Update documentation

Add more documentation for the Web application.

Issue-ID: OAM-18
Signed-off-by: demx8as6 <martin.skorupski@highstreet-technologies.com>
Change-Id: I928ab076b3144c6b01647fedaaf8b23a551173f5
diff --git a/docs/sdnr_WT_Service_Configuration_parameters.rst b/docs/sdnr_WT_Service_Configuration_parameters.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a27e511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sdnr_WT_Service_Configuration_parameters.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+.. contents::
+   :depth: 3
+SDN-R WT Service Configuration parameters
+ODL is operated as a cluster. The configuration settings must be the
+same for each cluster node.
+-  `Sections <#SDN-RWTServiceConfigurationparameters-S>`__
+   -  `toggleAlarmFilter <#SDN-RWTServiceConfigurationparameters-t>`__
+   -  `devicemonitor <#SDN-RWTServiceConfigurationparameters-d>`__
+Backgrounds regarding the container inter structure is described
+in \ `SDN-R Docker Image configuration <sdnr_Docker_Image_configuration.html>`__.
+The configuration information of sdnr wireless transport parameters are
+in a single file.
+For different devicemanager services, like DeviceMonitor there  are
+individual sections in the configuration file available.
+Configuration file location: 
+If SDN-R WT is starting
+-  and the file exists, the configuration is used. 
+-  if it does not exist it will be created with the default parameters.
+Below an example of the content.
+- Example 
+  ::
+    [toggleAlarmFilter]
+    taEnabled=true
+    taDelay=3000
+    [es]
+    esCluster=sdnr
+    esArchiveCheckIntervalSeconds=0
+    esArchiveLifetimeSeconds=2592000
+    [dcae]
+    dcaeUrl=off
+    dcaeUserCredentials=admin:admin
+    dcaeHeartbeatPeriodSeconds=120
+    [aai]
+    aaiUrl=off
+    aaiUserCredentials=
+    aaiHeaders=["X-TransactionId: 9999"]
+    aaiDeleteOnMountpointRemove=false
+    aaiTrustAllCerts=false
+    aaiPropertiesFile=
+    aaiApiVersion=aai/v13
+    aaiApplicationId=SDNR
+    aaiClientConnectionTimeout=30000
+    aaiPcks12ClientCertFile=
+    aaiPcks12ClientCertPassphrase=
+    [pm]
+    pmEnabled=true
+    pmCluster=sdnr
+    [devicemonitor]
+    SeverityconnectionLossOAM=Major
+    SeverityconnectionLossMediator=Major
+    SeverityconnectionLossNeOAM=Major
+Configure toggle alarm filter.
+taEnabled=true taDelay=3000
+| **Parameter**   | **Values**    | **Default**   | **Unit**       | **Description**                                      |
+| taEnabled       | true, false   | false         |                | Enable or disable this service                       |
+| taDelay         | number        |               | milliseconds   | Integration time to take over the new alarm status   |
+Configure alarm severity of related alarms, generated by Device Monitor.
+`SDNC-616 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-616>`__ - SDN-R WT app need to change alarm severity "Configurable" for ConnectionLossxxx alarm family (received from Mediator) , when it passed to DCAE VES collector.
+Syntax: Parameter=Value
+Example: SeverityconnectionLossOAM=Major
+|                                  | **Values**                                    | **Default**   | **Unit**   | **Description**                                              |
+| SeverityconnectionLossOAM        | NonAlarmed, Warning, Minor, Major, Critical   | Major         |            | SDN-Controller <> Mediator                                   |
+|                                  |                                               |               |            |                                                              |
+|                                  |                                               |               |            | Mountpoint monitoring. Indicates a not connected mounpoint   |
+| SeverityconnectionLossMediator   | NonAlarmed, Warning, Minor, Major, Critical   | Major         |            | SDN-Controller <> NetworkElement                             |
+|                                  |                                               |               |            |                                                              |
+|                                  |                                               |               |            | Device monitoring. No LTPs provided                          |
+| SeverityconnectionLossNeOAM      | NonAlarmed, Warning, Minor, Major, Critical   | Major         |            | SDN-Controller <> NetworkElement                             |
+|                                  |                                               |               |            |                                                              |
+|                                  |                                               |               |            | Device monitoring. SSH Connetion, Core model not answering   |