tree: d79cfb56a9a7716a43d1017cfec4d47adec4c2b3 [path history] [tgz]
  1. 00-Kubernetes/
  2. 15-Chartmuseum/
  3. 20-Monitoring/
  4. 30-Kong/
  5. 40-Credential/
  6. 45-Tiller/

RIC Infrastructure Support

Helm charts, configuration files, and automation scripts that deploy a development enviroment for RIC. A developer should start from here to create a kubernetes cluster that is pre-configured for RIC. Such a development cluster is mimicking a closed field-trial environment.

Directory Structure

. ├── 00-Kubernetes Contains scripts to deploy K8S cluster ├── 15-Chartmuseum Contains scripts and helm charts to deploy the Helm chart museum ├── 20-Monitoring Helm charts for installing ELFK stack ├── 30-Kong Helm charts for installing Kong Proxy/Ingress Controller ├── 40-Credential Helm charts to onboard credential and secrets for docker registry and helm repo ├── 45-Tiller
└── This file

To deploy the Kubernetes cluster

$ # Modify the configuration files in ./00-Kubernetes/etc/
$ . ./00-Kubernetes/bin/install

To deploy the Chartmuseum

$ # An override file must be used.
$ # Modify the override file, for example ../RECIPE_EXAMPLE/RIC_INFRA_RECIPE_EXAMPLE
$ #. ./15-Chartmuseum/bin/install -f YOUR_OVERRIDE_FILE
$ # To uninstall,
$ . ./15-Chartmuseum/bin/uninstall

To deploy ELFK stack

$ # An override file must be used.
$ # Modify the override file, for example ../RECIPE_EXAMPLE/RIC_INFRA_RECIPE_EXAMPLE
$ . ./20-Monitoring/bin/install -f YOUR_OVERRIDE_FILE
$ # To uninstall,
$ . ./20-Monitoring/bin/uninstall

To deploy Kong

$ # An override file must be used.
$ # Modify the override file, for example ../RECIPE_EXAMPLE/RIC_INFRA_RECIPE_EXAMPLE
$ . ./30-Kong/bin/install -f YOUR_OVERRIDE_FILE
$ # To uninstall,
$ . ./30-Kong/bin/uninstall

To onboard credentials

$ # Modify the user name and password in ./40-Credential/helm/values.yaml
$ # Alternatively, include the credential information in an override value yaml file
$ . ./40-Credential/bin/install
$ # If you have an override value.yaml file, please use
$ #. ./40-Credential/bin/install YOUR_OVERRIDE_FILE

Credential Deployment Options

You can configure the Helm release name, Kubernetes namespace using configuration files located in ./40-Credential/etc/ Please make sure that the namespace is the same one as the one used for RIC platform components.

To deploy an additional Tiller for xapp deployment

$ # An override file must be used.
$ # Modify the override file, for example ../RECIPE_EXAMPLE/RIC_INFRA_RECIPE_EXAMPLE
$ . ./45-Tiller/bin/install -f YOUR_OVERRIDE_FILE
$ # To uninstall,
$ . ./45-Tiller/bin/uninstall