Update documentation after move to ONAP

Change-Id: I056a80485904a0f1e4d9608d03e0ca3cc184344e
Issue-ID: NONRTRIC-173
Signed-off-by: elinuxhenrik <henrik.b.andersson@est.tech>
diff --git a/docs/developer-guide.rst b/docs/developer-guide.rst
index 9aac33c..576cf2d 100644
--- a/docs/developer-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/developer-guide.rst
@@ -7,123 +7,21 @@
 This document provides a quickstart for developers of the Non-RT RIC.
-SDNC A1 Controller
-1. Java development kit (JDK), version 8
-2. Maven dependency-management tool, version 3.6 or later
-3. Python, version 2
-4. Docker, version 19.03.1 or latest
-5. Docker Compose, version 1.24.1 or latest
-Build and run
-Go to the northbound directory and run this command ::
-    mvn clean install
-This will build the project and create artifcats in maven repo
-Go to oam/installation directory and run this command ::
-    mvn clean install -P docker
-This will create the docker images required for A1 controller.
-After this step check for the docker images created by the maven build with this command ::
-    docker images | grep a1-controller
-Go to oam/installation/src/main/yaml and run this command ::
-    docker-compose up -d a1-controller
-This will create the docker containers with the A1 controller image, you can check the status of the docker container using ::
-    docker-compose logs -f a1-controller
-The SDNC url to access the Northbound API,
-    http://localhost:8282/apidoc/explorer/index.html
-Credentials: admin/Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U
-Configuration of certs
-The SDNC-A1 controller uses the default keystore and truststore that are built into the container.
-The paths and passwords for these stores are located in a properties file:
- nonrtric/sdnc-a1-controller/oam/installation/src/main/properties/https-props.properties
-The default truststore includes the a1simulator cert as a trusted cert which is located here:
- https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=sim/a1-interface.git;a=tree;f=near-rt-ric-simulator/certificate;h=172c1e5aacd52d760e4416288dc5648a5817ce65;hb=HEAD
-The default keystore, truststore, and https-props.properties files can be overridden by mounting new files using the "volumes" field of docker-compose. Uncommment the following lines in docker-compose to do this, and provide paths to the new files:
-#   - <path_to_keystore>:/etc/ssl/certs/java/keystore.jks:ro
-#   - <path_to_truststore>:/etc/ssl/certs/java/truststore.jks:ro
-#   - <path_to_https-props>:/opt/onap/sdnc/data/properties/https-props.properties:ro
-The target paths in the container should not be modified.
-For example, assuming that the keystore, truststore, and https-props.properties files are located in the same directory as docker-compose:
-    `- ./new_keystore.jks:/etc/ssl/certs/java/keystore.jks:ro`
-    `- ./new_truststore.jks:/etc/ssl/certs/java/truststore.jks:ro`
-    `- ./new_https-props.properties:/opt/onap/sdnc/data/properties/https-props.properties:ro`
 Policy Agent
-The O-RAN Non-RT RIC Policy Agent provides a REST API for management of policices. It provides support for:
+The Policy Management is implemented in ONAP. For documentation see `readthedocs`_ and `wiki`_.
- * Supervision of clients (R-APPs) to eliminate stray policies in case of failure
- * Consistency monitoring of the SMO view of policies and the actual situation in the RICs
- * Consistency monitoring of RIC capabilities (policy types)
- * Policy configuration. This includes:
+.. _readthedocs: https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-ccsdk-oran/en/latest/index.html
+.. _wiki: https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=84644984
-   * One REST API towards all RICs in the network
-   * Query functions that can find all policies in a RIC, all policies owned by a service (R-APP), all policies of a type etc.
-   * Maps O1 resources (ManagedElement) as defined in O1 to the controlling RIC.
+rAPP Catalogue
-| The Policy Agent can be accessed over the REST API or through the DMaaP Interface. The REST API is documented in the
-| *nonrtric/onap/oran/docs/offeredapis/swagger/pms-api.yaml* file. Please refer to the README file of Policy Agent to know more about the API's.
-Configuration of certs
-The Policy Agent uses the default keystore and truststore that are built into the container. The paths and passwords for these stores are located in a yaml file:
- nonrtric/policy-agent/config/application.yaml
-The default truststore includes a1simulator cert as a trusted cert which is located here:
- https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=sim/a1-interface.git;a=tree;f=near-rt-ric-simulator/certificate;h=172c1e5aacd52d760e4416288dc5648a5817ce65;hb=HEAD
-The default truststore also includes a1controller cert as a trusted cert which is located here (keystore.jks file):
- https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=nonrtric.git;a=tree;f=sdnc-a1-controller/oam/installation/sdnc-a1/src/main/resources;h=17fdf6cecc7a866c5ce10a35672b742a9f0c4acf;hb=HEAD
-There is also Policy Agent's own cert in the default truststore for mocking purposes and unit-testing (ApplicationTest.java).
-The default keystore, truststore, and application.yaml files can be overridden by mounting new files using the "volumes" field of docker-compose or docker run command.
-Assuming that the keystore, truststore, and application.yaml files are located in the same directory as docker-compose, the volumes field should have these entries:
-      `- ./new_keystore.jks:/opt/app/policy-agent/etc/cert/keystore.jks:ro`
-      `- ./new_truststore.jks:/opt/app/policy-agent/etc/cert/truststore.jks:ro`
-      `- ./new_application.yaml:/opt/app/policy-agent/config/application.yaml:ro`
-The target paths in the container should not be modified.
-Example docker run command for mounting new files (assuming they are located in the current directory):
-`docker run -p 8081:8081 -p 8433:8433 --name=policy-agent-container --network=nonrtric-docker-net --volume "$PWD/new_keystore.jks:/opt/app/policy-agent/etc/cert/keystore.jks" --volume "$PWD/new_truststore.jks:/opt/app/policy-agent/etc/cert/truststore.jks" --volume "$PWD/new_application.yaml:/opt/app/policy-agent/config/application.yaml" o-ran-sc/nonrtric-policy-agent:2.1.0-SNAPSHOT`
+See the README.md file in the r-app-catalogue folder for how to run the component.
 End-to-end call
 In order to make a complete end-to-end call, follow the instructions given in this `guide`_.