ORAN SMO Package

This project uses different helm charts from different Linux Foundation projects and integrate them into a unique SMO deployment.

Note: The CNF part is still a "work in progress" so not well documented, it's a DU/RU/topology server deployment done by ONAP SO instantiation. It has been created out of the ONAP vfirewall usecase.

Quick Installation

  • Setup a VM with 20GB Memory, 8VCPU, 60GB of diskspace.

  • Install an ubuntu live server 20.04 LTS (https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04/ubuntu-20.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso)

  • Execute the following commands being logged as root:

    git clone --recursive "https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/it/dep"





    Verify pods:

    kubectl get pods -n onap && kubectl get pods -n nonrtric

    When all pods in "onap" and "nonrtric" namespaces are well up & running:



The user entry point is located in the scripts folder

├── cnf				<-- CNF packages that can be deployed by ONAP (Work In Progress, so not yet well documented)
│   └── du-ru-simulators		<--- The CNF package containing DU/RU/Topology server simulators
├── helm-override		<-- The Configuration of the different HELM charts used in SMO package
│   ├── network-simulators-override.yaml		<--- Standard config for the network simulators
│   ├── network-simulators-topology-override.yaml	<--- Network simulator topology example that can be changed
│   ├── onap-override-cnf.yaml		<--- A medium ONAP config ready for CNF deployment
│   ├── onap-override.yaml		<--- A minimal ONAP config for SMO package
│   └── oran-override.yaml		<--- A minimal ORAN config for SMO package
├── multicloud-k8s		<-- Git SUBMODULE required for KUD installation
├── onap_oom			<-- Git SUBMODULE required for ONAP installation
├── oran_oom			<-- ORAN Charts
│   ├── a1controller
│   ├── a1simulator
│   ├── aux-common
│   ├── controlpanel
│   ├── dist
│   ├── dmaapadapterservice
│   ├── du-simulator
│   ├── enrichmentservice
│   ├── Makefile		<-- ORAN Makefile to build all ORAN Charts
│   ├── nonrtric
│   ├── nonrtric-common
│   ├── nonrtricgateway
│   ├── oru-app
│   ├── policymanagementservice
│   ├── rappcatalogueservice
│   ├── ric-common
│   ├── ru-du-simulators
│   ├── ru-simulator
│   ├── topology
│   └── topology-server
├── README.md
├── scripts			<-- All installation scripts (USER ENTRY POINT)
│   ├── layer-0				<--- Scripts to setup Node
│   │   ├── 0-setup-charts-museum.sh		<--- Setup ChartMuseum
│   │   └── 0-setup-kud-node.sh			<--- Setup K8S node with ONAP Multicloud KUD installation
│   │   └── 0-setup-microk8s.sh		<--- Setup K8S node with MicroK8S installation
│   │   └── 0-setup-helm3.sh			<--- Setup HELM3
│   ├── layer-1				<--- Scripts to prepare for the SMO installation
│   │   └── 1-build-all-charts.sh		<--- Build all HELM charts and upload them to ChartMuseum
│   ├── layer-2				<--- Scripts to install SMO package
│   │   ├── 2-install-nonrtric-only.sh		<--- Install SMO NONRTRIC k8s namespace only
│   │   ├── 2-install-oran-cnf.sh		<--- Install SMO full with ONAP CNF features
│   │   ├── 2-install-oran.sh			<--- Install SMO minimal 
│   │   └── 2-install-simulators.sh		<--- Install Network simulator (RU/DU/Topology Server)
│   ├── sub-scripts			<--- Sub-Scripts used by the main layer-0, layer-1, layer-2
│   │   ├── clean-up.sh
│   │   ├── install-nonrtric.sh
│   │   ├── install-onap.sh
│   │   ├── install-simulators.sh
│   │   ├── uninstall-nonrtric.sh
│   │   ├── uninstall-onap.sh
│   │   └── uninstall-simulators.sh
│   └── uninstall-all.sh		<--- Uninstall ALL SMO K8S namespaces and cleanup K8S
└── test			<-- Scripts to test the SMO installation (Work In Progress, so not yet well documented)
    ├── a1-validation			<--- Test nonrtric A1 interface (https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/display/RICNR/Testing+End+to+End+call+in+release+D)
    │   ├── data
    │   ├── subscripts
    │   └── validate-a1.sh
    ├── apex-policy-test		<--- Test apex policy (https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=35881325, it requires simulators to be up)
    │   ├── apex-policy-test.sh
    │   └── data
    └── enable-sim-fault-report		<--- Enable the fault reporting of the network simulators by SDNC
        ├── data
        └── enable-network-sim-fault-reporting.sh


Use git clone to get it on your server:

git clone --recursive "https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/it/dep"

Note: The current repository has multiple sub git submodules, therefore the --recursive flag is absolutely REQUIRED



In the ./helm-override/ folder the helm config that are used by the SMO installation.


  • Build ONAP/ORAN charts


  • Choose the installation:

    • ONAP + ORAN "nonrtric" (RECOMMENDED ONE):


    • ORAN "nonrtric" par only:


    • ONAP CNF + ORAN "nonrtric" (This must still be documented properly):


  • Install the network simulators (DU/RU/Topo):

    • When all pods in "onap" and "nonrtric" namespaces are well up & running:

      kubectl get pods -n onap && kubectl get pods -n nonrtric

    • Execute the install script:


    • Check the simulators status:

      kubectl get pods -n network

    Note: The simulators topology can be customized in the file ./oran-deployment/helm-override/network-simulators-topology-override.yaml

Platform access points:

  • SDNR WEB: https://:30205/odlux/index.html
  • NONRTRIC Dashboard: http://:30091/ More to come ...


  • Execute
