Updated image tags for tests

Updated python req for simulators
Configurable basepath for hostpath persistent volumes

Issue-ID: NONRTRIC-728
Signed-off-by: BjornMagnussonXA <bjorn.magnusson@est.tech>
Change-Id: I352cf68afd655b1c458f77de4c70e87ba083bb3d
diff --git a/test/common/testcase_common.sh b/test/common/testcase_common.sh
index a94d3e2..66e6dfa 100755
--- a/test/common/testcase_common.sh
+++ b/test/common/testcase_common.sh
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 	echo "      [--use-staging-image <app-nam>+] [--use-release-image <app-nam>+] [--image-repo <repo-address>]"
 	echo "      [--repo-policy local|remote] [--cluster-timeout <timeout-in seconds>] [--print-stats]"
 	echo "      [--override <override-environment-filename>] [--pre-clean] [--gen-stats] [--delete-namespaces]"
-	echo "      [--delete-containers] [--endpoint-stats] [--kubeconfig <config-file>]"
+	echo "      [--delete-containers] [--endpoint-stats] [--kubeconfig <config-file>] [--host-path-dir <local-host-dir>]"
 if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ "$1" == "help" ]; then
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
 	echo "--delete-containers   -  Delete docker containers before starting tests - but only those created by the test scripts. Docker mode only."
 	echo "--endpoint-stats      -  Collect endpoint statistics"
 	echo "--kubeconfig          -  Configure kubectl to use cluster specific cluster config file"
+	echo "--host-path-dir       -  (Base-)path on local-hostmounted to all VMs (nodes), for hostpath volumes in kube"
 	echo ""
 	echo "List of app short names supported: "$APP_SHORT_NAMES
 	exit 0
@@ -270,6 +271,14 @@
 #Var to configure kubectl from a config file.
+#Var pointing to dir mounted to each kubernetes node (master and workers)
+#Persistent volumes using "hostpath" are allocated beneath the point.
+#Typically it is a dir on local host mounted to each VM running the master and worker.
+#So the intention is make this dir available so the PODs can be restarted on any
+#node and still access the persistent data
+#If not set from cmd line, the path is defaults to "/tmp"
 #File to keep deviation messages
 rm $DEVIATION_FILE &> /dev/null
@@ -837,6 +846,21 @@
+	if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then
+		if [ "$1" == "--host-path-dir" ]; then
+			shift;
+			if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+				paramerror=1
+				if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then
+					paramerror_str="No path found for : '--host-path-dir'"
+				fi
+			else
+				shift
+				foundparm=0
+			fi
+		fi
+	fi
 echo ""
@@ -1020,7 +1044,7 @@
 	if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then
 		echo " kubectl is installed and using versions:"
-		echo $(kubectl version --short=true) | indent2
+		echo $(kubectl $KUBECONF version --short=true) | indent2
 		res=$(kubectl $KUBECONF cluster-info 2>&1)
 		if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
 			echo -e "$BOLD$RED############################################# $ERED$EBOLD"
@@ -1052,6 +1076,16 @@
 		echo " Node(s) and container runtime config"
 		kubectl $KUBECONF get nodes -o wide | indent2
+		echo ""
+		if [ -z "$HOST_PATH_BASE_DIR" ]; then
+			echo " Persistent volumes will be mounted to $HOST_PATH_BASE_DIR on applicable node"
+			echo " No guarantee that persistent volume data is available on all nodes in the cluster"
+		else
+			echo "Persistent volumes will be mounted to base dir: $HOST_PATH_BASE_DIR"
+			echo "Assuming this dir is mounted from each node to a dir on the localhost or other"
+			echo "file system available to all nodes"
+		fi