API documentation

Change-Id: I1184b3170afd6cbedc455810fb77d18a626f216a
Issue-ID: NONRTRIC-152
Signed-off-by: elinuxhenrik <henrik.b.andersson@est.tech>
diff --git a/docs/policy-agent-api.rst b/docs/policy-agent-api.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3354e4
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+++ b/docs/policy-agent-api.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0
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+.. |nbh| unicode:: 0x2011
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+.. _policy-agent-api:
+A1 Policy Management Service
+A1 Policy Management Service - Introduction
+The A1 Policy Management Service ("Policy Agent") is an SMO/NONRTRIC service above the NONRTRIC A1 Adaptor/Controller
+that provides:
+* Unified REST & DMAAP APIs for managing A1 Policies in all Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs
+* Synchronized view of registered "services" (e.g. R-APP, GUI, etc)
+* Synchronized view of policy instances for each "service"
+* Synchronized view of policy instances in all Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs
+* Synchronized view of policy types in all Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs
+* Policy Query API (e.g. per Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC, per "service", per policy type)
+* An initial interface for unified Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC ID to Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC address mapping.
+  (Note:  may also later act as adaptor to A&AI, CMDBs etc. to "find" Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs - TBC)
+* An Initial "O1 ManagedElement" mapping database & interface to find appropriate Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC for RAN elements.
+  (Note: may also later act as adaptor to A&AI, RuntimeDB, other CMDBs etc. - TBC)
+* Monitors all Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs and recovers from inconsistencies (Note: e.g. Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC restarts)
+* Support for different Southbound connectors on a per Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC basis. (Note: e.g. different A1
+  versions, different Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC versions, different A1 adapters, different or proprietary A1
+  controllers/EMSs)
+A1 Policy Management Service - REST NBI
+This is the north bound API of the A1 Policy Management Service ("Policy Agent"). This API allows *services* to interact
+with the Policy Agent using REST.
+By registering with the Policy Agent, the Policy Agent takes responsibility for synchronizing the policies created by
+the service in the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs. This means that if a Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC restarts, the Policy Agent
+will try to recreate all the policies residing in the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC once it is started again. If this is not
+possible, it will remove all policies belonging to the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC.
+The Policy Agent also keeps an updated view of the policy types available, and which Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs that
+support which types. Also, the Policy Agent can tell if a Managed Element is managed by a certain
+Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC.
+The Policy Agent NBI has four distinct parts, described in the sections below:
+* Service Management
+* Policy Management
+* Near-RT RIC Repository
+* Health Check
+.. contents:: Operations
+   :depth: 4
+   :local:
+Service Management
+A service can register itself in the Policy Agent.
+By providing a callback URL the service can get notifications from the Policy Agent.
+A service can also register a "*Keep Alive Interval*", in seconds. By doing this the service promises to call the
+Policy Agent's "*Keep Alive*" method, or else create or delete policies, more often than the "*Keep Alive Interval*"
+measured in seconds. If the service, for some reason, is not able to do this, the Policy Agent will consider that the
+service has died or vanished and will then delete all its policies, both in the internal repository and in the
+Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs where they were earlier created. **Note!** |nbsp| If the service does not provide a value for
+"*Keep Alive Interval*", then the service maintains full responsibility to delete all of its policies when they are no
+longer needed.
+Service Management Operations
+  Register a service.
+  **URL path:**
+    /service
+  **Parameters:**
+    None.
+  **Body:**  (*Required*)
+      A JSON object (ServiceRegistrationInfo): ::
+        {
+          "callbackUrl": "string",         (An empty string means the service will never get any callbacks.)
+          "keepAliveIntervalSeconds": 0,   (0 means the service will always be considered alive.)
+          "serviceName": "string"          (Required, must be unique.)
+        }
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          Service updated.
+    201:
+          Service created.
+    400:
+          Something went wrong with the service registration.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/service" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{
+          \"callbackUrl\": \"URL\",
+          \"keepAliveIntervalSeconds\": 0,
+          \"serviceName\": \"existing\"
+        }"
+    Result:
+      201: ::
+         OK
+    Call: ::
+       curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/service" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
+    Result:
+       400: ::
+         Missing mandatory parameter 'serviceName'
+  Query service information.
+  **URL path:**
+    /services?name=<service-name>
+  **Parameters:**
+    name: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the service.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          Array of JSON objects (ServiceStatus). ::
+           {
+               "callbackUrl": "string",             (Callback URL)
+               "keepAliveIntervalSeconds": 0,       (Policy keep alive interval)
+               "serviceName": "string",             (Identity of the service)
+               "timeSinceLastActivitySeconds": 0    (Time since last invocation by the service)
+           }
+    404:
+          Service is not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/services?name=existing"
+    Result:
+      200: ::
+         [
+           {
+             "serviceName":"existing",
+             "keepAliveIntervalSeconds":0,
+             "timeSinceLastActivitySeconds":7224,
+             "callbackUrl":"URL"
+           }
+        ]
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/services?name=nonexistent"
+    Result:
+       404: ::
+         Service not found
+  Delete a service.
+  **URL path:**
+    /services?name=<service-name>
+  **Parameters:**
+    name: (*Required*)
+      The name of the service.
+  **Responses:**
+    204:
+          OK
+    404:
+          Service not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/services?name=existing"
+    Result:
+      204: ::
+         OK
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/services?name=nonexistent"
+    Result:
+       404: ::
+         Could not find service: nonexistent
+  Heart beat from a service.
+  **URL path:**
+    /services/keepalive?name=<service-name>
+  **Parameters:**
+    name: (*Required*)
+      The name of the service.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          OK
+    404:
+          Service is not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X POST "http://localhost:8081/services/keepalive?name=existing"
+    Result:
+      200: ::
+         OK
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X POST "http://localhost:8081/services/keepalive?name=nonexistent"
+    Result:
+       404: ::
+         Could not find service: nonexistent
+.. _policy-management:
+Policy Management
+Policies are based on types. The set of available policy types is determined by the set of policy types supported by
+Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs. At startup, the Policy Agent queries all Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs for their supported types
+and stores them in its internal repository. It then checks this at regular intervals to keep the repository of types up
+to date. Policy types cannot be created, updated or deleted using this interface since this must be done via the
+Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs.
+Policies can be queried, created, updated, and deleted. A policy is always created in a specific
+Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC.
+When a policy is created, the Policy Agent stores information about it in its internal repository. At regular intervals,
+it then checks with all Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs that this repository is synchronized. If, for some reason, there is an
+inconsistency, the Policy Agent will start a synchronization job and try to reflect the status of the
+Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC. If this fails, the Policy Agent will delete all policies for the specific
+Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC in the internal repository and set its state to *UNKNOWN*. This means that no interaction with
+the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC is possible until the Policy Agent has been able to contact it again and re-synchronize its
+state in the repository.
+Policy Types
+A policy type defines a name and a JSON schema that constrains the content of a policy of that type.
+  Query policy type names.
+  **URL path:**
+    /policy_types?ric=<name-of-ric>
+  **Parameters:**
+    ric: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC to get types for.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          Array of policy type names.
+    404:
+          Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC is not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policy_types"
+    Result:
+      200: ::
+         [
+           "STD_PolicyModelUnconstrained_0.2.0",
+           "Example_QoETarget_1.0.0",
+           "ERIC_QoSNudging_0.2.0"
+        ]
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policy_types?ric=nonexistent"
+    Result:
+       404: ::
+         org.oransc.policyagent.exceptions.ServiceException: Could not find ric: nonexistent
+  Returns one policy type schema definition.
+  **URL path:**
+    /policy_schema?id=<name-of-type>
+   **Parameters:**
+    id: (*Required*)
+      The ID of the policy type to get the definition for.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          Policy schema as JSON schema.
+    404:
+          Policy type is not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policy_schema?id=STD_PolicyModelUnconstrained_0.2.0"
+    Result:
+      200: ::
+        {
+          "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+          "title": "STD_PolicyModelUnconstrained_0.2.0",
+          "description": "Standard model of a policy with unconstrained scope id combinations",
+          "type": "object",
+          "properties": {
+           "scope": {
+              "type": "object",
+              "properties": {
+                "ueId": {"type": "string"},
+                "groupId": {"type": "string"}
+              },
+              "minProperties": 1,
+              "additionalProperties": false
+            },
+            "qosObjectives": {
+              "type": "object",
+              "properties": {
+                "gfbr": {"type": "number"},
+                "mfbr": {"type": "number"}
+              },
+              "additionalProperties": false
+            },
+            "resources": {
+              "type": "array",
+              "items": {
+                "type": "object",
+                "properties": {
+                  "cellIdList": {
+                    "type": "array",
+                    "minItems": 1,
+                    "uniqueItems": true,
+                    "items": {
+                      "type": "string"
+                    }
+                  },
+                "additionalProperties": false,
+                "required": ["cellIdList"]
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          "minProperties": 1,
+          "additionalProperties": false,
+          "required": ["scope"]
+        }
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policy_schema?id=nonexistent"
+    Result:
+       404: ::
+         org.oransc.policyagent.exceptions.ServiceException: Could not find type: nonexistent
+  Returns policy type schema definitions.
+  **URL path:**
+    /policy_schemas?ric=<name-of-ric>
+   **Parameters:**
+    ric: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC to get the definitions for.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          An array of policy schemas as JSON schemas.
+    404:
+          Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC is not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policy_schemas"
+    Result:
+      200: ::
+        [{
+          "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+          "title": "STD_PolicyModelUnconstrained_0.2.0",
+          "description": "Standard model of a policy with unconstrained scope id combinations",
+          "type": "object",
+          "properties": {
+           "scope": {
+              "type": "object",
+              .
+              .
+              .
+          "additionalProperties": false,
+          "required": ["scope"]
+        },
+         .
+         .
+         .
+        {
+          "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+          "title": "Example_QoETarget_1.0.0",
+          "description": "Example QoE Target policy type",
+          "type": "object",
+          "properties": {
+           "scope": {
+              "type": "object",
+              .
+              .
+              .
+          "additionalProperties": false,
+          "required": ["scope"]
+        }]
+    Call:
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policy_schemas?ric=nonexistent"
+    Result:
+       404: ::
+         org.oransc.policyagent.exceptions.ServiceException: Could not find ric: nonexistent
+A policy is defined by its type schema.
+Once a service has created a policy, it is the service's responsibility to maintain its life cycle. Since policies are
+transient, they will not survive a restart of a Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC. But this is handled by the Policy Agent. When
+a Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC has been restarted, the Policy Agent will try to recreate the policies in the
+Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC that are stored in its local repository. This means that the service always must delete any
+policy it has created. There are only two exceptions, see below:
+- The service has registered a "*Keep Alive Interval*", then its policies will be deleted if it fails to notify the
+  Policy Agent in due time.
+- The Policy Agent completely fails to synchronize with a Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC.
+  Query policies.
+  **URL path:**
+    /policies?ric=<name-of-ric>&service=<name-of-service>&type=<name-of-type>
+  **Parameters:**
+    ric: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC to get policies for.
+    service: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the service to get policies for.
+    type: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the policy type to get policies for.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          Array of JSON objects (PolicyInfo). ::
+            {
+              "id": "string",              (Identity of the policy)
+              "json": "object",            (The configuration of the policy)
+              "lastModified": "string",    (Timestamp, last modification time)
+              "ric": "string",             (Identity of the target Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC)
+              "service": "string",         (The name of the service owning the policy)
+              "type": "string"             (Name of the policy type)
+            }
+    404:
+          Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC or policy type not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policies?ric=existing"
+    Result:
+      200: ::
+         [
+           {
+             "id": "Policy 1",
+             "json": {
+               "scope": {
+                 "ueId": "UE 1",
+                 "groupId": "Group 1"
+               },
+               "qosObjectives": {
+                 "gfbr": 1,
+                 "mfbr": 2
+               },
+               "cellId": "Cell 1"
+             },
+             "lastModified": "Wed, 01 Apr 2020 07:45:45 GMT",
+             "ric": "existing",
+             "service": "Service 1",
+             "type": "STD_PolicyModelUnconstrained_0.2.0"
+           },
+           {
+             "id": "Policy 2",
+             "json": {
+                 .
+                 .
+                 .
+             },
+             "lastModified": "Wed, 01 Apr 2020 07:45:45 GMT",
+             "ric": "existing",
+             "service": "Service 2",
+             "type": "Example_QoETarget_1.0.0"
+           }
+        ]
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policies?type=nonexistent"
+    Result:
+       404: ::
+         Policy type not found
+  Returns a policy configuration.
+  **URL path:**
+    /policy?instance=<name-of-policy>
+  **Parameters:**
+    instance: (*Required*)
+      The ID/name of the policy instance.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          JSON object containing policy information. ::
+            {
+              "id": "string",                  (ID/name of policy)
+              "json": "object",                (JSON with policy data speified by the type)
+              "ownerServiceName": "string",    (Name of the service that created the policy)
+              "ric": "string",                 (Name of the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC where the policy resides)
+              "type": "string",                (Name of the policy type of the policy)
+              "lastModified"                   (Timestamp, last modification time)
+            }
+    404:
+          Policy is not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policy?instance=Policy 1"
+    Result:
+      200: ::
+         {
+           "id": "Policy 1",
+           "json", {
+             "scope": {
+               "ueId": "UE1 ",
+               "cellId": "Cell 1"
+             },
+             "qosObjectives": {
+               "gfbr": 319.5,
+               "mfbr": 782.75,
+               "priorityLevel": 268.5,
+               "pdb": 44.0
+             },
+             "qoeObjectives": {
+               "qoeScore": 329.0,
+               "initialBuffering": 27.75,
+               "reBuffFreq": 539.0,
+               "stallRatio": 343.0
+             },
+             "resources": []
+           },
+           "ownerServiceName": "Service 1",
+           "ric": "ric1",
+           "type": "STD_PolicyModelUnconstrained_0.2.0",
+           "lastModified": "Wed, 01 Apr 2020 07:45:45 GMT"
+         }
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policy?instance=nonexistent"
+    Result:
+       404: ::
+         Policy is not found
+  Create/Update a policy. **Note!** Calls to this method will also trigger "*Keep Alive*" for a service which has a
+  "*Keep Alive Interval*" registered.
+  **URL path:**
+    /policy?instance=<name-of-policy>&ric=<name-of-ric>&service=<name-of-service>&type=<name-of-policy-type>
+  **Parameters:**
+    instance: (*Required*)
+      The ID/name of the policy instance.
+    ric: (*Required*)
+      The name of the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC where the policy will be created.
+    service: (*Required*)
+      The name of the service creating the policy.
+    type: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the policy type.
+  **Body:** (*Required*)
+      A JSON object containing the data specified by the type.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          Policy updated.
+    201:
+          Policy created.
+    404:
+          Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC or policy type is not found.
+    423:
+          Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC is locked.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/policy?instance=Policy%201&ric=ric1&service=Service%201&type=STD_PolicyModelUnconstrained_0.2.0"
+        -H  "Content-Type: application/json"
+        -d "{
+              \"scope\": {
+                \"ueId\": \"UE 1\",
+                \"cellId\": \"Cell 1\"
+              },
+              \"qosObjectives\": {
+                \"gfbr\": 319.5,
+                \"mfbr\": 782.75,
+                \"priorityLevel\": 268.5,
+                \"pdb\": 44.0
+              },
+              \"qoeObjectives\": {
+                \"qoeScore\": 329.0,
+                \"initialBuffering\": 27.75,
+                \"reBuffFreq\": 539.0,
+                \"stallRatio\": 343.0
+              },
+              \"resources\": []
+            }"
+    Result:
+      200
+  Deletes a policy. **Note!** Calls to this method will also trigger "*Keep Alive*" for a service which has a
+  "*Keep Alive Interval*" registered.
+  **URL path:**
+    /policy?instance=<name-of-policy>
+  **Parameters:**
+    instance: (*Required*)
+      The ID/name of the policy instance.
+  **Responses:**
+    204:
+          Policy deleted.
+    404:
+          Policy is not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/policy?instance=Policy 1"
+    Result:
+      204
+  Query policy type IDs.
+  **URL path:**
+    /policy_ids?ric=<name-of-ric>&service=<name-of-service>&type=<name-of-policy-type>
+  **Parameters:**
+    ric: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC to get policies for.
+    service: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the service to get policies for.
+    type: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the policy type to get policies for.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          Array of policy type names.
+    404:
+          RIC or policy type not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policy_ids"
+    Result:
+      200: ::
+         [
+           "Policy 1",
+           "Policy 2",
+           "Policy 3"
+        ]
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/policy_ids?ric=nonexistent"
+    Result:
+       404: ::
+         Ric not found
+  Returns the status of a policy.
+  **URL path:**
+    /policy_status?instance=<name-of-policy>
+  **Parameters:**
+    instance: (*Required*)
+      The ID/name of the policy.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          JSON object with policy status.
+    404:
+          Policy not found.
+Near-RT RIC Repository
+The Policy Agent keeps an updated view of the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs that are available in the system. A service can
+find out which Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC that manages a specific element in the network or which
+Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RICs that support a specific policy type.
+Near-RT RIC
+  Returns the name of a Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC managing a specific Mananged Element.
+   **URL path:**
+    /ric?managedElementId=<id-of-managed-element>
+  **Parameters:**
+    managedElementId: (*Optional*)
+      The ID of the Managed Element.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          Name of the Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC managing the Managed Element.
+    404:
+          No Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC manages the given Managed Element.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/ric?managedElementId=Node 1"
+    Result:
+      200: ::
+        Ric 1
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/ric?managedElementId=notmanaged"
+    Result:
+       404
+  Query Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC information.
+   **URL path:**
+    /rics?policyType=<name-of-policy-type>
+  **Parameters:**
+    policyType: (*Optional*)
+      The name of the policy type.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          Array of JSON objects containing Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC information. ::
+            [
+              {
+                "managedElementIds": [
+                  "string"
+                ],
+                "policyTypes": [
+                  "string"
+                ],
+                "ricName": "string"
+              }
+            ]
+    404:
+          Policy type is not found.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/rics?policyType=STD_PolicyModelUnconstrained_0.2.0"
+    Result:
+      200: ::
+        [
+          {
+            "managedElementIds": [
+              "ME 1",
+              "ME 2"
+            ],
+            "policyTypes": [
+              "STD_PolicyModelUnconstrained_0.2.0",
+              "Example_QoETarget_1.0.0",
+              "ERIC_QoSNudging_0.2.0"
+            ],
+            "ricName": "Ric 1"
+          },
+            .
+            .
+            .
+          {
+            "managedElementIds": [
+              "ME 3"
+            ],
+            "policyTypes": [
+              "STD_PolicyModelUnconstrained_0.2.0"
+            ],
+            "ricName": "Ric X"
+          }
+        ]
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/rics?policyType=nonexistent"
+    Result:
+       404: ::
+        Policy type not found
+Health Check
+The status of the Policy Agent.
+Health Check
+  Returns the status of the Policy Agent.
+   **URL path:**
+    /status
+  **Parameters:**
+    None.
+  **Responses:**
+    200:
+          Service is living.
+  **Examples:**
+    Call: ::
+      curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/status"
+    Result:
+      200
+A1 through DMaaP
+The Policy Agent also provides the possibility to use DMaap to handle policies according to the A1 specification. The
+Policy Agent polls the DMaaP Message Router regularly and processes any messages targeted to it. The response is then
+published back to the DMaaP Message Router with the result of the call.
+Send Message
+The message to send is a JSON like the one below. The "*url*" is one of the URLs described under
+:ref:`policy-management`. The "*target*" must always be "*policy-agent*" for the message to be processed by the Policy
+Agent. The "*operation*" can be one of the following: "*GET | PUT | POST | DELETE*". ::
+  {
+    "type": "string",
+    "correlationId": "string",
+    "target": "string",
+    "timestamp": "timestamp",
+    "apiVersion": "string",
+    "originatorId": "string",
+    "requestId": "string",
+    "operation": "string",
+    "url": "string"
+  }
+To get all policy types for a specific Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC the following message should be sent to DMaaP Message
+Router: ::
+  {
+    "type":"request",
+    "correlationId":"c09ac7d1-de62-0016-2000-e63701125557-201",
+    "target":"policy-agent",
+    "timestamp":"2019-05-14T11:44:51.36Z",
+    "apiVersion":"1.0",
+    "originatorId":"849e6c6b420",
+    "requestId":"23343221",
+    "operation":"GET",
+    "url":"/policy_schemas?ric=ric_ric-simulator_1"
+  }
+Receive Message
+The message the Policy Agent sends back to the DMaaP Message Router is a JSON like the one below. The "*requestId*"
+"*correlationId*", and "*originatorId*" are the same as in the message sent to DMaaP MR. ::
+  {
+    "requestId": "string",
+    "correlationId": "string",
+    "originatorId": "string",
+    "type": "string",
+    "message": "string",
+    "type":  string",
+    "timestamp": "string",
+    "status": "string"
+  }
+The response containing all policy types for a specific Near |nbh| RT |nbsp| RIC sent to the DMaaP Message Router from
+the Policy Agent: ::
+  {
+    \"requestId\":\"23343221\",
+    \"correlationId\":\"c09ac7d1-de62-0016-2000-e63701125557-201\",
+    \"originatorId\":\"849e6c6b420\",
+    \"type\":\"response\",
+    \"message\":\"[
+      {
+      \\\"$schema\\\":\\\"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#\\\",
+      \\\"description\\\":\\\"QoS policy type\\\",
+      \\\"title\\\":\\\"STD_QoSNudging_0.2.0\\\",
+      \\\"type\\\":\\\"object\\\",
+      \\\"properties\\\":{\\\"scope\\\":{\\\"additionalProperties\\\":true,
+      \\\"type\\\":\\\"object\\\",
+      \\\"properties\\\":{\\\"qosId\\\":{\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\"},
+      \\\"ueId\\\":{\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\"}},
+      \\\"required\\\":[\\\"ueId\\\",
+      \\\"qosId\\\"]},
+      \\\"statement\\\":{\\\"additionalProperties\\\":false,
+      \\\"type\\\":\\\"object\\\",
+      \\\"properties\\\":{\\\"priorityLevel\\\":{\\\"type\\\":\\\"number\\\"}},
+      \\\"required\\\":[\\\"priorityLevel\\\"]}}
+      }
+    ]\",
+    \"timestamp\":\"2019-05-14T11:44:51.36Z\",
+    \"status\":\"200 OK\"
+  }
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