Warning msg when kubectl lack permissions
Issue-ID: NONRTRIC-513
Signed-off-by: BjornMagnussonXA <bjorn.magnusson@est.tech>
Change-Id: Ibf3732a419ac63db35e27af02e0ba7e0c0c26b98
diff --git a/test/common/testcase_common.sh b/test/common/testcase_common.sh
index 33cb658..66cbd96 100755
--- a/test/common/testcase_common.sh
+++ b/test/common/testcase_common.sh
@@ -672,6 +672,37 @@
echo -e $RED"kubectl is required to run the test environment in kubernetes mode, pls install"$ERED
exit 1
+ if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then
+ res=$(kubectl cluster-info 2>&1)
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "$BOLD$RED############################################# $ERED$EBOLD"
+ echo -e $BOLD$RED"Command 'kubectl cluster-info' returned error $ERED$EBOLD"
+ echo -e "$BOLD$RED############################################# $ERED$EBOLD"
+ echo " "
+ echo "kubectl response:"
+ echo $res
+ echo " "
+ echo "This script may have been started with user with no permission to run kubectl"
+ echo "Try running with 'sudo' or set 'KUBECONFIG'"
+ echo "Do either 1, 2 or 3 "
+ echo " "
+ echo "1"
+ echo "Run with sudo"
+ echo -e $BOLD"sudo <test-script-and-parameters>"$EBOLD
+ echo " "
+ echo "2"
+ echo "Export KUBECONFIG and pass env to sudo - (replace user)"
+ echo -e $BOLD"export KUBECONFIG='/home/<user>/.kube/config'"$EBOLD
+ echo -e $BOLD"sudo -E <test-script-and-parameters>"$EBOLD
+ echo " "
+ echo "3"
+ echo "Set KUBECONFIG inline (replace user)"
+ echo -e $BOLD"sudo KUBECONFIG='/home/<user>/.kube/config' <test-script-and-parameters>"$EBOLD
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
echo -e $BOLD"Checking configured image setting for this test case"$EBOLD