Create and configure repo
Create repository with user-supplied INFO.yaml and .gitreview
Issue-ID: IT-17478
Signed-off-by: DW Talton <>
Change-Id: Ia8725533f030c1c5ed7b339044898c76a808b726
diff --git a/INFO.yaml b/INFO.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5265397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INFO.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+project: 'Integration and Testing'
+project_creation_date: '2019-05-21'
+project_category: ''
+lifecycle_state: 'Incubation'
+project_lead: &it-otf_ptl
+ name: 'Lusheng Ji'
+ email: ''
+ id: 'wrider'
+ company: 'AT&T Labs-Research'
+ timezone: 'America/New_York'
+primary_contact: *it-otf_ptl
+ type: 'jira'
+ url: ''
+ key: 'INT'
+ type: ''
+ url: ''
+ tag: '<[it/otf]>'
+ type: 'irc'
+ server: ''
+ channel: '#o-ran-sc'
+ - type: 'zoom'
+ agenda: ''
+ url: ''
+ server: 'n/a'
+ channel: 'n/a'
+ repeats: 'weekly'
+ time: ''
+ - 'it/otf'
+ - name: 'Eliza Celenti'
+ email: ''
+ id: 'ec6317'
+ company: 'AT&T'
+ timezone: 'America/New_York'
+ - name: 'Qun Luo'
+ email: ''
+ id: 'ql8342'
+ company: 'AT&T'
+ timezone: 'America/New_York'
+ - name: 'Rohan Patel'
+ email: ''
+ id: 'rp5811'
+ company: 'AT&T'
+ timezone: 'America/New_York'
+ - <<: *it-otf_ptl
+ approval: ''