add kubespray to the XTesting as it provides newer version of kubenetes and can be better used in deployment and testing
Change-Id: I91b3daaa2f0cec0efdf49359c9ec8443f58cfc12
Signed-off-by: pceicicd <>
diff --git a/XTesting/kubespray/upgrade-cluster.yml b/XTesting/kubespray/upgrade-cluster.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35064ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XTesting/kubespray/upgrade-cluster.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+- name: Check ansible version
+ import_playbook: ansible_version.yml
+- name: Ensure compatibility with old groups
+ import_playbook: legacy_groups.yml
+- hosts: bastion[0]
+ gather_facts: False
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: bastion-ssh-config, tags: ["localhost", "bastion"] }
+- hosts: k8s_cluster:etcd:calico_rr
+ strategy: linear
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ gather_facts: false
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ vars:
+ # Need to disable pipelining for bootstrap-os as some systems have requiretty in sudoers set, which makes pipelining
+ # fail. bootstrap-os fixes this on these systems, so in later plays it can be enabled.
+ ansible_ssh_pipelining: false
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: bootstrap-os, tags: bootstrap-os}
+- name: Gather facts
+ tags: always
+ import_playbook: facts.yml
+- name: Download images to ansible host cache via first kube_control_plane node
+ hosts: kube_control_plane[0]
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults, when: "not skip_downloads and download_run_once and not download_localhost"}
+ - { role: kubernetes/preinstall, tags: preinstall, when: "not skip_downloads and download_run_once and not download_localhost" }
+ - { role: download, tags: download, when: "not skip_downloads and download_run_once and not download_localhost" }
+- name: Prepare nodes for upgrade
+ hosts: k8s_cluster:etcd:calico_rr
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: kubernetes/preinstall, tags: preinstall }
+ - { role: download, tags: download, when: "not skip_downloads" }
+- name: Upgrade container engine on non-cluster nodes
+ hosts: etcd:calico_rr:!k8s_cluster
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ serial: "{{ serial | default('20%') }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: container-engine, tags: "container-engine", when: deploy_container_engine }
+- hosts: etcd
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - role: etcd
+ tags: etcd
+ vars:
+ etcd_cluster_setup: true
+ etcd_events_cluster_setup: "{{ etcd_events_cluster_enabled }}"
+ when: etcd_deployment_type != "kubeadm"
+- hosts: k8s_cluster
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - role: etcd
+ tags: etcd
+ vars:
+ etcd_cluster_setup: false
+ etcd_events_cluster_setup: false
+ when: etcd_deployment_type != "kubeadm"
+- name: Handle upgrades to master components first to maintain backwards compat.
+ gather_facts: False
+ hosts: kube_control_plane
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ serial: 1
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: upgrade/pre-upgrade, tags: pre-upgrade }
+ - { role: container-engine, tags: "container-engine", when: deploy_container_engine }
+ - { role: kubernetes/node, tags: node }
+ - { role: kubernetes/control-plane, tags: master, upgrade_cluster_setup: true }
+ - { role: kubernetes/client, tags: client }
+ - { role: kubernetes/node-label, tags: node-label }
+ - { role: kubernetes-apps/cluster_roles, tags: cluster-roles }
+ - { role: kubernetes-apps, tags: csi-driver }
+ - { role: upgrade/post-upgrade, tags: post-upgrade }
+- name: Upgrade calico and external cloud provider on all masters, calico-rrs, and nodes
+ hosts: kube_control_plane:calico_rr:kube_node
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ serial: "{{ serial | default('20%') }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: kubernetes-apps/external_cloud_controller, tags: external-cloud-controller }
+ - { role: network_plugin, tags: network }
+ - { role: kubernetes-apps/network_plugin, tags: network }
+ - { role: kubernetes-apps/policy_controller, tags: policy-controller }
+- name: Finally handle worker upgrades, based on given batch size
+ hosts: kube_node:calico_rr:!kube_control_plane
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ serial: "{{ serial | default('20%') }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: upgrade/pre-upgrade, tags: pre-upgrade }
+ - { role: container-engine, tags: "container-engine", when: deploy_container_engine }
+ - { role: kubernetes/node, tags: node }
+ - { role: kubernetes/kubeadm, tags: kubeadm }
+ - { role: kubernetes/node-label, tags: node-label }
+ - { role: upgrade/post-upgrade, tags: post-upgrade }
+- hosts: kube_control_plane[0]
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: true
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: win_nodes/kubernetes_patch, tags: ["master", "win_nodes"] }
+- hosts: calico_rr
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: network_plugin/calico/rr, tags: network }
+- hosts: kube_control_plane
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: kubernetes-apps/ingress_controller, tags: ingress-controller }
+ - { role: kubernetes-apps/external_provisioner, tags: external-provisioner }
+ - { role: kubernetes-apps, tags: apps }
+- name: Apply resolv.conf changes now that cluster DNS is up
+ hosts: k8s_cluster
+ gather_facts: False
+ any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+ environment: "{{ proxy_disable_env }}"
+ roles:
+ - { role: kubespray-defaults }
+ - { role: kubernetes/preinstall, when: "dns_mode != 'none' and resolvconf_mode == 'host_resolvconf'", tags: resolvconf, dns_late: true }