http proxy

The http proxy is a generic http proxy which is able to proxy both http and https destination calls. The call to the proxy (to control the proxy call) also supports both http and https (https is using a self signed cert). The main usage for the proxy is as a gateway to all services and pod inside a kubernetes cluster. However, it can be used a basic standard http proxy as well.

Ports and certificates

The proxy opens the http and https port according to the table below.

PortProxy protocolUsage
8080httpProxy call for http, can proxy both http and https
8433httpsProxy call for https, can proxy both http and https
8081httpHttp port for alive check, returns json with basic statistics
8434httpsHttps port for alive check, returns json with basic statistics

The dir cert contains a self-signed cert. Use the script to generate a new certificate and key before building the container, the certs need to be re-generated. If another cert is used, all three files (cert.crt, key.crt and pass) in the cert dir should be mounted to the dir '/usr/src/app/cert' in the container.

Proxy usage

Operationcurl example
proxy http call via httpcurl --proxy http://localhost:8080
proxy https call via httpcurl -k --proxy http://localhost:8080
proxy http call via httpscurl --proxy-insecure --proxy https://localhost:8433
proxy https call via httpscurl --proxy-insecure --proxy https://localhost:8433
alive check and get statscurl localhost:8081
alive check and get stats via proxycurl --proxy localhost:8080 http://localhost:8081

Build and start

Build image
docker build --build-arg -t nodejs-http-proxy:latest .

Start the image on both http and https
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 8433:8433 -p 8434:8434 nodejs-http-proxy:latest

It will listen to http ports 8080/8081 and https ports 8433/8434 (using default certificates) at the same time.

The script do the above two steps in one go. This starts the container in stand-alone mode for basic test.

Basic test

Basic test is made with the script which tests proxy. Use the script to start the proxy in a container first.


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