Update mrstub with nginx
Support http/https for mrstub
http port 3905
https port 3906
Add timeout for mr AGENT_READ_URL
Issue-ID: NONRTRIC-208
Change-Id: I222906b705f273b2e582ad8ce80fa88b2e582824
Signed-off-by: Chengkai Yan <martin.c.yan@est.tech>
diff --git a/test/mrstub/app/main.py b/test/mrstub/app/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bb0988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mrstub/app/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START===============================================
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# ========================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=================================================
+from flask import Flask, request
+from time import sleep
+import time
+import datetime
+import json
+from flask import Flask
+from flask import Response
+import traceback
+from threading import RLock
+app = Flask(__name__)
+lock = RLock()
+# list of messages to/from Dmaap
+# Server info
+HOST_IP = "::"
+HOST_PORT = 2222
+# Metrics vars
+# Request and response constants
+CAUGHT_EXCEPTION="Caught exception: "
+SERVER_ERROR="Server error :"
+#I'm alive function
+ methods=['GET'])
+def index():
+ return 'OK', 200
+# Helper function to create a Dmaap request message
+# args : <GET|PUT|DELETE> <correlation-id> <json-string-payload - may be None> <url>
+# response: json formatted string of a complete Dmaap message
+def create_message(operation, correlation_id, payload, url):
+ if (payload is None):
+ payload="{}"
+ time_stamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ msg = '{\"apiVersion\":\"1.0\",\"operation\":\"'+operation+'\",\"correlationId\":\"'+correlation_id+'\",\"originatorId\": \"849e6c6b420\",'
+ msg = msg + '\"payload\":'+payload+',\"requestId\":\"23343221\", \"target\":\"policy-agent\", \"timestamp\":\"'+str(time_stamp)+'\", \"type\":\"request\",\"url\":\"'+url+'\"}'
+ return msg
+### MR-stub interface, for MR control
+# Send a message to MR
+# URI and parameters (GET): /send-request?operation=<GET|PUT|POST|DELETE>&url=<url>
+# response: <correlation-id> (http 200) o4 400 for parameter error or 500 for other errors
+ methods=['PUT','POST'])
+def sendrequest():
+ global msg_requests
+ global cntr_msg_requests_submitted
+ with lock:
+ print("APP_WRITE_URL lock")
+ try:
+ oper=request.args.get('operation')
+ if (oper is None):
+ print(APP_WRITE_URL+" parameter 'operation' missing")
+ return Response('Parameter operation missing in request', status=400, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ url=request.args.get('url')
+ if (url is None):
+ print(APP_WRITE_URL+" parameter 'url' missing")
+ return Response('Parameter url missing in request', status=400, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ if (oper != "GET" and oper != "PUT" and oper != "POST" and oper != "DELETE"):
+ print(APP_WRITE_URL+" parameter 'operation' need to be: DEL|PUT|POST|DELETE")
+ return Response('Parameter operation does not contain DEL|PUT|POST|DELETE in request', status=400, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ print(APP_WRITE_URL+" operation="+oper+" url="+url)
+ correlation_id=str(time.time_ns())
+ payload=None
+ if (oper == "PUT") and (request.json is not None):
+ payload=json.dumps(request.json)
+ msg=create_message(oper, correlation_id, payload, url)
+ print(msg)
+ print(APP_WRITE_URL+" MSG(correlationid = "+correlation_id+"): " + json.dumps(json.loads(msg), indent=2))
+ msg_requests.append(msg)
+ cntr_msg_requests_submitted += 1
+ return Response(correlation_id, status=200, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(APP_WRITE_URL+"-"+CAUGHT_EXCEPTION+" "+str(e) + " "+traceback.format_exc())
+ return Response(SERVER_ERROR+" "+str(e), status=500, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+# Receive a message response for MR for the included correlation id
+# URI and parameter, (GET): /receive-response?correlationid=<correlation-id>
+# response: <json-array of 1 response> 200 or empty 204 or other errors 500
+ methods=['GET'])
+def receiveresponse():
+ global msg_responses
+ global cntr_msg_responses_fetched
+ with lock:
+ print("APP_READ_URL lock")
+ try:
+ id=request.args.get('correlationid')
+ if (id is None):
+ print(APP_READ_URL+" parameter 'correclationid' missing")
+ return Response('Parameter correlationid missing in json', status=500, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ if (id in msg_responses):
+ answer=msg_responses[id]
+ del msg_responses[id]
+ print(APP_READ_URL+" response (correlationid="+id+"): " + answer)
+ cntr_msg_responses_fetched += 1
+ return Response(answer, status=200, mimetype=MIME_JSON)
+ print(APP_READ_URL+" - no messages (correlationid="+id+"): ")
+ return Response('', status=204, mimetype=MIME_JSON)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(APP_READ_URL+"-"+CAUGHT_EXCEPTION+" "+str(e) + " "+traceback.format_exc())
+ return Response(SERVER_ERROR+" "+str(e), status=500, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+### Dmaap interface ###
+# Read messages stream. URI according to agent configuration.
+# URI, (GET): /events/A1-POLICY-AGENT-READ/users/policy-agent
+# response: 200 <json array of request messages>, or 500 for other errors
+ methods=['GET'])
+def events_read():
+ global msg_requests
+ global cntr_msg_requests_fetched
+ limit=request.args.get('limit')
+ if (limit is None):
+ limit=4096
+ else:
+ limit=int(limit)
+ if (limit<0):
+ limit=0
+ if (limit>4096):
+ limit=4096
+ print("Limting number of returned messages to: "+str(limit))
+ timeout=request.args.get('timeout')
+ if (timeout is None):
+ timeout=10000
+ else:
+ timeout=min(int(timeout),60000)
+ startTime=int(round(time.time() * 1000))
+ currentTime=int(round(time.time() * 1000))
+ while(currentTime<startTime+int(timeout)):
+ with lock:
+ if(len(msg_requests)>0):
+ try:
+ msgs=''
+ cntr=0
+ while(cntr<limit and len(msg_requests)>0):
+ if (len(msgs)>1):
+ msgs=msgs+','
+ msgs=msgs+msg_requests.pop(0)
+ cntr_msg_requests_fetched += 1
+ cntr=cntr+1
+ msgs='['+msgs+']'
+ print(AGENT_READ_URL+" MSGs: "+json.dumps(json.loads(msgs), indent=2))
+ return Response(msgs, status=200, mimetype=MIME_JSON)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(AGENT_READ_URL+"-"+CAUGHT_EXCEPTION+" "+str(e) + " "+traceback.format_exc())
+ return Response(SERVER_ERROR+" "+str(e), status=500, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ sleep(0.025) # sleep 25 milliseconds
+ currentTime=int(round(time.time() * 1000))
+ print("timeout: "+str(timeout)+", startTime: "+str(startTime)+", currentTime: "+str(currentTime))
+ return Response("[]", status=200, mimetype=MIME_JSON)
+# Write messages stream. URI according to agent configuration.
+# URI and payload, (PUT or POST): /events/A1-POLICY-AGENT-WRITE <json array of response messages>
+# response: OK 200 or 400 for missing json parameters, 500 for other errors
+ methods=['PUT','POST'])
+def events_write():
+ global msg_responses
+ global cntr_msg_responses_submitted
+ with lock:
+ print("AGENT_WRITE_URL lock")
+ try:
+ answer=request.json
+ print(AGENT_WRITE_URL+ " json=" + json.dumps(answer, indent=2))
+ for item in answer:
+ id=item['correlationId']
+ if (id is None):
+ print(AGENT_WRITE_URL+" parameter 'correlatonid' missing")
+ return Response('Parameter <correlationid> missing in json', status=400, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ msg=item['message']
+ if (msg is None):
+ print(AGENT_WRITE_URL+" parameter 'msgs' missing")
+ return Response('Parameter >message> missing in json', status=400, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ status=item['status']
+ if (status is None):
+ print(AGENT_WRITE_URL+" parameter 'status' missing")
+ return Response('Parameter <status> missing in json', status=400, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ if isinstance(msg, list) or isinstance(msg, dict):
+ msg_str=json.dumps(msg)+status[0:3]
+ else:
+ msg_str=msg+status[0:3]
+ msg_responses[id]=msg_str
+ cntr_msg_responses_submitted += 1
+ print(AGENT_WRITE_URL+ " msg+status (correlationid="+id+") :" + str(msg_str))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(AGENT_WRITE_URL+"-"+CAUGHT_EXCEPTION+" "+str(e) + " "+traceback.format_exc())
+ return Response('{"message": "' + SERVER_ERROR + ' ' + str(e) + '","status":"500"}', status=200, mimetype=MIME_JSON)
+ return Response('{}', status=200, mimetype=MIME_JSON)
+### Functions for metrics read out ###
+ methods=['GET'])
+def requests_submitted():
+ return Response(str(cntr_msg_requests_submitted), status=200, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ methods=['GET'])
+def requests_fetched():
+ return Response(str(cntr_msg_requests_fetched), status=200, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ methods=['GET'])
+def responses_submitted():
+ return Response(str(cntr_msg_responses_submitted), status=200, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ methods=['GET'])
+def responses_fetched():
+ return Response(str(cntr_msg_responses_fetched), status=200, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ methods=['GET'])
+def current_requests():
+ return Response(str(len(msg_requests)), status=200, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+ methods=['GET'])
+def current_responses():
+ return Response(str(len(msg_responses)), status=200, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+### Admin ###
+# Reset all messsages and counters
+ methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT'])
+def reset():
+ global cntr_msg_requests_submitted
+ global cntr_msg_requests_fetched
+ global cntr_msg_responses_submitted
+ global cntr_msg_responses_fetched
+ global msg_requests
+ global msg_responses
+ cntr_msg_requests_submitted=0
+ cntr_msg_requests_fetched=0
+ cntr_msg_responses_submitted=0
+ cntr_msg_responses_fetched=0
+ msg_requests=[]
+ msg_responses={}
+ return Response('OK', status=200, mimetype=MIME_TEXT)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ app.run(port=HOST_PORT, host=HOST_IP)
\ No newline at end of file