Storage of PM Data in influx

Signed-off-by: PatrikBuhr <>
Issue-ID: NONRTRIC-840
Change-Id: Ie3ebb1cb1ab78c84b39eefbc702b035c47f74a40
diff --git a/influxlogger/api/pmlog-api.json b/influxlogger/api/pmlog-api.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ad7230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/influxlogger/api/pmlog-api.json
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+    "components": {"schemas": {"Link": {
+        "type": "object",
+        "properties": {
+            "templated": {"type": "boolean"},
+            "href": {"type": "string"}
+        }
+    }}},
+    "openapi": "3.0.1",
+    "paths": {
+        "/actuator/threaddump": {"get": {
+            "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'threaddump'",
+            "operationId": "threaddump",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {
+                    "text/plain;charset=UTF-8": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}
+                }
+            }},
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }},
+        "/actuator/info": {"get": {
+            "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'info'",
+            "operationId": "info",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}
+                }
+            }},
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }},
+        "/actuator/loggers": {"get": {
+            "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'loggers'",
+            "operationId": "loggers",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}
+                }
+            }},
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }},
+        "/actuator/health/**": {"get": {
+            "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'health-path'",
+            "operationId": "health-path",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}
+                }
+            }},
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }},
+        "/actuator/shutdown": {"post": {
+            "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'shutdown'",
+            "operationId": "shutdown",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}
+                }
+            }},
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }},
+        "/actuator/metrics/{requiredMetricName}": {"get": {
+            "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'metrics-requiredMetricName'",
+            "operationId": "metrics-requiredMetricName",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}
+                }
+            }},
+            "parameters": [{
+                "schema": {"type": "string"},
+                "in": "path",
+                "name": "requiredMetricName",
+                "required": true
+            }],
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }},
+        "/actuator": {"get": {
+            "summary": "Actuator root web endpoint",
+            "operationId": "links",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json": {"schema": {
+                        "additionalProperties": {
+                            "additionalProperties": {"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Link"},
+                            "type": "object"
+                        },
+                        "type": "object"
+                    }},
+                    "application/json": {"schema": {
+                        "additionalProperties": {
+                            "additionalProperties": {"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Link"},
+                            "type": "object"
+                        },
+                        "type": "object"
+                    }},
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json": {"schema": {
+                        "additionalProperties": {
+                            "additionalProperties": {"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Link"},
+                            "type": "object"
+                        },
+                        "type": "object"
+                    }}
+                }
+            }},
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }},
+        "/actuator/logfile": {"get": {
+            "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'logfile'",
+            "operationId": "logfile",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {"text/plain;charset=UTF-8": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}}
+            }},
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }},
+        "/data-consumer/v1/info-jobs/{infoJobId}": {"put": {
+            "requestBody": {
+                "content": {"application/json": {"schema": {"type": "string"}}},
+                "required": true
+            },
+            "operationId": "putIndividualInfoJob",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {"application/json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}}
+            }},
+            "parameters": [{
+                "schema": {"type": "string"},
+                "in": "path",
+                "name": "infoJobId",
+                "required": true
+            }],
+            "tags": ["Information Coordinator Service Simulator (exists only in test)"]
+        }},
+        "/actuator/loggers/{name}": {
+            "post": {
+                "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'loggers-name'",
+                "requestBody": {"content": {"application/json": {"schema": {
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "enum": [
+                        "TRACE",
+                        "DEBUG",
+                        "INFO",
+                        "WARN",
+                        "ERROR",
+                        "FATAL",
+                        "OFF"
+                    ]
+                }}}},
+                "operationId": "loggers-name_2",
+                "responses": {"200": {
+                    "description": "OK",
+                    "content": {"*/*": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}}
+                }},
+                "parameters": [{
+                    "schema": {"type": "string"},
+                    "in": "path",
+                    "name": "name",
+                    "required": true
+                }],
+                "tags": ["Actuator"]
+            },
+            "get": {
+                "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'loggers-name'",
+                "operationId": "loggers-name",
+                "responses": {"200": {
+                    "description": "OK",
+                    "content": {
+                        "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                        "application/json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                        "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}
+                    }
+                }},
+                "parameters": [{
+                    "schema": {"type": "string"},
+                    "in": "path",
+                    "name": "name",
+                    "required": true
+                }],
+                "tags": ["Actuator"]
+            }
+        },
+        "/actuator/health": {"get": {
+            "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'health'",
+            "operationId": "health",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}
+                }
+            }},
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }},
+        "/actuator/metrics": {"get": {
+            "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'metrics'",
+            "operationId": "metrics",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}},
+                    "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}
+                }
+            }},
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }},
+        "/actuator/heapdump": {"get": {
+            "summary": "Actuator web endpoint 'heapdump'",
+            "operationId": "heapdump",
+            "responses": {"200": {
+                "description": "OK",
+                "content": {"application/octet-stream": {"schema": {"type": "object"}}}
+            }},
+            "tags": ["Actuator"]
+        }}
+    },
+    "info": {
+        "license": {
+            "name": "Copyright (C) 2023 Nordix Foundation. Licensed under the Apache License.",
+            "url": ""
+        },
+        "description": "Receives PM reports from a Kafka topic and writes the PM counters into an Influx database.",
+        "title": "PM Logger",
+        "version": "1.0"
+    },
+    "tags": [{
+        "name": "Actuator",
+        "description": "Monitor and interact",
+        "externalDocs": {
+            "description": "Spring Boot Actuator Web API Documentation",
+            "url": ""
+        }
+    }]
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