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  2. pom.xml

PMDictionary Validation

This module can be used as a library to validate pmdictionary against the schema (schema is the first document in the file).

How to use PMDictionary validation library

VNF-SDK validation library (pmdictionaryvalidation) should be used to validate the PM_Dictionary file. Below dependency should be added to the required modules in your project.


How to validate PMDictionary

1.Validate PMDictionary from a path to the file.

new YamlContentValidator().validate(pathToFile)

2.Validate PMDictionary file from the byte array.

new YamlContentValidator().validate(fileContentAsByteArray)

Above methods return list of YamlDocumentValidationError(empty list for no errors) or throw YamlProcessingException/YAMLException when something goes wrong.