Onboard package test case

Issue-ID: VNFSDK-196
Change-Id: I7ba6de4fe6c55b370f9787c23ad16f1afc26f678
Signed-off-by: Moshe <moshehoa@amdocs.com>
diff --git a/vnftest/runners/duration.py b/vnftest/runners/duration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3bf33f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnftest/runners/duration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright 2018 EuropeanSoftwareMarketingLtd.
+# ===================================================================
+#  Licensed under the ApacheLicense, Version2.0 (the"License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License
+# vnftest comment: this is a modified copy of
+# rally/rally/benchmark/runners/duration.py
+"""A runner that runs a specific time before it returns
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import multiprocessing
+import time
+import traceback
+import os
+from vnftest.runners import base
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _worker_process(queue, cls, method_name, step_cfg,
+                    context_cfg, aborted, output_queue):
+    sequence = 1
+    runner_cfg = step_cfg['runner']
+    interval = runner_cfg.get("interval", 1)
+    duration = runner_cfg.get("duration", 60)
+    LOG.info("Worker START, duration is %ds", duration)
+    LOG.debug("class is %s", cls)
+    runner_cfg['runner_id'] = os.getpid()
+    step = cls(step_cfg, context_cfg)
+    step.setup()
+    method = getattr(step, method_name)
+    sla_action = None
+    if "sla" in step_cfg:
+        sla_action = step_cfg["sla"].get("action", "assert")
+    start = time.time()
+    timeout = start + duration
+    while True:
+        LOG.debug("runner=%(runner)s seq=%(sequence)s START",
+                  {"runner": runner_cfg["runner_id"], "sequence": sequence})
+        data = {}
+        errors = ""
+        try:
+            result = method(data)
+        except AssertionError as assertion:
+            # SLA validation failed in scenario, determine what to do now
+            if sla_action == "assert":
+                raise
+            elif sla_action == "monitor":
+                LOG.warning("SLA validation failed: %s", assertion.args)
+                errors = assertion.args
+        # catch all exceptions because with multiprocessing we can have un-picklable exception
+        # problems  https://bugs.python.org/issue9400
+        except Exception:
+            errors = traceback.format_exc()
+            LOG.exception("")
+        else:
+            if result:
+                # add timeout for put so we don't block test
+                # if we do timeout we don't care about dropping individual KPIs
+                output_queue.put(result, True, QUEUE_PUT_TIMEOUT)
+        time.sleep(interval)
+        step_output = {
+            'timestamp': time.time(),
+            'sequence': sequence,
+            'data': data,
+            'errors': errors
+        }
+        queue.put(step_output, True, QUEUE_PUT_TIMEOUT)
+        LOG.debug("runner=%(runner)s seq=%(sequence)s END",
+                  {"runner": runner_cfg["runner_id"], "sequence": sequence})
+        sequence += 1
+        if (errors and sla_action is None) or time.time() > timeout or aborted.is_set():
+            LOG.info("Worker END")
+            break
+    try:
+        step.teardown()
+    except Exception:
+        # catch any exception in teardown and convert to simple exception
+        # never pass exceptions back to multiprocessing, because some exceptions can
+        # be unpicklable
+        # https://bugs.python.org/issue9400
+        LOG.exception("")
+        raise SystemExit(1)
+    LOG.debug("queue.qsize() = %s", queue.qsize())
+    LOG.debug("output_queue.qsize() = %s", output_queue.qsize())
+class DurationRunner(base.Runner):
+    """Run a scenario for a certain amount of time
+If the scenario ends before the time has elapsed, it will be started again.
+  Parameters
+    duration - amount of time the scenario will be run for
+        type:    int
+        unit:    seconds
+        default: 1 sec
+    interval - time to wait between each scenario invocation
+        type:    int
+        unit:    seconds
+        default: 1 sec
+    """
+    __execution_type__ = 'Duration'
+    def _run_step(self, cls, method, step_cfg, context_cfg):
+        name = "{}-{}-{}".format(self.__execution_type__, step_cfg.get("type"), os.getpid())
+        self.process = multiprocessing.Process(
+            name=name,
+            target=_worker_process,
+            args=(self.result_queue, cls, method, step_cfg,
+                  context_cfg, self.aborted, self.output_queue))
+        self.process.start()