Test scripts for interfacing with DCAE.
ONAP Honolulu DCAE VES-Collector supports the interface definition CommonEventFormat_30.2.1_ONAP.json.
The ONAP VES version is described in ONAP documentation.
VES domain 'stndDefined' offers the capability to inject external schema definitions of the VES. This way the 3GPP notification syntax can be transported. Please see SA88-Rel16 schema.
This git project must be cloned on a ubuntu machine in order to execute the bash scripts. DCAE provide REST interfaces. In order to perform HTTP request cURL is used.
In case cURL needs to be please use the following command in a terminal.
sudo apt install curl
Python3 is expected to run some scripts.
pip3 install requests
It is necessary to configure the DCAE servers for valid execution of the bash scripts. Please update the variables in config accordingly to the test environment.
urlVes=http://localhost:8443/eventListener/v7 basicAuthVes=sample1:sample1
Several tests scripts are available in the root of this project. The bash and python scripts will perform an HTTPS-POST request to a VES-Collector.
The syntax of a single VES event is devices into a common header and an event specific body.
The event specific bodies are are identified by the VES domain.
This script 'sendFault' sends a VES message of domain "fault" to DCAE. It requires three command line parameters:
equipmentType: Valid equipment types for 1806 and 1810 are [1234, FYNG, R2D2, 7DEV, nSky, 1OSF] according to document "295672 SDN-R System Requirements".
alarmType: or alarm name. Any string which references a supported alarm name of the equipment type.
severity: The severity of tha alarm as defined by VES schema.
The following example show the usage of this script. The alarm "lossOfSignal" for equipment type "nSky" with severity "CRITICAL" will be send.
./sendFault.sh nSky lossOfSignal CRITICAL
The script 'sendVesHeartbeat' simulates a VES event of domain "heartbeat" from SDN-R to DCAE VES-Collector.
The following example show the usage of this script:
python3 sendVesHeartbeat.py
This script 'send15minPm' sends a VES message of domain "measurementsForVfScaling" to DCAE. The script requires one input parameter. This parameter defines the equipment type. Valid equipment types for 1806 and 1810 are [1234, FYNG, R2D2, 7DEV, nSky, 1OSF] according to document "295672 SDN-R System Requirements".
./send15minPm.sh FYNG
Not required by O-RAN Alliance OAM specification.
The script 'sendVesNotification' simulates a VES event of domain "notification" from a network-function to DCAE VES-Collector.
The following example show the usage of this script:
python3 sendVesNotification.py --pnfId nSky
Not required by O-RAN Alliance OAM specification.
Not required by O-RAN Alliance OAM specification.
The script 'pnfRegister' creates a PNF object in A&AI. The script requires one input parameter. This parameter defines the equipment type. Valid equipment types for 1806 and 1810 are [1234, FYNG, R2D2, 7DEV, nSky, 1OSF] according to document "295672 SDN-R System Requirements".
./pnfRegister.sh 7DEV
Not required by O-RAN Alliance OAM specification.
The script 'sendVesStateChange' simulates a VES event of domain "stateChange" from a network-function to DCAE VES-Collector.
The following example show the usage of this script:
python3 sendVesStateChange.py --pnfId nSky
The script 'sendVesStndDefined' simulates a VES event of domain "stateChange" from a network-function to DCAE VES-Collector. Four schema definitions by 3GPP are supported:
The following examples show the usage of this script:
python sendVesStndDefined.py --pnfId nSky --body 3GPP-FaultSupervision python sendVesStndDefined.py --pnfId nSky --body 3GPP-Heartbeat python sendVesStndDefined.py --pnfId nSky --body 3GPP-PerformanceAssurance python sendVesStndDefined.py --pnfId nSky --body 3GPP-Provisioning
Not required by O-RAN Alliance OAM specification.
This script 'sendTca' sends a VES message of domain "thresholdCrossingAlert" to DCAE. It requires three command line parameters:
equipmentType: Valid equipment types for 1806 and 1810 are [1234, FYNG, R2D2, 7DEV, nSky, 1OSF] according to document "295672 SDN-R System Requirements".
alarmType: or alarm name. Any string which references a supported alarm name (TCA) of the equipment type.
alertAction: The action of TCA as defined by VES schema.
The following example show the usage of this script. The TCA with name "TCA" for equipment type "1234" with alarmAction "SET" will be send.
./sendTca.sh 1234 TCA SET
Not required by O-RAN Alliance OAM specification.
This script send a VES message of domain "fault" AND "heartbeat" as event list to DCAE. It requires three command line parameters:
equipmentType: Valid equipment types for 1806 and 1810 are [1234, FYNG, R2D2, 7DEV, nSky, 1OSF] according to document "295672 SDN-R System Requirements".
alarmType: or alarm name. Any string which references a supported alarm name of the equipment type.
severity: The severity of tha alarm as defined by VES schema.
The following example show the usage of this script. The alarm "lossOfSignal" for equipment type "nSky" with severity "CRITICAL" will be send.
./sendEventList.sh 1234 lossOfSignal CRITICAL