formatting the code, removing unnecessary imports and URL patterns correction

Change-Id: Id160a255d4acb4b901ca33965080b76d38810be1
Signed-off-by: Seshu-Kumar-M <>
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/pom.xml b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/pom.xml
index 8832e0d..3b6c5e5 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/pom.xml
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/pom.xml
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
     limitations under the License.
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
-    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> 
+<project xmlns:xsi="" xmlns=""
+         xsi:schemaLocation="">
+    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-  </build>
+            </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+    </build>
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/controller.html b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/controller.html
index 1760666..8be93ad 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/controller.html
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/controller.html
@@ -19,318 +19,319 @@
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+                                                </select>


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-                                                <label class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <span>Product Name</span>

-                                                </label>

-                                                <div class="col-sm-7">

-                                                    <input type="text" id="productname" name="productname"

-                                                        class="form-control" />

-                                                </div>

+                                        </div>

+                                        <div class="form-group">

+                                            <label class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <span>Product Name</span>

+                                            </label>

+                                            <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                                <input type="text" id="productname" name="productname"

+                                                       class="form-control"/>


-                                            <div class="form-group">

-                                                <label class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <span>Type</span>

-                                                </label>

-                                                <div class="col-sm-7">

-                                                    <select class="form-control"

+                                        </div>

+                                        <div class="form-group">

+                                            <label class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <span>Type</span>

+                                            </label>

+                                            <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                                <select class="form-control"

                                                         style="padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;" id="type"


-                                                        <option value="odl">ODL</option>

-                                                        <option value="onos">ONOS</option>

-                                                    </select>

-                                                </div>

+                                                    <option value="odl">ODL</option>

+                                                    <option value="onos">ONOS</option>

+                                                </select>





-                                <div class="modal-footer">

-                                    <button type="button" class="btn SDBtn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true"

-                                        id="createLink">

-                                        <span id="nfv-virtualApplication-iui-text-cancelBtn">OK</span>

-                                    </button>

-                                    <button type="button" class="btn button-previous SDBtn">

-                                        <span id="nfv-virtualApplication-iui-text-previousBtn">Cancel</span>

-                                    </button>


-                                </div>


-                        </form>

-                    </div>

+                            <div class="modal-footer">

+                                <button type="button" class="btn SDBtn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true"

+                                        id="createLink">

+                                    <span id="nfv-virtualApplication-iui-text-cancelBtn">OK</span>

+                                </button>

+                                <button type="button" class="btn button-previous SDBtn">

+                                    <span id="nfv-virtualApplication-iui-text-previousBtn">Cancel</span>

+                                </button>


+                            </div>

+                        </div>

+                    </form>





-    <div id="filterTpLogicalType_select_popupcontainer" class="openo openo-select-popup-container openo-hide"

-        style="width: 155px; max-height: 130px; left: 628px; top: 104px; z-index: 1761;">

-        <div class="openo-select-item openo-ellipsis  " id="filterTpLogicalType_openo-select-id_0">

-            <label class="openo-ellipsis openo-select-blank-item" style="width: 100%; display: block; height: 20px;"></label>

-        </div>

-        <div class="openo-select-item openo-ellipsis  " id="filterTpLogicalType_openo-select-id_1">

-            <label class="openo-ellipsis " style="width: 100%; display: block; height: 20px;">ETH</label>

-        </div>

-        <div class="openo-select-item openo-ellipsis  " id="filterTpLogicalType_openo-select-id_2">

-            <label class="openo-ellipsis " style="width: 100%; display: block; height: 20px;" title="POS">POS</label>

-        </div>

-        <div class="openo-select-item openo-ellipsis  " id="filterTpLogicalType_openo-select-id_3">

-            <label class="openo-ellipsis " style="width: 100%; display: block; height: 20px;">Trunk</label>

-        </div>

-        <div class="openo-select-item openo-ellipsis  " id="filterTpLogicalType_openo-select-id_4">

-            <label class="openo-ellipsis " style="width: 100%; display: block; height: 20px;">Loopback</label>

-        </div>


+<div id="filterTpLogicalType_select_popupcontainer" class="openo openo-select-popup-container openo-hide"

+     style="width: 155px; max-height: 130px; left: 628px; top: 104px; z-index: 1761;">

+    <div class="openo-select-item openo-ellipsis  " id="filterTpLogicalType_openo-select-id_0">

+        <label class="openo-ellipsis openo-select-blank-item"

+               style="width: 100%; display: block; height: 20px;"></label>


+    <div class="openo-select-item openo-ellipsis  " id="filterTpLogicalType_openo-select-id_1">

+        <label class="openo-ellipsis " style="width: 100%; display: block; height: 20px;">ETH</label>

+    </div>

+    <div class="openo-select-item openo-ellipsis  " id="filterTpLogicalType_openo-select-id_2">

+        <label class="openo-ellipsis " style="width: 100%; display: block; height: 20px;" title="POS">POS</label>

+    </div>

+    <div class="openo-select-item openo-ellipsis  " id="filterTpLogicalType_openo-select-id_3">

+        <label class="openo-ellipsis " style="width: 100%; display: block; height: 20px;">Trunk</label>

+    </div>

+    <div class="openo-select-item openo-ellipsis  " id="filterTpLogicalType_openo-select-id_4">

+        <label class="openo-ellipsis " style="width: 100%; display: block; height: 20px;">Loopback</label>

+    </div>





diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/css/RMain.css b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/css/RMain.css
index 1b8488a..0a74032 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/css/RMain.css
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/css/RMain.css
@@ -13,199 +13,227 @@
  * limitations under the License.




 #iemp_layout_container {

-  padding: 0px;

-  margin: 1px auto;

-  width: 100%;

-  height: 100%;

+    padding: 0px;

+    margin: 1px auto;

+    width: 100%;

+    height: 100%;



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-  width: 100%;

-  height: 100%;

-  border-collapse: collapse;

-  margin-left: 0px;

-  margin-top: 0px;

-  margin-right: 0px;

-  margin-bottom: 0px;

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+    height: 100%;

+    border-collapse: collapse;

+    margin-left: 0px;

+    margin-top: 0px;

+    margin-right: 0px;

+    margin-bottom: 0px;



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-  width: 100%;

-  height: 100%;

-  border-collapse: collapse;

-  margin-left: 0px;

-  margin-top: 0px;

-  margin-right: 0px;

-  margin-bottom: 0px;

+    width: 100%;

+    height: 100%;

+    border-collapse: collapse;

+    margin-left: 0px;

+    margin-top: 0px;

+    margin-right: 0px;

+    margin-bottom: 0px;



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-  width: 215px;

-  background-color: #f5f5f5;

+    width: 215px;

+    background-color: #f5f5f5;



 .accordion_parent {

-  position: relative;

-  width: 220px;

-  background-color: #f5f5f5;

+    position: relative;

+    width: 220px;

+    background-color: #f5f5f5;



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-  z-index: 1!important;

-  cursor: e-resize;

-  width: 7px;

-  right: -5px;

-  top: 0;

-  height: 100%;

-  position: absolute;

-  font-size: .1px;

-  display: block;

+    z-index: 1 !important;

+    cursor: e-resize;

+    width: 7px;

+    right: -5px;

+    top: 0;

+    height: 100%;

+    position: absolute;

+    font-size: .1px;

+    display: block;



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-  width: 100%;

-  margin: 0;

-  padding: 0;

-  list-style-type: none;

-  line-height: 17px;

+    width: 100%;

+    margin: 0;

+    padding: 0;

+    list-style-type: none;

+    line-height: 17px;



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-  min-width: 75px;

-  margin: 0;

-  padding: 0;

-  list-style-type: none;

-  color: #000;

-  clear: both;

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+    margin: 0;

+    padding: 0;

+    list-style-type: none;

+    color: #000;

+    clear: both;



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-  display: block;

-  float: left;

-  margin-bottom: -1px;

-  border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;

-  cursor: pointer;

-  width: 13px;

-  padding-top: 26px;

+    display: block;

+    float: left;

+    margin-bottom: -1px;

+    border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;

+    cursor: pointer;

+    width: 13px;

+    padding-top: 26px;



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-  background: url(../images/collapse_arrow.png) right 20px no-repeat;

-  margin-top: 8px;

+    background: url(../images/collapse_arrow.png) right 20px no-repeat;

+    margin-top: 8px;



-  background: url(../images/expand_arrow.png) right 20px no-repeat;


+.openo_accordion_ui-icon-expand.current {

+    background: url(../images/expand_arrow.png) right 20px no-repeat;



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-  display: block;

-  position: absolute;

-  right: 0;

-  top: 4px;

-  width: 18px;

-  height: 41px;

-  cursor: pointer;

-  background-color: #f5f5f5;

+    display: block;

+    position: absolute;

+    right: 0;

+    top: 4px;

+    width: 18px;

+    height: 41px;

+    cursor: pointer;

+    background-color: #f5f5f5;



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-  background-image: url(../images/openo.png);

-  background-position: -7px 0!important;

-  border-collapse: separate;

-  /*box-shadow: inset -1px 0 0 #e5e5e5;*/

+    background-image: url(../images/openo.png);

+    background-position: -7px 0 !important;

+    border-collapse: separate;

+    /*box-shadow: inset -1px 0 0 #e5e5e5;*/



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-  font-size: 16px;

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-  padding-bottom: 25px;

-  color: #999999;

+    font-size: 16px;

+    padding-top: 24px;

+    padding-bottom: 25px;

+    color: #999999;



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-  padding-right: 10px;

-  background-position: 98% 50%;

-  background-repeat: no-repeat;

+    padding-right: 10px;

+    background-position: 98% 50%;

+    background-repeat: no-repeat;



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-  padding: 11px 10px 12px;

-  color: #333333;

-  margin-right: 1px;

-  margin-top: -1px;

-  text-align: left!important;

-  font-family: "Microsoft Yahei",SimSun,Arial,Tahoma;

-  font-size: 14px;

-  text-overflow: ellipsis;

-  white-space: nowrap;

-  overflow: hidden;

-  border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;

-  border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;

-  /*height: 19px;*/

+    padding: 11px 10px 12px;

+    color: #333333;

+    margin-right: 1px;

+    margin-top: -1px;

+    text-align: left !important;

+    font-family: "Microsoft Yahei", SimSun, Arial, Tahoma;

+    font-size: 14px;

+    text-overflow: ellipsis;

+    white-space: nowrap;

+    overflow: hidden;

+    border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;

+    border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;

+    /*height: 19px;*/



 .openoAccordian_accordionmenu ul {

-  margin: 0;

-  padding: 0;

-  overflow: hidden;

+    margin: 0;

+    padding: 0;

+    overflow: hidden;



 .openoAccordian_accordionmenu a {

-  display: block;

-  text-decoration: none;

+    display: block;

+    text-decoration: none;



 a {

-  color: #428bca;

-  text-decoration: none;

-  background: 0 0;

+    color: #428bca;

+    text-decoration: none;

+    background: 0 0;


+ {

     height: 834px;

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     background: #f8f8f8;

     display: none;

 } span{

+ span {

     width: 13px;

     height: 34px;

     background-image: url(../images/openo.png);

-  background-position: -39px 0!important;

-  display: block;

-  /*margin-top: -430px;*/

+    background-position: -39px 0 !important;

+    display: block;

+    /*margin-top: -430px;*/


-#accordionmenuid_ul_0_0_brAppTopMenuID_UL li{


+#accordionmenuid_ul_0_0_brAppTopMenuID_UL li {

     cursor: pointer;




+#puer_base_openo {

     border: 1px solid #ddd;



 .openo_accordion_selected {

-  margin-left: 0;

-  margin-right: 0;

-  background: #fafafa;

-  border-left: 3px solid #4ac9ff!important;

-  box-shadow: none;

-  position: relative;

+    margin-left: 0;

+    margin-right: 0;

+    background: #fafafa;

+    border-left: 3px solid #4ac9ff !important;

+    box-shadow: none;

+    position: relative;



-    color: #4ac9ff!important;


+a:hover {

+    color: #4ac9ff !important;



 .openoAccordian_accordionmenu li.openo_accordion_selected a {

-  position: relative;

-  left: -3px;

-  color: #009ae7;

+    position: relative;

+    left: -3px;

+    color: #009ae7;



 .openo-accordion-resizable-handle {

-  z-index: 1!important;

-  cursor: e-resize;

-  width: 7px;

-  right: -5px;

-  top: 0;

-  height: 100%;

-  position: absolute;

-  font-size: .1px;

-  display: block;

+    z-index: 1 !important;

+    cursor: e-resize;

+    width: 7px;

+    right: -5px;

+    top: 0;

+    height: 100%;

+    position: absolute;

+    font-size: .1px;

+    display: block;



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-  width: 100%;

-  height: 100%;

-  border: 0;

+    width: 100%;

+    height: 100%;

+    border: 0;



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-  margin: 0;

-  padding: 0;

-  border: 0;

-  width: 100%;

-  height: 100%;

+    margin: 0;

+    padding: 0;

+    border: 0;

+    width: 100%;

+    height: 100%;



 .openoAccordian_showHideArrow_show {

-  background-image: url(../images/openo.png);

-  background-position: -39px 0!important;

-  box-shadow: inset 1px 0 0 #e5e5e5,inset -1px 0 0 #e5e5e5;

+    background-image: url(../images/openo.png);

+    background-position: -39px 0 !important;

+    box-shadow: inset 1px 0 0 #e5e5e5, inset -1px 0 0 #e5e5e5;

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/css/VMMain.css b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/css/VMMain.css
index e625e90..a1c0866 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/css/VMMain.css
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/css/VMMain.css
@@ -13,60 +13,68 @@
  * limitations under the License.





+body {

     font-family: '微软雅黑';

     font-size: 12px;

     color: #333;

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+button {

     outline: none;




+ul, li {

     list-style: none;

-    padding:0;

-    margin:0;

+    padding: 0;

+    margin: 0;




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     font-size: 16px;




+.separator-line {

     height: 1px;

     width: 100%;

-    border:1px solid #ddd;

+    border: 1px solid #ddd;

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+.uploadBtn {

     overflow: hidden;



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-	padding: 0 14px;

-	height: 24px;

+    padding: 0 14px;

+    height: 24px;

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     border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;

     text-align: center;

-    box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05);

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     background: #fafafa;

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-    background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#fff),color-stop(100%,#fafafa));

-    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#fafafa);

-    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#fff,#fafafa);

+    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #fafafa);

+    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #fff), color-stop(100%, #fafafa));

+    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #fafafa);

+    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff, #fafafa);

     border-radius: 6px;

     background: #fff url(../images/add.png) no-repeat 5px center;

     padding-left: 20px;



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-	color: #009ae7;	

-	border: 1px solid #4AC9FF

+    color: #009ae7;

+    border: 1px solid #4AC9FF



 .creat-btn:active {

-	color: #000;	

-	border: 1px solid #4AC9FF

+    color: #000;

+    border: 1px solid #4AC9FF




     background: #fff url(../image/add.png) no-repeat 5px center;

     border: 1px solid #ddd;

@@ -77,110 +85,130 @@
     color: #fff;

     border:1px solid #428bca;

 }*/{ {

     width: 310px;

     height: 30px;

-    float:right;

+    float: right;


+ {

     width: 250px;

     float: left;

     margin-right: 6px;


+ {

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     background: #fff;

     border: 1px solid #ddd;

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+#ict_virtualApplication_table_div {

     margin-top: 15px;



-    border: 1px solid #ddd!important;


+.table > thead > > th {

+    border: 1px solid #ddd !important;

     border-bottom: 0;

     background: #f0f0f0;



 /*.table tbody tr:hover{

     background: #e6fbe0!important;


-.table tbody tr:last-child{

+.table tbody tr:last-child {

     border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;




+.table-btn {

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     border: none;




+.detail-btn {

     background: url(../image/openo.png) no-repeat -343px -283px;

     width: 16px;

     height: 16px;

     border: none;



-    background-position: -7px -314px; 


+.detail-btn.current {

+    background-position: -7px -314px;




+.detail {

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     margin-top: 60px;



-.detail-top ul{

+.detail-top ul {

     height: 50px;

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     padding-left: 0px;

-     background: #fafafa;

+    background: #fafafa;


-.detail-top ul li{

-    float:left;


+.detail-top ul li {

+    float: left;

     width: 120px;

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     cursor: pointer;


-.detail-top ul li.current{


+.detail-top ul li.current {

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+.vmapp-margin {

     margin-bottom: 10px;


-.control-label .required{


+.control-label .required {

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-.form-group .control-label{


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+.pageList li {

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@@ -188,466 +216,543 @@
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-.headerLinkP span{


+.headerLinkP span {

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     color: #666;

-    font-weight: normal!important;

+    font-weight: normal !important;



-    font-weight: normal!important;


+label {

+    font-weight: normal !important;



 table.userform tbody tr td {

-  display: table-cell;

-  padding-right: 10px;

-  padding-top: 10px;

-  font-size: 12px;

-  color: #333;

+    display: table-cell;

+    padding-right: 10px;

+    padding-top: 10px;

+    font-size: 12px;

+    color: #333;


-.table th,.table td{

-    padding-top: 3px!important;

-    padding-bottom: 3px!important;


+.table th, .table td {

+    padding-top: 3px !important;

+    padding-bottom: 3px !important;



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-  display: table;

+    display: table;



 .openo {

-  font-family: "Microsoft Yahei",SimSun,Arial,Tahoma;

-  font-size: 12px;

-  color: #000;

+    font-family: "Microsoft Yahei", SimSun, Arial, Tahoma;

+    font-size: 12px;

+    color: #000;



 .openoBrowseButton_input {

-  width: 198px;

-  position: relative;

-  border: 1px solid #c3c3c3!important;

-  height: 26px;

-  background-color: #f3f3f3;

-  border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;

-  border-right: none;

-  padding: 0;

+    width: 198px;

+    position: relative;

+    border: 1px solid #c3c3c3 !important;

+    height: 26px;

+    background-color: #f3f3f3;

+    border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;

+    border-right: none;

+    padding: 0;



 .buttonClassDefault, .buttonClassDefault:active {

-  cursor: pointer;

-  background-image: url(../images/openo.png);

-  background-position: -154px -7px!important;

+    cursor: pointer;

+    background-image: url(../images/openo.png);

+    background-position: -154px -7px !important;



 .openoBrowseButton_button {

-  width: 27px;

-  border: 0;

-  float: right;

-  position: relative;

-  height: 26px;

-  right: 0;

-  top: 0;

-  border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;

-  border-right: 1px solid #c3c3c3;

-  border-left: none;

+    width: 27px;

+    border: 0;

+    float: right;

+    position: relative;

+    height: 26px;

+    right: 0;

+    top: 0;

+    border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;

+    border-right: 1px solid #c3c3c3;

+    border-left: none;



 .openo .openo-input, .openo.openo-input {

-  outline: 0;

-  border: 1px solid #c3c3c3;

-  box-shadow: 1px 1px #f6f6f6 inset;

-  background-color: #fff;

-  height: 26px;

+    outline: 0;

+    border: 1px solid #c3c3c3;

+    box-shadow: 1px 1px #f6f6f6 inset;

+    background-color: #fff;

+    height: 26px;



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-  padding: 0 0 0 6px;

-  border-radius: 4px;

-  color: #000;

-  display: inline-block;

-  outline: 0;

-  box-shadow: 1px 1px #f6f6f6 inset;

-  font-size: 12px;

-  background: #fff;

+    padding: 0 0 0 6px;

+    border-radius: 4px;

+    color: #000;

+    display: inline-block;

+    outline: 0;

+    box-shadow: 1px 1px #f6f6f6 inset;

+    font-size: 12px;

+    background: #fff;



 div.openo-select {

-  border: 1px solid #c3c3c3;

-  border-radius: 4px;

-  background: url(../images/arrow-down-enable.png) right no-repeat #fff;

-  line-height: 24px;

-  padding-left: 3px;

-  display: block;

+    border: 1px solid #c3c3c3;

+    border-radius: 4px;

+    background: url(../images/arrow-down-enable.png) right no-repeat #fff;

+    line-height: 24px;

+    padding-left: 3px;

+    display: block;


-div.openo-select>input.openo-select-input {

-  border: none;

-  outline: 0;

-  line-height: 21px;

-  height: 21px;

-  padding-left: 3px;

-  border-right: solid 1px #c3c3c3;


+div.openo-select > input.openo-select-input {

+    border: none;

+    outline: 0;

+    line-height: 21px;

+    height: 21px;

+    padding-left: 3px;

+    border-right: solid 1px #c3c3c3;



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-  overflow: hidden;

-  white-space: nowrap;

-  text-overflow: ellipsis;

+    overflow: hidden;

+    white-space: nowrap;

+    text-overflow: ellipsis;



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-  height: 26px;

-  float: left;

-  cursor: pointer;

-  text-decoration: none;

-  outline: 0;

-  border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;

-  text-align: center;

-  box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05);

-  background: #fafafa;

-  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#fafafa);

-  background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#fff),color-stop(100%,#fafafa));

-  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#fafafa);

-  background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#fff,#fafafa);

-  border-radius: 6px;

+    height: 26px;

+    float: left;

+    cursor: pointer;

+    text-decoration: none;

+    outline: 0;

+    border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;

+    text-align: center;

+    box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);

+    background: #fafafa;

+    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #fafafa);

+    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #fff), color-stop(100%, #fafafa));

+    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #fafafa);

+    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff, #fafafa);

+    border-radius: 6px;



-      padding: 0 19px;

-      border-radius: 6px;


+.openoButton_buttonInnerClass {

+    padding: 0 19px;

+    border-radius: 6px;



 .openoButton_buttonCenterText {

-  color: #000;

-  line-height: 24px;

-  white-space: nowrap;

-  width: auto!important;

+    color: #000;

+    line-height: 24px;

+    white-space: nowrap;

+    width: auto !important;



 .userHeader {

-  clear: left;

-  overflow: hidden;

-  margin-bottom: 10px;

-  padding: 10px 10px 0px 0px;

+    clear: left;

+    overflow: hidden;

+    margin-bottom: 10px;

+    padding: 10px 10px 0px 0px;



 .openoButton_buttonGroupClass {

-  display: inline;

+    display: inline;



 .openoButton_buttonGroupClass div.openoButton_buttonClass_parent:first-child {

-  margin-left: 0;

+    margin-left: 0;



 .openoButton_buttonLeftImg {

-  margin-right: 5px;

+    margin-right: 5px;



 .openoButton_buttonLeftImg, .openoButton_buttonRightImg {

-  display: inline-block;

-  vertical-align: top;

-  width: 16px;

-  height: 16px;

-  margin-top: 4px;

+    display: inline-block;

+    vertical-align: top;

+    width: 16px;

+    height: 16px;

+    margin-top: 4px;



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-  height: 37px;

+    height: 37px;



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-  display: block;

-  float: left;

-  overflow: hidden;

-  padding: 5px 0 0;

-  margin-top: 8px;

+    display: block;

+    float: left;

+    overflow: hidden;

+    padding: 5px 0 0;

+    margin-top: 8px;



 .openoPagination_openoPaginationLengthOptions:not(msie8) {

-  line-height: 24px;

+    line-height: 24px;



 .openoPagination_openoPaginationLengthOptions {

-  white-space: normal;

-  height: 24px;

-  float: left;

-  outline: 0;

-  line-height: 20px;

-  margin: 0 5px;

+    white-space: normal;

+    height: 24px;

+    float: left;

+    outline: 0;

+    line-height: 20px;

+    margin: 0 5px;



 .openo-pagination-select {

-  height: 26px;

-  line-height: 22px;

-  text-align: center;

-  margin-right: -2px;

-  border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;

-  border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;

-  padding: 1px;

+    height: 26px;

+    line-height: 22px;

+    text-align: center;

+    margin-right: -2px;

+    border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;

+    border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;

+    padding: 1px;



 .openoPagination_openoPaginationLengthOptions span {

-  background-color: #fff!important;

+    background-color: #fff !important;



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-  float: left;

-  color: #666;

-  font: 12px Lucida Grande,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;

-  line-height: 24px;

-  font-weight: 400;

-  text-align: center;

-  border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;

-  text-decoration: none!important;

-  padding: 0 7px;

-  border-radius: 3px;

-  background: #fff;

+    float: left;

+    color: #666;

+    font: 12px Lucida Grande, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

+    line-height: 24px;

+    font-weight: 400;

+    text-align: center;

+    border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;

+    text-decoration: none !important;

+    padding: 0 7px;

+    border-radius: 3px;

+    background: #fff;



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-  background: url(../images/ideo_default_select.png) left no-repeat!important;

-  float: right!important;

-  width: 26px;

-  height: 26px;

-  cursor: pointer;

+    background: url(../images/ideo_default_select.png) left no-repeat !important;

+    float: right !important;

+    width: 26px;

+    height: 26px;

+    cursor: pointer;



 .openo-pagination-theme label {

-  padding-top: 6px;

-  vertical-align: middle;

-  margin-right: 20px;

-  margin-top: -1px;

-  float: left;

-  display: inline-block;

-  height: 20px;

-  font: 12px Lucida Grande,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;

+    padding-top: 6px;

+    vertical-align: middle;

+    margin-right: 20px;

+    margin-top: -1px;

+    float: left;

+    display: inline-block;

+    height: 20px;

+    font: 12px Lucida Grande, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;



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-  list-style: none;

-  padding: 0;

-  margin: 0;

-  float: left;

+    list-style: none;

+    padding: 0;

+    margin: 0;

+    float: left;



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-  color: #000;

+    color: #000;



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-  margin: 0 5px 0 0;

+    margin: 0 5px 0 0;



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-  border-color: #c3c3c3!important;

-  color: #666!important;

-  opacity: .3;

-  filter: alpha(opacity=30);

+    border-color: #c3c3c3 !important;

+    color: #666 !important;

+    opacity: .3;

+    filter: alpha(opacity=30);



 .openo-pagination-theme .prev {

-  background: 0 0;

-  float: left;

+    background: 0 0;

+    float: left;



 .openo-pagination-theme .current {

-  text-decoration: none!important;

-  float: left;

-  padding-left: 6px;

-  height: 24px;

-  color: #fff;

-  display: inline;

-  border-color: #00adf5;

-  background: #4ad2ff;

+    text-decoration: none !important;

+    float: left;

+    padding-left: 6px;

+    height: 24px;

+    color: #fff;

+    display: inline;

+    border-color: #00adf5;

+    background: #4ad2ff;



 .openo-pagination-theme a, .openo-pagination-theme span {

-  float: left;

-  color: #666;

-  font: 12px Lucida Grande,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;

-  line-height: 24px;

-  font-weight: 400;

-  text-align: center;

-  border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;

-  text-decoration: none!important;

-  padding: 0 7px;

-  border-radius: 3px;

-  background: #fff;

+    float: left;

+    color: #666;

+    font: 12px Lucida Grande, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

+    line-height: 24px;

+    font-weight: 400;

+    text-align: center;

+    border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;

+    text-decoration: none !important;

+    padding: 0 7px;

+    border-radius: 3px;

+    background: #fff;



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-  background: url(../images/page_left_disabled.png) 50% 45% no-repeat;

+    background: url(../images/page_left_disabled.png) 50% 45% no-repeat;



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-  background: url(../images/page_left_disabled.png) 50% 45% no-repeat;

+    background: url(../images/page_left_disabled.png) 50% 45% no-repeat;



 .openo-pagination-theme .prev:before {

-  background: url(../images/page_l.png) 50% 45% no-repeat;

+    background: url(../images/page_l.png) 50% 45% no-repeat;



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-  display: inline-block;

-  content: "";

-  vertical-align: middle;

-  width: 10px;

-  height: 24px;

+    display: inline-block;

+    content: "";

+    vertical-align: middle;

+    width: 10px;

+    height: 24px;



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-  background: url(../images/page_l.png) 50% 45% no-repeat;

+    background: url(../images/page_l.png) 50% 45% no-repeat;



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-  display: inline-block;

-  content: "";

-  vertical-align: middle;

-  width: 10px;

-  height: 24px;

+    display: inline-block;

+    content: "";

+    vertical-align: middle;

+    width: 10px;

+    height: 24px;



 pagination ul {

-  list-style: none;

-  padding: 0;

-  margin: 0;

-  float: left;

+    list-style: none;

+    padding: 0;

+    margin: 0;

+    float: left;



 .openo-pagination li, .openo-pagination ul {

-  list-style: none;

-  padding: 0;

-  margin: 0;

-  float: left;

+    list-style: none;

+    padding: 0;

+    margin: 0;

+    float: left;



 .openoPagination_gototext {

-  background: #FFF;

-  outline: 0;

-  width: 29px;

-  float: left;

-  height: 26px;

-  line-height: 24px;

-  border-radius: 4px;

-  border: 1px solid #c3c3c3;

-  padding: 0 0 0 5px;

-  margin: 0;

-  color: #666;

-  min-width: 50px;

+    background: #FFF;

+    outline: 0;

+    width: 29px;

+    float: left;

+    height: 26px;

+    line-height: 24px;

+    border-radius: 4px;

+    border: 1px solid #c3c3c3;

+    padding: 0 0 0 5px;

+    margin: 0;

+    color: #666;

+    min-width: 50px;



 .openoPagination_gotoimage {

-  width: 29px;

-  height: 26px;

-  line-height: 26px;

-  background-color: #FFF;

-  background-image: url(/portal/themes/default/components/openo/images/openo.png);

-  padding-left: 21px;

-  float: left;

-  margin-left: 5px;

-  border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;

-  border-radius: 4px;

-  box-sizing: border-box;

-  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;

-  background-position: -184px -181px!important;

+    width: 29px;

+    height: 26px;

+    line-height: 26px;

+    background-color: #FFF;

+    background-image: url(/portal/themes/default/components/openo/images/openo.png);

+    padding-left: 21px;

+    float: left;

+    margin-left: 5px;

+    border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;

+    border-radius: 4px;

+    box-sizing: border-box;

+    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;

+    background-position: -184px -181px !important;



 .openo-pagination-theme .ellipse {

-  float: left;

-  margin-left: -8px;

-  margin-right: -4px;

-  background: 0 0;

-  border: none;

-  border-radius: 0;

-  box-shadow: none;

-  font-weight: 700;

-  cursor: default;

+    float: left;

+    margin-left: -8px;

+    margin-right: -4px;

+    background: 0 0;

+    border: none;

+    border-radius: 0;

+    box-shadow: none;

+    font-weight: 700;

+    cursor: default;



 .openo.openo-disabled {

-  border-color: #c3c3c3!important;

-  color: #666!important;

-  opacity: .3;

-  filter: alpha(opacity=30);

+    border-color: #c3c3c3 !important;

+    color: #666 !important;

+    opacity: .3;

+    filter: alpha(opacity=30);



 .openo-pagination-theme .prev {

-  background: 0 0;

-  float: left;

+    background: 0 0;

+    float: left;



 .openo-pagination-theme .current {

-  text-decoration: none!important;

-  float: left;

-  padding-left: 6px;

-  height: 26px;

-  color: #fff;

-  display: inline;

-  /*border-color: #00adf5;

-  background: #4ad2ff;*/

+    text-decoration: none !important;

+    float: left;

+    padding-left: 6px;

+    height: 26px;

+    color: #fff;

+    display: inline;

+    /*border-color: #00adf5;

+    background: #4ad2ff;*/

     border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;



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-  background: url(../images/page_r.png) 50% 45% no-repeat;

+    background: url(../images/page_r.png) 50% 45% no-repeat;



 .openoButton_buttonGroupClass div.openoButton_buttonClass_parent, .openoButton_buttonRightImg {

-  margin-left: 5px;

+    margin-left: 5px;



 html, body {

-  height: 99%;

-  width: 98%;

+    height: 99%;

+    width: 98%;



 .cotentBody {

-  padding: 0px 20px 0px 20px;

+    padding: 0px 20px 0px 20px;



 div.openoButton_buttonClass:hover {

-  border: 1px solid #4ac9ff;

+    border: 1px solid #4ac9ff;



 div.openoButton_button_default:hover .openoButton_buttonCenterText {

-  color: #009ae7;

+    color: #009ae7;



 .header_lineimg {

-  height: 1px;

-  width: 100%;

-  margin-top: 17px;

+    height: 1px;

+    width: 100%;

+    margin-top: 17px;



 .openo.openo-hide {

-  display: none;

+    display: none;



 div.openo-select-popup-container {

-  position: absolute;

-  border: 1px solid #4ac9ff;

-  border-top: none;

-  border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;

-  max-height: 202px;

-  overflow-y: auto;

-  background-color: #fff;

-  z-index: 880;

+    position: absolute;

+    border: 1px solid #4ac9ff;

+    border-top: none;

+    border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;

+    max-height: 202px;

+    overflow-y: auto;

+    background-color: #fff;

+    z-index: 880;


-div.openo-select-popup-container>div.openo-select-item {

-  display: block;


+div.openo-select-popup-container > div.openo-select-item {

+    display: block;



 .openo .openo-ellipsis, .openo.openo-ellipsis {

-  overflow: hidden;

-  white-space: nowrap;

-  text-overflow: ellipsis;

+    overflow: hidden;

+    white-space: nowrap;

+    text-overflow: ellipsis;


-div.openo-select-popup-container>div.openo-select-item>label {

-  padding-top: 3px;

-  padding-bottom: 3px;

-  line-height: 20px;


+div.openo-select-popup-container > div.openo-select-item > label {

+    padding-top: 3px;

+    padding-bottom: 3px;

+    line-height: 20px;



 .openo .openo-ellipsis, .openo.openo-ellipsis {

-  overflow: hidden;

-  white-space: nowrap;

-  text-overflow: ellipsis;

+    overflow: hidden;

+    white-space: nowrap;

+    text-overflow: ellipsis;



 .openo-select-item label {

-  margin-left: 4px;

-  margin-right: 4px;

-  white-space: nowrap;

+    margin-left: 4px;

+    margin-right: 4px;

+    white-space: nowrap;


-div.openo-select-popup-container>div.openo-select-item.openo-item-selected, div.openo-select-popup-container>div.openo-select-item:hover {

-  background-color: #f1f1f1;

-  color: #008fd6;


+div.openo-select-popup-container > div.openo-select-item.openo-item-selected, div.openo-select-popup-container > div.openo-select-item:hover {

+    background-color: #f1f1f1;

+    color: #008fd6;



 div.openo-select.openo-focus {

-  border: 1px solid #4ac9ff;

-  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;

-  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;

-  border-bottom-color: #ddd;

+    border: 1px solid #4ac9ff;

+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;

+    border-bottom-right-radius: 0;

+    border-bottom-color: #ddd;



 .openo-pagination-theme a:hover {

-  border-color: #4ac9ff;

-  cursor: pointer;

+    border-color: #4ac9ff;

+    cursor: pointer;



-     background: #fff; 

-     color: #333; 

-     border: 1px solid #ddd;


+.SDBtn {

+    background: #fff;

+    color: #333;

+    border: 1px solid #ddd;



-    color: #009ae7;	

-	border: 1px solid #4AC9FF


+.SDBtn:hover {

+    color: #009ae7;

+    border: 1px solid #4AC9FF



 table tbody tr.even:hover td, table tbody tr.odd:hover td {

-  background-color: #e6fbe0;

+    background-color: #e6fbe0;



 table tr.openoTable_row_selected td {

-  background: #e8f8fe!important;

-  border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8!important;

+    background: #e8f8fe !important;

+    border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8 !important;



-    padding: 0!important;


+.modal-body {

+    padding: 0 !important;



-    height: 26px!important;


+.form-control {

+    height: 26px !important;



 .form-group .control-label {

-  margin-left: 20px;

+    margin-left: 20px;



 .form-horizontal .control-label {

-  text-align: left;

+    text-align: left;

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/js/controller.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/js/controller.js
index 35da729..fa2f88f 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/js/controller.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/sdncontroller/js/controller.js
@@ -14,158 +14,158 @@



-		function() {

-			var data = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('td:last').find(

-					'div:last').html();

-			alert(data);

-			var jsonObj = JSON.parse(data);

-			for (var i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; i++) {

-				var obj = jsonObj[i];

-				var rowData = [ obj.tpName, obj.peName, obj.vlanId,

-						obj.siteCidr, obj.ip ];

-				$('#underlayTpDataTable').DataTable();

-				$('#underlayTpDataTable').dataTable().fnAddData(rowData);

-			}

-		});

+    function () {

+        var data = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('td:last').find(

+            'div:last').html();

+        alert(data);

+        var jsonObj = JSON.parse(data);

+        for (var i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; i++) {

+            var obj = jsonObj[i];

+            var rowData = [obj.tpName, obj.peName, obj.vlanId,

+                obj.siteCidr, obj.ip];

+            $('#underlayTpDataTable').DataTable();

+            $('#underlayTpDataTable').dataTable().fnAddData(rowData);

+        }

+    });


 function deleteController(objectId) {

-	var requestUrl = "/openoapi/extsys/v1/sdncontrollers/" + objectId;

-	$.ajax({

-		type : "DELETE",

-		url : requestUrl,

-		contentType : "application/json",

-		success : function(jsonobj) {

-			$('#controller').bootstrapTable('remove', {

-				field : 'id',

-				values : [ objectId ]

-			});

-			alert("Delete Controller successfull !!!");

-		},

-		error : function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

-			alert("Error on deleting controller : " + xhr.responseText);

-		}

-	});

+    var requestUrl = "/openoapi/extsys/v1/sdncontrollers/" + objectId;

+    $.ajax({

+        type: "DELETE",

+        url: requestUrl,

+        contentType: "application/json",

+        success: function (jsonobj) {

+            $('#controller').bootstrapTable('remove', {

+                field: 'id',

+                values: [objectId]

+            });

+            alert("Delete Controller successfull !!!");

+        },

+        error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

+            alert("Error on deleting controller : " + xhr.responseText);

+        }

+    });



 function loadControllerData() {

-	var requestUrl = "/openoapi/extsys/v1/sdncontrollers";

-	$.ajax({

-		type : "GET",

-		url : requestUrl,

-		contentType : "application/json",

-		success : function(jsonobj) {

-			$('#controller').bootstrapTable({

-				data : jsonobj.topologicalControllers

-			});

-		},

-		error : function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

-			alert("Error on getting controller data : " + xhr.responseText);

-		}

-	});

+    var requestUrl = "/openoapi/extsys/v1/sdncontrollers";

+    $.ajax({

+        type: "GET",

+        url: requestUrl,

+        contentType: "application/json",

+        success: function (jsonobj) {

+            $('#controller').bootstrapTable({

+                data: jsonobj.topologicalControllers

+            });

+        },

+        error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

+            alert("Error on getting controller data : " + xhr.responseText);

+        }

+    });



-$(function() {

-	$('.creat-btn').click(function() {

-		$('#vmAppDialog').addClass('in').css({

-			'display' : 'block'

-		});

+$(function () {

+    $('.creat-btn').click(function () {

+        $('#vmAppDialog').addClass('in').css({

+            'display': 'block'

+        });


-	});

-	$('.close,.button-previous').click(function() {

-		$('#vmAppDialog').removeClass('in').css('display', 'none');

-	});

-	$('.detail-top ul li').click(function() {

-		$(this).addClass('current').siblings().removeClass('current');

-	});

-	$('.para').click(function() {

-		if ($('#serviceTemplateName').val() == '') {

-			alert('Please choose the service templet!');

-			$('#flavorTab').css('display', 'none');

-		} else {

-			$('#flavorTab').css('display', 'block');

-		}

-		$('#basicTab').css('display', 'block');

-	});

-	$('.basic').click(function() {

-		$('#flavorTab').css('display', 'none');

-	});

+    });

+    $('.close,.button-previous').click(function () {

+        $('#vmAppDialog').removeClass('in').css('display', 'none');

+    });

+    $('.detail-top ul li').click(function () {

+        $(this).addClass('current').siblings().removeClass('current');

+    });

+    $('.para').click(function () {

+        if ($('#serviceTemplateName').val() == '') {

+            alert('Please choose the service templet!');

+            $('#flavorTab').css('display', 'none');

+        } else {

+            $('#flavorTab').css('display', 'block');

+        }

+        $('#basicTab').css('display', 'block');

+    });

+    $('.basic').click(function () {

+        $('#flavorTab').css('display', 'none');

+    });


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-			function() {

-				$(this).addClass('openoTable_row_selected').siblings()

-						.removeClass('openoTable_row_selected');

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-	$('.table tr:odd').addClass('active');

-	$('#false').click(function() {

-		$('#vmAppDialog').addClass('in').css({

-			'display' : 'block'

-		});

-	});

-	$('.close,.button-previous').click(function() {

-		$('#vmAppDialog').removeClass('in').css('display', 'none');

-	});

-	$('#filterTpLogicalType').click(

-			function() {

-				$('#filterTpLogicalType_select_popupcontainer').toggleClass(

-						'openo-hide');

-				$('#filterTpLogicalType').toggleClass('openo-focus');

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-					'left' : oLeft,

-					'top' : oTop + oHeight + 10

-				});

-			});

-	$('div.openo-select-popup-container>div.openo-select-item>label').click(

-			function() {

-				var Lvalue = $(this).html();

-				$('#filterTpLogicalType_select_input').attr('value', Lvalue);

-				$('#filterTpLogicalType_select_popupcontainer').addClass(

-						'openo-hide');

-				$('#filterTpLogicalType').removeClass('openo-focus');

-			});

-	$.fn.serializeObject = function() {

-		var o = {};

-		var a = this.serializeArray();

-		$.each(a, function() {

-			if (o[] !== undefined) {

-				if (!o[].push) {

-					o[] = [ o[] ];

-				}

-				o[].push(this.value || '');

-			} else {

-				o[] = this.value || '';

-			}

-		});

-		return o;

-	};

+    $('.table tbody tr').click(

+        function () {

+            $(this).addClass('openoTable_row_selected').siblings()

+                .removeClass('openoTable_row_selected');

+        });

+    $('.table tr:odd').addClass('active');

+    $('#false').click(function () {

+        $('#vmAppDialog').addClass('in').css({

+            'display': 'block'

+        });

+    });

+    $('.close,.button-previous').click(function () {

+        $('#vmAppDialog').removeClass('in').css('display', 'none');

+    });

+    $('#filterTpLogicalType').click(

+        function () {

+            $('#filterTpLogicalType_select_popupcontainer').toggleClass(

+                'openo-hide');

+            $('#filterTpLogicalType').toggleClass('openo-focus');

+            var oLeft = $('#open_base_tpL_td6').offset().left;

+            var oTop = $('#open_base_tpL_td6').offset().top;

+            var oHeight = $('#open_base_tpL_td6').height();

+            $('#filterTpLogicalType_select_popupcontainer').css({

+                'left': oLeft,

+                'top': oTop + oHeight + 10

+            });

+        });

+    $('div.openo-select-popup-container>div.openo-select-item>label').click(

+        function () {

+            var Lvalue = $(this).html();

+            $('#filterTpLogicalType_select_input').attr('value', Lvalue);

+            $('#filterTpLogicalType_select_popupcontainer').addClass(

+                'openo-hide');

+            $('#filterTpLogicalType').removeClass('openo-focus');

+        });

+    $.fn.serializeObject = function () {

+        var o = {};

+        var a = this.serializeArray();

+        $.each(a, function () {

+            if (o[] !== undefined) {

+                if (!o[].push) {

+                    o[] = [o[]];

+                }

+                o[].push(this.value || '');

+            } else {

+                o[] = this.value || '';

+            }

+        });

+        return o;

+    };


-	$('#createController').click(function() {

-		var formData = JSON.stringify($("#controllerForm").serializeObject());

-		var jsonobj = JSON.parse(formData);

-		var newJson = {

-			"topologicalController" : jsonobj

-		};

-		formData = JSON.stringify(newJson);

-		var requestUrl = "/openoapi/extsys/v1/sdncontrollers";

-		$.ajax({

-			type : "POST",

-			url : requestUrl,

-			contentType : "application/json",

-			dataType : "json",

-			data : formData,

-			success : function(jsonResp) {

-				alert("Controller saved successfully!!!");

-				jsonobj["id"] =;

-				$('#controller').bootstrapTable("append", jsonobj);

-				$('#vmAppDialog').removeClass('in').css('display', 'none');

+    $('#createController').click(function () {

+        var formData = JSON.stringify($("#controllerForm").serializeObject());

+        var jsonobj = JSON.parse(formData);

+        var newJson = {

+            "topologicalController": jsonobj

+        };

+        formData = JSON.stringify(newJson);

+        var requestUrl = "/openoapi/extsys/v1/sdncontrollers";

+        $.ajax({

+            type: "POST",

+            url: requestUrl,

+            contentType: "application/json",

+            dataType: "json",

+            data: formData,

+            success: function (jsonResp) {

+                alert("Controller saved successfully!!!");

+                jsonobj["id"] =;

+                $('#controller').bootstrapTable("append", jsonobj);

+                $('#vmAppDialog').removeClass('in').css('display', 'none');


-			},

-			error : function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

-				alert("Error on page : " + xhr.responseText);

-			}

-		});

-	});

+            },

+            error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

+                alert("Error on page : " + xhr.responseText);

+            }

+        });

+    });


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/bootstrap.css b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/bootstrap.css
index 6e70054..dbebe62 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/bootstrap.css
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/bootstrap.css
Binary files differ
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/skill.css b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/skill.css
index f188265..d24a268 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/skill.css
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/skill.css
@@ -14,76 +14,84 @@
  * limitations under the License.


 body {

-  font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;  

-  /*background-color: #f1f3fa;*/

-  width: '100%';

-  height: '100%';

-  margin-top: 10px;

+    font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;

+    /*background-color: #f1f3fa;*/

+    width: '100%';

+    height: '100%';

+    margin-top: 10px;



-	font-size: 12px;

-	font-weight: 400;

-	text-align:center;


+div.skills-sunburst {

+    font-size: 12px;

+    font-weight: 400;

+    text-align: center;



 #skillmap .skills-wrapper {

-  margin-top: 10px;

-  overflow: auto;

+    margin-top: 10px;

+    overflow: auto;



 #skillmap .skills-sunburst {

-  float: left;

-  width: 500px;

-  margin-left: -80px;

+    float: left;

+    width: 500px;

+    margin-left: -80px;



 #skillmap .skills-sunburst svg {

-  font: 11px 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;

-  font-weight: 900;


-  cursor: pointer;

+    font: 11px 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;

+    font-weight: 900;


+    cursor: pointer;



 #skillmap .skills-chart {

-  float: right;

-  font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;

-  font-size: 15px;

-  margin: 80px 20px 0 0;

+    float: right;

+    font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;

+    font-size: 15px;

+    margin: 80px 20px 0 0;



 #skillmap .skills-chart .breadcumb-text {

-  font-size: 13px;

-  font-weight: 700;

+    font-size: 13px;

+    font-weight: 700;



 #skillmap .skills-chart #skills-chart-line {

-  fill: none;

-  stroke-width: 3.5px;

+    fill: none;

+    stroke-width: 3.5px;



 #skillmap .skills-chart .axis path,

 #skillmap .skills-chart .axis line {

-  fill: none;

+    fill: none;



 #skillmap .skills-chart .x-axis path,

 #skillmap .skills-chart .y-axis path {

-  stroke: #444;

-  stroke-width: 1px;

-  shape-rendering: geometricPrecision;

+    stroke: #444;

+    stroke-width: 1px;

+    shape-rendering: geometricPrecision;



 #explanation {

-  position: absolute;

-  top: 165px;

-  left: 170px;

-  width: 140px;

-  text-align: center;

-  color: #666;

-  margin-top:30px;

+    position: absolute;

+    top: 165px;

+    left: 170px;

+    width: 140px;

+    text-align: center;

+    color: #666;

+    margin-top: 30px;



 #percentage {

-  font-size: 2em;

+    font-size: 2em;




-	font-sizte:1.5em;

+#endlabel {

+    font-sizte: 1.5em;



-div.skills-sunburst text{

-	 text-anchor: middle;

+div.skills-sunburst text {

+    text-anchor: middle;

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/vim.css b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/vim.css
index ab7b875..680919b 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/vim.css
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/vim.css
@@ -14,469 +14,463 @@
  * limitations under the License.


 body {

-	font-family: microsoft yahei !important;

+    font-family: microsoft yahei !important;



 /* blue pill (inspired by iTunes)



 .grey {

-  background-color: #e5e5e5;

-  color: #333;

+    background-color: #e5e5e5;

+    color: #333;



 .blue {


-	background-color: #5b9bd1;

-	border-radius: 20px;

-	color: #fff;

-	font-weight: bold;

-	padding: 8px 0;

-	text-align: center;

-	width: 100px;

+    background-color: #5b9bd1;

+    border-radius: 20px;

+    color: #fff;

+    font-weight: bold;

+    padding: 8px 0;

+    text-align: center;

+    width: 100px;



 .blue:hover {

-	background-color: #e8f3fd;

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+    background-color: #e8f3fd;

+    color: #5b9bd1;



 .blue.selected {

-	border: 0;

-	background-color: #5b9bd1;

-	color: #fff;

+    border: 0;

+    background-color: #5b9bd1;

+    color: #fff;



 .blue.selected:hover {

-	border: 0;

-	background-color: #5b9bd1;

-	color: #fff;

+    border: 0;

+    background-color: #5b9bd1;

+    color: #fff;



 a {

-	font-weight: bold;

-	text-decoration: none;

+    font-weight: bold;

+    text-decoration: none;



 p {

-	color: #444;

-	font-size: 14px;

-	font-weight: normal;

-	line-height: 21px;

-	margin: 0 0 12px 0;

+    color: #444;

+    font-size: 14px;

+    font-weight: normal;

+    line-height: 21px;

+    margin: 0 0 12px 0;

 } {

-	border-top: 1px solid #ccc;

-	font-size: 14px;

-	line-height: 140%;

-	margin: 36px 0 12px 0;

-	padding: 8px 0 0 0;

-	text-align: center;

+    border-top: 1px solid #ccc;

+    font-size: 14px;

+    line-height: 140%;

+    margin: 36px 0 12px 0;

+    padding: 8px 0 0 0;

+    text-align: center;



 ul.column {

-	float: left;

-	list-style: none;

-	width: 675px;

+    float: left;

+    list-style: none;

+    width: 675px;



 ul.column li {

-	background: #eee;

-	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;

-	border-radius: 5px;

-	-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px 0 #c7c7c7;

-	box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px 0 #c7c7c7;

-	float: left;

-	margin: 10px 0 0 10px;

-	display: block;

-	height: 150px;

-	text-align: center;

-	width: 215px;

+    background: #eee;

+    -webkit-border-radius: 5px;

+    border-radius: 5px;

+    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px 0 #c7c7c7;

+    box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px 0 #c7c7c7;

+    float: left;

+    margin: 10px 0 0 10px;

+    display: block;

+    height: 150px;

+    text-align: center;

+    width: 215px;



 /* Clear Floated Elements



-	{

-	clear: both;

-	content: ' ';

-	display: block;

-	font-size: 0;

-	line-height: 0;

-	visibility: hidden;

-	width: 0;

-	height: 0;

+.column:after, .button-collection:after, .clearfix:after, div.project-info:after {

+    clear: both;

+    content: ' ';

+    display: block;

+    font-size: 0;

+    line-height: 0;

+    visibility: hidden;

+    width: 0;

+    height: 0;



 .container-fluid {

-	background-color: white !important;

-	min-height: 500px;

+    background-color: white !important;

+    min-height: 500px;



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-	border: 0;

+    border: 0;




-	{

-	border: 0;

-	border-top: 3px solid #F3565D;

+.nav-tabs > > a, .nav-tabs > > a:hover, .nav-tabs > > a:focus {

+    border: 0;

+    border-top: 3px solid #F3565D;



-.nav-tabs>li>a {

-	border-radius: 0;

+.nav-tabs > li > a {

+    border-radius: 0;



-.nav-tabs>li>a:hover {

-	background-color: #f1f3fa;

-	border: 1Px solid #f1f3fa;

+.nav-tabs > li > a:hover {

+    background-color: #f1f3fa;

+    border: 1Px solid #f1f3fa;



 .c3 {

-	margin-top: 120px;

+    margin-top: 120px;



 .skills-chart-breadcrumb {





 .blue:selected {

-	border: 0;

-	background-color: #5b9bd1;

+    border: 0;

+    background-color: #5b9bd1;



 .btn {

-	/* border-width: 0; */

-	/* padding: 7px 14px; */

-	/* font-size: 14px; */

-	/* outline: none !important; */

-	/* background-image: none !important; */

-	/* filter: none; */

-	/* -webkit-box-shadow: none; */

-	-moz-box-shadow: none;

-	/* box-shadow: none; */

-	/* text-shadow: none; */

+    /* border-width: 0; */

+    /* padding: 7px 14px; */

+    /* font-size: 14px; */

+    /* outline: none !important; */

+    /* background-image: none !important; */

+    /* filter: none; */

+    /* -webkit-box-shadow: none; */

+    -moz-box-shadow: none;

+    /* box-shadow: none; */

+    /* text-shadow: none; */



 select {

-	border-width: 1px;

-	padding: 4px 1px;

-	border-radius: 4px;

+    border-width: 1px;

+    padding: 4px 1px;

+    border-radius: 4px;



 .input-sm {

-	padding: 4px 10px;

+    padding: 4px 10px;



 .btn-block {

-	display: block;

-	width: 100%;

-	padding-left: 0;

-	padding-right: 0;

+    display: block;

+    width: 100%;

+    padding-left: 0;

+    padding-right: 0;



 /* Bootstrap buttons */




-	{

-	color: #333;

-	background-color: #ededed;

-	border-color: #b3b3b3;

+.btn-default:hover, .btn-default:focus, .btn-default:active, {

+    color: #333;

+    background-color: #ededed;

+    border-color: #b3b3b3;



 .open .btn-default.dropdown-toggle {

-	color: #333;

-	background-color: #ededed;

-	border-color: #b3b3b3;

+    color: #333;

+    background-color: #ededed;

+    border-color: #b3b3b3;



-.btn-default:active, {

-	background-image: none;

-	background-color: #e0e0e0;

-	font-weight: bold;

+.btn-default:active, {

+    background-image: none;

+    background-color: #e0e0e0;

+    font-weight: bold;



-.btn-default:active:hover, {

-	background-color: #e6e6e6;

+.btn-default:active:hover, {

+    background-color: #e6e6e6;



 .open .btn-default.dropdown-toggle {

-	background-image: none;

+    background-image: none;



-.btn-default.disabled,.btn-default.disabled:hover,.btn-default.disabled:focus,.btn-default.disabled:active,,.btn-default[disabled],.btn-default[disabled]:hover,.btn-default[disabled]:focus,.btn-default[disabled]:active,.btn-default[disabled].active,fieldset[disabled] .btn-default,fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:hover,fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:focus,fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:active,fieldset[disabled]

-	{

-	background-color: #fff;

-	border-color: #ccc;

+.btn-default.disabled, .btn-default.disabled:hover, .btn-default.disabled:focus, .btn-default.disabled:active,, .btn-default[disabled], .btn-default[disabled]:hover, .btn-default[disabled]:focus, .btn-default[disabled]:active, .btn-default[disabled].active, fieldset[disabled] .btn-default, fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:hover, fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:focus, fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:active, fieldset[disabled] {

+    background-color: #fff;

+    border-color: #ccc;



 .btn-default .badge {

-	color: #fff;

-	background-color: #333;

+    color: #fff;

+    background-color: #333;




-.btn-default>i[class^="icon-"],.btn-default>i[class*="icon-"] {

-	color: #8c8c8c;

+.btn-default > i[class^="icon-"], .btn-default > i[class*="icon-"] {

+    color: #8c8c8c;



 div[data-name="tab_zone"] div {

-	background-color: #f1f3fa;

-	padding: 0px;

+    background-color: #f1f3fa;

+    padding: 0px;



 div[data-name="cond_zone"] div {

-	background-color: #fff;

-	margin-top: 15px;

-	margin-bottom: 15px;

+    background-color: #fff;

+    margin-top: 15px;

+    margin-bottom: 15px;







-	width:250px;

-  height: 34px;

-  padding: 6px 12px;

-  font-size: 14px;

-  line-height: 1.42857143;

-  color: #555;

-  background-color: #fff;

-  background-image: none;

-  border: 1px solid #ccc;

-  border-radius: 4px;

-  -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075);

-  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075);

-  -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s,box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;

-  transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s,box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;

+.input {

+    width: 250px;

+    height: 34px;

+    padding: 6px 12px;

+    font-size: 14px;

+    line-height: 1.42857143;

+    color: #555;

+    background-color: #fff;

+    background-image: none;

+    border: 1px solid #ccc;

+    border-radius: 4px;

+    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075);

+    box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075);

+    -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s, box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;

+    transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s, box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;



 div.separator {

-	margin: 20px;

+    margin: 20px;



 div.separator div {

-	text-align: center;

-	line-height: 0;

+    text-align: center;

+    line-height: 0;



 div.separator-line {

-	height: 1px !important;

-	width: 100%;

-	background: #ddd;

-	overflow: hidden;

+    height: 1px !important;

+    width: 100%;

+    background: #ddd;

+    overflow: hidden;



 .dropdown-toggle {

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+    color: #5b9bd1;



 .calendar-date {

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+    color: #5b9bd1;



 .range_inputs {

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+    color: #5b9bd1;



-.btn.dropdown-toggle,.btn-group .btn.dropdown-toggle,.btn:hover,.btn:disabled,.btn[disabled],.btn:focus,.btn:active,

-	{

-	outline: none !important;

-	background-image: none !important;

-	filter: none;

-	-webkit-box-shadow: none;

-	-moz-box-shadow: none;

-	box-shadow: none;

-	text-shadow: none;

+.btn.dropdown-toggle, .btn-group .btn.dropdown-toggle, .btn:hover, .btn:disabled, .btn[disabled], .btn:focus, .btn:active, {

+    outline: none !important;

+    background-image: none !important;

+    filter: none;

+    -webkit-box-shadow: none;

+    -moz-box-shadow: none;

+    box-shadow: none;

+    text-shadow: none;



 #skills-chart-breadcrumb {

-	margin-bottom: 10px

+    margin-bottom: 10px




 input[name="daterange"] {

-	width: 220px;

-	line-height: 0;

-	height: 31px;

-	vertical-align: top;

-	margin-top: 2px;

+    width: 220px;

+    line-height: 0;

+    height: 31px;

+    vertical-align: top;

+    margin-top: 2px;



 .daterangepicker .ranges {

-	width: 205px;

+    width: 205px;



 .daterangepicker .ranges input {

-	width: 95px !important;

+    width: 95px !important;



 td.details-control {

-	background: url('../images/details_open.png') no-repeat center center;

-	cursor: pointer;

+    background: url('../images/details_open.png') no-repeat center center;

+    cursor: pointer;



 tr.shown td.details-control {

-	background: url('../images/details_close.png') no-repeat center center;

+    background: url('../images/details_close.png') no-repeat center center;



 .details table td {

-	word-wrap: break-word;

-	word-break: normal;

-	border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;

+    word-wrap: break-word;

+    word-break: normal;

+    border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;



-.details table  tr:first-child td {

-	border-top: none;

+.details table tr:first-child td {

+    border-top: none;



 .details table {

-	table-layout: fixed;

-	width: 100%;

+    table-layout: fixed;

+    width: 100%;



 td.title {

-	width: 10%;

+    width: 10%;



-table.dataTable tbody th,table.dataTable tbody td {

-	padding: 8px 10px;

+table.dataTable tbody th, table.dataTable tbody td {

+    padding: 8px 10px;



-div.dataTables_length,div.dataTables_info {

-	display: inline;

+div.dataTables_length, div.dataTables_info {

+    display: inline;



 div.dataTables_paginate {

-	display: inline;

-	float: right;

+    display: inline;

+    float: right;



 div.pagination-panel {

-	margin-right: 10px;

+    margin-right: 10px;



 input.pagination-panel-input {

-	width: 50px;

+    width: 50px;



 #ict_res_table_div {

-	margin-top: 15px;

+    margin-top: 15px;



 #ict_res_table_div label {

-	font-weight: 100;

+    font-weight: 100;



-.daterangepicker .daterangepicker_start_input label,.daterangepicker .daterangepicker_end_input label

-	{

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+.daterangepicker .daterangepicker_start_input label, .daterangepicker .daterangepicker_end_input label {

+    color: #5b9bd1;



 .daterangepicker .ranges .input-mini {

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+    color: #5b9bd1;



 .cancelBtn {

-	padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;

+    padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;



-.btn:focus,.btn:active:focus, {

-	outline: 0;

+.btn:focus, .btn:active:focus, {

+    outline: 0;



-#ict_res_table_div  table {

-	width: 100% !important;

+#ict_res_table_div table {

+    width: 100% !important;



 .control-label .required {

-  color: #e02222;

-  font-size: 12px;

-  padding-left: 2px;

+    color: #e02222;

+    font-size: 12px;

+    padding-left: 2px;



-#ict_vim_table tbody tr{

-	cursor:pointer;

+#ict_vim_table tbody tr {

+    cursor: pointer;





 .animated-panel {

-  -webkit-animation-duration: .5s;

-  animation-duration: .5s;

-  -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;

-  animation-fill-mode: both;

+    -webkit-animation-duration: .5s;

+    animation-duration: .5s;

+    -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;

+    animation-fill-mode: both;



 .hpanel {

-  background-color: none;

-  border: none;

-  box-shadow: none;

-  margin-bottom: 25px;


+    background-color: none;

+    border: none;

+    box-shadow: none;

+    margin-bottom: 25px;




 .hpanel .panel-body {

-  border: 1px solid #e4e5e7;

-  border-radius: 2px;

-  padding: 20px;

-  position: relative;

+    border: 1px solid #e4e5e7;

+    border-radius: 2px;

+    padding: 20px;

+    position: relative;



 .h-200 {

-  min-height: 220px;

+    min-height: 220px;



 .m-t-xl {

-  margin-top: 40px;

+    margin-top: 40px;



 .text-success {

-  color: #0d638f;

+    color: #0d638f;



 .hpanel > .panel-footer {

-  color: inherit;

-  border: 1px solid #e4e5e7;

-  border-top: none;

-  font-size: 90%;

-  background: #f7f9fa;

-  height:40px;

-  padding: 5px 15px;

+    color: inherit;

+    border: 1px solid #e4e5e7;

+    border-top: none;

+    font-size: 90%;

+    background: #f7f9fa;

+    height: 40px;

+    padding: 5px 15px;



-	color:#ccc;


+.color_cloud {

+    color: #ccc;




+.stats-title {





-  margin-top: 10px;

-  margin-bottom: 40px;

-  font-weight: 200;

+h3 {

+    margin-top: 10px;

+    margin-bottom: 40px;

+    font-weight: 200;


-	color:#428bca; {

+    color: #428bca;



-.hpanel > .panel-footer .pull-right a{

-	margin-left: 5px;

+.hpanel > .panel-footer .pull-right a {

+    margin-left: 5px;



-.hpanel > .panel-footer .pull-right .btn{

+.hpanel > .panel-footer .pull-right .btn {

     min-width: 30px !important;




-	float: right;

+.refresh-status-text {

+    float: right;



 .font {

-  margin-bottom: 15px;

+    margin-bottom: 15px;




-	cursor: pointer;

-	background-color: #f7f9fa;

+.hpanel_show {

+    cursor: pointer;

+    background-color: #f7f9fa;



diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/vimChart.css b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/vimChart.css
index 0af68c5..bb79d8e 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/vimChart.css
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/css/vimChart.css
@@ -14,33 +14,32 @@
  * limitations under the License.


 body {

-  color: #333;

-  font-family: "Microsoft yahei", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;

-  padding: 0px !important;

-  margin: 0px !important;

-  direction: ltr;

-  background-color: #f1f3fa !important; 

+    color: #333;

+    font-family: "Microsoft yahei", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;

+    padding: 0px !important;

+    margin: 0px !important;

+    direction: ltr;

+    background-color: #f1f3fa !important;




-     margin-left: 0px; 

-  margin-right: 0px; 

+.row {

+    margin-left: 0px;

+    margin-right: 0px;



 select {

-  border-width: 1px;

-  padding: 4px 1px;

-  border-radius: 4px;

+    border-width: 1px;

+    padding: 4px 1px;

+    border-radius: 4px;



 .container-fluid {

-  background-color: #fff;

+    background-color: #fff;




 .titlefont {

-  font-size: 16px;

-   margin-left: 10px;

+    font-size: 16px;

+    margin-left: 10px;



 .separator-line {

diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/i18n/loadi18nApp.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/i18n/loadi18nApp.js
index 5549e5b..e37a048 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/i18n/loadi18nApp.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/i18n/loadi18nApp.js
@@ -13,25 +13,25 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  * limitations under the License.


-function loadPropertiesSideMenu(lang, propertiesFileNamePrefix, propertiesFilePath){

+function loadPropertiesSideMenu(lang, propertiesFileNamePrefix, propertiesFilePath) {{

-        language:lang,

-        name:propertiesFileNamePrefix,

-        path:propertiesFilePath, // 资源文件路径

-        mode:'map', // 用 Map 的方式使用资源文件中的值

-        callback: function() {// 加载成功后设置显示内容

+        language: lang,

+        name: propertiesFileNamePrefix,

+        path: propertiesFilePath, // 资源文件路径

+        mode: 'map', // 用 Map 的方式使用资源文件中的值

+        callback: function () {// 加载成功后设置显示内容

             var i18nItems = $('[name_i18n=com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n]');

-            for(var i=0;i<i18nItems.length;i++){

+            for (var i = 0; i < i18nItems.length; i++) {

                 var $item = $(i18nItems.eq(i));

                 var itemId = $item.attr('id_i18n');

                 var itemTitle = $item.attr('title');

                 /** id存在时元素内容需要国际化,title存在时元素title需要国际化 */

-                if(typeof($item.attr("title")) == "string"){

+                if (typeof($item.attr("title")) == "string") {

                     $item.attr("title", ($.i18n.prop(itemTitle)));


-                if(undefined != itemId && typeof($item.attr("placeholder"))=="undefined"){

+                if (undefined != itemId && typeof($item.attr("placeholder")) == "undefined") {


-                }else if(undefined != itemId && typeof($item.attr("placeholder"))!="undefined"){

+                } else if (undefined != itemId && typeof($item.attr("placeholder")) != "undefined") {

                     $item.attr("placeholder", $.i18n.prop(itemId));



diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/client-cometd.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/client-cometd.js
index 5f9a5dc..d737366 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/client-cometd.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/client-cometd.js
@@ -16,48 +16,48 @@

  * Created by 10184303 on 15-11-17.




-    var registerCometdMessage = function(url, callback) {

-        var cometd = new $.Cometd(); 


+$(function () {

+    var registerCometdMessage = function (url, callback) {

+        var cometd = new $.Cometd();

         var cometdURL = location.protocol + "//" + + "/api/nsocnotification/v1";


-            url : cometdURL,

-            logLevel : "debug"

+            url: cometdURL,

+            logLevel: "debug"



-        cometd.addListener("/meta/handshake", function(handshake){

-            if(handshake.successful === true) {

-                cometd.batch(function(){

-                    cometd.subscribe(url, function(message){

+        cometd.addListener("/meta/handshake", function (handshake) {

+            if (handshake.successful === true) {

+                cometd.batch(function () {

+                    cometd.subscribe(url, function (message) {








-    registerCometdMessage("/VIMstatus", function(data){

-                    var alarmArray= JSON.parse(data.greeting);

-                    console.log(data.greeting);

-                    for(var i=0;i<alarmArray.length;i++){

-						vm.vimStatusTime = alarmArray[i].checkTime;

-                        for(var n=0;n<vm.vimInfo.length;n++){

-                            if(alarmArray[i].id==vm.vimInfo[n].oid && alarmArray[i].hostStorageInfo == ""){

-                                vm.vimInfo[n].status=alarmArray[i].status;

-                                vm.vimInfo[n].errorInfo=alarmArray[i].alarmContent;

-                                break;

-                            } 

-							if(alarmArray[i].id==vm.vimInfo[n].oid && alarmArray[i].hostStorageInfo.length != ""){

-								vm.vimInfo[n].status= "inactive";

-                                vm.vimInfo[n].errorInfo = alarmArray[i].hostStorageInfo;

-                                break;

-							}

+    }

+    registerCometdMessage("/VIMstatus", function (data) {

+        var alarmArray = JSON.parse(data.greeting);

+        console.log(data.greeting);

+        for (var i = 0; i < alarmArray.length; i++) {

+            vm.vimStatusTime = alarmArray[i].checkTime;

+            for (var n = 0; n < vm.vimInfo.length; n++) {

+                if (alarmArray[i].id == vm.vimInfo[n].oid && alarmArray[i].hostStorageInfo == "") {

+                    vm.vimInfo[n].status = alarmArray[i].status;

+                    vm.vimInfo[n].errorInfo = alarmArray[i].alarmContent;

+                    break;

+                }

+                if (alarmArray[i].id == vm.vimInfo[n].oid && alarmArray[i].hostStorageInfo.length != "") {

+                    vm.vimInfo[n].status = "inactive";

+                    vm.vimInfo[n].errorInfo = alarmArray[i].hostStorageInfo;

+                    break;

+                }


-                        }

-                    }

+            }

+        }


-                    setTimeout('resUtil.tooltipVimStatus()',5000);

-     });

+        setTimeout('resUtil.tooltipVimStatus()', 5000);

+    });



diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/jqBootstrapValidation.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/jqBootstrapValidation.js
index d57e07d..7efebf8 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/jqBootstrapValidation.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/jqBootstrapValidation.js
@@ -23,905 +23,903 @@



-(function( $ ){

+(function ($) {


-	var createdElements = [];

+    var createdElements = [];


-	var defaults = {

-		options: {

-			prependExistingHelpBlock: false,

-			sniffHtml: true, // sniff for 'required', 'maxlength', etc

-			preventSubmit: true, // stop the form submit event from firing if validation fails

-			submitError: false, // function called if there is an error when trying to submit

-			submitSuccess: false, // function called just before a successful submit event is sent to the server

+    var defaults = {

+        options: {

+            prependExistingHelpBlock: false,

+            sniffHtml: true, // sniff for 'required', 'maxlength', etc

+            preventSubmit: true, // stop the form submit event from firing if validation fails

+            submitError: false, // function called if there is an error when trying to submit

+            submitSuccess: false, // function called just before a successful submit event is sent to the server

             semanticallyStrict: false, // set to true to tidy up generated HTML output

-			autoAdd: {

-				helpBlocks: true

-			},

+            autoAdd: {

+                helpBlocks: true

+            },

             filter: function () {

                 // return $(this).is(":visible"); // only validate elements you can see

                 return true; // validate everything


-		},

-    methods: {

-      init : function( options ) {

+        },

+        methods: {

+            init: function (options) {


-        var settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaults);

+                var settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaults);


-        settings.options = $.extend(true, settings.options, options);

+                settings.options = $.extend(true, settings.options, options);


-        var $siblingElements = this;

+                var $siblingElements = this;


-        var uniqueForms = $.unique(

-          $ function () {

-            return $(this).parents("form")[0];

-          }).toArray()

-        );


-        $(uniqueForms).bind("submit", function (e) {

-          var $form = $(this);

-          var warningsFound = 0;

-          var $inputs = $form.find("input,textarea,select").not("[type=submit],[type=image]").filter(settings.options.filter);

-          $inputs.trigger("submit.validation").trigger("validationLostFocus.validation");


-          $inputs.each(function (i, el) {

-            var $this = $(el),

-              $controlGroup = $this.parents(".control-group").first();

-            if (

-              $controlGroup.hasClass("warning")

-            ) {

-              $controlGroup.removeClass("warning").addClass("error");

-              warningsFound++;

-            }

-          });


-          $inputs.trigger("validationLostFocus.validation");


-          if (warningsFound) {

-            if (settings.options.preventSubmit) {

-              e.preventDefault();

-            }

-            $form.addClass("error");

-            if ($.isFunction(settings.options.submitError)) {

-              settings.options.submitError($form, e, $inputs.jqBootstrapValidation("collectErrors", true));

-            }

-          } else {

-            $form.removeClass("error");

-            if ($.isFunction(settings.options.submitSuccess)) {

-              settings.options.submitSuccess($form, e);

-            }

-          }

-        });


-        return this.each(function(){


-          // Get references to everything we're interested in

-          var $this = $(this),

-            $controlGroup = $this.parents(".control-group").first(),

-            $helpBlock = $controlGroup.find(".help-block").first(),

-            $form = $this.parents("form").first(),

-            validatorNames = [];


-          // create message container if not exists

-          if (!$helpBlock.length && settings.options.autoAdd && settings.options.autoAdd.helpBlocks) {

-              $helpBlock = $('<div class="help-block" />');

-              $controlGroup.find('.controls').append($helpBlock);

-							createdElements.push($helpBlock[0]);

-          }


-          // =============================================================

-          //                                     SNIFF HTML FOR VALIDATORS

-          // =============================================================


-          // *snort sniff snuffle*


-          if (settings.options.sniffHtml) {

-            var message = "";

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            //                                                   PATTERN

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            if ($this.attr("pattern") !== undefined) {

-              message = "Not in the expected format<!-- data-validation-pattern-message to override -->";

-              if ($"validationPatternMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationPatternMessage");

-              }

-              $"validationPatternMessage", message);

-              $"validationPatternRegex", $this.attr("pattern"));

-            }

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            //                                                       MAX

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            if ($this.attr("max") !== undefined || $this.attr("aria-valuemax") !== undefined) {

-              var max = ($this.attr("max") !== undefined ? $this.attr("max") : $this.attr("aria-valuemax"));

-              message = "Too high: Maximum of '" + max + "'<!-- data-validation-max-message to override -->";

-              if ($"validationMaxMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationMaxMessage");

-              }

-              $"validationMaxMessage", message);

-              $"validationMaxMax", max);

-            }

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            //                                                       MIN

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            if ($this.attr("min") !== undefined || $this.attr("aria-valuemin") !== undefined) {

-              var min = ($this.attr("min") !== undefined ? $this.attr("min") : $this.attr("aria-valuemin"));

-              message = "Too low: Minimum of '" + min + "'<!-- data-validation-min-message to override -->";

-              if ($"validationMinMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationMinMessage");

-              }

-              $"validationMinMessage", message);

-              $"validationMinMin", min);

-            }

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            //                                                 MAXLENGTH

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            if ($this.attr("maxlength") !== undefined) {

-              message = "Too long: Maximum of '" + $this.attr("maxlength") + "' characters<!-- data-validation-maxlength-message to override -->";

-              if ($"validationMaxlengthMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationMaxlengthMessage");

-              }

-              $"validationMaxlengthMessage", message);

-              $"validationMaxlengthMaxlength", $this.attr("maxlength"));

-            }

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            //                                                 MINLENGTH

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            if ($this.attr("minlength") !== undefined) {

-              message = "Too short: Minimum of '" + $this.attr("minlength") + "' characters<!-- data-validation-minlength-message to override -->";

-              if ($"validationMinlengthMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationMinlengthMessage");

-              }

-              $"validationMinlengthMessage", message);

-              $"validationMinlengthMinlength", $this.attr("minlength"));

-            }

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            //                                                  REQUIRED

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            if ($this.attr("required") !== undefined || $this.attr("aria-required") !== undefined) {

-              message = settings.builtInValidators.required.message;

-              if ($"validationRequiredMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationRequiredMessage");

-              }

-              $"validationRequiredMessage", message);

-            }

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            //                                                    NUMBER

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            if ($this.attr("type") !== undefined && $this.attr("type").toLowerCase() === "number") {

-              message = settings.builtInValidators.number.message;

-              if ($"validationNumberMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationNumberMessage");

-              }

-              $"validationNumberMessage", message);

-            }

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            //                                                     EMAIL

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            if ($this.attr("type") !== undefined && $this.attr("type").toLowerCase() === "email") {

-              message = "Not a valid email address<!-- data-validator-validemail-message to override -->";

-              if ($"validationValidemailMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationValidemailMessage");

-              } else if ($"validationEmailMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationEmailMessage");

-              }

-              $"validationValidemailMessage", message);

-            }

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            //                                                MINCHECKED

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            if ($this.attr("minchecked") !== undefined) {

-              message = "Not enough options checked; Minimum of '" + $this.attr("minchecked") + "' required<!-- data-validation-minchecked-message to override -->";

-              if ($"validationMincheckedMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationMincheckedMessage");

-              }

-              $"validationMincheckedMessage", message);

-              $"validationMincheckedMinchecked", $this.attr("minchecked"));

-            }

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            //                                                MAXCHECKED

-            // ---------------------------------------------------------

-            if ($this.attr("maxchecked") !== undefined) {

-              message = "Too many options checked; Maximum of '" + $this.attr("maxchecked") + "' required<!-- data-validation-maxchecked-message to override -->";

-              if ($"validationMaxcheckedMessage")) {

-                message = $"validationMaxcheckedMessage");

-              }

-              $"validationMaxcheckedMessage", message);

-              $"validationMaxcheckedMaxchecked", $this.attr("maxchecked"));

-            }

-          }


-          // =============================================================

-          //                                       COLLECT VALIDATOR NAMES

-          // =============================================================


-          // Get named validators

-          if ($"validation") !== undefined) {

-            validatorNames = $"validation").split(",");

-          }


-          // Get extra ones defined on the element's data attributes

-          $.each($, function (i, el) {

-            var parts = i.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ",$1").split(",");

-            if (parts[0] === "validation" && parts[1]) {

-              validatorNames.push(parts[1]);

-            }

-          });


-          // =============================================================

-          //                                     NORMALISE VALIDATOR NAMES

-          // =============================================================


-          var validatorNamesToInspect = validatorNames;

-          var newValidatorNamesToInspect = [];


-          do // repeatedly expand 'shortcut' validators into their real validators

-          {

-            // Uppercase only the first letter of each name

-            $.each(validatorNames, function (i, el) {

-              validatorNames[i] = formatValidatorName(el);

-            });


-            // Remove duplicate validator names

-            validatorNames = $.unique(validatorNames);


-            // Pull out the new validator names from each shortcut

-            newValidatorNamesToInspect = [];

-            $.each(validatorNamesToInspect, function(i, el) {

-              if ($"validation" + el + "Shortcut") !== undefined) {

-                // Are these custom validators?

-                // Pull them out!

-                $.each($"validation" + el + "Shortcut").split(","), function(i2, el2) {

-                  newValidatorNamesToInspect.push(el2);

-                });

-              } else if (settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()]) {

-                // Is this a recognised built-in?

-                // Pull it out!

-                var validator = settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()];

-                if (validator.type.toLowerCase() === "shortcut") {

-                  $.each(validator.shortcut.split(","), function (i, el) {

-                    el = formatValidatorName(el);

-                    newValidatorNamesToInspect.push(el);

-                    validatorNames.push(el);

-                  });

-                }

-              }

-            });


-            validatorNamesToInspect = newValidatorNamesToInspect;


-          } while (validatorNamesToInspect.length > 0)


-          // =============================================================

-          //                                       SET UP VALIDATOR ARRAYS

-          // =============================================================


-          var validators = {};


-          $.each(validatorNames, function (i, el) {

-            // Set up the 'override' message

-            var message = $"validation" + el + "Message");

-            var hasOverrideMessage = (message !== undefined);

-            var foundValidator = false;

-            message =

-              (

-                message

-                  ? message

-                  : "'" + el + "' validation failed <!-- Add attribute 'data-validation-" + el.toLowerCase() + "-message' to input to change this message -->"

-              )

-            ;


-            $.each(

-              settings.validatorTypes,

-              function (validatorType, validatorTemplate) {

-                if (validators[validatorType] === undefined) {

-                  validators[validatorType] = [];

-                }

-                if (!foundValidator && $"validation" + el + formatValidatorName( !== undefined) {

-                  validators[validatorType].push(

-                    $.extend(

-                      true,

-                      {

-                        name: formatValidatorName(,

-                        message: message

-                      },

-                      validatorTemplate.init($this, el)

-                    )

-                  );

-                  foundValidator = true;

-                }

-              }

-            );


-            if (!foundValidator && settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()]) {


-              var validator = $.extend(true, {}, settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()]);

-              if (hasOverrideMessage) {

-                validator.message = message;

-              }

-              var validatorType = validator.type.toLowerCase();


-              if (validatorType === "shortcut") {

-                foundValidator = true;

-              } else {

-                $.each(

-                  settings.validatorTypes,

-                  function (validatorTemplateType, validatorTemplate) {

-                    if (validators[validatorTemplateType] === undefined) {

-                      validators[validatorTemplateType] = [];

-                    }

-                    if (!foundValidator && validatorType === validatorTemplateType.toLowerCase()) {

-                      $"validation" + el + formatValidatorName(, validator[]);

-                      validators[validatorType].push(

-                        $.extend(

-                          validator,

-                          validatorTemplate.init($this, el)

-                        )

-                      );

-                      foundValidator = true;

-                    }

-                  }

+                var uniqueForms = $.unique(

+                    $ () {

+                        return $(this).parents("form")[0];

+                    }).toArray()


-              }

-            }


-            if (! foundValidator) {

-              $.error("Cannot find validation info for '" + el + "'");

-            }

-          });

+                $(uniqueForms).bind("submit", function (e) {

+                    var $form = $(this);

+                    var warningsFound = 0;

+                    var $inputs = $form.find("input,textarea,select").not("[type=submit],[type=image]").filter(settings.options.filter);

+                    $inputs.trigger("submit.validation").trigger("validationLostFocus.validation");


-          // =============================================================

-          //                                         STORE FALLBACK VALUES

-          // =============================================================

+                    $inputs.each(function (i, el) {

+                        var $this = $(el),

+                            $controlGroup = $this.parents(".control-group").first();

+                        if (

+                            $controlGroup.hasClass("warning")

+                        ) {

+                            $controlGroup.removeClass("warning").addClass("error");

+                            warningsFound++;

+                        }

+                    });


-          $

-            "original-contents",

-            (

-              $"original-contents")

-                ? $"original-contents")

-                : $helpBlock.html()

-            )

-          );

+                    $inputs.trigger("validationLostFocus.validation");


-          $

-            "original-role",

-            (

-              $"original-role")

-                ? $"original-role")

-                : $helpBlock.attr("role")

-            )

-          );


-          $

-            "original-classes",

-            (

-              $"original-clases")

-                ? $"original-classes")

-                : $controlGroup.attr("class")

-            )

-          );


-          $

-            "original-aria-invalid",

-            (

-              $"original-aria-invalid")

-                ? $"original-aria-invalid")

-                : $this.attr("aria-invalid")

-            )

-          );


-          // =============================================================

-          //                                                    VALIDATION

-          // =============================================================


-          $this.bind(

-            "validation.validation",

-            function (event, params) {


-              var value = getValue($this);


-              // Get a list of the errors to apply

-              var errorsFound = [];


-              $.each(validators, function (validatorType, validatorTypeArray) {

-                if (value || value.length || (params && params.includeEmpty) || (!!settings.validatorTypes[validatorType].blockSubmit && params && !!params.submitting)) {

-                  $.each(validatorTypeArray, function (i, validator) {

-                    if (settings.validatorTypes[validatorType].validate($this, value, validator)) {

-                      errorsFound.push(validator.message);

+                    if (warningsFound) {

+                        if (settings.options.preventSubmit) {

+                            e.preventDefault();

+                        }

+                        $form.addClass("error");

+                        if ($.isFunction(settings.options.submitError)) {

+                            settings.options.submitError($form, e, $inputs.jqBootstrapValidation("collectErrors", true));

+                        }

+                    } else {

+                        $form.removeClass("error");

+                        if ($.isFunction(settings.options.submitSuccess)) {

+                            settings.options.submitSuccess($form, e);

+                        }


-                  });

-                }

-              });


-              return errorsFound;

-            }

-          );


-          $this.bind(

-            "getValidators.validation",

-            function () {

-              return validators;

-            }

-          );


-          // =============================================================

-          //                                             WATCH FOR CHANGES

-          // =============================================================

-          $this.bind(

-            "submit.validation",

-            function () {

-              return $this.triggerHandler("change.validation", {submitting: true});

-            }

-          );

-          $this.bind(

-            [

-              "keyup",

-              "focus",

-              "blur",

-              "click",

-              "keydown",

-              "keypress",

-              "change"

-            ].join(".validation ") + ".validation",

-            function (e, params) {


-              var value = getValue($this);


-              var errorsFound = [];


-              $controlGroup.find("input,textarea,select").each(function (i, el) {

-                var oldCount = errorsFound.length;

-                $.each($(el).triggerHandler("validation.validation", params), function (j, message) {

-                  errorsFound.push(message);


-                if (errorsFound.length > oldCount) {

-                  $(el).attr("aria-invalid", "true");

-                } else {

-                  var original = $"original-aria-invalid");

-                  $(el).attr("aria-invalid", (original !== undefined ? original : false));

-                }

-              });


-              $form.find("input,select,textarea").not($this).not("[name=\"" + $this.attr("name") + "\"]").trigger("validationLostFocus.validation");

+                return this.each(function () {


-              errorsFound = $.unique(errorsFound.sort());

+                    // Get references to everything we're interested in

+                    var $this = $(this),

+                        $controlGroup = $this.parents(".control-group").first(),

+                        $helpBlock = $controlGroup.find(".help-block").first(),

+                        $form = $this.parents("form").first(),

+                        validatorNames = [];


-              // Were there any errors?

-              if (errorsFound.length) {

-                // Better flag it up as a warning.

-                $controlGroup.removeClass("success error").addClass("warning");

+                    // create message container if not exists

+                    if (!$helpBlock.length && settings.options.autoAdd && settings.options.autoAdd.helpBlocks) {

+                        $helpBlock = $('<div class="help-block" />');

+                        $controlGroup.find('.controls').append($helpBlock);

+                        createdElements.push($helpBlock[0]);

+                    }


-                // How many errors did we find?

-                if (settings.options.semanticallyStrict && errorsFound.length === 1) {

-                  // Only one? Being strict? Just output it.

-                  $helpBlock.html(errorsFound[0] + 

-                    ( settings.options.prependExistingHelpBlock ? $"original-contents") : "" ));

-                } else {

-                  // Multiple? Being sloppy? Glue them together into an UL.

-                  $helpBlock.html("<ul role=\"alert\"><li>" + errorsFound.join("</li><li>") + "</li></ul>" +

-                    ( settings.options.prependExistingHelpBlock ? $"original-contents") : "" ));

-                }

-              } else {

-                $controlGroup.removeClass("warning error success");

-                if (value.length > 0) {

-                  $controlGroup.addClass("success");

-                }

-                $helpBlock.html($"original-contents"));

-              }

+                    // =============================================================

+                    //                                     SNIFF HTML FOR VALIDATORS

+                    // =============================================================


-              if (e.type === "blur") {

-                $controlGroup.removeClass("success");

-              }

+                    // *snort sniff snuffle*


+                    if (settings.options.sniffHtml) {

+                        var message = "";

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        //                                                   PATTERN

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        if ($this.attr("pattern") !== undefined) {

+                            message = "Not in the expected format<!-- data-validation-pattern-message to override -->";

+                            if ($"validationPatternMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationPatternMessage");

+                            }

+                            $"validationPatternMessage", message);

+                            $"validationPatternRegex", $this.attr("pattern"));

+                        }

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        //                                                       MAX

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        if ($this.attr("max") !== undefined || $this.attr("aria-valuemax") !== undefined) {

+                            var max = ($this.attr("max") !== undefined ? $this.attr("max") : $this.attr("aria-valuemax"));

+                            message = "Too high: Maximum of '" + max + "'<!-- data-validation-max-message to override -->";

+                            if ($"validationMaxMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationMaxMessage");

+                            }

+                            $"validationMaxMessage", message);

+                            $"validationMaxMax", max);

+                        }

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        //                                                       MIN

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        if ($this.attr("min") !== undefined || $this.attr("aria-valuemin") !== undefined) {

+                            var min = ($this.attr("min") !== undefined ? $this.attr("min") : $this.attr("aria-valuemin"));

+                            message = "Too low: Minimum of '" + min + "'<!-- data-validation-min-message to override -->";

+                            if ($"validationMinMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationMinMessage");

+                            }

+                            $"validationMinMessage", message);

+                            $"validationMinMin", min);

+                        }

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        //                                                 MAXLENGTH

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        if ($this.attr("maxlength") !== undefined) {

+                            message = "Too long: Maximum of '" + $this.attr("maxlength") + "' characters<!-- data-validation-maxlength-message to override -->";

+                            if ($"validationMaxlengthMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationMaxlengthMessage");

+                            }

+                            $"validationMaxlengthMessage", message);

+                            $"validationMaxlengthMaxlength", $this.attr("maxlength"));

+                        }

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        //                                                 MINLENGTH

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        if ($this.attr("minlength") !== undefined) {

+                            message = "Too short: Minimum of '" + $this.attr("minlength") + "' characters<!-- data-validation-minlength-message to override -->";

+                            if ($"validationMinlengthMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationMinlengthMessage");

+                            }

+                            $"validationMinlengthMessage", message);

+                            $"validationMinlengthMinlength", $this.attr("minlength"));

+                        }

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        //                                                  REQUIRED

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        if ($this.attr("required") !== undefined || $this.attr("aria-required") !== undefined) {

+                            message = settings.builtInValidators.required.message;

+                            if ($"validationRequiredMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationRequiredMessage");

+                            }

+                            $"validationRequiredMessage", message);

+                        }

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        //                                                    NUMBER

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        if ($this.attr("type") !== undefined && $this.attr("type").toLowerCase() === "number") {

+                            message = settings.builtInValidators.number.message;

+                            if ($"validationNumberMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationNumberMessage");

+                            }

+                            $"validationNumberMessage", message);

+                        }

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        //                                                     EMAIL

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        if ($this.attr("type") !== undefined && $this.attr("type").toLowerCase() === "email") {

+                            message = "Not a valid email address<!-- data-validator-validemail-message to override -->";

+                            if ($"validationValidemailMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationValidemailMessage");

+                            } else if ($"validationEmailMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationEmailMessage");

+                            }

+                            $"validationValidemailMessage", message);

+                        }

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        //                                                MINCHECKED

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        if ($this.attr("minchecked") !== undefined) {

+                            message = "Not enough options checked; Minimum of '" + $this.attr("minchecked") + "' required<!-- data-validation-minchecked-message to override -->";

+                            if ($"validationMincheckedMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationMincheckedMessage");

+                            }

+                            $"validationMincheckedMessage", message);

+                            $"validationMincheckedMinchecked", $this.attr("minchecked"));

+                        }

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        //                                                MAXCHECKED

+                        // ---------------------------------------------------------

+                        if ($this.attr("maxchecked") !== undefined) {

+                            message = "Too many options checked; Maximum of '" + $this.attr("maxchecked") + "' required<!-- data-validation-maxchecked-message to override -->";

+                            if ($"validationMaxcheckedMessage")) {

+                                message = $"validationMaxcheckedMessage");

+                            }

+                            $"validationMaxcheckedMessage", message);

+                            $"validationMaxcheckedMaxchecked", $this.attr("maxchecked"));

+                        }

+                    }


+                    // =============================================================

+                    //                                       COLLECT VALIDATOR NAMES

+                    // =============================================================


+                    // Get named validators

+                    if ($"validation") !== undefined) {

+                        validatorNames = $"validation").split(",");

+                    }


+                    // Get extra ones defined on the element's data attributes

+                    $.each($, function (i, el) {

+                        var parts = i.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ",$1").split(",");

+                        if (parts[0] === "validation" && parts[1]) {

+                            validatorNames.push(parts[1]);

+                        }

+                    });


+                    // =============================================================

+                    //                                     NORMALISE VALIDATOR NAMES

+                    // =============================================================


+                    var validatorNamesToInspect = validatorNames;

+                    var newValidatorNamesToInspect = [];


+                    do // repeatedly expand 'shortcut' validators into their real validators

+                    {

+                        // Uppercase only the first letter of each name

+                        $.each(validatorNames, function (i, el) {

+                            validatorNames[i] = formatValidatorName(el);

+                        });


+                        // Remove duplicate validator names

+                        validatorNames = $.unique(validatorNames);


+                        // Pull out the new validator names from each shortcut

+                        newValidatorNamesToInspect = [];

+                        $.each(validatorNamesToInspect, function (i, el) {

+                            if ($"validation" + el + "Shortcut") !== undefined) {

+                                // Are these custom validators?

+                                // Pull them out!

+                                $.each($"validation" + el + "Shortcut").split(","), function (i2, el2) {

+                                    newValidatorNamesToInspect.push(el2);

+                                });

+                            } else if (settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()]) {

+                                // Is this a recognised built-in?

+                                // Pull it out!

+                                var validator = settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()];

+                                if (validator.type.toLowerCase() === "shortcut") {

+                                    $.each(validator.shortcut.split(","), function (i, el) {

+                                        el = formatValidatorName(el);

+                                        newValidatorNamesToInspect.push(el);

+                                        validatorNames.push(el);

+                                    });

+                                }

+                            }

+                        });


+                        validatorNamesToInspect = newValidatorNamesToInspect;


+                    } while (validatorNamesToInspect.length > 0)


+                    // =============================================================

+                    //                                       SET UP VALIDATOR ARRAYS

+                    // =============================================================


+                    var validators = {};


+                    $.each(validatorNames, function (i, el) {

+                        // Set up the 'override' message

+                        var message = $"validation" + el + "Message");

+                        var hasOverrideMessage = (message !== undefined);

+                        var foundValidator = false;

+                        message =

+                            (

+                                message

+                                    ? message

+                                    : "'" + el + "' validation failed <!-- Add attribute 'data-validation-" + el.toLowerCase() + "-message' to input to change this message -->"

+                            )

+                        ;


+                        $.each(

+                            settings.validatorTypes,

+                            function (validatorType, validatorTemplate) {

+                                if (validators[validatorType] === undefined) {

+                                    validators[validatorType] = [];

+                                }

+                                if (!foundValidator && $"validation" + el + formatValidatorName( !== undefined) {

+                                    validators[validatorType].push(

+                                        $.extend(

+                                            true,

+                                            {

+                                                name: formatValidatorName(,

+                                                message: message

+                                            },

+                                            validatorTemplate.init($this, el)

+                                        )

+                                    );

+                                    foundValidator = true;

+                                }

+                            }

+                        );


+                        if (!foundValidator && settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()]) {


+                            var validator = $.extend(true, {}, settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()]);

+                            if (hasOverrideMessage) {

+                                validator.message = message;

+                            }

+                            var validatorType = validator.type.toLowerCase();


+                            if (validatorType === "shortcut") {

+                                foundValidator = true;

+                            } else {

+                                $.each(

+                                    settings.validatorTypes,

+                                    function (validatorTemplateType, validatorTemplate) {

+                                        if (validators[validatorTemplateType] === undefined) {

+                                            validators[validatorTemplateType] = [];

+                                        }

+                                        if (!foundValidator && validatorType === validatorTemplateType.toLowerCase()) {

+                                            $"validation" + el + formatValidatorName(, validator[]);

+                                            validators[validatorType].push(

+                                                $.extend(

+                                                    validator,

+                                                    validatorTemplate.init($this, el)

+                                                )

+                                            );

+                                            foundValidator = true;

+                                        }

+                                    }

+                                );

+                            }

+                        }


+                        if (!foundValidator) {

+                            $.error("Cannot find validation info for '" + el + "'");

+                        }

+                    });


+                    // =============================================================

+                    //                                         STORE FALLBACK VALUES

+                    // =============================================================


+                    $

+                        "original-contents",

+                        (

+                            $"original-contents")

+                                ? $"original-contents")

+                                : $helpBlock.html()

+                        )

+                    );


+                    $

+                        "original-role",

+                        (

+                            $"original-role")

+                                ? $"original-role")

+                                : $helpBlock.attr("role")

+                        )

+                    );


+                    $

+                        "original-classes",

+                        (

+                            $"original-clases")

+                                ? $"original-classes")

+                                : $controlGroup.attr("class")

+                        )

+                    );


+                    $

+                        "original-aria-invalid",

+                        (

+                            $"original-aria-invalid")

+                                ? $"original-aria-invalid")

+                                : $this.attr("aria-invalid")

+                        )

+                    );


+                    // =============================================================

+                    //                                                    VALIDATION

+                    // =============================================================


+                    $this.bind(

+                        "validation.validation",

+                        function (event, params) {


+                            var value = getValue($this);


+                            // Get a list of the errors to apply

+                            var errorsFound = [];


+                            $.each(validators, function (validatorType, validatorTypeArray) {

+                                if (value || value.length || (params && params.includeEmpty) || (!!settings.validatorTypes[validatorType].blockSubmit && params && !!params.submitting)) {

+                                    $.each(validatorTypeArray, function (i, validator) {

+                                        if (settings.validatorTypes[validatorType].validate($this, value, validator)) {

+                                            errorsFound.push(validator.message);

+                                        }

+                                    });

+                                }

+                            });


+                            return errorsFound;

+                        }

+                    );


+                    $this.bind(

+                        "getValidators.validation",

+                        function () {

+                            return validators;

+                        }

+                    );


+                    // =============================================================

+                    //                                             WATCH FOR CHANGES

+                    // =============================================================

+                    $this.bind(

+                        "submit.validation",

+                        function () {

+                            return $this.triggerHandler("change.validation", {submitting: true});

+                        }

+                    );

+                    $this.bind(

+                        [

+                            "keyup",

+                            "focus",

+                            "blur",

+                            "click",

+                            "keydown",

+                            "keypress",

+                            "change"

+                        ].join(".validation ") + ".validation",

+                        function (e, params) {


+                            var value = getValue($this);


+                            var errorsFound = [];


+                            $controlGroup.find("input,textarea,select").each(function (i, el) {

+                                var oldCount = errorsFound.length;

+                                $.each($(el).triggerHandler("validation.validation", params), function (j, message) {

+                                    errorsFound.push(message);

+                                });

+                                if (errorsFound.length > oldCount) {

+                                    $(el).attr("aria-invalid", "true");

+                                } else {

+                                    var original = $"original-aria-invalid");

+                                    $(el).attr("aria-invalid", (original !== undefined ? original : false));

+                                }

+                            });


+                            $form.find("input,select,textarea").not($this).not("[name=\"" + $this.attr("name") + "\"]").trigger("validationLostFocus.validation");


+                            errorsFound = $.unique(errorsFound.sort());


+                            // Were there any errors?

+                            if (errorsFound.length) {

+                                // Better flag it up as a warning.

+                                $controlGroup.removeClass("success error").addClass("warning");


+                                // How many errors did we find?

+                                if (settings.options.semanticallyStrict && errorsFound.length === 1) {

+                                    // Only one? Being strict? Just output it.

+                                    $helpBlock.html(errorsFound[0] +

+                                        ( settings.options.prependExistingHelpBlock ? $"original-contents") : "" ));

+                                } else {

+                                    // Multiple? Being sloppy? Glue them together into an UL.

+                                    $helpBlock.html("<ul role=\"alert\"><li>" + errorsFound.join("</li><li>") + "</li></ul>" +

+                                        ( settings.options.prependExistingHelpBlock ? $"original-contents") : "" ));

+                                }

+                            } else {

+                                $controlGroup.removeClass("warning error success");

+                                if (value.length > 0) {

+                                    $controlGroup.addClass("success");

+                                }

+                                $helpBlock.html($"original-contents"));

+                            }


+                            if (e.type === "blur") {

+                                $controlGroup.removeClass("success");

+                            }

+                        }

+                    );

+                    $this.bind("validationLostFocus.validation", function () {

+                        $controlGroup.removeClass("success");

+                    });

+                });

+            },

+            destroy: function () {


+                return this.each(

+                    function () {


+                        var

+                            $this = $(this),

+                            $controlGroup = $this.parents(".control-group").first(),

+                            $helpBlock = $controlGroup.find(".help-block").first();


+                        // remove our events

+                        $this.unbind('.validation'); // events are namespaced.

+                        // reset help text

+                        $helpBlock.html($"original-contents"));

+                        // reset classes

+                        $controlGroup.attr("class", $"original-classes"));

+                        // reset aria

+                        $this.attr("aria-invalid", $"original-aria-invalid"));

+                        // reset role

+                        $helpBlock.attr("role", $"original-role"));

+                        // remove all elements we created

+                        if (createdElements.indexOf($helpBlock[0]) > -1) {

+                            $helpBlock.remove();

+                        }


+                    }

+                );


+            },

+            collectErrors: function (includeEmpty) {


+                var errorMessages = {};

+                this.each(function (i, el) {

+                    var $el = $(el);

+                    var name = $el.attr("name");

+                    var errors = $el.triggerHandler("validation.validation", {includeEmpty: true});

+                    errorMessages[name] = $.extend(true, errors, errorMessages[name]);

+                });


+                $.each(errorMessages, function (i, el) {

+                    if (el.length === 0) {

+                        delete errorMessages[i];

+                    }

+                });


+                return errorMessages;


+            },

+            hasErrors: function () {


+                var errorMessages = [];


+                this.each(function (i, el) {

+                    errorMessages = errorMessages.concat(

+                        $(el).triggerHandler("getValidators.validation") ? $(el).triggerHandler("validation.validation", {submitting: true}) : []

+                    );

+                });


+                return (errorMessages.length > 0);

+            },

+            override: function (newDefaults) {

+                defaults = $.extend(true, defaults, newDefaults);


-          );

-          $this.bind("validationLostFocus.validation", function () {

-            $controlGroup.removeClass("success");

-          });

-        });

-      },

-      destroy : function( ) {


-        return this.each(

-          function() {


-            var

-              $this = $(this),

-              $controlGroup = $this.parents(".control-group").first(),

-              $helpBlock = $controlGroup.find(".help-block").first();


-            // remove our events

-            $this.unbind('.validation'); // events are namespaced.

-            // reset help text

-            $helpBlock.html($"original-contents"));

-            // reset classes

-            $controlGroup.attr("class", $"original-classes"));

-            // reset aria

-            $this.attr("aria-invalid", $"original-aria-invalid"));

-            // reset role

-            $helpBlock.attr("role", $"original-role"));

-						// remove all elements we created

-						if (createdElements.indexOf($helpBlock[0]) > -1) {

-							$helpBlock.remove();

-						}


-          }

-        );


-      },

-      collectErrors : function(includeEmpty) {


-        var errorMessages = {};

-        this.each(function (i, el) {

-          var $el = $(el);

-          var name = $el.attr("name");

-          var errors = $el.triggerHandler("validation.validation", {includeEmpty: true});

-          errorMessages[name] = $.extend(true, errors, errorMessages[name]);

-        });


-        $.each(errorMessages, function (i, el) {

-          if (el.length === 0) {

-            delete errorMessages[i];

-          }

-        });


-        return errorMessages;


-      },

-      hasErrors: function() {


-        var errorMessages = [];


-        this.each(function (i, el) {

-          errorMessages = errorMessages.concat(

-            $(el).triggerHandler("getValidators.validation") ? $(el).triggerHandler("validation.validation", {submitting: true}) : []

-          );

-        });


-        return (errorMessages.length > 0);

-      },

-      override : function (newDefaults) {

-        defaults = $.extend(true, defaults, newDefaults);

-      }

-    },

-		validatorTypes: {

-      callback: {

-        name: "callback",

-        init: function ($this, name) {

-          return {

-            validatorName: name,

-            callback: $"validation" + name + "Callback"),

-            lastValue: $this.val(),

-            lastValid: true,

-            lastFinished: true

-          };


-        validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-          if (validator.lastValue === value && validator.lastFinished) {

-            return !validator.lastValid;

-          }

+        validatorTypes: {

+            callback: {

+                name: "callback",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    return {

+                        validatorName: name,

+                        callback: $"validation" + name + "Callback"),

+                        lastValue: $this.val(),

+                        lastValid: true,

+                        lastFinished: true

+                    };

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    if (validator.lastValue === value && validator.lastFinished) {

+                        return !validator.lastValid;

+                    }


-          if (validator.lastFinished === true)

-          {

-            validator.lastValue = value;

-            validator.lastValid = true;

-            validator.lastFinished = false;

+                    if (validator.lastFinished === true) {

+                        validator.lastValue = value;

+                        validator.lastValid = true;

+                        validator.lastFinished = false;


-            var rrjqbvValidator = validator;

-            var rrjqbvThis = $this;

-            executeFunctionByName(

-              validator.callback,

-              window,

-              $this,

-              value,

-              function (data) {

-                if (rrjqbvValidator.lastValue === data.value) {

-                  rrjqbvValidator.lastValid = data.valid;

-                  if (data.message) {

-                    rrjqbvValidator.message = data.message;

-                  }

-                  rrjqbvValidator.lastFinished = true;

-        "validation" + rrjqbvValidator.validatorName + "Message", rrjqbvValidator.message);

-                  // Timeout is set to avoid problems with the events being considered 'already fired'

-                  setTimeout(function () {

-                    rrjqbvThis.trigger("change.validation");

-                  }, 1); // doesn't need a long timeout, just long enough for the event bubble to burst

+                        var rrjqbvValidator = validator;

+                        var rrjqbvThis = $this;

+                        executeFunctionByName(

+                            validator.callback,

+                            window,

+                            $this,

+                            value,

+                            function (data) {

+                                if (rrjqbvValidator.lastValue === data.value) {

+                                    rrjqbvValidator.lastValid = data.valid;

+                                    if (data.message) {

+                                        rrjqbvValidator.message = data.message;

+                                    }

+                                    rrjqbvValidator.lastFinished = true;

+                          "validation" + rrjqbvValidator.validatorName + "Message", rrjqbvValidator.message);

+                                    // Timeout is set to avoid problems with the events being considered 'already fired'

+                                    setTimeout(function () {

+                                        rrjqbvThis.trigger("change.validation");

+                                    }, 1); // doesn't need a long timeout, just long enough for the event bubble to burst

+                                }

+                            }

+                        );

+                    }


+                    return false;



-              }

-            );

-          }

+            },

+            ajax: {

+                name: "ajax",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    return {

+                        validatorName: name,

+                        url: $"validation" + name + "Ajax"),

+                        lastValue: $this.val(),

+                        lastValid: true,

+                        lastFinished: true

+                    };

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    if ("" + validator.lastValue === "" + value && validator.lastFinished === true) {

+                        return validator.lastValid === false;

+                    }


-          return false;

+                    if (validator.lastFinished === true) {

+                        validator.lastValue = value;

+                        validator.lastValid = true;

+                        validator.lastFinished = false;

+                        $.ajax({

+                            url: validator.url,

+                            data: "value=" + value + "&field=" + $this.attr("name"),

+                            dataType: "json",

+                            success: function (data) {

+                                if ("" + validator.lastValue === "" + data.value) {

+                                    validator.lastValid = !!(data.valid);

+                                    if (data.message) {

+                                        validator.message = data.message;

+                                    }

+                                    validator.lastFinished = true;

+                                    $"validation" + validator.validatorName + "Message", validator.message);

+                                    // Timeout is set to avoid problems with the events being considered 'already fired'

+                                    setTimeout(function () {

+                                        $this.trigger("change.validation");

+                                    }, 1); // doesn't need a long timeout, just long enough for the event bubble to burst

+                                }

+                            },

+                            failure: function () {

+                                validator.lastValid = true;

+                                validator.message = "ajax call failed";

+                                validator.lastFinished = true;

+                                $"validation" + validator.validatorName + "Message", validator.message);

+                                // Timeout is set to avoid problems with the events being considered 'already fired'

+                                setTimeout(function () {

+                                    $this.trigger("change.validation");

+                                }, 1); // doesn't need a long timeout, just long enough for the event bubble to burst

+                            }

+                        });

+                    }


-        }

-      },

-      ajax: {

-        name: "ajax",

-        init: function ($this, name) {

-          return {

-            validatorName: name,

-            url: $"validation" + name + "Ajax"),

-            lastValue: $this.val(),

-            lastValid: true,

-            lastFinished: true

-          };

+                    return false;


+                }

+            },

+            regex: {

+                name: "regex",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    return {regex: regexFromString($"validation" + name + "Regex"))};

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    return (!validator.regex.test(value) && !validator.negative)

+                        || (validator.regex.test(value) && validator.negative);

+                }

+            },

+            required: {

+                name: "required",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    return {};

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    return !!(value.length === 0 && !validator.negative)

+                        || !!(value.length > 0 && validator.negative);

+                },

+                blockSubmit: true

+            },

+            match: {

+                name: "match",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    var element = $this.parents("form").first().find("[name=\"" + $"validation" + name + "Match") + "\"]").first();

+                    element.bind("validation.validation", function () {

+                        $this.trigger("change.validation", {submitting: true});

+                    });

+                    return {"element": element};

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    return (value !== validator.element.val() && !validator.negative)

+                        || (value === validator.element.val() && validator.negative);

+                },

+                blockSubmit: true

+            },

+            max: {

+                name: "max",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    return {max: $"validation" + name + "Max")};

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    return (parseFloat(value, 10) > parseFloat(validator.max, 10) && !validator.negative)

+                        || (parseFloat(value, 10) <= parseFloat(validator.max, 10) && validator.negative);

+                }

+            },

+            min: {

+                name: "min",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    return {min: $"validation" + name + "Min")};

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    return (parseFloat(value) < parseFloat(validator.min) && !validator.negative)

+                        || (parseFloat(value) >= parseFloat(validator.min) && validator.negative);

+                }

+            },

+            maxlength: {

+                name: "maxlength",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    return {maxlength: $"validation" + name + "Maxlength")};

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    return ((value.length > validator.maxlength) && !validator.negative)

+                        || ((value.length <= validator.maxlength) && validator.negative);

+                }

+            },

+            minlength: {

+                name: "minlength",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    return {minlength: $"validation" + name + "Minlength")};

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    return ((value.length < validator.minlength) && !validator.negative)

+                        || ((value.length >= validator.minlength) && validator.negative);

+                }

+            },

+            maxchecked: {

+                name: "maxchecked",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    var elements = $this.parents("form").first().find("[name=\"" + $this.attr("name") + "\"]");

+                    elements.bind("click.validation", function () {

+                        $this.trigger("change.validation", {includeEmpty: true});

+                    });

+                    return {maxchecked: $"validation" + name + "Maxchecked"), elements: elements};

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    return (validator.elements.filter(":checked").length > validator.maxchecked && !validator.negative)

+                        || (validator.elements.filter(":checked").length <= validator.maxchecked && validator.negative);

+                },

+                blockSubmit: true

+            },

+            minchecked: {

+                name: "minchecked",

+                init: function ($this, name) {

+                    var elements = $this.parents("form").first().find("[name=\"" + $this.attr("name") + "\"]");

+                    elements.bind("click.validation", function () {

+                        $this.trigger("change.validation", {includeEmpty: true});

+                    });

+                    return {minchecked: $"validation" + name + "Minchecked"), elements: elements};

+                },

+                validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

+                    return (validator.elements.filter(":checked").length < validator.minchecked && !validator.negative)

+                        || (validator.elements.filter(":checked").length >= validator.minchecked && validator.negative);

+                },

+                blockSubmit: true

+            }


-        validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-          if (""+validator.lastValue === ""+value && validator.lastFinished === true) {

-            return validator.lastValid === false;

-          }


-          if (validator.lastFinished === true)

-          {

-            validator.lastValue = value;

-            validator.lastValid = true;

-            validator.lastFinished = false;

-            $.ajax({

-              url: validator.url,

-              data: "value=" + value + "&field=" + $this.attr("name"),

-              dataType: "json",

-              success: function (data) {

-                if (""+validator.lastValue === ""+data.value) {

-                  validator.lastValid = !!(data.valid);

-                  if (data.message) {

-                    validator.message = data.message;

-                  }

-                  validator.lastFinished = true;

-                  $"validation" + validator.validatorName + "Message", validator.message);

-                  // Timeout is set to avoid problems with the events being considered 'already fired'

-                  setTimeout(function () {

-                    $this.trigger("change.validation");

-                  }, 1); // doesn't need a long timeout, just long enough for the event bubble to burst

-                }

-              },

-              failure: function () {

-                validator.lastValid = true;

-                validator.message = "ajax call failed";

-                validator.lastFinished = true;

-                $"validation" + validator.validatorName + "Message", validator.message);

-                // Timeout is set to avoid problems with the events being considered 'already fired'

-                setTimeout(function () {

-                  $this.trigger("change.validation");

-                }, 1); // doesn't need a long timeout, just long enough for the event bubble to burst

-              }

-            });

-          }


-          return false;


+        builtInValidators: {

+            email: {

+                name: "Email",

+                type: "shortcut",

+                shortcut: "validemail"

+            },

+            validemail: {

+                name: "Validemail",

+                type: "regex",

+                regex: "[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}",

+                message: "Not a valid email address<!-- data-validator-validemail-message to override -->"

+            },

+            passwordagain: {

+                name: "Passwordagain",

+                type: "match",

+                match: "password",

+                message: "Does not match the given password<!-- data-validator-paswordagain-message to override -->"

+            },

+            positive: {

+                name: "Positive",

+                type: "shortcut",

+                shortcut: "number,positivenumber"

+            },

+            negative: {

+                name: "Negative",

+                type: "shortcut",

+                shortcut: "number,negativenumber"

+            },

+            number: {

+                name: "Number",

+                type: "regex",

+                regex: "([+-]?\\\d+(\\\.\\\d*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)?",

+                message: "Must be a number<!-- data-validator-number-message to override -->"

+            },

+            integer: {

+                name: "Integer",

+                type: "regex",

+                regex: "[+-]?\\\d+",

+                message: "No decimal places allowed<!-- data-validator-integer-message to override -->"

+            },

+            positivenumber: {

+                name: "Positivenumber",

+                type: "min",

+                min: 0,

+                message: "Must be a positive number<!-- data-validator-positivenumber-message to override -->"

+            },

+            negativenumber: {

+                name: "Negativenumber",

+                type: "max",

+                max: 0,

+                message: "Must be a negative number<!-- data-validator-negativenumber-message to override -->"

+            },

+            required: {

+                name: "Required",

+                type: "required",

+                message: "This is required<!-- data-validator-required-message to override -->"

+            },

+            checkone: {

+                name: "Checkone",

+                type: "minchecked",

+                minchecked: 1,

+                message: "Check at least one option<!-- data-validation-checkone-message to override -->"

+            }


-      },

-			regex: {

-				name: "regex",

-				init: function ($this, name) {

-					return {regex: regexFromString($"validation" + name + "Regex"))};

-				},

-				validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-					return (!validator.regex.test(value) && ! validator.negative)

-						|| (validator.regex.test(value) && validator.negative);

-				}

-			},

-			required: {

-				name: "required",

-				init: function ($this, name) {

-					return {};

-				},

-				validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-					return !!(value.length === 0  && ! validator.negative)

-						|| !!(value.length > 0 && validator.negative);

-				},

-        blockSubmit: true

-			},

-			match: {

-				name: "match",

-				init: function ($this, name) {

-					var element = $this.parents("form").first().find("[name=\"" + $"validation" + name + "Match") + "\"]").first();

-					element.bind("validation.validation", function () {

-						$this.trigger("change.validation", {submitting: true});

-					});

-					return {"element": element};

-				},

-				validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-					return (value !== validator.element.val() && ! validator.negative)

-						|| (value === validator.element.val() && validator.negative);

-				},

-        blockSubmit: true

-			},

-			max: {

-				name: "max",

-				init: function ($this, name) {

-					return {max: $"validation" + name + "Max")};

-				},

-				validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-					return (parseFloat(value, 10) > parseFloat(validator.max, 10) && ! validator.negative)

-						|| (parseFloat(value, 10) <= parseFloat(validator.max, 10) && validator.negative);

-				}

-			},

-			min: {

-				name: "min",

-				init: function ($this, name) {

-					return {min: $"validation" + name + "Min")};

-				},

-				validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-					return (parseFloat(value) < parseFloat(validator.min) && ! validator.negative)

-						|| (parseFloat(value) >= parseFloat(validator.min) && validator.negative);

-				}

-			},

-			maxlength: {

-				name: "maxlength",

-				init: function ($this, name) {

-					return {maxlength: $"validation" + name + "Maxlength")};

-				},

-				validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-					return ((value.length > validator.maxlength) && ! validator.negative)

-						|| ((value.length <= validator.maxlength) && validator.negative);

-				}

-			},

-			minlength: {

-				name: "minlength",

-				init: function ($this, name) {

-					return {minlength: $"validation" + name + "Minlength")};

-				},

-				validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-					return ((value.length < validator.minlength) && ! validator.negative)

-						|| ((value.length >= validator.minlength) && validator.negative);

-				}

-			},

-			maxchecked: {

-				name: "maxchecked",

-				init: function ($this, name) {

-					var elements = $this.parents("form").first().find("[name=\"" + $this.attr("name") + "\"]");

-					elements.bind("click.validation", function () {

-						$this.trigger("change.validation", {includeEmpty: true});

-					});

-					return {maxchecked: $"validation" + name + "Maxchecked"), elements: elements};

-				},

-				validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-					return (validator.elements.filter(":checked").length > validator.maxchecked && ! validator.negative)

-						|| (validator.elements.filter(":checked").length <= validator.maxchecked && validator.negative);

-				},

-        blockSubmit: true

-			},

-			minchecked: {

-				name: "minchecked",

-				init: function ($this, name) {

-					var elements = $this.parents("form").first().find("[name=\"" + $this.attr("name") + "\"]");

-					elements.bind("click.validation", function () {

-						$this.trigger("change.validation", {includeEmpty: true});

-					});

-					return {minchecked: $"validation" + name + "Minchecked"), elements: elements};

-				},

-				validate: function ($this, value, validator) {

-					return (validator.elements.filter(":checked").length < validator.minchecked && ! validator.negative)

-						|| (validator.elements.filter(":checked").length >= validator.minchecked && validator.negative);

-				},

-        blockSubmit: true

-			}

-		},

-		builtInValidators: {

-			email: {

-				name: "Email",

-				type: "shortcut",

-				shortcut: "validemail"

-			},

-			validemail: {

-				name: "Validemail",

-				type: "regex",

-				regex: "[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}",

-				message: "Not a valid email address<!-- data-validator-validemail-message to override -->"

-			},

-			passwordagain: {

-				name: "Passwordagain",

-				type: "match",

-				match: "password",

-				message: "Does not match the given password<!-- data-validator-paswordagain-message to override -->"

-			},

-			positive: {

-				name: "Positive",

-				type: "shortcut",

-				shortcut: "number,positivenumber"

-			},

-			negative: {

-				name: "Negative",

-				type: "shortcut",

-				shortcut: "number,negativenumber"

-			},

-			number: {

-				name: "Number",

-				type: "regex",

-				regex: "([+-]?\\\d+(\\\.\\\d*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)?",

-				message: "Must be a number<!-- data-validator-number-message to override -->"

-			},

-			integer: {

-				name: "Integer",

-				type: "regex",

-				regex: "[+-]?\\\d+",

-				message: "No decimal places allowed<!-- data-validator-integer-message to override -->"

-			},

-			positivenumber: {

-				name: "Positivenumber",

-				type: "min",

-				min: 0,

-				message: "Must be a positive number<!-- data-validator-positivenumber-message to override -->"

-			},

-			negativenumber: {

-				name: "Negativenumber",

-				type: "max",

-				max: 0,

-				message: "Must be a negative number<!-- data-validator-negativenumber-message to override -->"

-			},

-			required: {

-				name: "Required",

-				type: "required",

-				message: "This is required<!-- data-validator-required-message to override -->"

-			},

-			checkone: {

-				name: "Checkone",

-				type: "minchecked",

-				minchecked: 1,

-				message: "Check at least one option<!-- data-validation-checkone-message to override -->"

-			}

-		}

-	};

+    };


-	var formatValidatorName = function (name) {

-		return name

-			.toLowerCase()

-			.replace(

-				/(^|\s)([a-z])/g ,

-				function(m,p1,p2) {

-					return p1+p2.toUpperCase();

-				}

-			)

-		;

-	};

+    var formatValidatorName = function (name) {

+        return name

+            .toLowerCase()

+            .replace(

+                /(^|\s)([a-z])/g,

+                function (m, p1, p2) {

+                    return p1 + p2.toUpperCase();

+                }

+            )

+            ;

+    };


-	var getValue = function ($this) {

-		// Extract the value we're talking about

-		var value = $this.val();

-		var type = $this.attr("type");

-		if (type === "checkbox") {

-			value = ($":checked") ? value : "");

-		}

-		if (type === "radio") {

-			value = ($('input[name="' + $this.attr("name") + '"]:checked').length > 0 ? value : "");

-		}

-		return value;

-	};

+    var getValue = function ($this) {

+        // Extract the value we're talking about

+        var value = $this.val();

+        var type = $this.attr("type");

+        if (type === "checkbox") {

+            value = ($":checked") ? value : "");

+        }

+        if (type === "radio") {

+            value = ($('input[name="' + $this.attr("name") + '"]:checked').length > 0 ? value : "");

+        }

+        return value;

+    };


-  function regexFromString(inputstring) {

-		return new RegExp("^" + inputstring + "$");

-	}


-  /**

-   * Thanks to Jason Bunting via

-   *

-   *

-   * Short link:

-  **/

-  function executeFunctionByName(functionName, context /*, args*/) {

-    var args =;

-    var namespaces = functionName.split(".");

-    var func = namespaces.pop();

-    for(var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {

-      context = context[namespaces[i]];

+    function regexFromString(inputstring) {

+        return new RegExp("^" + inputstring + "$");


-    return context[func].apply(this, args);

-  }


-	$.fn.jqBootstrapValidation = function( method ) {

+    /**

+     * Thanks to Jason Bunting via

+     *

+     *

+     * Short link:

+     **/

+    function executeFunctionByName(functionName, context /*, args*/) {

+        var args =;

+        var namespaces = functionName.split(".");

+        var func = namespaces.pop();

+        for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {

+            context = context[namespaces[i]];

+        }

+        return context[func].apply(this, args);

+    }


-		if ( defaults.methods[method] ) {

-			return defaults.methods[method].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));

-		} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {

-			return defaults.methods.init.apply( this, arguments );

-		} else {

-		$.error( 'Method ' +  method + ' does not exist on jQuery.jqBootstrapValidation' );

-			return null;

-		}

+    $.fn.jqBootstrapValidation = function (method) {


-	};

+        if (defaults.methods[method]) {

+            return defaults.methods[method].apply(this,, 1));

+        } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {

+            return defaults.methods.init.apply(this, arguments);

+        } else {

+            $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.jqBootstrapValidation');

+            return null;

+        }


-  $.jqBootstrapValidation = function (options) {

-    $(":input").not("[type=image],[type=submit]").jqBootstrapValidation.apply(this,arguments);

-  };

+    };


-})( jQuery );

+    $.jqBootstrapValidation = function (options) {

+        $(":input").not("[type=image],[type=submit]").jqBootstrapValidation.apply(this, arguments);

+    };



diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vim-validate.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vim-validate.js
index 0ffa6d3..e62cc10 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vim-validate.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vim-validate.js
@@ -27,33 +27,33 @@
     rules: {

         url: {

             required: true,

-            url:true,

-            maxlength:50

+            url: true,

+            maxlength: 50

             //,repeatedName: true


-        vimName:{

+        vimName: {

             required: true,

-            maxlength:20

+            maxlength: 20


-        version:{

+        version: {

             required: true,

-            maxlength:20

+            maxlength: 20


-        vendor:{

+        vendor: {

             required: true,

-            maxlength:20

+            maxlength: 20


-        userName:{

+        userName: {

             required: true,

-            maxlength:20

+            maxlength: 20


-        password:{

+        password: {

             required: true,

-            maxlength:20

+            maxlength: 20


-        tenant:{

+        tenant: {

             required: true,

-            maxlength:20

+            maxlength: 20



     messages: {

@@ -62,22 +62,22 @@
             required: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_auth_url_require_message'),

             url: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_auth_url_alarm_message')


-        vimName:{

+        vimName: {

             required: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_name_alarm_message')


-        userName:{

+        userName: {

             required: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_username_alarm_message')


-        password:{

+        password: {

             required: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_password_alarm_message')


-         version:{

+        version: {

             required: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_version_alarm_message')


-         vendor:{

+        vendor: {

             required: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_vendor_alarm_message')


-        tenant:{

+        tenant: {

             required: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_tenant_alarm_message')



diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimChart.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimChart.js
index 284c143..0a2b097 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimChart.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimChart.js
@@ -16,57 +16,56 @@
 var vimChart = {};




- var labelTop = {

-    normal : {

-        label : {

-            show : true,

-            position : 'outer',

-            formatter :function (params){

-                var[1][0].value;

-                var[0].util;

+var labelTop = {

+    normal: {

+        label: {

+            show: true,

+            position: 'outer',

+            formatter: function (params) {

+                var total =[1].value +[0].value;

+                var util =[0].util;

                 // return total+util+"中的"+"\n"+params.value+util+"已使用" ;

-                return $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_used')+params.value+util+"\n"+

-                $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_total')+ total+util;

-            }, 

+                return $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_used') + params.value + util + "\n" +

+                    $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_total') + total + util;

+            },

             textStyle: {

-                baseline : 'bottom',

-                fontWeight:'normal'

+                baseline: 'bottom',

+                fontWeight: 'normal'




-        labelLine : {

-            show : true

+        labelLine: {

+            show: true






 var labelFromatter = {

-    normal : {

-        label : {

-            formatter :function (params){

-                return[0].name+"\n"+(100-params.percent).toFixed(0) + '%'

-            },  

+    normal: {

+        label: {

+            formatter: function (params) {

+                return[0].name + "\n" + (100 - params.percent).toFixed(0) + '%'

+            },

             textStyle: {

-                baseline : 'center',

-                  color:"#000",

-                  fontWeight:'bold'

+                baseline: 'center',

+                color: "#000",

+                fontWeight: 'bold'








 var labelBottom = {

-    normal : {

+    normal: {

         color: '#ccc',

-        label : {

-            show : true,

-            position : 'center'

+        label: {

+            show: true,

+            position: 'center'


-        labelLine : {

-            show : false

+        labelLine: {

+            show: false



     emphasis: {

@@ -76,92 +75,107 @@

 var radius = [40, 55];


- var vimPieChart;

+var vimPieChart;


-vimChart.vimPieChartInit = function(){

-   vimPieChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('vimPieChartDiv')); 

-   vimPieChart.showLoading({

-    text : "Loading",

-    effect :"whirling",

-    textStyle : {

-        fontSize : 20

-    }


+vimChart.vimPieChartInit = function () {

+    vimPieChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('vimPieChartDiv'));

+    vimPieChart.showLoading({

+        text: "Loading",

+        effect: "whirling",

+        textStyle: {

+            fontSize: 20

+        }

+    });




-vimChart.vimPieChart = function(data){


-var option = {

-    animation:true,

-    legend: {

-        x : 'left',

-        y:"top",

-        data:[

-            $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_cpu'),

-            $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_memory'),

-            $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_disk')

-        ],

-        orient: 'vertical'

-    },

-     color:["#578ebe","#44b6ae","#DABA36"],

-    title : {

-        text: '',

-        subtext: '',

-        x: 'center'

-    },   

-    toolbox: {

-        show : true,

+vimChart.vimPieChart = function (data) {


-        feature : {       

-            saveAsImage : {

-            show : true,

-            title : $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_save_picture'),

-            type : 'png',

-            lang : [$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_click_save')]

+    var option = {

+        animation: true,

+        legend: {

+            x: 'left',

+            y: "top",

+            data: [

+                $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_cpu'),

+                $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_memory'),

+                $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_disk')

+            ],

+            orient: 'vertical'

+        },

+        color: ["#578ebe", "#44b6ae", "#DABA36"],

+        title: {

+            text: '',

+            subtext: '',

+            x: 'center'

+        },

+        toolbox: {

+            show: true,


+            feature: {

+                saveAsImage: {

+                    show: true,

+                    title: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_save_picture'),

+                    type: 'png',

+                    lang: [$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_click_save')]

+                }


-        }

-    },

-    series : [

-        {

-            type : 'pie',

-            center : ['15%', '55%'],

-            radius : radius,

-            itemStyle : labelFromatter,

-            data : [

-                {name:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_cpu'), value:data.usage.cpu,itemStyle : labelTop,util:''},

-                {name:'other', value:data.resource.cpu -data.usage.cpu, itemStyle : labelBottom}


-            ]


-        {

-            type : 'pie',

-            center : ['40%', '55%'],

-            radius : radius,

-            itemStyle : labelFromatter,

-            data : [

-                {name:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_memory'), value:data.usage.memoryMb,itemStyle : labelTop,util:'MB' },

-                {name:'other', value:data.resource.memoryMb - data.usage.memoryMb,itemStyle : labelBottom}


-            ]

-        },

-        {

-            type : 'pie',

-            center : ['65%', '55%'],

-            radius : radius,

-            itemStyle : labelFromatter,

-            data : [

-                 {name:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_disk'), value:data.usage.diskGb,itemStyle : labelTop,util:'GB'},

-                {name:'other', value:data.resource.diskGb -data.usage.diskGb,  itemStyle : labelBottom}


-            ]

-        }


-    ]



+        series: [

+            {

+                type: 'pie',

+                center: ['15%', '55%'],

+                radius: radius,

+                itemStyle: labelFromatter,

+                data: [

+                    {

+                        name: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_cpu'),

+                        value: data.usage.cpu,

+                        itemStyle: labelTop,

+                        util: ''

+                    },

+                    {name: 'other', value: data.resource.cpu - data.usage.cpu, itemStyle: labelBottom}


-        // 为echarts对象加载数据 

+                ]

+            },

+            {

+                type: 'pie',

+                center: ['40%', '55%'],

+                radius: radius,

+                itemStyle: labelFromatter,

+                data: [

+                    {

+                        name: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_memory'),

+                        value: data.usage.memoryMb,

+                        itemStyle: labelTop,

+                        util: 'MB'

+                    },

+                    {name: 'other', value: data.resource.memoryMb - data.usage.memoryMb, itemStyle: labelBottom}


+                ]

+            },

+            {

+                type: 'pie',

+                center: ['65%', '55%'],

+                radius: radius,

+                itemStyle: labelFromatter,

+                data: [

+                    {

+                        name: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_disk'),

+                        value: data.usage.diskGb,

+                        itemStyle: labelTop,

+                        util: 'GB'

+                    },

+                    {name: 'other', value: data.resource.diskGb - data.usage.diskGb, itemStyle: labelBottom}


+                ]

+            }


+        ]

+    };



+    // 为echarts对象加载数据 



     window.onresize = vimPieChart.resize;

@@ -169,215 +183,249 @@




+vimChart.getPieCenter = function (n) {

     var center;

-    switch(n)

-    {

-    case 1:

-      center=['15%', '30%'];

-      break;

-    case 2:

-      center=['40%', '30%'];

-      break;

-    case 3:

-      center=['65%', '30%'];

-      break;

-    case 4:

-      center=['15%', '80%'];

-      break;

-    case 5:

-      center=['40%', '80%'];

-      break;

-    case 6:

-      center=['65%', '80%'];

-      break;  

-    case 7:

-      center=['90%', '80%'];

-      break;         

+    switch (n) {

+        case 1:

+            center = ['15%', '30%'];

+            break;

+        case 2:

+            center = ['40%', '30%'];

+            break;

+        case 3:

+            center = ['65%', '30%'];

+            break;

+        case 4:

+            center = ['15%', '80%'];

+            break;

+        case 5:

+            center = ['40%', '80%'];

+            break;

+        case 6:

+            center = ['65%', '80%'];

+            break;

+        case 7:

+            center = ['90%', '80%'];

+            break;



     return center;




- var tenantPieChart;

-vimChart.tenantPieChartInit = function(){

-    tenantPieChart= echarts.init(document.getElementById('tenantPieChartDiv')); 

+var tenantPieChart;

+vimChart.tenantPieChartInit = function () {

+    tenantPieChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('tenantPieChartDiv'));


-   tenantPieChart.showLoading({

-    text : "Loading",

-    effect :"whirling",

-    textStyle : {

-        fontSize : 20

-    }



-vimChart.tenantPieChart = function(data){


-var  legend_data=new Array();

-var series=new Array();

-var n=0;



-    n++;



-var instances_series={

-            type : 'pie',

-            center : vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

-            radius : radius,

-            itemStyle : labelFromatter,

-            data : [

-                {name:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_instances'), value:data.usage.instances,itemStyle : labelTop,util:''},

-                {name:'other', value:data.quota.instances -data.usage.instances, itemStyle : labelBottom}


-            ]

-        };

- series.push(instances_series);     






-var cpu_series={

-            type : 'pie',

-            center : vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

-            radius : radius,

-            itemStyle : labelFromatter,

-            data : [

-                {name:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_cpu'), value:data.usage.cpu,itemStyle : labelTop,util:'' },

-                {name:'other', value:data.quota.cpu -data.usage.cpu,itemStyle : labelBottom}


-            ]

-        };

- series.push(cpu_series);



-  n++;    


-var memoryMb_series={

-            type : 'pie',

-            center : vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

-            radius : radius,

-            itemStyle : labelFromatter,

-            data : [

-                 {name:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_memoryMb'), value:data.usage.memoryMb,itemStyle : labelTop,util:'MB'},

-                {name:'other', value:data.quota.memoryMb -data.usage.memoryMb,  itemStyle : labelBottom}


-            ]

-        };

- series.push(memoryMb_series);



-  n++;    


-var floatingIps_series={

-            type : 'pie',

-            center :vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

-            radius : radius,

-            itemStyle : labelFromatter,

-            data : [

-                 {name:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_floatingIps'), value:data.usage.floatingIps,itemStyle : labelTop,util:''},

-                {name:'other', value:data.quota.floatingIps -data.usage.floatingIps,  itemStyle : labelBottom}


-            ]

-        };

- series.push(floatingIps_series);



-  n++;    


-var securityGroups_series={

-            type : 'pie',

-            center :vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

-            radius : radius,

-            itemStyle : labelFromatter,

-            data : [

-                 {name:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_securityGroups'), value:data.usage.securityGroups,itemStyle : labelTop,util:''},

-                 {name:'other', value:data.quota.securityGroups -data.usage.securityGroups,  itemStyle : labelBottom}


-            ]

-        };

- series.push(securityGroups_series);



-  n++;    


-var volumes_series={

-            type : 'pie',

-            center :vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

-            radius : radius,

-            itemStyle : labelFromatter,

-            data : [

-                 {name:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_volumes'), value:data.usage.volumes,itemStyle : labelTop,util:''},

-                 {name:'other', value:data.quota.volumes -data.usage.volumes,  itemStyle : labelBottom}


-            ]

-        };

- series.push(volumes_series);



-  n++;    


-var volumeStorage_series={

-            type : 'pie',

-            center :vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

-            radius : radius,

-            itemStyle : labelFromatter,

-            data : [

-                 {name:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_volumeStorage'), value:data.usage.volumeStorage,itemStyle : labelTop,util:'GB'},

-                 {name:'other', value:data.quota.volumeStorage -data.usage.volumeStorage,  itemStyle : labelBottom}


-            ]

-        };

- series.push(volumeStorage_series);




-var option = {

-    animation:true,

-    legend: {

-        x : 'left',

-        y:"top",

-        data:legend_data,

-        orient: 'vertical'

-    },

-     color:["#578ebe","#44b6ae","#DABA36","#F79695","#9699e0","#57b5e3","#48c79c"],

-    title : {

-        text: '',

-        subtext: '',

-        x: 'center'

-    },   

-    toolbox: {

-        show : true,       

-        feature : {       

-            saveAsImage : {

-            show : true,

-            title : $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_save_picture'),

-            type : 'png',

-            lang : [$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_click_save')]

-            }

+    tenantPieChart.showLoading({

+        text: "Loading",

+        effect: "whirling",

+        textStyle: {

+            fontSize: 20


-    },

-    series : series




-        // 为echarts对象加载数据 

-         tenantPieChart.hideLoading();

-         tenantPieChart.setOption(option);

-         window.onresize = tenantPieChart.resize;

+    });


+vimChart.tenantPieChart = function (data) {


+    var legend_data = new Array();

+    var series = new Array();

+    var n = 0;


+    if (data.quota.instances != -1) {

+        n++;


+        legend_data.push($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_instances'));

+        var instances_series = {

+            type: 'pie',

+            center: vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

+            radius: radius,

+            itemStyle: labelFromatter,

+            data: [

+                {

+                    name: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_instances'),

+                    value: data.usage.instances,

+                    itemStyle: labelTop,

+                    util: ''

+                },

+                {name: 'other', value: data.quota.instances - data.usage.instances, itemStyle: labelBottom}


+            ]

+        };

+        series.push(instances_series);


+    }

+    if (data.quota.cpu != -1) {

+        n++;

+        legend_data.push($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_cpu'));

+        var cpu_series = {

+            type: 'pie',

+            center: vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

+            radius: radius,

+            itemStyle: labelFromatter,

+            data: [

+                {

+                    name: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_cpu'),

+                    value: data.usage.cpu,

+                    itemStyle: labelTop,

+                    util: ''

+                },

+                {name: 'other', value: data.quota.cpu - data.usage.cpu, itemStyle: labelBottom}


+            ]

+        };

+        series.push(cpu_series);

+    }

+    if (data.quota.memoryMb != -1) {

+        n++;

+        legend_data.push($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_memoryMb'));

+        var memoryMb_series = {

+            type: 'pie',

+            center: vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

+            radius: radius,

+            itemStyle: labelFromatter,

+            data: [

+                {

+                    name: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_memoryMb'),

+                    value: data.usage.memoryMb,

+                    itemStyle: labelTop,

+                    util: 'MB'

+                },

+                {name: 'other', value: data.quota.memoryMb - data.usage.memoryMb, itemStyle: labelBottom}


+            ]

+        };

+        series.push(memoryMb_series);

+    }

+    if (data.quota.floatingIps != -1) {

+        n++;

+        legend_data.push($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_floatingIps'));

+        var floatingIps_series = {

+            type: 'pie',

+            center: vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

+            radius: radius,

+            itemStyle: labelFromatter,

+            data: [

+                {

+                    name: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_floatingIps'),

+                    value: data.usage.floatingIps,

+                    itemStyle: labelTop,

+                    util: ''

+                },

+                {name: 'other', value: data.quota.floatingIps - data.usage.floatingIps, itemStyle: labelBottom}


+            ]

+        };

+        series.push(floatingIps_series);

+    }

+    if (data.quota.securityGroups != -1) {

+        n++;

+        legend_data.push($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_securityGroups'));

+        var securityGroups_series = {

+            type: 'pie',

+            center: vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

+            radius: radius,

+            itemStyle: labelFromatter,

+            data: [

+                {

+                    name: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_securityGroups'),

+                    value: data.usage.securityGroups,

+                    itemStyle: labelTop,

+                    util: ''

+                },

+                {name: 'other', value: data.quota.securityGroups - data.usage.securityGroups, itemStyle: labelBottom}


+            ]

+        };

+        series.push(securityGroups_series);

+    }

+    if (data.quota.volumes != -1) {

+        n++;

+        legend_data.push($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_volumes'));

+        var volumes_series = {

+            type: 'pie',

+            center: vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

+            radius: radius,

+            itemStyle: labelFromatter,

+            data: [

+                {

+                    name: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_volumes'),

+                    value: data.usage.volumes,

+                    itemStyle: labelTop,

+                    util: ''

+                },

+                {name: 'other', value: data.quota.volumes - data.usage.volumes, itemStyle: labelBottom}


+            ]

+        };

+        series.push(volumes_series);

+    }

+    if (data.quota.volumeStorage != -1) {

+        n++;

+        legend_data.push($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_volumeStorage'));

+        var volumeStorage_series = {

+            type: 'pie',

+            center: vimChart.getPieCenter(n),

+            radius: radius,

+            itemStyle: labelFromatter,

+            data: [

+                {

+                    name: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_volumeStorage'),

+                    value: data.usage.volumeStorage,

+                    itemStyle: labelTop,

+                    util: 'GB'

+                },

+                {name: 'other', value: data.quota.volumeStorage - data.usage.volumeStorage, itemStyle: labelBottom}


+            ]

+        };

+        series.push(volumeStorage_series);

+    }



+    var option = {

+        animation: true,

+        legend: {

+            x: 'left',

+            y: "top",

+            data: legend_data,

+            orient: 'vertical'

+        },

+        color: ["#578ebe", "#44b6ae", "#DABA36", "#F79695", "#9699e0", "#57b5e3", "#48c79c"],

+        title: {

+            text: '',

+            subtext: '',

+            x: 'center'

+        },

+        toolbox: {

+            show: true,

+            feature: {

+                saveAsImage: {

+                    show: true,

+                    title: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_save_picture'),

+                    type: 'png',

+                    lang: [$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_click_save')]

+                }

+            }

+        },

+        series: series

+    };



+    // 为echarts对象加载数据 

+    tenantPieChart.hideLoading();

+    tenantPieChart.setOption(option);

+    window.onresize = tenantPieChart.resize;






-      $.growl({

+vimChart.growl = function (message, type) {

+    $.growl({

         icon: "fa fa-envelope-o fa-lg",

         title: "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_title_notice'),

-        message: message+"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"

-            },{

-                type: type,

-				delay:0

-            });

+        message: message + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"

+    }, {

+        type: type,

+        delay: 0

+    });

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimChartController.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimChartController.js
index 417815d..17f8e05 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimChartController.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimChartController.js
@@ -14,149 +14,147 @@
  * limitations under the License.


 var vm = avalon

-		.define({

-			$id : "vimChartController",

-			$vimChartUrl : '../../api/vim/v1/{vim_id}/resource',

-			$tenantChartUrl : '../../api/vim/v1/{vim_id}/resource/{tenant_name}',

-			$tenantListUrl : '../../api/vim/v1/{vim_id}/tenants',

-			$tenantRoleUrl : '../../api/vim/v1/{vim_id}/roles',

-			vimInfo:{

-				name:name,

-				id:id,

-				tenant:tenant,

-				isAdmin:true

-			},	

-			tenantSelectList:  {

-					condName : $.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_type"),

-					component_type : 'select',

-					selectItems : []

-			},

-			initChart : function() {

+    .define({

+        $id: "vimChartController",

+        $vimChartUrl: '../../api/vim/v1/{vim_id}/resource',

+        $tenantChartUrl: '../../api/vim/v1/{vim_id}/resource/{tenant_name}',

+        $tenantListUrl: '../../api/vim/v1/{vim_id}/tenants',

+        $tenantRoleUrl: '../../api/vim/v1/{vim_id}/roles',

+        vimInfo: {

+            name: name,

+            id: id,

+            tenant: tenant,

+            isAdmin: true

+        },

+        tenantSelectList: {

+            condName: $.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_type"),

+            component_type: 'select',

+            selectItems: []

+        },

+        initChart: function () {


-				//判断租户是否有admin权限

-				var tenantRoleUrl=vm.$tenantRoleUrl.replace("{vim_id}",; 

-				 $.ajax({

-	                "type": 'get',

-	                "url": tenantRoleUrl,

-	                "dataType": "json",

-	                success: function (resp) {  

-	                     vm.vimInfo.isAdmin= (resp==null)?false:resp.isAdminRole; 


-	                },

-	                 error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

-						   vimChart.growl("get [tenant Role] is error :"+textStatus+":"+errorThrown,"danger"); 

-	                 },

-	                  complete: function() { 

-	                  	if(vm.vimInfo.isAdmin==true){

+            //判断租户是否有admin权限

+            var tenantRoleUrl = vm.$tenantRoleUrl.replace("{vim_id}",;

+            $.ajax({

+                "type": 'get',

+                "url": tenantRoleUrl,

+                "dataType": "json",

+                success: function (resp) {

+                    vm.vimInfo.isAdmin = (resp == null) ? false : resp.isAdminRole;


-	                  		//获取全部资源使用情况 

-	                  		vm.vimChartLoad();

+                },

+                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                    vimChart.growl("get [tenant Role] is error :" + textStatus + ":" + errorThrown, "danger");

+                },

+                complete: function () {

+                    if (vm.vimInfo.isAdmin == true) {


-	                  		 //获取租户列表

-	                  		vm.vimListLoad();

-	                  	}

+                        //获取全部资源使用情况 

+                        vm.vimChartLoad();


-	                 }

-	            });

-				//获取租户资源使用情况 

-				vm.tenantChartLoad();

-			},

-			gotoVimPage:function(){

-					window.parent.ZteFrameWork.goToURLByIDAndNewAction('eco_roc_vimmgr');

-			},

-			vimListLoad:function(){

-				 var tenantListUrl=vm.$tenantListUrl.replace("{vim_id}",; 

-				 $.ajax({

-	                "type": 'get',

-	                "url": tenantListUrl,

-	                "dataType": "json",

-	                success: function (resp) {  

-	                      vm.tenantSelectList.selectItems= (resp==null)?[]:resp;               	

-	                },

-	                 error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

-						    vimChart.growl("get [tenant List] is error :"+textStatus+":"+errorThrown,"danger"); 

-	                 }

-	            });

-			},

-			vimChartLoad:function(){

-				var viminitData={

-					    "resource": {

-					        "cpu": 0,

-					        "memoryMb": 503,

-					        "diskGb": 9.8

-					    },

-					    "usage": {

-					        "cpu": 0,

-					        "memoryMb": 0,

-					        "diskGb": 0

-					    }

-					}

+                        //获取租户列表

+                        vm.vimListLoad();

+                    }


-				  vimChart.vimPieChartInit();

+                }

+            });

+            //获取租户资源使用情况 

+            vm.tenantChartLoad();

+        },

+        gotoVimPage: function () {

+            window.parent.ZteFrameWork.goToURLByIDAndNewAction('eco_roc_vimmgr');

+        },

+        vimListLoad: function () {

+            var tenantListUrl = vm.$tenantListUrl.replace("{vim_id}",;

+            $.ajax({

+                "type": 'get',

+                "url": tenantListUrl,

+                "dataType": "json",

+                success: function (resp) {

+                    vm.tenantSelectList.selectItems = (resp == null) ? [] : resp;

+                },

+                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                    vimChart.growl("get [tenant List] is error :" + textStatus + ":" + errorThrown, "danger");

+                }

+            });

+        },

+        vimChartLoad: function () {

+            var viminitData = {

+                "resource": {

+                    "cpu": 0,

+                    "memoryMb": 503,

+                    "diskGb": 9.8

+                },

+                "usage": {

+                    "cpu": 0,

+                    "memoryMb": 0,

+                    "diskGb": 0

+                }

+            }


-				  var vimChartUrl=vm.$vimChartUrl.replace("{vim_id}",; 


+            vimChart.vimPieChartInit();



-				 $.ajax({

-	                "type": 'get',

-	                "url": vimChartUrl,

-	                "dataType": "json",

-	                success: function (resp) {  

-	                     var vimData= (resp==null)?viminitData:resp;  

-	                     vimChart.vimPieChart(vimData);                	

-	                },

-	                 error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

-						   vimChart.growl("get [virtual machine manager resource using status] is error :"+textStatus+":"+errorThrown,"danger"); 

-	                 }

-	            });


-			},

-			tenantChartLoad:function(){

-				 var tenantChartUrl=vm.$tenantChartUrl.replace("{vim_id}","{tenant_name}",vm.vimInfo.tenant);

+            var vimChartUrl = vm.$vimChartUrl.replace("{vim_id}",;


-				var tenantinitData={

-						    "tenant_name": "",

-							"errormsg":"",

-						    "quota": {

-						        "cpu": 0,

-						        "memoryMb": 0,

-						        "instances": 0,

-						        "floatingIps": 0,

-						        "securityGroups": 0,

-						        "volumeStorage": 0,

-						        "volumes": 0

-						    },

-						    "usage": {

-						        "cpu": 0,

-						        "memoryMb": 0,

-						        "instances": 0,

-						        "floatingIps": 0,

-						        "securityGroups": 0,

-						        "volumeStorage": 0,

-								"volumes": 0

-						    }

-						};

-				vimChart.tenantPieChartInit();

-				 $.ajax({

-	                "type": 'get',

-	                "url": tenantChartUrl,

-	                "dataType": "json",

-	                success: function (resp) {  

-	                     var tenantData= (resp==null)?tenantinitData:resp;  

-						 if(tenantData.errormsg!=null)

-						 {

-						   vimChart.growl(tenantData.errormsg,"danger");

-						 }

-	                      vimChart.tenantPieChart(tenantData);                	

-	                },

-	                 error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

-						   vimChart.growl("get [tenant quota using status] occur error :"+textStatus+":"+errorThrown,"danger"); 

-	                 }

-	            });


-			}

+            $.ajax({

+                "type": 'get',

+                "url": vimChartUrl,

+                "dataType": "json",

+                success: function (resp) {

+                    var vimData = (resp == null) ? viminitData : resp;

+                    vimChart.vimPieChart(vimData);

+                },

+                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                    vimChart.growl("get [virtual machine manager resource using status] is error :" + textStatus + ":" + errorThrown, "danger");

+                }

+            });



+        },

+        tenantChartLoad: function () {

+            var tenantChartUrl = vm.$tenantChartUrl.replace("{vim_id}","{tenant_name}", vm.vimInfo.tenant);


+            var tenantinitData = {

+                "tenant_name": "",

+                "errormsg": "",

+                "quota": {

+                    "cpu": 0,

+                    "memoryMb": 0,

+                    "instances": 0,

+                    "floatingIps": 0,

+                    "securityGroups": 0,

+                    "volumeStorage": 0,

+                    "volumes": 0

+                },

+                "usage": {

+                    "cpu": 0,

+                    "memoryMb": 0,

+                    "instances": 0,

+                    "floatingIps": 0,

+                    "securityGroups": 0,

+                    "volumeStorage": 0,

+                    "volumes": 0

+                }

+            };

+            vimChart.tenantPieChartInit();

+            $.ajax({

+                "type": 'get',

+                "url": tenantChartUrl,

+                "dataType": "json",

+                success: function (resp) {

+                    var tenantData = (resp == null) ? tenantinitData : resp;

+                    if (tenantData.errormsg != null) {

+                        vimChart.growl(tenantData.errormsg, "danger");

+                    }

+                    vimChart.tenantPieChart(tenantData);

+                },

+                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                    vimChart.growl("get [tenant quota using status] occur error :" + textStatus + ":" + errorThrown, "danger");

+                }

+            });


+        }


+    });


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimController.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimController.js
index e854a61..967eb1c 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimController.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimController.js
@@ -14,92 +14,91 @@
  * limitations under the License.


 var vm = avalon

-		.define({

-			$id : "vimController",

-			vimInfo :  [],

-			//vimStatusTime:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_getting_info'),

-			// ifSearch : 0,

-			// server_rtn:{

-			// 	info_block:false,

-			// 	warning_block:false,

-			// 	rtn_info:"",



-   //              wait : $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_checking_status')

-			// },

-             executeWait : {clazz : 'alert-info', visible : true, text : $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_checking_status')},

-             executeError : {clazz : 'alert-danger', visible : true, text : 'error'},

-			$Status	:{

-                success:"active",

-                failed:"inactive",

-				displayActive: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_normal'),

-				displayInactive: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_abnormal')

-			},

-            isSave : true,

-            action : {ADD : 'add', UPDATE : 'update'},

-			$queryVimInfoUrl : '../../openoapi/extsys/v1/vims',

-            $addVimInfoUrl : '../../openoapi/extsys/v1/vims/',

-			$updateVimInfoUrl : '../../openoapi/extsys/v1/vims/',

-			$delVimInfoUrl : '../../openoapi/extsys/v1/vims/{vim_id}',

-			$initTable : function() {

-                $.ajax({

-                    "type": 'get',

-                    "url": vm.$queryVimInfoUrl,

-                    //"dataType": "json",

-                    "success": function (resp,statusText,jqXHR) {

-                       if(jqXHR.status=="200")

-                       {

-                         vm.vimInfo = resp;

-                       }

-                       else{

-                        vm.vimInfo=[];

+    .define({

+        $id: "vimController",

+        vimInfo: [],

+        //vimStatusTime:$.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_getting_info'),

+        // ifSearch : 0,

+        // server_rtn:{

+        // 	info_block:false,

+        // 	warning_block:false,

+        // 	rtn_info:"",

+        // 	$RTN_SUCCESS:"RTN_SUCCESS",

+        // 	$RTN_FAILED:"RTN_FAILED",

+        //              wait : $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_checking_status')

+        // },

+        executeWait: {clazz: 'alert-info', visible: true, text: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_checking_status')},

+        executeError: {clazz: 'alert-danger', visible: true, text: 'error'},

+        $Status: {

+            success: "active",

+            failed: "inactive",

+            displayActive: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_normal'),

+            displayInactive: $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_abnormal')

+        },

+        isSave: true,

+        action: {ADD: 'add', UPDATE: 'update'},

+        $queryVimInfoUrl: '../../openoapi/extsys/v1/vims',

+        $addVimInfoUrl: '../../openoapi/extsys/v1/vims/',

+        $updateVimInfoUrl: '../../openoapi/extsys/v1/vims/',

+        $delVimInfoUrl: '../../openoapi/extsys/v1/vims/{vim_id}',

+        $initTable: function () {

+            $.ajax({

+                "type": 'get',

+                "url": vm.$queryVimInfoUrl,

+                //"dataType": "json",

+                "success": function (resp, statusText, jqXHR) {

+                    if (jqXHR.status == "200") {

+                        vm.vimInfo = resp;

+                    }

+                    else {

+                        vm.vimInfo = [];



-                       }

-                    },

-                     error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

-                           bootbox.alert($.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_query_failed") + textStatus+":"+errorThrown);

-                           return;

-                     },

-                     complete: function() {

-                       resUtil.tooltipVimStatus();

-                     }

-                });


-			},		 

-			$vimType:  {

-					condName : $.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_type"),

-					component_type : 'select',

-					selectItems : [

-							{

-								cond_value : 'vmware',

-								name : "vmware",

-								value : true

-							},

-							{

-								cond_value : 'openstack',

-								name :"openstack",

-								value : true

-							}

-							]

-				},

-			addVim : {

-				titleName: $.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_register_info"),

-                vimId : "",

-                vimName : "",

-                domain : '',

-				userName : "",

-                tenant : "",

-				password : "",               

-				url : "",

-				saveType :"add",

-				description : "",               

-                vimType :"openstack",

-                vendor :""

-			},

-        $showVimTable : function(el, action) {

+                    }

+                },

+                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                    bootbox.alert($.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_query_failed") + textStatus + ":" + errorThrown);

+                    return;

+                },

+                complete: function () {

+                    resUtil.tooltipVimStatus();

+                }

+            });


+        },

+        $vimType: {

+            condName: $.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_type"),

+            component_type: 'select',

+            selectItems: [

+                {

+                    cond_value: 'vmware',

+                    name: "vmware",

+                    value: true

+                },

+                {

+                    cond_value: 'openstack',

+                    name: "openstack",

+                    value: true

+                }

+            ]

+        },

+        addVim: {

+            titleName: $.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_register_info"),

+            vimId: "",

+            vimName: "",

+            domain: '',

+            userName: "",

+            tenant: "",

+            password: "",

+            url: "",

+            saveType: "add",

+            description: "",

+            vimType: "openstack",

+            vendor: ""

+        },

+        $showVimTable: function (el, action) {

             vm.isSave = false;

-            if(vm.action.ADD == action){

+            if (vm.action.ADD == action) {

                 vm.addVim.vimId = "";

                 vm.addVim.vimName = "";

                 vm.addVim.userName = "";

@@ -127,17 +126,17 @@
                 vm.addVim.vimType = el.type;

                 vm.addVim.vendor = el.vendor;


-            vm.executeError.visible=false;

-            vm.executeWait.visible=false;

+            vm.executeError.visible = false;

+            vm.executeWait.visible = false;

             $(".form-group").each(function () {






-		},

+        },


-        $saveVimTable : function() {

+        $saveVimTable: function () {

             vm.isSave = true;



@@ -147,153 +146,151 @@

             vm.executeWait.visible = true;

             vm.executeError.visible = false;

-            if(vm.addVim.saveType=="add") {

+            if (vm.addVim.saveType == "add") {


-				/*

-                for( var i = 0; i < vm.vimInfo.length; i ++ ){

-                    if(vm.addVim.url == vm.vimInfo[i].url){

-                        resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title") +  'already exists',"info");

-                        $('#addVimDlg').modal('hide');

-                        return;

-                    }

-                }

-				*/

+                /*

+                 for( var i = 0; i < vm.vimInfo.length; i ++ ){

+                 if(vm.addVim.url == vm.vimInfo[i].url){

+                 resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title") +  'already exists',"info");

+                 $('#addVimDlg').modal('hide');

+                 return;

+                 }

+                 }

+                 */


-            } else if( vm.addVim.saveType == "update" ){

+            } else if (vm.addVim.saveType == "update") {





-        persistVim : function(){

+        persistVim: function () {


-                type : "Post",

-                url : vm.$addVimInfoUrl,

-                data : JSON.stringify({

-                    name       : vm.addVim.vimName, 

-                    url        : vm.addVim.url,                 

-                    userName   : vm.addVim.userName,

-                    password   : vm.addVim.password,

-                    tenant     : vm.addVim.tenant,

-                    domain     : vm.addVim.domain,

-                    vendor     : vm.addVim.vendor,

-                    version    : vm.addVim.version, 

-                    description: vm.addVim.description,  

-                    type       : vm.addVim.vimType,                    

+                type: "Post",

+                url: vm.$addVimInfoUrl,

+                data: JSON.stringify({

+                    name: vm.addVim.vimName,

+                    url: vm.addVim.url,

+                    userName: vm.addVim.userName,

+                    password: vm.addVim.password,

+                    tenant: vm.addVim.tenant,

+                    domain: vm.addVim.domain,

+                    vendor: vm.addVim.vendor,

+                    version: vm.addVim.version,

+                    description: vm.addVim.description,

+                    type: vm.addVim.vimType,


-                async : false,

-                dataType : "json",

-                contentType : 'application/json',

-                success : function(data,statusText,jqXHR) {

-                    vm.executeWait.visible=false;

-                    vm.executeError.visible=false;

-                    if ( jqXHR.status=="201" ) {

-                        vm.addVim.vimId = data.vimId;                       

+                async: false,

+                dataType: "json",

+                contentType: 'application/json',

+                success: function (data, statusText, jqXHR) {

+                    vm.executeWait.visible = false;

+                    vm.executeError.visible = false;

+                    if (jqXHR.status == "201") {

+                        vm.addVim.vimId = data.vimId;


                         vm.addVim.tenant = data.tenant;

                         vm.addVim.type = data.type;

-                        var newVim=jQuery.extend({}, vm.addVim);

+                        var newVim = jQuery.extend({}, vm.addVim);




-                        resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title") + $.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_save_success"),"success");

-					} else{

-						vm.executeError.visible=true;

-						vm.executeError.text = $.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_save_failed");

+                        resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title") + $.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_save_success"), "success");

+                    } else {

+                        vm.executeError.visible = true;

+                        vm.executeError.text = $.i18n.prop("com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_save_failed");



-                error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

-                  vm.executeError.visible = true;

-                  vm.executeError.text = textStatus+":"+errorThrown;

-                  vm.executeWait.visible = false;

-				  vm.isSave = false;

-               }

+                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                    vm.executeError.visible = true;

+                    vm.executeError.text = textStatus + ":" + errorThrown;

+                    vm.executeWait.visible = false;

+                    vm.isSave = false;

+                }




-        updateVim : function(){

+        updateVim: function () {


-                type : "Put",

-                url : vm.$updateVimInfoUrl+vm.addVim.vimId,

-				contentType : 'application/json',

-                data : JSON.stringify({

-                    name : vm.addVim.vimName,

-                    userName : vm.addVim.userName,

-                    password : vm.addVim.password,

-                    domain   : vm.addVim.domain,

-                    version   : vm.addVim.version,

-                    description   : vm.addVim.description,

-                    url : vm.addVim.url,

-                    tenant:vm.addVim.tenant,

-                    type : vm.addVim.vimType,

-                    vendor : vm.addVim.vendor,

+                type: "Put",

+                url: vm.$updateVimInfoUrl + vm.addVim.vimId,

+                contentType: 'application/json',

+                data: JSON.stringify({

+                    name: vm.addVim.vimName,

+                    userName: vm.addVim.userName,

+                    password: vm.addVim.password,

+                    domain: vm.addVim.domain,

+                    version: vm.addVim.version,

+                    description: vm.addVim.description,

+                    url: vm.addVim.url,

+                    tenant: vm.addVim.tenant,

+                    type: vm.addVim.vimType,

+                    vendor: vm.addVim.vendor,


-                dataType : "json",

-                async : false,

-                success : function(data,statusText,jqXHR) {

-                    vm.executeWait.visible=false;

-                    vm.executeError.visible=false;

-                    if (jqXHR.status=="200") {

-                        for(var i=0;i<vm.vimInfo.length;i++){

-                            if(vm.vimInfo[i].vimId == vm.addVim.vimId)

-                            {

+                dataType: "json",

+                async: false,

+                success: function (data, statusText, jqXHR) {

+                    vm.executeWait.visible = false;

+                    vm.executeError.visible = false;

+                    if (jqXHR.status == "200") {

+                        for (var i = 0; i < vm.vimInfo.length; i++) {

+                            if (vm.vimInfo[i].vimId == vm.addVim.vimId) {

                                 vm.vimInfo[i].name = vm.addVim.vimName;

                                 vm.vimInfo[i].userName = vm.addVim.userName;

                                 vm.vimInfo[i].password = vm.addVim.password;

                                 vm.vimInfo[i].url = vm.addVim.url;

                                 vm.vimInfo[i].tenant = vm.addVim.tenant;

                                 vm.vimInfo[i].domain = vm.addVim.domain;

-                                vm.vimInfo[i].description = vm.addVim.description;                               

-                                vm.vimInfo[i].type=vm.addVim.vimType;

+                                vm.vimInfo[i].description = vm.addVim.description;

+                                vm.vimInfo[i].type = vm.addVim.vimType;


-                         }

+                        }


-                     resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title') + $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_save_success'),"success");

+                        resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title') + $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_save_success'), "success");


-                    else{

+                    else {

                         vm.executeError.visible = true;

                         vm.executeError.text = $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_save_failed');



-                error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

                     vm.isSave = false;

-                    vm.executeError.visible=true;

-                    vm.executeError.text = textStatus+":"+errorThrown;

+                    vm.executeError.visible = true;

+                    vm.executeError.text = textStatus + ":" + errorThrown;

                     vm.executeWait.visible = false;

-               }

+                }



-        delVim : function(el){

-            bootbox.confirm($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_confirm_delete_vim_record'),function(result){

-                if(result){

+        delVim: function (el) {

+            bootbox.confirm($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_confirm_delete_vim_record'), function (result) {

+                if (result) {


-                        type : "DELETE",

-                        url : vm.$delVimInfoUrl.replace('{vim_id}', el.vimId),

-                        success : function(data,statusText,jqXHR) {

-                            if( jqXHR.status=="204")

-                            {

-                                for(var i=0;i<vm.vimInfo.length;i++){

-                                    if(el.vimId == vm.vimInfo[i].vimId){

+                        type: "DELETE",

+                        url: vm.$delVimInfoUrl.replace('{vim_id}', el.vimId),

+                        success: function (data, statusText, jqXHR) {

+                            if (jqXHR.status == "204") {

+                                for (var i = 0; i < vm.vimInfo.length; i++) {

+                                    if (el.vimId == vm.vimInfo[i].vimId) {

                                         vm.vimInfo.splice(i, 1);




-                                resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title') + $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_remove_success'),"success");

+                                resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title') + $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_remove_success'), "success");


-                            else{

-                                resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title') + $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_remove_failed'),"warning");

+                            else {

+                                resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title') + $.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_remove_failed'), "warning");



-                        error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

-                            resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title') +  errorThrown, "danger");

+                        error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                            resUtil.growl($.i18n.prop('com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_growl_msg_title') + errorThrown, "danger");






-        gotoChartPage:function(oid,name,tenant){

-            window.location.href = "vimChart.html?"+oid+"&"+name+"&"+tenant;

+        gotoChartPage: function (oid, name, tenant) {

+            window.location.href = "vimChart.html?" + oid + "&" + name + "&" + tenant;



+    });




diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimUtil.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimUtil.js
index 103482f..5def310 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimUtil.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/js/vimUtil.js
@@ -15,31 +15,31 @@

 var resUtil = {};



- $("[data-toggle='tooltip']").tooltip();

+resUtil.tooltipVimStatus = function () {

+    $("[data-toggle='tooltip']").tooltip();





+resUtil.growl = function (message, type) {


         icon: "fa fa-envelope-o fa-lg",

         title: "&nbsp;&nbsp;Notice: ",

-        message: message+"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"

-    },{

+        message: message + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"

+    }, {

         type: type



-    $.bootstrapGrowl(message, {

-        ele: 'body', // which element to append to

-        type: type, // (null, 'info', 'danger', 'success')

-        offset: {from: 'bottom', amount: 20}, // 'top', or 'bottom'

-        align: 'right', // ('left', 'right', or 'center')

-        width: 'auto', // (integer, or 'auto')

-        delay: 3000, // Time while the message will be displayed. It's not equivalent to the *demo* timeOut!

-        allow_dismiss: false, // If true then will display a cross to close the popup.

-        stackup_spacing: 10 // spacing between consecutively stacked growls.

-    });

-    */

+     $.bootstrapGrowl(message, {

+     ele: 'body', // which element to append to

+     type: type, // (null, 'info', 'danger', 'success')

+     offset: {from: 'bottom', amount: 20}, // 'top', or 'bottom'

+     align: 'right', // ('left', 'right', or 'center')

+     width: 'auto', // (integer, or 'auto')

+     delay: 3000, // Time while the message will be displayed. It's not equivalent to the *demo* timeOut!

+     allow_dismiss: false, // If true then will display a cross to close the popup.

+     stackup_spacing: 10 // spacing between consecutively stacked growls.

+     });

+     */




diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/vimChart.html b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/vimChart.html
index e94066f..c39cc40 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/vimChart.html
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/vimChart.html
@@ -18,82 +18,87 @@


 <head lang="en">

-<meta charset="UTF-8">


-<link href="../../common/thirdparty/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

-<link href="../../common/thirdparty/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

-<link href="../../common/css/ngict-component.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

-<link href="../../common/css/ZteIctIcons/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

-<link href="../../common/thirdparty/animate/animate.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

-<link href="css/vimChart.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

-<style> {

-	visibility: hidden




-var id,name,tenant;

-  if ( && > 1) {

-    var"&");

-        id = arr[0].replace("?","");

-        name = arr[1];

-        tenant = arr[2];

-    }


+    <meta charset="UTF-8">

+    <title></title>

+    <link href="../../common/thirdparty/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

+    <link href="../../common/thirdparty/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

+    <link href="../../common/css/ngict-component.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

+    <link href="../../common/css/ZteIctIcons/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

+    <link href="../../common/thirdparty/animate/animate.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

+    <link href="css/vimChart.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

+    <style>

+        .ms-controller {

+            visibility: hidden

+        }

+    </style>

+    <script>

+        var id, name, tenant;

+        if ( && > 1) {

+            var arr ="&");

+            id = arr[0].replace("?", "");

+            name = arr[1];

+            tenant = arr[2];

+        }

+    </script>



 <div class="ms-controller" ms-controller="vimChartController">

- <div class="container-fluid">

+    <div class="container-fluid">


-  <div class="row" style=" margin-top: 15px;">

-         <div class="col-xs-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-lg-6 titlefont">

-          {{}}<span  id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_use" name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

-         </div>  

-         <div class="pull-right">  

-          <a href="#" ms-click="gotoVimPage()" id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_return" name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></a>

+        <div class="row" style=" margin-top: 15px;">

+            <div class="col-xs-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-lg-6 titlefont">

+                {{}}<span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_use"

+                                      name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

+            </div>

+            <div class="pull-right">

+                <a href="#" ms-click="gotoVimPage()" id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_chart_return"

+                   name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></a>


-         </div>      

-   </div>

-   <div class="separator-line"></div>

+            </div>

+        </div>

+        <div class="separator-line"></div>


-    <div class="row row-fluid">

+        <div class="row row-fluid">


- <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 " ms-if="vimInfo.isAdmin==true" >

+            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 " ms-if="vimInfo.isAdmin==true">


- <div class="form-body">

-      <div class="form-title">

-        <span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_use" name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

-      </div>

-      <div  id="vimPieChartDiv" style="width:100%;height:200px" class="main"></div>


-      </div>  

-  </div>

+                <div class="form-body">

+                    <div class="form-title">

+                        <span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_vim_use"

+                              name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

+                    </div>

+                    <div id="vimPieChartDiv" style="width:100%;height:200px" class="main"></div>



+                </div>

+            </div>


-   <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 " >

-   <div class="form-body">

-      <div class="form-title">

-        {{vimInfo.tenant}}<span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_use" name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

-        <div class="pull-right">

-         <select class="form-control m-b" ms-if="vimInfo.isAdmin==true"  ms-each="tenantSelectList.selectItems"   ms-duplex="vimInfo.tenant" ms-change="tenantChartLoad()">             

-                            <option ms-attr-value=''>{{}}</option>

-                        </select>



-         </div>

-      </div>


-      <div  id="tenantPieChartDiv" style="width:100%;height:400px" class="main"></div>


-      </div> 


-   </div>

+            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 ">

+                <div class="form-body">

+                    <div class="form-title">

+                        {{vimInfo.tenant}}<span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_resource_tenant_use"

+                                                name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

+                        <div class="pull-right">

+                            <select class="form-control m-b" ms-if="vimInfo.isAdmin==true"

+                                    ms-each="tenantSelectList.selectItems" ms-duplex="vimInfo.tenant"

+                                    ms-change="tenantChartLoad()">

+                                <option ms-attr-value=''>{{}}</option>

+                            </select>



+                        </div>

+                    </div>


+                    <div id="tenantPieChartDiv" style="width:100%;height:400px" class="main"></div>


+                </div>


+            </div>


+        </div>




- </div>





@@ -102,12 +107,12 @@
 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../common/thirdparty/jquery.i18n/"></script>

 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../common/thirdparty/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

 <script src="../../common/thirdparty/bootstrap-growl/bootstrap-growl.min.js"></script>

-<script type="text/javascript" src="./i18n/loadi18nApp.js"></script> 

+<script type="text/javascript" src="./i18n/loadi18nApp.js"></script>

 <script src="../../common/thirdparty/echarts/echarts-all.js"></script>

 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../common/thirdparty/bootbox/bootbox.min.js"></script>

 <script src="../../common/thirdparty/avalon/avalon.js"></script>

 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/vimChart.js"></script>

 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/vimChartController.js"></script>

-<script type="text/javascript" src="../../common/js/core/hk.min.js" ></script>

+<script type="text/javascript" src="../../common/js/core/hk.min.js"></script>


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/vimView.html b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/vimView.html
index 858d6d5..5198724 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/vimView.html
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vim/vimView.html
@@ -18,208 +18,233 @@


 <head lang="en">

-<meta charset="UTF-8">


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-<link href="../../common/thirdparty/uniform/css/uniform.default.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

-<link href="../../common/css/ngict-component.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

-<link href="../../common/css/ZteIctIcons/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

-<link href="css/vim.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

-<link href="css/skill.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

-<link href="../../common/thirdparty/animate/animate.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

+    <meta charset="UTF-8">

+    <title></title>

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+    <link href="css/vim.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

+    <link href="css/skill.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

+    <link href="../../common/thirdparty/animate/animate.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>



-<style> {

-	visibility: hidden



+    <style>

+        .ms-controller {

+            visibility: hidden

+        }

+    </style>




 <div class="ms-controller container-fluid" ms-controller="vimController">


-<div id="addVimDlg" class="modal  fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true" >

-		<div class="modal-dialog">

-			<div class="modal-content Changepasswd">

-				<div class="content">

-					<div class="modal-header">

-						<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>

-						<h4 id="myModalLabel" ms-text="addVim.titleName"></h4>

-					</div>

+    <div id="addVimDlg" class="modal  fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel"

+         aria-hidden="true">

+        <div class="modal-dialog">

+            <div class="modal-content Changepasswd">

+                <div class="content">

+                    <div class="modal-header">

+                        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>

+                        <h4 id="myModalLabel" ms-text="addVim.titleName"></h4>

+                    </div>

                     <!-- modal body begin-->

-					<div class="modal-body">

-					<div class="alert alert-info" ms-visible="executeWait.visible">{{executeWait.text}}</div>

-					<div class="alert alert-danger " ms-visible="executeError.visible">{{executeError.text}}</div>

+                    <div class="modal-body">

+                        <div class="alert alert-info" ms-visible="executeWait.visible">{{executeWait.text}}</div>

+                        <div class="alert alert-danger " ms-visible="executeError.visible">{{executeError.text}}</div>


-					<form class="form-horizontal" id="vim_form" role="form">

-						<input type="hidden" ms-duplex="addVim.vimId"  name="vimId" class="form-control"/>

-						<div class="form-group">

-							<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-                                <span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_name" name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

-                                <span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

-							</label>

-						 	<div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVim.vimName"  name="vimName" class="form-control"/>

-								<span class="help-block"></span>

-							</div>

-						</div>

-						 <div class="form-group">

-                            <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-                                <span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_auth_url" name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

-                                <span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

-                            </label>

-							 <div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVim.url" placeholder="http://xx.xx.xx.xx:5000/v2.0" name="url" class="form-control"/> 

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

-							</div>


-						</div>

-						 <div class="form-group">

-								<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-									<span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_username" name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

-									<span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

-								</label>

-							 <div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVim.userName" name="userName" class="form-control" /> 

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

-							</div>

-						</div>

+                        <form class="form-horizontal" id="vim_form" role="form">

+                            <input type="hidden" ms-duplex="addVim.vimId" name="vimId" class="form-control"/>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_name"

+                                          name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

+                                    <span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <input type="text" ms-duplex="addVim.vimName" name="vimName" class="form-control"/>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_auth_url"

+                                          name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

+                                    <span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <input type="text" ms-duplex="addVim.url" placeholder="http://xx.xx.xx.xx:5000/v2.0"

+                                           name="url" class="form-control"/>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>


-						 <div class="form-group">

-								<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-									<span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_password" name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

-									<span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

-								</label>

-							 <div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="password" ms-duplex="addVim.password"  name="password"  class="form-control" /> 

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

-							</div>

-						</div>

-						<div class="form-group">

-								<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-									<span id_i18n="com_zte_ums_eco_roc_vim_tenant" name_i18n="com_zte_conductor_ui_i18n"></span>

-									<span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

-								</label>

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-								</label>

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-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVim.version"  name="version"  class="form-control" />

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

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-                            </label>

-							 <div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVim.vendor"  name="vendor"  class="form-control" /> 

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+                                    <span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

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+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

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+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

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+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

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+                                            ms-duplex="addVim.vimType">

+                                        <option ms-attr-value='el.cond_value'>{{}}</option>

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+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <textarea class="form-control" rows="3" ms-duplex="addVim.description"

+                                              name="description"></textarea>

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\ No newline at end of file
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index 14254aa..cd23bc7 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/css/vnfm.css
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/css/vnfm.css
@@ -14,479 +14,473 @@
  * limitations under the License.


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-.btn-default.disabled,.btn-default.disabled:hover,.btn-default.disabled:focus,.btn-default.disabled:active,,.btn-default[disabled],.btn-default[disabled]:hover,.btn-default[disabled]:focus,.btn-default[disabled]:active,.btn-default[disabled].active,fieldset[disabled] .btn-default,fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:hover,fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:focus,fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:active,fieldset[disabled]

-	{

-	background-color: #fff;

-	border-color: #ccc;

+.btn-default.disabled, .btn-default.disabled:hover, .btn-default.disabled:focus, .btn-default.disabled:active,, .btn-default[disabled], .btn-default[disabled]:hover, .btn-default[disabled]:focus, .btn-default[disabled]:active, .btn-default[disabled].active, fieldset[disabled] .btn-default, fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:hover, fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:focus, fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:active, fieldset[disabled] {

+    background-color: #fff;

+    border-color: #ccc;



 .btn-default .badge {

-	color: #fff;

-	background-color: #333;

+    color: #fff;

+    background-color: #333;




-.btn-default>i[class^="icon-"],.btn-default>i[class*="icon-"] {

-	color: #8c8c8c;

+.btn-default > i[class^="icon-"], .btn-default > i[class*="icon-"] {

+    color: #8c8c8c;



 div[data-name="tab_zone"] div {

-	background-color: #f1f3fa;

-	padding: 0px;

+    background-color: #f1f3fa;

+    padding: 0px;



 div[data-name="cond_zone"] div {

-	background-color: #fff;

-	margin-top: 15px;

-	margin-bottom: 15px;

+    background-color: #fff;

+    margin-top: 15px;

+    margin-bottom: 15px;



 div[data-name="res-conds-zone"] {

-	display: inline;

+    display: inline;



-div[data-name="res-conds-zone"] select,div[data-name="res-conds-zone"] span

-	{

-	/**height:33px;*/

-	margin-left: 15px;

-	color: #5b9bd1;

-	border-color: #ccc;

-	font-weight: bold;

+div[data-name="res-conds-zone"] select, div[data-name="res-conds-zone"] span {

+    /**height:33px;*/

+    margin-left: 15px;

+    color: #5b9bd1;

+    border-color: #ccc;

+    font-weight: bold;




-	width:250px;

-  height: 34px;

-  padding: 6px 12px;

-  font-size: 14px;

-  line-height: 1.42857143;

-  color: #555;

-  background-color: #fff;

-  background-image: none;

-  border: 1px solid #ccc;

-  border-radius: 4px;

-  -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075);

-  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075);

-  -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s,box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;

-  transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s,box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;

+.input {

+    width: 250px;

+    height: 34px;

+    padding: 6px 12px;

+    font-size: 14px;

+    line-height: 1.42857143;

+    color: #555;

+    background-color: #fff;

+    background-image: none;

+    border: 1px solid #ccc;

+    border-radius: 4px;

+    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075);

+    box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075);

+    -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s, box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;

+    transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s, box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;



 div.separator {

-	margin: 20px;

+    margin: 20px;



 div.separator div {

-	text-align: center;

-	line-height: 0;

+    text-align: center;

+    line-height: 0;



 div.separator-line {

-	height: 1px !important;

-	width: 100%;

-	background: #ddd;

-	overflow: hidden;

+    height: 1px !important;

+    width: 100%;

+    background: #ddd;

+    overflow: hidden;



 .dropdown-toggle {

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+    color: #5b9bd1;



 .calendar-date {

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+    color: #5b9bd1;



 .range_inputs {

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+    color: #5b9bd1;



-.btn.dropdown-toggle,.btn-group .btn.dropdown-toggle,.btn:hover,.btn:disabled,.btn[disabled],.btn:focus,.btn:active,

-	{

-	outline: none !important;

-	background-image: none !important;

-	filter: none;

-	-webkit-box-shadow: none;

-	-moz-box-shadow: none;

-	box-shadow: none;

-	text-shadow: none;

+.btn.dropdown-toggle, .btn-group .btn.dropdown-toggle, .btn:hover, .btn:disabled, .btn[disabled], .btn:focus, .btn:active, {

+    outline: none !important;

+    background-image: none !important;

+    filter: none;

+    -webkit-box-shadow: none;

+    -moz-box-shadow: none;

+    box-shadow: none;

+    text-shadow: none;



 #skills-chart-breadcrumb {

-	margin-bottom: 10px

+    margin-bottom: 10px




 input[name="daterange"] {

-	width: 220px;

-	line-height: 0;

-	height: 31px;

-	vertical-align: top;

-	margin-top: 2px;

+    width: 220px;

+    line-height: 0;

+    height: 31px;

+    vertical-align: top;

+    margin-top: 2px;



 .daterangepicker .ranges {

-	width: 205px;

+    width: 205px;



 .daterangepicker .ranges input {

-	width: 95px !important;

+    width: 95px !important;



 td.details-control {

-	background: url('../images/details_open.png') no-repeat center center;

-	cursor: pointer;

+    background: url('../images/details_open.png') no-repeat center center;

+    cursor: pointer;



 tr.shown td.details-control {

-	background: url('../images/details_close.png') no-repeat center center;

+    background: url('../images/details_close.png') no-repeat center center;



 .details table td {

-	word-wrap: break-word;

-	word-break: normal;

-	border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;

+    word-wrap: break-word;

+    word-break: normal;

+    border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;



-.details table  tr:first-child td {

-	border-top: none;

+.details table tr:first-child td {

+    border-top: none;



 .details table {

-	table-layout: fixed;

-	width: 100%;

+    table-layout: fixed;

+    width: 100%;



 td.title {

-	width: 10%;

+    width: 10%;



-table.dataTable tbody th,table.dataTable tbody td {

-	padding: 8px 10px;

+table.dataTable tbody th, table.dataTable tbody td {

+    padding: 8px 10px;



-div.dataTables_length,div.dataTables_info {

-	display: inline;

+div.dataTables_length, div.dataTables_info {

+    display: inline;



 div.dataTables_paginate {

-	display: inline;

-	float: right;

+    display: inline;

+    float: right;



 div.pagination-panel {

-	margin-right: 10px;

+    margin-right: 10px;



 input.pagination-panel-input {

-	width: 50px;

+    width: 50px;



 #ict_res_table_div {

-	margin-top: 15px;

+    margin-top: 15px;



 #ict_res_table_div label {

-	font-weight: 100;

+    font-weight: 100;



-.daterangepicker .daterangepicker_start_input label,.daterangepicker .daterangepicker_end_input label

-	{

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+.daterangepicker .daterangepicker_start_input label, .daterangepicker .daterangepicker_end_input label {

+    color: #5b9bd1;



 .daterangepicker .ranges .input-mini {

-	color: #5b9bd1;

+    color: #5b9bd1;



 .cancelBtn {

-	padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;

+    padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;



-.btn:focus,.btn:active:focus, {

-	outline: 0;

+.btn:focus, .btn:active:focus, {

+    outline: 0;



-#ict_res_table_div  table {

-	width: 100% !important;

+#ict_res_table_div table {

+    width: 100% !important;



 .control-label .required {

-  color: #e02222;

-  font-size: 12px;

-  padding-left: 2px;

+    color: #e02222;

+    font-size: 12px;

+    padding-left: 2px;



-#ict_vim_table tbody tr{

-	cursor:pointer;

+#ict_vim_table tbody tr {

+    cursor: pointer;





 .animated-panel {

-  -webkit-animation-duration: .5s;

-  animation-duration: .5s;

-  -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;

-  animation-fill-mode: both;

+    -webkit-animation-duration: .5s;

+    animation-duration: .5s;

+    -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;

+    animation-fill-mode: both;



 .hpanel {

-  background-color: none;

-  border: none;

-  box-shadow: none;

-  margin-bottom: 25px;


+    background-color: none;

+    border: none;

+    box-shadow: none;

+    margin-bottom: 25px;




 .hpanel .panel-body {

-  border: 1px solid #e4e5e7;

-  border-radius: 2px;

-  padding: 20px;

-  position: relative;

+    border: 1px solid #e4e5e7;

+    border-radius: 2px;

+    padding: 20px;

+    position: relative;



 .h-200 {

-  min-height: 220px;

+    min-height: 220px;



 .m-t-xl {

-  margin-top: 40px;

+    margin-top: 40px;



 .m-t-xl div {

-  margin-bottom: 15px;

+    margin-bottom: 15px;



 .text-success {

-  color: #0d638f;

+    color: #0d638f;



 .hpanel > .panel-footer {

-  color: inherit;

-  border: 1px solid #e4e5e7;

-  border-top: none;

-  font-size: 90%;

-  background: #f7f9fa;

-  height:40px;

-  padding: 5px 15px;

+    color: inherit;

+    border: 1px solid #e4e5e7;

+    border-top: none;

+    font-size: 90%;

+    background: #f7f9fa;

+    height: 40px;

+    padding: 5px 15px;



-	color:#ccc;


+.color_cloud {

+    color: #ccc;




+.stats-title {





-  margin-top: 10px;

-  margin-bottom: 40px;

-  font-weight: 200;

+h3 {

+    margin-top: 10px;

+    margin-bottom: 40px;

+    font-weight: 200;


-	color:#428bca; {

+    color: #428bca;



-.hpanel > .panel-footer .pull-right a{

-	margin-left: 5px;

+.hpanel > .panel-footer .pull-right a {

+    margin-left: 5px;



-.hpanel > .panel-footer .pull-right .btn{

-	min-width: 30px !important;

+.hpanel > .panel-footer .pull-right .btn {

+    min-width: 30px !important;



 .font-bold {

-  font-weight: 600;

-  margin-bottom: 15px;

+    font-weight: 600;

+    margin-bottom: 15px;




-	background-color: #f7f9fa;

+.hpanel_show {

+    background-color: #f7f9fa;



 .vnfm-padding {

-	padding-left: 0;

+    padding-left: 0;

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/commonUtil.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/commonUtil.js
index 2e3dffd..b8be1b7 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/commonUtil.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/commonUtil.js
@@ -14,69 +14,69 @@
  * limitations under the License.


 var commonUtil = {};

-commonUtil.arrayRemove = function( aryInstance , index ){

-    if(aryInstance == undefined || aryInstance == null){

+commonUtil.arrayRemove = function (aryInstance, index) {

+    if (aryInstance == undefined || aryInstance == null) {



-    for(var i=0,n=0;i<aryInstance.length;i++) {

-        if(aryInstance[i]!=aryInstance[dx]) {

-            aryInstance[n++]=aryInstance[i];

+    for (var i = 0, n = 0; i < aryInstance.length; i++) {

+        if (aryInstance[i] != aryInstance[dx]) {

+            aryInstance[n++] = aryInstance[i];



-    aryInstance.length-=1;

+    aryInstance.length -= 1;



 //For the expansion of the Date, convert the Date to specify the format String

 // examples:

 // (new Date()).Format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S") ==> 2006-07-02 08:09:04.423

 // (new Date()).Format("yyyy-M-d h:m:s.S")      ==> 2006-7-2 8:9:4.18

-commonUtil.parseDate = function( dateObj , format){

+commonUtil.parseDate = function (dateObj, format) {

     var o = {

-        "M+" : dateObj.getMonth()+1, //month

-        "d+" : dateObj.getDate(),    //day

-        "h+" : dateObj.getHours(),   //hour

-        "m+" : dateObj.getMinutes(), //minute

-        "s+" : dateObj.getSeconds(), //second

-        "q+" : Math.floor((dateObj.getMonth()+3)/3),  //quarter

-        "S" : dateObj.getMilliseconds() //millisecond

+        "M+": dateObj.getMonth() + 1, //month

+        "d+": dateObj.getDate(),    //day

+        "h+": dateObj.getHours(),   //hour

+        "m+": dateObj.getMinutes(), //minute

+        "s+": dateObj.getSeconds(), //second

+        "q+": Math.floor((dateObj.getMonth() + 3) / 3),  //quarter

+        "S": dateObj.getMilliseconds() //millisecond


-    if(/(y+)/.test(format)) format=format.replace(RegExp.$1,

-        (dateObj.getFullYear()+"").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));

-    for(var k in o)

-        if(new RegExp("("+ k +")").test(format))

-            format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length==1 ? o[k] :

-                    ("00"+ o[k]).substr((""+ o[k]).length));

+    if (/(y+)/.test(format)) format = format.replace(RegExp.$1,

+        (dateObj.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));

+    for (var k in o)

+        if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(format))

+            format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length == 1 ? o[k] :

+                ("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length));

     return format;




-commonUtil.showMessage = function(message, type) {

+commonUtil.showMessage = function (message, type) {


         icon: "fa fa-envelope-o fa-lg",

         title: "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + $.i18n.prop("nfv-nso-iui-common-tip"),

         message: message

-    },{

+    }, {

         type: type




-commonUtil.registerCometdMessage = function(url, channel, callback) {

+commonUtil.registerCometdMessage = function (url, channel, callback) {

     var cometd = new $.Cometd();

     var cometdURL = location.protocol + "//" + + url;


-        url : cometdURL,

-        logLevel : "info"

+        url: cometdURL,

+        logLevel: "info"


     // unregister websocket transport, use long-polling transport


     // store channel object parameters(this object include channel and callback function), start from arguments[1]

-    var _args = arguments;  

+    var _args = arguments;


-    cometd.addListener("/meta/handshake", function(handshake){

-        if(handshake.successful === true) {

-            cometd.batch(function() {

+    cometd.addListener("/meta/handshake", function (handshake) {

+        if (handshake.successful === true) {

+            cometd.batch(function () {

                 //subscribe channel

-                cometd.subscribe(channel, function(message){

+                cometd.subscribe(channel, function (message) {




@@ -85,44 +85,44 @@



-commonUtil.format = function() {

-    if(arguments.length == 0) {

+commonUtil.format = function () {

+    if (arguments.length == 0) {

         return null;


     var str = arguments[0];

-    for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) {

-        var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + (i - 1) + "\\}" , "gm");

+    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {

+        var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + (i - 1) + "\\}", "gm");

         str = str.replace(reg, arguments[i]);


     return str;



-commonUtil.get = function(url, params, callback) {

+commonUtil.get = function (url, params, callback) {


-        type : "GET",

-        url : url,

+        type: "GET",

+        url: url,

         //contentType : contentType || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",

-        dataType : "json",

-        data : params || {},

-        success : callback

+        dataType: "json",

+        data: params || {},

+        success: callback


 } = function(url, params, callback, contentType) { = function (url, params, callback, contentType) {


-        type : "POST",

-        url : url,

-        contentType : contentType || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",

-        data : params || {},

-        success : callback

+        type: "POST",

+        url: url,

+        contentType: contentType || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",

+        data: params || {},

+        success: callback




-commonUtil.delete = function(url, callback, contentType) {

+commonUtil.delete = function (url, callback, contentType) {


-        type : "DELETE",

-        url : url,

-        contentType : contentType || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",

-        success : callback

+        type: "DELETE",

+        url: url,

+        contentType: contentType || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",

+        success: callback


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/loadi18n_nsoc.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/loadi18n_nsoc.js
index 198960c..aed34c3 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/loadi18n_nsoc.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/loadi18n_nsoc.js
@@ -13,26 +13,26 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  * limitations under the License.


-function loadPropertiesSideMenu(lang, fileNamePrefix, filePath){


-	    language:lang,

-	    name:fileNamePrefix,

-	    path:filePath,

-	    mode:'map',

-	    callback: function() {

-	        var i18nItems = $("[name_i18n=com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n]");

-	        for(var i=0;i<i18nItems.length;i++) {

-	        	var $item = $(i18nItems.eq(i));

-	        	var itemId = $item.attr("id");

-	        	var itemTitle = $item.attr("title");

-	        	if(typeof(itemTitle) != "undefined") {

-	        		$item.attr("title", $.i18n.prop(itemId));

-	        	} else {

-	        		$item.text($.i18n.prop(itemId));

-	        	}

-	        }

-	    }

-	});

+function loadPropertiesSideMenu(lang, fileNamePrefix, filePath) {


+        language: lang,

+        name: fileNamePrefix,

+        path: filePath,

+        mode: 'map',

+        callback: function () {

+            var i18nItems = $("[name_i18n=com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n]");

+            for (var i = 0; i < i18nItems.length; i++) {

+                var $item = $(i18nItems.eq(i));

+                var itemId = $item.attr("id");

+                var itemTitle = $item.attr("title");

+                if (typeof(itemTitle) != "undefined") {

+                    $item.attr("title", $.i18n.prop(itemId));

+                } else {

+                    $item.text($.i18n.prop(itemId));

+                }

+            }

+        }

+    });


 var lang = getLanguage();

 loadPropertiesSideMenu(lang, 'nfv-nso-iui-i18n', 'i18n/');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfm-validate.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfm-validate.js
index 0412101..b656d4d 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfm-validate.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfm-validate.js
@@ -13,77 +13,77 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  * limitations under the License.



-	var form = $('#vnfm_form');

-	var error = $('.alert-danger', form);

-	var success = $('.alert-success', form);

+$(function () {

+    var form = $('#vnfm_form');

+    var error = $('.alert-danger', form);

+    var success = $('.alert-success', form);


-	form.validate({

-		doNotHideMessage: true, //this option enables to show the error/success messages on tab switch.

-		errorElement: 'span', //default input error message container

-		errorClass: 'help-block', // default input error message class

-		focusInvalid: false, // do not focus the last invalid input

-		rules: {			

-			name:{

-				required: true,

-				maxlength:20

-			},

-			type:{

-				required: true,

-				maxlength:20

-			},

-			version:{

-				required: true,

-				maxlength:20

-			},

-			vendor:{

-				required: true,

-				maxlength:20

-			},

-			url:{

-				required: true,

-				url: true

-			}

-		},

-		messages: {		

-			name:{

-				required: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-name")

-			},

-			type:{

-				required: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-type")

-			},

-			version:{

-				required: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-version")

-			},

-			vendor:{

-				required: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-vendor")

-			},

-			url:{

-				required: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-url-required"),

-				url: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-url")

-			}

-		},

-		errorPlacement: function (error, element) { // render error placement for each input type

-			error.insertAfter(element); // for other inputs, just perform default behavior

-		},

-		invalidHandler: function (event, validator) { //display error alert on form submit   

-			success.hide();


-		},

-		highlight: function (element) { // hightlight error inputs

-			$(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-success').addClass('has-error'); // set error class to the control group

-		},

-		unhighlight: function (element) { // revert the change done by hightlight

-			$(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error'); // set error class to the control group

-		},

-		success: function (label) {

-			label.addClass('valid') // mark the current input as valid and display OK icon

-				.closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error'); // set success class to the control group

-		},

-		submitHandler: function (form) {


-			error.hide();

-			//add here some ajax code to submit your form or just call form.submit() if you want to submit the form without ajax

-		}

-	});

+    form.validate({

+        doNotHideMessage: true, //this option enables to show the error/success messages on tab switch.

+        errorElement: 'span', //default input error message container

+        errorClass: 'help-block', // default input error message class

+        focusInvalid: false, // do not focus the last invalid input

+        rules: {

+            name: {

+                required: true,

+                maxlength: 20

+            },

+            type: {

+                required: true,

+                maxlength: 20

+            },

+            version: {

+                required: true,

+                maxlength: 20

+            },

+            vendor: {

+                required: true,

+                maxlength: 20

+            },

+            url: {

+                required: true,

+                url: true

+            }

+        },

+        messages: {

+            name: {

+                required: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-name")

+            },

+            type: {

+                required: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-type")

+            },

+            version: {

+                required: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-version")

+            },

+            vendor: {

+                required: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-vendor")

+            },

+            url: {

+                required: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-url-required"),

+                url: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-validate-url")

+            }

+        },

+        errorPlacement: function (error, element) { // render error placement for each input type

+            error.insertAfter(element); // for other inputs, just perform default behavior

+        },

+        invalidHandler: function (event, validator) { //display error alert on form submit   

+            success.hide();

+  ;

+        },

+        highlight: function (element) { // hightlight error inputs

+            $(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-success').addClass('has-error'); // set error class to the control group

+        },

+        unhighlight: function (element) { // revert the change done by hightlight

+            $(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error'); // set error class to the control group

+        },

+        success: function (label) {

+            label.addClass('valid') // mark the current input as valid and display OK icon

+                .closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error'); // set success class to the control group

+        },

+        submitHandler: function (form) {

+  ;

+            error.hide();

+            //add here some ajax code to submit your form or just call form.submit() if you want to submit the form without ajax

+        }

+    });

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfmController.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfmController.js
index fcc95a6..df3166c 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfmController.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfmController.js
@@ -15,279 +15,279 @@


 var vm = avalon

-		.define({

-			$id : "vnfmController",

-			vnfmInfo :  [],	

-			//mocSelectItems : [],

-			vimSelectItems : [],	

-			server_rtn:{

-				info_block:false,

-				warning_block:false,

-				rtn_info:"",



-			},	

-			$Status	:{

-                success:"active",

-                failed:"inactive"

-			},	

-			$restUrl : {

-				queryVnfmInfoUrl : '/openoapi/extsys/v1/vnfms',

-				addVnfmInfoUrl : '/openoapi/extsys/v1/vnfms',

-				updateVnfmInfoUrl : '/openoapi/extsys/v1/vnfms/',

-				delVnfmInfoUrl : '/openoapi/extsys/v1/vnfms/',

-				queryMocUrl : '',

-				queryVimUrl : '/openoapi/extsys/v1/vims'

-			},

-			$htmlText:{

-				saveSuccess:$.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-save-success"),

-				saveFail:$.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-save-fail"),

-				updateSuccess:$.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-update-success"),

-				updateFail:$.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-update-fail")

-			},

-			$initTable : function() {				

-				$.ajax({

-	                "type": 'GET',

-	                "url": vm.$restUrl.queryVnfmInfoUrl,

-	                //"dataType": "json",

-	                "success": function (resp) {

-	                	for(var i=0;i<resp.length;i++){ 

-			                 resp[i].status = vm.$Status.success;			                        

-				           }

-	                	vm.vnfmInfo = resp;	                   	

-	                },

-	                error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

-						bootbox.alert($.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-query-fail") + ":"+textStatus+":"+errorThrown);                       

-	                    return;

-	                },

-	                complete: function() {    

-	                   	vnfmUtil.tooltipVnfmStatus();

-	                }

-	            });	

-			},

-			// $initMoc : function() {

-			// 	/*var url = vm.$restUrl.queryMocUrl;

-			//     commonUtil.get(url, null, function(resp) {

-			//         if (resp) {

-			//             vm.addVnfm.moc =;

-			//         }

-			//     });*/

-			//     var resp = [

-			//     	{ id : "", name : "VNFM(ECO)"},

-			//     	{ id : "nfv.vnfm.tacker", name : "VNFM(Tacker)"},

-			//     	{ id : "nfv.vnfm.cmcc", name : "VNFM(CMCC)"},

-			//     	{ id : "nfv.vnfm.etsi", name : "VNFM(ETSI)"}

-			//     ]

-			//     vm.mocSelectItems = resp;

-			// },

-			$initVim : function() {

-				$.ajax({

-					type : 'get',

-					url : vm.$restUrl.queryVimUrl,

-					dataType : 'json',

-					success : function(resp) {

-						if(resp) {

-							vm.vimSelectItems = resp;

-						}

-						vm.vimSelectItems.push({"vimId":"","name":""});						

-					}

-				});

-			},

-			addVnfm : {

-				title : $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-text-register"),

-				vnfmId : "",

-				name : "",

-				type :"",

-				//moc : "",

-				//mocDisabled : false,

-				vimId : "",

-				//vimVisiable : false,

-				vendor : "",

-				version :"",

-				description:"",

-				certificateUrl:"",

-				url : "",

-				urlTip : $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-text-url-tip"),

-				userName : "",

-				password : "",

-				saveType :"add",

-				status: ""

-			},

-			$showVnfmTable : function() { 

-				vm.addVnfm.title = $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-text-register"),  				

-				vm.addVnfm.vnfmId = "";

- = "";

-				vm.addVnfm.type = "";

-				//vm.addVnfm.moc = "";

-				//vm.addVnfm.mocDisabled = false;

-				vm.addVnfm.vimId = "";

-				//vm.addVnfm.vimVisiable = false;

-				vm.addVnfm.vendor = "";

-				vm.addVnfm.version = "";

-				vm.addVnfm.description = "";

-				vm.addVnfm.certificateUrl = "";

-				vm.addVnfm.url = "";

-				vm.addVnfm.userName = "";

-				vm.addVnfm.password = "";

-				vm.addVnfm.saveType = "add";

-				vm.server_rtn.warning_block=false;

-				vm.server_rtn.info_block=false;

-				//vm.$initMoc();

-				vm.$initVim();

-				//vm.$mocChange();


-				$(".form-group").each(function () {

-					$(this).removeClass('has-success');

-					$(this).removeClass('has-error');

-					$(this).find(".help-block[id]").remove();

-				});

-				$("#addVnfmDlg").modal("show");

-			},			

-			// $getMocName : function(mocId) {

-	  //       	var items = vm.mocSelectItems;

-	  //           for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++) {

-		 //    		if(items[i].id == mocId) {

-		 //    			return items[i].name;

-		 //    		}

-		 //    	}

-		 //    	return "";

-			// },

-			$saveVnfm : function() {

-				var form = $('#vnfm_form');

-				if (form.valid() == false) {

-					return false;

-				}				

-			    vm.server_rtn.info_block=true;

-                vm.server_rtn.warning_block=false;                  

-				vm.addVnfm.status=vm.$Status.success;

+    .define({

+        $id: "vnfmController",

+        vnfmInfo: [],

+        //mocSelectItems : [],

+        vimSelectItems: [],

+        server_rtn: {

+            info_block: false,

+            warning_block: false,

+            rtn_info: "",

+            $RTN_SUCCESS: "RTN_SUCCESS",

+            $RTN_FAILED: "RTN_FAILED"

+        },

+        $Status: {

+            success: "active",

+            failed: "inactive"

+        },

+        $restUrl: {

+            queryVnfmInfoUrl: '/openoapi/extsys/v1/vnfms',

+            addVnfmInfoUrl: '/openoapi/extsys/v1/vnfms',

+            updateVnfmInfoUrl: '/openoapi/extsys/v1/vnfms/',

+            delVnfmInfoUrl: '/openoapi/extsys/v1/vnfms/',

+            queryMocUrl: '',

+            queryVimUrl: '/openoapi/extsys/v1/vims'

+        },

+        $htmlText: {

+            saveSuccess: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-save-success"),

+            saveFail: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-save-fail"),

+            updateSuccess: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-update-success"),

+            updateFail: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-update-fail")

+        },

+        $initTable: function () {

+            $.ajax({

+                "type": 'GET',

+                "url": vm.$restUrl.queryVnfmInfoUrl,

+                //"dataType": "json",

+                "success": function (resp) {

+                    for (var i = 0; i < resp.length; i++) {

+                        resp[i].status = vm.$Status.success;

+                    }

+                    vm.vnfmInfo = resp;

+                },

+                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                    bootbox.alert($.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-query-fail") + ":" + textStatus + ":" + errorThrown);

+                    return;

+                },

+                complete: function () {

+                    vnfmUtil.tooltipVnfmStatus();

+                }

+            });

+        },

+        // $initMoc : function() {

+        // 	/*var url = vm.$restUrl.queryMocUrl;

+        //     commonUtil.get(url, null, function(resp) {

+        //         if (resp) {

+        //             vm.addVnfm.moc =;

+        //         }

+        //     });*/

+        //     var resp = [

+        //     	{ id : "", name : "VNFM(ECO)"},

+        //     	{ id : "nfv.vnfm.tacker", name : "VNFM(Tacker)"},

+        //     	{ id : "nfv.vnfm.cmcc", name : "VNFM(CMCC)"},

+        //     	{ id : "nfv.vnfm.etsi", name : "VNFM(ETSI)"}

+        //     ]

+        //     vm.mocSelectItems = resp;

+        // },

+        $initVim: function () {

+            $.ajax({

+                type: 'get',

+                url: vm.$restUrl.queryVimUrl,

+                dataType: 'json',

+                success: function (resp) {

+                    if (resp) {

+                        vm.vimSelectItems = resp;

+                    }

+                    vm.vimSelectItems.push({"vimId": "", "name": ""});

+                }

+            });

+        },

+        addVnfm: {

+            title: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-text-register"),

+            vnfmId: "",

+            name: "",

+            type: "",

+            //moc : "",

+            //mocDisabled : false,

+            vimId: "",

+            //vimVisiable : false,

+            vendor: "",

+            version: "",

+            description: "",

+            certificateUrl: "",

+            url: "",

+            urlTip: $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-text-url-tip"),

+            userName: "",

+            password: "",

+            saveType: "add",

+            status: ""

+        },

+        $showVnfmTable: function () {

+            vm.addVnfm.title = $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-text-register"),

+                vm.addVnfm.vnfmId = "";

+   = "";

+            vm.addVnfm.type = "";

+            //vm.addVnfm.moc = "";

+            //vm.addVnfm.mocDisabled = false;

+            vm.addVnfm.vimId = "";

+            //vm.addVnfm.vimVisiable = false;

+            vm.addVnfm.vendor = "";

+            vm.addVnfm.version = "";

+            vm.addVnfm.description = "";

+            vm.addVnfm.certificateUrl = "";

+            vm.addVnfm.url = "";

+            vm.addVnfm.userName = "";

+            vm.addVnfm.password = "";

+            vm.addVnfm.saveType = "add";

+            vm.server_rtn.warning_block = false;

+            vm.server_rtn.info_block = false;

+            //vm.$initMoc();

+            vm.$initVim();

+            //vm.$mocChange();


-				var param = {

-					name :,										

-					//status : vm.addVnfm.status,

-					//moc : $("#moc").val(),

-					//vimId : vm.$getVimId($("#moc").val()),

-					vimId : $("#vimId").val(),

-					vendor : vm.addVnfm.vendor,

-					version : vm.addVnfm.version,

-					type : vm.addVnfm.type,

-					description : vm.addVnfm.description,

-					certificateUrl : vm.addVnfm.certificateUrl,

-					url : vm.addVnfm.url,

-					userName : vm.addVnfm.userName,

-					password : vm.addVnfm.password 

-				}

-				//save VIM info

-				if(vm.addVnfm.saveType == "add") {

-					$.ajax({

-						type : "POST",

-						url : vm.$restUrl.addVnfmInfoUrl,

-						data : JSON.stringify(param),

-						dataType : "json",

-						contentType : "application/json",

-						success : function(data) {

-							vm.server_rtn.info_block=false;

-							vm.server_rtn.warning_block=false;

-							if (data) {

-								vm.vnfmInfo = [];

-								vm.$initTable();

+            $(".form-group").each(function () {

+                $(this).removeClass('has-success');

+                $(this).removeClass('has-error');

+                $(this).find(".help-block[id]").remove();

+            });

+            $("#addVnfmDlg").modal("show");

+        },

+        // $getMocName : function(mocId) {

+        //       	var items = vm.mocSelectItems;

+        //           for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++) {

+        //    		if(items[i].id == mocId) {

+        //    			return items[i].name;

+        //    		}

+        //    	}

+        //    	return "";

+        // },

+        $saveVnfm: function () {

+            var form = $('#vnfm_form');

+            if (form.valid() == false) {

+                return false;

+            }

+            vm.server_rtn.info_block = true;

+            vm.server_rtn.warning_block = false;

+            vm.addVnfm.status = vm.$Status.success;


-								$('#addVnfmDlg').modal('hide');							

-								commonUtil.showMessage(vm.$htmlText.saveSuccess, "success");

-							} else {

-								vm.server_rtn.warning_block=true;

-								vm.server_rtn.rtn_info=vm.$htmlText.saveFail;

-								commonUtil.showMessage(vm.$htmlText.saveFail, "failed");

-							}

-						},

-					    error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

-					      	vm.server_rtn.warning_block=true;

-					      	vm.server_rtn.rtn_info=textStatus+":"+errorThrown;

-                          	vm.server_rtn.info_block=false;

+            var param = {

+                name:,

+                //status : vm.addVnfm.status,

+                //moc : $("#moc").val(),

+                //vimId : vm.$getVimId($("#moc").val()),

+                vimId: $("#vimId").val(),

+                vendor: vm.addVnfm.vendor,

+                version: vm.addVnfm.version,

+                type: vm.addVnfm.type,

+                description: vm.addVnfm.description,

+                certificateUrl: vm.addVnfm.certificateUrl,

+                url: vm.addVnfm.url,

+                userName: vm.addVnfm.userName,

+                password: vm.addVnfm.password

+            }

+            //save VIM info

+            if (vm.addVnfm.saveType == "add") {

+                $.ajax({

+                    type: "POST",

+                    url: vm.$restUrl.addVnfmInfoUrl,

+                    data: JSON.stringify(param),

+                    dataType: "json",

+                    contentType: "application/json",

+                    success: function (data) {

+                        vm.server_rtn.info_block = false;

+                        vm.server_rtn.warning_block = false;

+                        if (data) {

+                            vm.vnfmInfo = [];

+                            vm.$initTable();


+                            $('#addVnfmDlg').modal('hide');

+                            commonUtil.showMessage(vm.$htmlText.saveSuccess, "success");

+                        } else {

+                            vm.server_rtn.warning_block = true;

+                            vm.server_rtn.rtn_info = vm.$htmlText.saveFail;

+                            commonUtil.showMessage(vm.$htmlText.saveFail, "failed");


-					});

-				} else {

-					$.ajax({

-						type : "PUT",

-						url : vm.$restUrl.updateVnfmInfoUrl+vm.addVnfm.vnfmId,

-						data : JSON.stringify(param),

-						dataType : "json",

-						contentType : "application/json",

-						success : function(data) {

-							vm.server_rtn.info_block=false;

-							vm.server_rtn.warning_block=false;

-							if (data) {

-								for(var i=0;i<vm.vnfmInfo.length;i++){

-			                        if(vm.vnfmInfo[i].vnfmId == vm.addVnfm.vnfmId) {

-			                            vm.vnfmInfo[i].name =;			                            

-			                            vm.vnfmInfo[i].vimId = $("#vimId").val();

-			                            vm.vnfmInfo[i].vendor = vm.addVnfm.vendor;

-			                            vm.vnfmInfo[i].version = vm.addVnfm.version;

-			                            vm.vnfmInfo[i].certificateUrl = vm.addVnfm.certificateUrl;

-			                            vm.vnfmInfo[i].description = vm.addVnfm.description;

-			                            vm.vnfmInfo[i].url = vm.addVnfm.url;

-			                            vm.vnfmInfo[i].userName = vm.addVnfm.userName;

-			                            vm.vnfmInfo[i].password = vm.addVnfm.password;			                            

-			                        }

-				                }

-								$('#addVnfmDlg').modal('hide');										

-							 	commonUtil.showMessage(vm.$htmlText.updateSuccess,"success");											

-							} else {

-								vm.server_rtn.warning_block=true;

-								vm.server_rtn.rtn_info=vm.$htmlText.updateFail;

-								commonUtil.showMessage(vm.$htmlText.updateFail, "failed");

-							} 

-						},

-					    error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

-					      	vm.server_rtn.warning_block=true;	

-					      	vm.server_rtn.rtn_info=textStatus+":"+errorThrown;                       

-	                      	vm.server_rtn.info_block=false;                                              

-                       	}

-					});

-				}					

-	   		},

-	  //  		mocRendered : function(action) {

-			// 	if(vm.addVnfm.saveType === "update" && vm.addVnfm.moc) {

-			// 		var items = vm.mocSelectItems;

-			// 		for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++) {

-			//     		if(items[i].id == vm.addVnfm.moc) {

-			//     			$("#moc")[0].selectedIndex = i;

-			//     			vm.$mocChange();

-			//     			break;

-			//     		}

-			//     	}

-			// 	} else {

-			// 		$("#moc")[0].selectedIndex = 0;

-			// 	}

-			// },

-			vimRendered : function(action) {

-                var items = vm.vimSelectItems;

-				if(vm.addVnfm.saveType === "update") {	

-					for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++) {

-			    		if(items[i].vimId == vm.addVnfm.vimId) {

-			    			$("#vimId")[0].selectedIndex = i;

-			    			break;

-			    		}

-			    	}

-				} else {

-					$("#vimId")[0].selectedIndex = items.length-1;

-				}

-			},

-			// $mocChange : function() {

-			// 	var mocId = $('#moc').val();

-			// 	if(mocId == "nfv.vnfm.tacker") {

-			// 		vm.addVnfm.vimVisiable = true;

-			// 	} else {

-			// 		vm.addVnfm.vimVisiable = false;

-			// 	}

-			// },

-			// $getVimId : function(mocId) {

-			// 	if(vm.addVnfm.vimVisiable) {

-			// 		return $("#vimId").val();

-			// 	} else {

-			// 		return "";

-			// 	}

-			// }

-    	});

+                    },

+                    error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                        vm.server_rtn.warning_block = true;

+                        vm.server_rtn.rtn_info = textStatus + ":" + errorThrown;

+                        vm.server_rtn.info_block = false;

+                    }

+                });

+            } else {

+                $.ajax({

+                    type: "PUT",

+                    url: vm.$restUrl.updateVnfmInfoUrl + vm.addVnfm.vnfmId,

+                    data: JSON.stringify(param),

+                    dataType: "json",

+                    contentType: "application/json",

+                    success: function (data) {

+                        vm.server_rtn.info_block = false;

+                        vm.server_rtn.warning_block = false;

+                        if (data) {

+                            for (var i = 0; i < vm.vnfmInfo.length; i++) {

+                                if (vm.vnfmInfo[i].vnfmId == vm.addVnfm.vnfmId) {

+                                    vm.vnfmInfo[i].name =;

+                                    vm.vnfmInfo[i].vimId = $("#vimId").val();

+                                    vm.vnfmInfo[i].vendor = vm.addVnfm.vendor;

+                                    vm.vnfmInfo[i].version = vm.addVnfm.version;

+                                    vm.vnfmInfo[i].certificateUrl = vm.addVnfm.certificateUrl;

+                                    vm.vnfmInfo[i].description = vm.addVnfm.description;

+                                    vm.vnfmInfo[i].url = vm.addVnfm.url;

+                                    vm.vnfmInfo[i].userName = vm.addVnfm.userName;

+                                    vm.vnfmInfo[i].password = vm.addVnfm.password;

+                                }

+                            }

+                            $('#addVnfmDlg').modal('hide');

+                            commonUtil.showMessage(vm.$htmlText.updateSuccess, "success");

+                        } else {

+                            vm.server_rtn.warning_block = true;

+                            vm.server_rtn.rtn_info = vm.$htmlText.updateFail;

+                            commonUtil.showMessage(vm.$htmlText.updateFail, "failed");

+                        }

+                    },

+                    error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

+                        vm.server_rtn.warning_block = true;

+                        vm.server_rtn.rtn_info = textStatus + ":" + errorThrown;

+                        vm.server_rtn.info_block = false;

+                    }

+                });

+            }

+        },

+        //  		mocRendered : function(action) {

+        // 	if(vm.addVnfm.saveType === "update" && vm.addVnfm.moc) {

+        // 		var items = vm.mocSelectItems;

+        // 		for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++) {

+        //     		if(items[i].id == vm.addVnfm.moc) {

+        //     			$("#moc")[0].selectedIndex = i;

+        //     			vm.$mocChange();

+        //     			break;

+        //     		}

+        //     	}

+        // 	} else {

+        // 		$("#moc")[0].selectedIndex = 0;

+        // 	}

+        // },

+        vimRendered: function (action) {

+            var items = vm.vimSelectItems;

+            if (vm.addVnfm.saveType === "update") {

+                for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

+                    if (items[i].vimId == vm.addVnfm.vimId) {

+                        $("#vimId")[0].selectedIndex = i;

+                        break;

+                    }

+                }

+            } else {

+                $("#vimId")[0].selectedIndex = items.length - 1;

+            }

+        },

+        // $mocChange : function() {

+        // 	var mocId = $('#moc').val();

+        // 	if(mocId == "nfv.vnfm.tacker") {

+        // 		vm.addVnfm.vimVisiable = true;

+        // 	} else {

+        // 		vm.addVnfm.vimVisiable = false;

+        // 	}

+        // },

+        // $getVimId : function(mocId) {

+        // 	if(vm.addVnfm.vimVisiable) {

+        // 		return $("#vimId").val();

+        // 	} else {

+        // 		return "";

+        // 	}

+        // }

+    });



\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfmUtil.js b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfmUtil.js
index 7438cf1..d4420b3 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfmUtil.js
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/js/vnfmUtil.js
@@ -15,63 +15,63 @@

 var vnfmUtil = {};


-vnfmUtil.delVnfm = function(vnfmId) {

-	bootbox.confirm($.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-delete-confirm"), function(result){

-		if(result){

-			$.ajax({

-				type : "DELETE",

-				url : vm.$restUrl.delVnfmInfoUrl + vnfmId,

-				dataType : "json",

-				success : function(data,statusText,jqXHR) {

-					if(jqXHR.status=="204") {

-					   	for(var i=0;i<vm.vnfmInfo.length;i++){

-	                        if(vnfmId == vm.vnfmInfo[i].vnfmId){

-	                        	//delete the vnfm object from vnfm array

-	                            vm.vnfmInfo.splice(i, 1);

-	                            break;

-	                        }

-	                    }

-	                    commonUtil.showMessage($.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-delete-success"), "success");

-					} else {

-						commonUtil.showMessage($.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-delete-fail"), "warning");

-					}

-				}, 

-				error : function() {

-					commonUtil.showMessage($.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-delete-fail"), "warning");

-				}

-			});

-	    }

-	});

+vnfmUtil.delVnfm = function (vnfmId) {

+    bootbox.confirm($.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-delete-confirm"), function (result) {

+        if (result) {

+            $.ajax({

+                type: "DELETE",

+                url: vm.$restUrl.delVnfmInfoUrl + vnfmId,

+                dataType: "json",

+                success: function (data, statusText, jqXHR) {

+                    if (jqXHR.status == "204") {

+                        for (var i = 0; i < vm.vnfmInfo.length; i++) {

+                            if (vnfmId == vm.vnfmInfo[i].vnfmId) {

+                                //delete the vnfm object from vnfm array

+                                vm.vnfmInfo.splice(i, 1);

+                                break;

+                            }

+                        }

+                        commonUtil.showMessage($.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-delete-success"), "success");

+                    } else {

+                        commonUtil.showMessage($.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-delete-fail"), "warning");

+                    }

+                },

+                error: function () {

+                    commonUtil.showMessage($.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-message-delete-fail"), "warning");

+                }

+            });

+        }

+    });



-vnfmUtil.updateVnfm = function(data) {

-	vm.addVnfm.vnfmId = data.vnfmId;

- =;

-	//vm.addVnfm.moc = data.moc;

-	//vm.addVnfm.mocDisabled = true;

-	vm.addVnfm.vendor = data.vendor;

-	vm.addVnfm.version = data.version;

-	vm.addVnfm.description = data.description;

-	vm.addVnfm.type = data.type;

-	vm.addVnfm.vimId = data.vimId;

-	vm.addVnfm.url = data.url;

-	vm.addVnfm.userName = data.userName;

-	vm.addVnfm.password = data.password;

-	vm.addVnfm.saveType = "update";

-	vm.addVnfm.title = $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-test-update");

-	vm.server_rtn.info_block=false;

-	vm.server_rtn.warning_block=false;

-	//vm.$initMoc();

-	vm.$initVim();

+vnfmUtil.updateVnfm = function (data) {

+    vm.addVnfm.vnfmId = data.vnfmId;

+ =;

+    //vm.addVnfm.moc = data.moc;

+    //vm.addVnfm.mocDisabled = true;

+    vm.addVnfm.vendor = data.vendor;

+    vm.addVnfm.version = data.version;

+    vm.addVnfm.description = data.description;

+    vm.addVnfm.type = data.type;

+    vm.addVnfm.vimId = data.vimId;

+    vm.addVnfm.url = data.url;

+    vm.addVnfm.userName = data.userName;

+    vm.addVnfm.password = data.password;

+    vm.addVnfm.saveType = "update";

+    vm.addVnfm.title = $.i18n.prop("nfv-vnfm-iui-test-update");

+    vm.server_rtn.info_block = false;

+    vm.server_rtn.warning_block = false;

+    //vm.$initMoc();

+    vm.$initVim();


-	$(".form-group").each(function () {

-		$(this).removeClass('has-success');

-		$(this).removeClass('has-error');

-		$(this).find(".help-block[id]").remove();

-	});

-	$("#addVnfmDlg").modal("show");

+    $(".form-group").each(function () {

+        $(this).removeClass('has-success');

+        $(this).removeClass('has-error');

+        $(this).find(".help-block[id]").remove();

+    });

+    $("#addVnfmDlg").modal("show");



-vnfmUtil.tooltipVnfmStatus = function() {

- 	$("[data-toggle='tooltip']").tooltip();

+vnfmUtil.tooltipVnfmStatus = function () {

+    $("[data-toggle='tooltip']").tooltip();

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/vnfmView.html b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/vnfmView.html
index 6256a8d..1a8053e 100644
--- a/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/vnfmView.html
+++ b/openo-portal/portal-extsys/src/main/webapp/extsys/vnfm/vnfmView.html
@@ -18,205 +18,224 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>


 <head lang="en">

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+    <style>

+        .ms-controller {

+            visibility: hidden

+        }

+    </style>




-	<div ms-controller="vnfmController" class="container-fluid ms-controller">

-	<div id="addVnfmDlg" class="modal  fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"

-		aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true" >

-		<div class="modal-dialog">

-			<div class="modal-content Changepasswd">

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-					<div class="modal-header">

-						<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"

-							aria-hidden="true">×</button>

-						<h4 id="myModalLabel">{{addVnfm.title}}</h4>

-					</div>

-					<div class="modal-body">				

-					<form class="form-horizontal" id="vnfm_form" role="form">

-						<input type="hidden" ms-duplex="addVnfm.vnfmId"  name="vnfmId" class="form-control" />

-						<div class="form-group">

-							<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-								<span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-name" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

-								<span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

-							</label>

-						 	<div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex=""  name="name" class="form-control"/>

-								<span class="help-block"></span>

-							</div>							

-						</div>

-						<div class="form-group">

-							<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-								<span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-type" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

-								<span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

-							</label>

-							<div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.type"  name="type" class="form-control"/>

-								<span class="help-block"></span>

-							</div>							

-						</div>

-						<div class="form-group">

-							<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-								<span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-vendor" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

-								<span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

-							</label>

-							<div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.vendor" name="vendor" class="form-control" /> 

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

-							</div>

-						</div>

-						<div class="form-group">

-							<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-								<span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-version" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

-								<span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

-							</label>

-							<div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.version" name="version" class="form-control" /> 

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

-							</div>

-						</div>

-						<div class="form-group">

-							<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-								<span>URL</span>

-								<span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

-							</label>

-							<div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.url" name="url" class="form-control" 

-									ms-attr-placeholder="addVnfm.urlTip"/> 

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

-							</div>

-						</div>

-						<div class="form-group" >

-							<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">VIM

-								<span></span>

-							</label>

-						 	<div class="col-sm-7">

-								<select class="form-control" id="vimId" name="vimId">

-									<option ms-repeat-vim="vimSelectItems" ms-attr-value="vim.vimId" data-repeat-rendered="vimRendered">{{}}</option>

-								</select>

-							</div>

-						</div>						

-						<div class="form-group">

-							<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-								<span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-certificateUrl" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

-							</label>

-							<div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.certificateUrl" name="certificateUrl" class="form-control" /> 

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

-							</div>

-						</div>						

-						<div class="form-group">

-							<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-								<span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-userName" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

-							</label>

-							<div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.userName" name="userName" class="form-control" /> 

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

-							</div>

-						</div>

-						<div class="form-group">

-							<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-								<span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-password" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

-							</label>

-							<div class="col-sm-7">

-								<input type="password" ms-duplex="addVnfm.password" name="password" class="form-control" /> 

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

-							</div>

-						</div>

-						<div class="form-group">

-							<label class="control-label col-sm-3">

-								<span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text_description" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

-								<span class="" aria-required="" style="visibility: hidden;">*</span>

-								</label>

-							 <div class="col-sm-7">

-								<textarea class="form-control" rows="3"  ms-duplex="addVnfm.description"  name="description"></textarea>

-								<span class="help-block"></span>			

-							</div>							

-						</div>

-					</form>

+<div ms-controller="vnfmController" class="container-fluid ms-controller">

+    <div id="addVnfmDlg" class="modal  fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"

+         aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">

+        <div class="modal-dialog">

+            <div class="modal-content Changepasswd">

+                <div class="content">

+                    <div class="modal-header">

+                        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"

+                                aria-hidden="true">×

+                        </button>

+                        <h4 id="myModalLabel">{{addVnfm.title}}</h4>

+                    </div>

+                    <div class="modal-body">

+                        <form class="form-horizontal" id="vnfm_form" role="form">

+                            <input type="hidden" ms-duplex="addVnfm.vnfmId" name="vnfmId" class="form-control"/>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-name" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

+                                    <span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <input type="text" ms-duplex="" name="name" class="form-control"/>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-type" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

+                                    <span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.type" name="type" class="form-control"/>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-vendor" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

+                                    <span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.vendor" name="vendor" class="form-control"/>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-version" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

+                                    <span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.version" name="version" class="form-control"/>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span>URL</span>

+                                    <span class="required" aria-required="true">*</span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.url" name="url" class="form-control"

+                                           ms-attr-placeholder="addVnfm.urlTip"/>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">VIM

+                                    <span></span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <select class="form-control" id="vimId" name="vimId">

+                                        <option ms-repeat-vim="vimSelectItems" ms-attr-value="vim.vimId"

+                                                data-repeat-rendered="vimRendered">{{}}

+                                        </option>

+                                    </select>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-certificateUrl"

+                                          name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.certificateUrl" name="certificateUrl"

+                                           class="form-control"/>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-userName" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <input type="text" ms-duplex="addVnfm.userName" name="userName"

+                                           class="form-control"/>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-password" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <input type="password" ms-duplex="addVnfm.password" name="password"

+                                           class="form-control"/>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                            <div class="form-group">

+                                <label class="control-label col-sm-3">

+                                    <span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text_description" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

+                                    <span class="" aria-required="" style="visibility: hidden;">*</span>

+                                </label>

+                                <div class="col-sm-7">

+                                    <textarea class="form-control" rows="3" ms-duplex="addVnfm.description"

+                                              name="description"></textarea>

+                                    <span class="help-block"></span>

+                                </div>

+                            </div>

+                        </form>


-					</div>

-					<div class="modal-footer">

-						<button class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true" id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-cancelBtn" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></button>

-						<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" ms-click="$saveVnfm" id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-saveBtn" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></button>

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-				</div>

-			</div>

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-	<div class="row-fluid" data-name="cond_zone">

-		<div class="col-md-12">				

-			<button class="btn white radius_l" id="app-new-btn" ms-click="$showVnfmTable" >

-		        <i class="ict-new"></i> <span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-registerBtn" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

-		    </button>

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+                    </div>

+                    <div class="modal-footer">

+                        <button class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true" id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-cancelBtn"

+                                name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></button>

+                        <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" ms-click="$saveVnfm"

+                                id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-saveBtn" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></button>

+                    </div>

+                </div>

+            </div>

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+    </div>

+    <div class="row-fluid" data-name="cond_zone">

+        <div class="col-md-12">

+            <button class="btn white radius_l" id="app-new-btn" ms-click="$showVnfmTable">

+                <i class="ict-new"></i> <span id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-registerBtn"

+                                              name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

+            </button>

+        </div>

+    </div>


-	<div class="col-sm-12 vnfm-padding" ms-each-el="vnfmInfo">

-		<div class="col-sm-4 animated-panel zoomIn" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 0.1s;">

-            <div class="hpanel stats" >

-                <div class="panel-body h-200"  ms-hover="hpanel_show" >

+    <div class="col-sm-12 vnfm-padding" ms-each-el="vnfmInfo">

+        <div class="col-sm-4 animated-panel zoomIn" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 0.1s;">

+            <div class="hpanel stats">

+                <div class="panel-body h-200" ms-hover="hpanel_show">

                     <div class="pull-left">

-                        <span class="label label-success" ms-if="el.status === $Status.success" id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-status-normal" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

-                        <span class="label label-danger" ms-attr-title="el.errorInfo"   data-toggle="tooltip"   ms-if="el.status === $Status.failed" id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-status-fail" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

+                        <span class="label label-success" ms-if="el.status === $Status.success"

+                              id="nfv-vnfm-iui-text-status-normal" name_i18n="com_zte_nfv_nsoc_i18n"></span>

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