Updates to test env and A1function test

Issue-ID: NONRTRIC-303

Signed-off-by: BjornMagnussonXA <bjorn.magnusson@est.tech>
Change-Id: Ic6c206182b01d45bce539d06fc3f506718685565
diff --git a/test/auto-test/FTC150.sh b/test/auto-test/FTC150.sh
index ead424c..bb527be 100755
--- a/test/auto-test/FTC150.sh
+++ b/test/auto-test/FTC150.sh
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@
 #### TEST BEGIN ####
+if [[ $SDNC_A1_CONTROLLER_IMAGE == *"onap"* ]]; then
 #Test agent and simulator protocol versions (others are http only)
@@ -83,9 +88,18 @@
         controller_api_get_A1_policy_type 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 testdata/OSC/sim_1.json
         controller_api_get_A1_policy_type 404 OSC ricsim_g1_1 99
-        controller_api_put_A1_policy 202 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000 testdata/OSC/pi1_template.json
+        RESP=202
+        if [ $FLAVOUR == "ONAP" ]; then
+            RESP=200
+        fi
+        controller_api_put_A1_policy $RESP OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000 testdata/OSC/pi1_template.json
         controller_api_put_A1_policy 404 OSC ricsim_g1_1 5 1001 testdata/OSC/pi1_template.json
-        controller_api_put_A1_policy 201 STD ricsim_g2_1   5000 testdata/STD/pi1_template.json
+        RESP=201
+        if [ $FLAVOUR == "ONAP" ]; then
+            RESP=200
+        fi
+        controller_api_put_A1_policy $RESP STD ricsim_g2_1   5000 testdata/STD/pi1_template.json
         controller_api_get_A1_policy_ids 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000
         controller_api_get_A1_policy_ids 200 STD ricsim_g2_1 5000
@@ -97,8 +111,17 @@
         controller_api_get_A1_policy_status 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000 "$VAL" "false"
         controller_api_get_A1_policy_status 200 STD ricsim_g2_1 5000 "UNDEFINED"
-        controller_api_delete_A1_policy 202 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000
-        controller_api_delete_A1_policy 204 STD ricsim_g2_1 5000
+        RESP=202
+        if [ $FLAVOUR == "ONAP" ]; then
+            RESP=200
+        fi
+        controller_api_delete_A1_policy $RESP OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000
+        RESP=204
+        if [ $FLAVOUR == "ONAP" ]; then
+            RESP=200
+        fi
+        controller_api_delete_A1_policy $RESP STD ricsim_g2_1 5000