LiYi | 0784eeb | 2017-03-02 18:29:04 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | /* Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation.
| 2 | *
| 3 | *Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| 4 | *you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| 5 | *You may obtain a copy of the License at
| 6 | *
| 7 | *
| 8 | *
| 9 | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| 10 | * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| 11 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
| 12 | * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| 13 | * limitations under the License.
| 14 | */
| 15 | Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;
| 16 |
| 17 | require('core-js/es6');
| 18 | require('reflect-metadata');
| 19 |
| 20 | require('zone.js/dist/zone');
| 21 | require('zone.js/dist/long-stack-trace-zone');
| 22 | require('zone.js/dist/proxy');
| 23 | require('zone.js/dist/sync-test');
| 24 | require('zone.js/dist/jasmine-patch');
| 25 | require('zone.js/dist/async-test');
| 26 | require('zone.js/dist/fake-async-test');
| 27 |
| 28 | var appContext = require.context('../src', true, /\.spec\.ts/);
| 29 |
| 30 | appContext.keys().forEach(appContext);
| 31 |
| 32 | var testing = require('@angular/core/testing');
| 33 | var browser = require('@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing');
| 34 |
| 35 | testing.TestBed.initTestEnvironment(browser.BrowserDynamicTestingModule, browser.platformBrowserDynamicTesting());