name": "AICFTAAI-ATL54"}, {"id": "ATL43", "name": "AICLOCID-ATL43"}, {
-        "id": "AMD15",
-        "name": "AMDFAA01-AMD15"
-      }, {"id": "AMF11", "name": "AMDOCS01-AMF11"}, {"id": "RCT1", "name": "AMSTERNL-RCT1"}, {
-        "id": "AMS1",
-        "name": "AMSTNLBW-AMS1"
-      }, {"id": "HJH1", "name": "AOEEQQQD-HJH1"}, {"id": "HJE1", "name": "AOEEWWWD-HJE1"}, {
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-      }, {"id": "AUG1", "name": "ASDFGHJK-AUG1"}, {"id": "LUC1", "name": "ATLDFGYC-LUC1"}, {
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-      }, {"id": "ATL2", "name": "ATLNGANW-ATL2"}, {"id": "HPO1", "name": "ATLNGAUP-HPO1"}, {
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-      }, {"id": "ATL44", "name": "ATLSANAB-ATL44"}, {"id": "ATL56", "name": "ATLSANAC-ATL56"}, {
-        "id": "ABC11",
-        "name": "ATLSANAI-ABC11"
-      }, {"id": "ATL34", "name": "ATLSANAI-ATL34"}, {"id": "ATL63", "name": "ATLSANEW-ATL63"}, {
-        "id": "ABC12",
-        "name": "ATLSECIA-ABC12"
-      }, {"id": "AMD18", "name": "AUDIMA01-AMD18"}, {"id": "AVT1", "name": "AVTRFLHD-AVT1"}, {
-        "id": "KIT1",
-        "name": "BHYJFGLN-KIT1"
-      }, {"id": "BHY17", "name": "BHYTFRF3-BHY17"}, {"id": "RTW5", "name": "BHYTFRY4-RTW5"}, {
-        "id": "RTZ4",
-        "name": "BHYTFRZ6-RTZ4"
-      }, {"id": "RTD2", "name": "BHYTFRk4-RTD2"}, {"id": "BNA1", "name": "BNARAGBK-BNA1"}, {
-        "id": "VEL1",
-        "name": "BNMLKUIK-VEL1"
-      }, {"id": "BOT1", "name": "BOTHWAKY-BOT1"}, {"id": "CAL33", "name": "CALIFORN-CAL33"}, {
-        "id": "ATL84",
-        "name": "CANTTCOC-ATL84"
-      }, {"id": "HSD1", "name": "CHASKCDS-HSD1"}, {"id": "CHI1", "name": "CHILLIWE-CHI1"}, {
-        "id": "XCP12",
-        "name": "CHKGH123-XCP12"
-      }, {"id": "JNL1", "name": "CJALSDAC-JNL1"}, {"id": "KJN1", "name": "CKALDKSA-KJN1"}, {
-        "id": "CLG1",
-        "name": "CLGRABAD-CLG1"
-      }, {"id": "CKL1", "name": "CLKSKCKK-CKL1"}, {"id": "ATL66", "name": "CLLIAAII-ATL66"}, {
-        "id": "CQK1",
-        "name": "CQKSCAKK-CQK1"
-      }, {"id": "CWY1", "name": "CWYMOWBS-CWY1"}, {"id": "DKJ1", "name": "DKJSJDKA-DKJ1"}, {
-        "id": "DSF45",
-        "name": "DSFBG123-DSF45"
-      }, {"id": "DSL12", "name": "DSLFK242-DSL12"}, {"id": "FDE55", "name": "FDERT555-FDE55"}, {
-        "id": "VEN2",
-        "name": "FGHJUHIL-VEN2"
-      }, {"id": "ATL64", "name": "FORLOAAJ-ATL64"}, {"id": "GNV1", "name": "GNVLSCTL-GNV1"}, {
-        "id": "SAN22",
-        "name": "GNVLSCTL-SAN22"
-      }, {"id": "KAP1", "name": "HIOUYTRQ-KAP1"}, {"id": "LIS1", "name": "HOSTPROF-LIS1"}, {
-        "id": "HRG1",
-        "name": "HRGHRGGS-HRG1"
-      }, {"id": "HST25", "name": "HSTNTX01-HST25"}, {"id": "STN27", "name": "HSTNTX01-STN27"}, {
-        "id": "HST70",
-        "name": "HSTNTX70-HST70"
-      }, {"id": "KOR1", "name": "HYFLNBVT-KOR1"}, {"id": "RAD10", "name": "INDIPUNE-RAD10"}, {
-        "id": "REL1",
-        "name": "INGERFGT-REL1"
-      }, {"id": "JAD1", "name": "JADECLLI-JAD1"}, {"id": "HKA1", "name": "JAKHLASS-HKA1"}, {
-        "id": "JCS1",
-        "name": "JCSJSCJS-JCS1"
-      }, {"id": "JCV1", "name": "JCVLFLBW-JCV1"}, {"id": "KGM2", "name": "KGMTNC20-KGM2"}, {
-        "id": "KJF12",
-        "name": "KJFDH123-KJF12"
-      }, {"id": "JGS1", "name": "KSJKKKKK-JGS1"}, {"id": "LAG1", "name": "LARGIZON-LAG1"}, {
-        "id": "LAG1a",
-        "name": "LARGIZON-LAG1a"
-      }, {"id": "LAG45", "name": "LARGIZON-LAG1a"}, {"id": "LAG1b", "name": "LARGIZON-LAG1b"}, {
-        "id": "WAN1",
-        "name": "LEIWANGW-WAN1"
-      }, {"id": "DSA1", "name": "LKJHGFDS-DSA1"}, {"id": "LON1", "name": "LONEENCO-LON1"}, {
-        "id": "SITE",
-        "name": "LONEENCO-SITE"
-      }, {"id": "ZXL1", "name": "LWLWCANN-ZXL1"}, {"id": "hvf20", "name": "MDTWNJ21-hvf20"}, {
-        "id": "hvf32",
-        "name": "MDTWNJ21-hvf32"
-      }, {"id": "AMD13", "name": "MEMATLAN-AMD13"}, {"id": "MIC54", "name": "MICHIGAN-MIC54"}, {
-        "id": "MAR1",
-        "name": "MNBVCXZM-MAR1"
-      }, {"id": "NCA1", "name": "NCANCANN-NCA1"}, {"id": "NFT1", "name": "NFTJSSSS-NFT1"}, {
-        "id": "GAR1",
-        "name": "NGFVSJKO-GAR1"
-      }, {"id": "NYC1", "name": "NYCMNY54-NYC1"}, {"id": "OKC1", "name": "OKCBOK55-OKC1"}, {
-        "id": "OLG1",
-        "name": "OLHOLHOL-OLG1"
-      }, {"id": "OLK1", "name": "OLKOLKLS-OLK1"}, {"id": "NIR1", "name": "ORFLMANA-NIR1"}, {
-        "id": "JAN1",
-        "name": "ORFLMATT-JAN1"
-      }, {"id": "ORL1", "name": "ORLDFLMA-ORL1"}, {"id": "PAR1", "name": "PARSFRCG-PAR1"}, {
-        "id": "PBL1",
-        "name": "PBLAPBAI-PBL1"
-      }, {"id": "mac10", "name": "PKGTESTF-mac10"}, {"id": "mac20", "name": "PKGTESTF-mac20"}, {
-        "id": "TIR2",
-        "name": "PLKINHYI-TIR2"
-      }, {"id": "IBB1", "name": "PLMKOIJU-IBB1"}, {"id": "COM1", "name": "PLMKOPIU-COM1"}, {
-        "id": "POI1",
-        "name": "PLMNJKIU-POI1"
-      }, {"id": "PLT1", "name": "PLTNCA60-PLT1"}, {"id": "POI22", "name": "POIUY123-POI22"}, {
-        "id": "DCC1",
-        "name": "POIUYTGH-DCC1"
-      }, {"id": "DCC1a", "name": "POIUYTGH-DCC1a"}, {"id": "DCC1b", "name": "POIUYTGH-DCC1b"}, {
-        "id": "DCC2",
-        "name": "POIUYTGH-DCC2"
-      }, {"id": "DCC3", "name": "POIUYTGH-DCC3"}, {"id": "IAA1", "name": "QAZXSWED-IAA1"}, {
-        "id": "QWE1",
-        "name": "QWECLLI1-QWE1"
-      }, {"id": "NUM1", "name": "QWERTYUI-NUM1"}, {"id": "RAD1", "name": "RADICAL1-RAD1"}, {
-        "id": "RJN1",
-        "name": "RJNRBZAW-RJN1"
-      }, {"id": "SAA13", "name": "SAIT1AA9-SAA13"}, {"id": "SAA14", "name": "SAIT1AA9-SAA14"}, {
-        "id": "SDD81",
-        "name": "SAIT1DD6-SDD81"
-      }, {"id": "SDD82", "name": "SAIT1DD9-SDD82"}, {"id": "SAA11", "name": "SAIT9AA2-SAA11"}, {
-        "id": "SAA80",
-        "name": "SAIT9AA3-SAA80"
-      }, {"id": "SAA12", "name": "SAIT9AF8-SAA12"}, {"id": "SCC80", "name": "SAIT9CC3-SCC80"}, {
-        "id": "ATL75",
-        "name": "SANAAIRE-ATL75"
-      }, {"id": "ICC1", "name": "SANJITAT-ICC1"}, {"id": "SCK1", "name": "SCKSCKSK-SCK1"}, {
-        "id": "EHH78",
-        "name": "SDCSHHH5-EHH78"
-      }, {"id": "SAA78", "name": "SDCTAAA1-SAA78"}, {"id": "SAX78", "name": "SDCTAXG1-SAX78"}, {
-        "id": "SBX78",
-        "name": "SDCTBXG1-SBX78"
-      }, {"id": "SEE78", "name": "SDCTEEE4-SEE78"}, {"id": "SGG78", "name": "SDCTGGG1-SGG78"}, {
-        "id": "SXB78",
-        "name": "SDCTGXB1-SXB78"
-      }, {"id": "SJJ78", "name": "SDCTJJJ1-SJJ78"}, {"id": "SKK78", "name": "SDCTKKK1-SKK78"}, {
-        "id": "SLF78",
-        "name": "SDCTLFN1-SLF78"
-      }, {"id": "SLL78", "name": "SDCTLLL1-SLL78"}, {"id": "MAD11", "name": "SDFQWGKL-MAD11"}, {
-        "id": "HGD1",
-        "name": "SDFQWHGD-HGD1"
-      }, {"id": "SBB78", "name": "SDIT1BBB-SBB78"}, {"id": "SDG78", "name": "SDIT1BDG-SDG78"}, {
-        "id": "SBU78",
-        "name": "SDIT1BUB-SBU78"
-      }, {"id": "SHH78", "name": "SDIT1HHH-SHH78"}, {"id": "SJU78", "name": "SDIT1JUB-SJU78"}, {
-        "id": "SNA1",
-        "name": "SNANTXCA-SNA1"
-      }, {"id": "SAM1", "name": "SNDGCA64-SAN1"}, {"id": "SNG1", "name": "SNGPSIAU-SNG1"}, {
-        "id": "SSA56",
-        "name": "SSIT2AA7-SSA56"
-      }, {"id": "STG1", "name": "STTGGE62-STG1"}, {"id": "STT1", "name": "STTLWA02-STT1"}, {
-        "id": "SYD1",
-        "name": "SYDNAUBV-SYD1"
-      }, {"id": "ATL99", "name": "TEESTAAI-ATL43"}, {"id": "ATL98", "name": "TEESTAAI-ATL43"}, {
-        "id": "ATL76",
-        "name": "TELEPAAI-ATL76"
-      }, {"id": "ABC14", "name": "TESAAISA-ABC14"}, {"id": "TAT33", "name": "TESAAISA-TAT33"}, {
-        "id": "TAT34",
-        "name": "TESAAISB-TAT34"
-      }, {"id": "TAT37", "name": "TESAAISD-TAT37"}, {"id": "ATL62", "name": "TESSASCH-ATL62"}, {
-        "id": "TLP1",
-        "name": "TLPNXM18-TLP1"
-      }, {"id": "SAN13", "name": "TOKYJPFA-SAN13"}, {"id": "TOK1", "name": "TOKYJPFA-TOK1"}, {
-        "id": "TOL1",
-        "name": "TOLDOH21-TOL1"
-      }, {"id": "TOR1", "name": "TOROONXN-TOR1"}, {"id": "TOY1", "name": "TORYONNZ-TOY1"}, {
-        "id": "ATL35",
-        "name": "TTESSAAI-ATL35"
-      }, {"id": "TUF1", "name": "TUFCLLI1-TUF1"}, {"id": "SAI1", "name": "UBEKQLPD-SAI1"}, {
-        "id": "UUU4",
-        "name": "UUUAAAUU-UUU4"
-      }, {"id": "YYY1", "name": "UUUAIAAI-YYY1"}, {"id": "BAN1", "name": "VSDKYUTP-BAN1"}, {
-        "id": "WAS1",
-        "name": "WASHDCSW-WAS1"
-      }, {"id": "APP1", "name": "WBHGTYUI-APP1"}, {"id": "SUL2", "name": "WERTYUJK-SUL2"}, {
-        "id": "DEF2",
-        "name": "WSBHGTYL-DEF2"
-      }, {"id": "DHA12", "name": "WSXEDECF-DHA12"}, {"id": "MNT11", "name": "WSXEFBTH-MNT11"}, {
-        "id": "RAJ1",
-        "name": "YGBIJNLQ-RAJ1"
-      }, {"id": "JAG1", "name": "YUDFJULP-JAG1"}, {"id": "ZEN1", "name": "ZENCLLI1-ZEN1"}, {
-        "id": "ZOG1",
-        "name": "ZOGASTRO-ZOG1"
-      }, {"id": "SDE1", "name": "ZXCVBNMA-SDE1"}, {"id": "SIP1", "name": "ZXCVBNMK-SIP1"}, {
-        "id": "JUL1",
-        "name": "ZXCVBNMM-JUL1"
-      }, {"id": "ERT1", "name": "ertclli1-ERT1"}, {"id": "IOP1", "name": "iopclli1-IOP1"}, {
-        "id": "OPA1",
-        "name": "opaclli1-OPA1"
-      }, {"id": "RAI1", "name": "poiuytre-RAI1"}, {"id": "PUR1", "name": "purelyde-PUR1"}, {
-        "id": "RTY1",
-        "name": "rtyclli1-RTY1"
-      }, {"id": "SDF1", "name": "sdfclli1-SDF1"}, {"id": "SSW56", "name": "ss8126GT-SSW56"}, {
-        "id": "UIO1",
-        "name": "uioclli1-UIO1"
-      }],
+      "aicZones": [
+        {
+          "id": "NFT1",
+          "name": "NFTJSSSS-NFT1"
+        },
+        {
+          "id": "JAG1",
+          "name": "YUDFJULP-JAG1"
+        },
+        {
+          "id": "YYY1",
+          "name": "UUUAIAAI-YYY1"
+        },
+        {
+          "id": "AVT1",
+          "name": "AVTRFLHD-AVT1"
+        },
+        {
+          "id": "ATL34",
+          "name": "ATLSANAI-ATL34"
+        }
+      ],
       "categoryParameters": {
         "owningEntityList": [{
           "id": "aaa1",
diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.ts
index 7df03fd..c56cc49 100644
--- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.ts
+++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/drawingBoard/service-planning/objectsToTree/shared.tree.service.ts
@@ -7,10 +7,12 @@
 import * as _ from "lodash";
 import {DrawingBoardModes} from "../drawing-board.modes";
 import {AuditInfoModalComponent} from "../../../shared/components/auditInfoModal/auditInfoModal.component";
-import {VnfModelInfo} from "./models/vnf/";
 import {ILevelNodeInfo} from "./models/";
 import {ComponentInfoModel, ComponentInfoType} from "../component-info/component-info-model";
 import {ModelInformationItem} from "../../../shared/components/model-information/model-information.component";
+import {undoUpgradeService, upgradeService} from "../../../shared/storeUtil/utils/service/service.actions";
+import {VNFMethods} from "../../../shared/storeUtil/utils/vnf/vnf.actions";
+import {FeatureFlagsService, Features} from "../../../shared/services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service";
 export class SharedTreeService {
@@ -106,16 +108,7 @@
    * should return true if can delete
   shouldShowDelete(node): boolean {
-    const mode = this._store.getState().global.drawingBoardStatus;
-    if (!_.isNil(node) && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil(['delete'])) {
-      if (mode !== DrawingBoardModes.EDIT || === ServiceInstanceActions.Create) {
-        return false;
-      } else if ( === ServiceInstanceActions.None) {
-        return true
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    return false;
+    return this.shouldShowButtonGeneric(node, "delete")
@@ -146,6 +139,78 @@
     return false;
+   * enabled only on edit/design
+   * enabled only if there's a newer version for VNF-M
+   **********************************************/
+  upgradeBottomUp(node,serviceModelId: string): void {
+    this.iterateOverTreeBranchAndRunAction(node, serviceModelId, VNFMethods.UPGRADE);
+    this._store.dispatch(upgradeService(serviceModelId));
+  }
+  private iterateOverTreeBranchAndRunAction(node, serviceModelId: string, actionMethod) {
+    while (_.has(node.parent, 'data') && _.has(, 'menuActions')
+    && !_.isNil([actionMethod])) {
+      node = node.parent;
+[actionMethod]['method'](node, serviceModelId);
+    }
+  }
+  /****************************************************
+   * should return true if customer can upgrade a VFM *
+   ****************************************************/
+  shouldShowUpgrade(node, serviceModelId): boolean {
+    if (FeatureFlagsService.getFlagState(Features.FLAG_FLASH_REPLACE_VF_MODULE, this._store) &&
+      this.isThereAnUpdatedLatestVersion(serviceModelId)) {
+      return this.shouldShowButtonGeneric(node, VNFMethods.UPGRADE);
+    }
+    else {
+      return false
+    }
+  }
+  private isThereAnUpdatedLatestVersion(serviceModelId) : boolean{
+    let serviceInstance = this._store.getState().service.serviceInstance[serviceModelId];
+    return !_.isNil(serviceInstance.latestAvailableVersion) && (Number(serviceInstance.modelInfo.modelVersion) < serviceInstance.latestAvailableVersion);
+  }
+  private shouldShowButtonGeneric(node, method) {
+    const mode = this._store.getState().global.drawingBoardStatus;
+    if (!_.isNil(node) && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil([method])) {
+      if (mode !== DrawingBoardModes.EDIT || === ServiceInstanceActions.Create) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      else if ( === ServiceInstanceActions.None) {
+        return true
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  /**********************************************
+   * return boolean according to
+   * current defined action of VFModule node
+   **********************************************/
+  shouldShowUndoUpgrade(node): boolean {
+    const mode = this._store.getState().global.drawingBoardStatus;
+    if (mode === DrawingBoardModes.EDIT && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil([VNFMethods.UNDO_UPGRADE])) {
+      if ( === ServiceInstanceActions.Upgrade) {
+        return false;
+      } else if ('_').pop() === ServiceInstanceActions.Upgrade) {
+        return true
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  /**********************************************
+   * enabled only on edit/design
+   * enabled only if there's a newer version for VNF-M
+   **********************************************/
+  undoUpgradeBottomUp(node,serviceModelId: string): void {
+    this.iterateOverTreeBranchAndRunAction(node, serviceModelId, VNFMethods.UNDO_UPGRADE);
+    this._store.dispatch(undoUpgradeService(serviceModelId));
+  }
+  /**********************************************
    * should return true if can duplicate by mode
   shouldShowDuplicate(node): boolean {