Merge "Add new configuration and scripts to automate the credential creation and passing among installations."
tree: 0b5fb46cf6dc5d508859da4e524ee8b7da5abc05
  1. bin/
  2. etc/
  4. ric-aux/
  5. ric-infra/
  6. ric-platform/
  7. ric-xapps/
  8. .gitignore
  9. .gitmodules
  10. .gitreview
  11. LICENSES.txt

RIC Integration

This repo contains RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) deployments related files.


The RIC deployment scripts are designed to deploy RIC components using helm charts. A deployment recipe yaml file that contains parameter key:value pairs can be provided as a parameter for any deployment script in this repository. The deployment recipe is acting as the helm override value.yaml file. If no deployment recipe is provided, defaul parameters are used. The default parameters are set up to deploy a RIC instance using Linux Foundation repositories in a self-contained environment.

Directory Structure

. ├── bin ├── etc ├── LICENSES.txt License information ├── This file ├── RECIPE_EXAMPLE Directory that contains deploy recipe examples ├── ric-aux Deployment scripts, charts and configuration files for RIC auxiliry functions ├── ric-infra Deployment scripts, charts and configuration files for infrastructure support ├── ric-platform Deployment scripts, charts and configuration files for RIC platform components └── ric-xapps xApp related scripts, charts and configuration files

Directory Naming Convention

The root directories are orgainzed according to the deployment plans. Each directory contains subdirectories for different deployable components. The prefix of these subdirectories represents the deployment order. The smaller the prefix number the eariler the corresponding component will be deployed. Consider the following example, ├── ric-aux │   ├── 80-Auxiliary-Functions │   └── ├── ric-infra │   ├── 00-Kubernetes │   ├── 10-Nexus │   ├── 20-Credential │   └── ├── ric-platform │   ├── 50-RIC-Platform │   └── └── ric-xapps ├── 90-xApps └── when deploys the ric-platform, the credential is deployed before RIC-Platform.

In each of the component directory, ./etc contains the configuration file, ./bin contains the binary and script files, ./helm contains the helm charts, and ./docker contains docker related files for building the docker images. Please refer to the files in individual directory for more details.

To deploy RIC

TBD will update when we have the root installer.

Configure the RIC deployment

TBD will update when we have the root installer.