Updating DataExtraction CI File for Tox and Sonar Jobs
Issue-Id: AIMLFW-5

Signed-off-by: ashishj1729 <jain.ashish@samsung.com>
Change-Id: I7cb666105500f0d63c496847f27b4abad70af2c3
diff --git a/jjb/aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction/aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction.yaml b/jjb/aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction/aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction.yaml
index dd1e0c5..ffed792 100644
--- a/jjb/aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction/aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction.yaml
+++ b/jjb/aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction/aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction.yaml
@@ -51,3 +51,47 @@
       - master:
           branch: master
+- project:
+    <<: *aiml_de_docker_common
+    name: aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction-tox-verify
+    # the install script assumes an ubuntu image
+    build-node: ubuntu1804-builder-2c-2g
+    python-version: python3
+    # skip docs on verify
+    tox-envs: code
+    tox-dir: '.'
+    # do not trigger on changes in docs, releases
+    gerrit_trigger_file_paths:
+      - compare-type: REG_EXP
+        pattern: 'dataextraction/.*'
+    stream:
+      # run verify on all branches
+      # the ANT pattern is **/{branch}, we are exploiting that.
+      - all:
+          branch: master
+    jobs:
+      - gerrit-tox-verify
+- project:
+    <<: *aiml_de_docker_common
+    name: aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction-sonarqube
+    python-version: python3
+    tox-dir: '.'
+    # the install script assumes an ubuntu image
+    build-node: ubuntu1804-builder-2c-2g
+    # do not trigger on changes in docs, releases
+    gerrit_trigger_file_paths:
+      - compare-type: REG_EXP
+        pattern: 'dataextraction/.*'
+    sonar-project-file: ""
+    sonar-properties: |
+        sonar.login={sonarcloud_api_token}
+        sonar.projectKey={sonarcloud_project_organization}_{project-name}
+        sonar.projectName={project-name}
+        sonar.organization={sonarcloud_project_organization}
+        sonar.build.sourceEncoding=UTF-8
+        sonar.sources=dataextraction
+        sonar.python.coverage.reportPaths=coverage.xml
+    jobs:
+      - gerrit-tox-sonarqube